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Buy WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Blacksmithing leveling boost and skip the grind with SkyCoach. Blacksmithing is a vital crafting profession, enabling players to forge powerful weapons and armor essential for PvE and PvP. Key items like the Lionheart Helm make it a cornerstone for melee classes. Paired with Mining for material gathering, Blacksmithing is always in demand.
Our WoW Classic Fresh Blacksmithing leveling service includes:
You have to meet the following requirements to buy WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Blacksmithing leveling boosting service:
Active WoW subscription.
75–150 skills require a level 10 character;
150–225 skills require a level 20 character;
225–300 skills require a level 35 character;
Your character's blacksmithing level should match your request.
(e.g., if you order 130-200 leveling, your character should be at 130 blacksmithing level when service begins)
Our WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Blacksmithing carry service is available via the Piloted completion method: