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Buy WoW Cata Classic Hour of Twilight Boost and receive:
Hour of Twilight is a complex dungeon where the Heroes of Azeroth, having secured the Dragon Soul, are gearing up for the ultimate showdown against Deathwing. Amid the frozen Northrend, the colossal Wyrmrest Temple is under siege by Deathwing's Twilight forces. Thrall must ensure safe transport to the temple with the Dragon Soul to protect Azeroth.
This will be no easy fight, and only the strongest heroes will make it through this furious battle and get all the powerful artifacts guarded by mighty bosses. So, if you do not want to spend many hours trying to get through this dungeon and get all the excellent rewards, then our Cataclysm Classic Hour of Twilight carry is exactly what you need!
Contact us now and get started with your WoW Cataclysm Classic Hour of Twilight carry!
Our WoW Cataclysm Hour of Twilight boosting service is available via the following completion method: