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Zul'Aman is the former capital of the Amani tribe. Despite the Amani trolls rallying under their warlord's banner, Zul'jin was unable to restore the empire to its former grandeur. Where he faltered, the Zandalar tribe aims to triumph. If unopposed, the united tribes will reclaim their territories and exact a merciless vengeance.
This will be no easy fight, and only the strongest heroes will make it through this furious battle and get all the powerful artifacts guarded by mighty bosses. So, if you do not want to spend many hours trying to get through this dungeon and get all the excellent rewards then our Cataclysm Classic Zul'Aman carry is exactly what you need!
Contact us now and get started!
Our WoW Cata Classic Zul'Aman boosting service is available via the following completion method: