Dota 2 Heroes Tier List October 2024

Read our complete Dota 2 heroes tier list and learn about the strongest characters for each role. In our article, we enlist the best heroes for all positions, such as carry, mid, offlane, and support.

Read Our Dota 2 Heroes Tier List

Dota 2 offers 124 heroes to pick from, and this number only gets bigger. Depending on the meta flow, some perform better while others lag behind. Thanks to our Dota 2 heroes tier list, you can learn about the strongest picks in October 2024. Be it the best carry or support, we have covered all roles for you.

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How Our Dota 2 Tier List Works

In our Dota 2 tier list, we stick to the standard ranking system. This means that all heroes belonging to one role are compared to each other. Then, they are placed into a corresponding tier. Depending on how well they perform, they belong to the corresponding tier. The latter represents what position they take in the current meta. This conclusion is based on the win rate and pick rate data, as well as our own observations.

  • S-Tier: The strongest picks overall. Choose these heroes to dominate ranked pubs, whether playing with friends or solo.
  • A-Tier: Powerful characters you can opt for when S-Tier options are banned.
  • B-Tier: Decent heroes to pick when you are looking for a way to diversify your gameplay or try something new.
  • C-Tier: The weakest heroes you want to avoid picking at any cost.

To make the competition fair, we have crafted Dota 2 tier list by position. It would not be wise to compare Crystal Maiden with Phantom Assassin after all. This also eases the navigation for you, as you can quickly jump to the required part of the article to learn about the strongest hero for your role.

Dota 2 Carry Tier List

Starting with the most popular role in the game, here is our Dota 2 carry tier list:

S-Tier Phantom Assassin, Wraith King, Chaos Knight, Lifestealer

Troll Warlord, Juggernaut, Naga Siren, Anti-Mage, Razor, Phantom Lancer,

Faceless Void, Slark, Gyrocopter, Clinkz, Terrorblade, Tiny, Ursa, Spectre


Legion Commander, Luna, Weaver, Sven, Shadow Fiend, Templar Assassin,

Lycan, Morphling, Monkey King

C-Tier Riki, Medusa, Alchemist

This table has been crafted relying on the data available on the web and our subjective opinion. If you have not found your favorite hero sitting at the expected tier, this is not the end of the day. You can safely enter a match when playing a B-Tier character and still perform exceptionally well. In the long run, everything comes down to your skills and how well you cooperate with the team.

S-Tier Carry Heroes Explained

Currently, you can see four carry heroes sitting in the S-Tier, namely:

  • Phantom Assassin
  • Wraith King
  • Chaos Knight
  • Lifestealer

If not ganked early on or countered properly, Phantom Assassin is the strongest Dota 2 hero you can play in pubs. The reasons stay the same as always. Her Blur is hard to counter at earlier stages of the game, making the enemy’s carry buy Monkey King Bar. As for her ultimate ability, called Coup de Grace, this is where things get deadly. Despite all this, it is still possible to counter Phantom Assassin with Whirling Axes used by Troll Warlord in a melee stance.

Wraith King is another strong pick we would advise to beginners playing as carry. This hero’s abilities are straightforward to use and his overall survivability is on a high level. Despite having problems with the mana pool and armor in the early game, he becomes a true beast later on. The real fun starts when you unlock your ultimate ability – Reincarnation. We bet your enemies will not be happy about you having one more life.

Chaos Knight is a perfect choice for those who are sure of their luck. Your overall DPS depends on RNG, which can be a big deal to many players who prefer more predictable gameplay. Both your Chaos Bolt and Chaos Strike can turn out to be either too strong or too weak, as well as something in between. Luckily, your Phantasm ultimate ability works in the same way all the time and significantly boosts your damage in the late game. BLOG20

Lifestealer is kind of similar to Wraith King in terms of how straightforward this hero is. In most cases, you simply activate your Open Wounds and start damaging an enemy while Rage is active. All this is accompanied by your Feast passive, allowing you to restore HP with each successful strike. A combination of these abilities is hard to counter, especially if you have managed to get enough farm early on.

Dota 2 Midlane Tier List

Moving on to the second popular role in the game, take a look at our Dota 2 midlane tier list:

S-Tier Templar Assassin, Storm Spirit, Invoker, Ember Spirit

Shadow Fiend, Outworld Destroyer, Meepo, Necrophos, Leshrac, Lone Druid, Kunkka,

Timbersaw, Primal Beast, Zeus, Terrorblade, Huskar, Windranger, Queen of Pain, Visage

B-Tier Viper, Puck, Pangolier, Monkey King, Dragon Knight, Snapfire, Lina
C-Tier Tinker, Earth Spirit, Riki, Mirana, Sniper, Pudge, Magnus

Old players would be surprised how our Dota 2 tier list 2024 has changed. Not so long ago, people could only think of playing either Pudge or Tinker in this role. This is how the tables turned for these heroes in this patch.

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S-Tier Midlane Heroes Explained

So far, the S-Tier midlane heroes include the following ones:

  • Templar Assassin
  • Storm Spirit
  • Invoker
  • Ember Spirit

Despite having many counterpicks, Templar Assassin is one of the most powerful midlaners in Dota 2. Her ability to deal tons of physical damage and make tricky plays can be a great combination in the hands of an experienced player. She can also farm ancient stacks more efficiently than most heroes, thanks to the Psi Blades passive. However, Templar Assassin can be countered by Viper, Venomancer, Jakiro, and other heroes with DoTs.

Storm Spirit has been one of the most picked heroes for the mid lane for years. The reason for this is his amazing mobility and versatility in any team composition. Despite all the positive sides, you will have to practice a lot to play this hero effectively. Otherwise, you will always be running without mana and die too often, especially in the early game.

Invoker, just like Storm Spirit, is another classic pick if you are a fan of the mid role. At the same time, this is one of the most skill-dependent heroes in the entire game. With a large variety of spells available, you need to learn all the combos to unlock this character’s full potential. At first, learn basic combos like EMP + Tornado, Forge Spirits + Cold Snap, Tornado + Suntrike, and others.

Ember Spirit boasts excellent mobility, strong AoE damage, and is hard to kill even in the toughest team fights. However, he is too mana-reliable, especially during the early game. He is also vulnerable to silences and chain stuns. Anyway, if played correctly, you can destroy not only the midlane but the entire map practically solo.

Dota 2 Offlane Tier List

Up next, we suggest you take a look at our Dota 2 offlane tier list:

S-Tier Mars, Axe, Centaur Warrunner, Legion Commander

Doom, Tidehunter, Vengeful Spirit, Batrider, Timbersaw, Primal Beast,

Darkseer, Night Stalker, Underlord, Visage, Sand King, Magnus

B-Tier Wraith King, Dawnbreaker, Bristleback, Kunkka, Enigma, Broodmother
C-Tier Abaddon, Ogre Magi, Tusk, Viper, Pudge, Pugna, Death Prophet

Just like with all other tier lists we have shared above, this one is constantly changing. Your performance can also vary depending on how well you are playing a particular hero. If you mainly play on the offlane, then picking a few characters and mastering them from top to bottom would be the best idea. In this case, you are more likely to learn their mechanics, which will allow you to stay alive during the toughest ganks.

S-Tier Offlane Heroes Explained

In this part of the article, you can find more information about S-Tier offlane heroes from the table above:

  • Mars
  • Axe
  • Centaur Warrunner
  • Legion Commander

Mars is a great pick if you wish to dominate the lane phase rather than hide behind your tower. He can survive tons of physical damage while responding with a variety of disables to the opponents. However, he can be vulnerable to magical/pure damage, especially if focused too hard. Therefore, being too aggressive can be punishable early on.

Axe has been a perfect choice for the offlane throughout Dota 2’s history. This massive red orc can make the enemy’s melee carry life much harder. The key ability here is Counter Helix. You use it for farming lanes, jungle, and harass the enemy’s carry. The only problem here is that you lack engaging capabilities. So, the game-changing item you need to get ASAP is Blink Dagger.

Centaur Warrunner is great at both the lane and ganking phases. He is also an amazing pick against physical DPS carries like Phantom Assassin, thanks to Retaliate. Your ganking potential is unlocked upon opening the Stampede ultimate. The only problem here is that you will often run out of mana at the worst moment. You are also easily countered by lifesteal heroes like Lifestealer.

Legion Commander can become your team’s second carry if you manage to win enough Duels. While on the lane, you can harass the enemy’s carry with Overwhelming Odds. Also, you will win most trades thanks to your Press the Attack and Moment of Courage abilities. Just like Axe, one of the first items you must buy is Blink Dagger. This will let you surprise your enemies with unexpected Duels when they are at low HP. BLOG20

Dota 2 Support Tier List

If you wish to assist your team, our Dota 2 support tier list is at your service:

S-Tier Jakiro, Rubick, Dark Willow, Shadow Shaman

Clockwerk, Shadow Demon, Gyrocopter, Spirit Breaker, Phoenix, Weaver,

Skywrath Mage, Marci, Lion, Keeper of the Light, Vengeful Spirit, Chen, Witch Doctor,

Techies, Warlock, Bane, Treant Protector, Hoodwink, Disruptor, Ogre Magi, Earthshaker

B-Tier Invoker, Zeus, Enigma, Bounty Hunter, Enchantress, Pugna, Pudge, Dazzle, Venomancer, Undying
C-Tier Omniknight, Nature's Prophet, Enigma, Clinkz, Kunkka

To begin with, having any support in your team is always better than to have none. However, you can pick the strongest heroes just like it is the case with carries, midlaners, and offlaners. Depending on the meta flow, your choice may vary, but some characters like Jakiro have been taking the S-Tier forever.

S-Tier Support Heroes Explained

Currently, we have these four heroes taking the S-Tier in our support tier list:

  • Jakiro
  • Rubick
  • Dark Willow
  • Shadow Shaman

Jakiro has been one of the greatest supports in Dota 2 throughout its different stages. The combination of DoT damage, AoE stun, and the ability to deal plenty of magical damage make them stand out among other heroes. You can safely harass the enemy’s offlaner with Liquid Fire and Dual Breath. Thanks to your Ice Path, ganking becomes an easy thing, as you can stun from the unseen area.

Rubick can be an annoying and deadly machine if played correctly. This is one of those heroes you need to practice playing as. Your ultimate ability, Spell Steal, lets you steal enemies’ spells to use against them. Imagine how easily you can turn the game by having ultimates like Ravage, Echo Slam, or Black Hole.

Dark Willow is a walking disable that can also easily zone out enemies from afar. Apart from her great supporting capabilities, Dark Willow can deal burst magical damage to slay squishy targets in a few clicks. This hero is also exceptional for ganks at any stage of the game.

Shadow Shaman is kind of similar to Jakiro, as this hero was recognized as a great support a long time ago. He has plenty of disables, allowing you to control a chosen enemy until the fight ends. This is possible thanks to Shackles and Hex. At the same time, your Ether Shock and Serpent Wards can deal a ton of damage, especially if enemies keep ignoring your ultimate.

Best Dota 2 Heroes Overall

If you have not chosen your favorite role or wish to try all of them, we have you covered. In this part of the article, you can learn about the best Dota 2 heroes overall. We have outlined the strongest picks for each role you have to try to see how well you are doing in this or that position:

  1. Phantom Assassin
  2. Storm Spirit
  3. Axe
  4. Jakiro
  5. Ogre Magi

We bet you are kind of surprised to see Ogre Magi on this list. However, this character is a great and versatile pick, especially if you are only starting out. They can be played as both support and offlane if necessary. Also, this hero does not have too many spells and their mechanics are more than straightforward.

As for other heroes listed above, they are simply the best picks for their roles. If you wish to conquer as many pub games as possible, consider choosing them in most cases. You only want to pick other characters if you see direct counter-picks. For example, you want to play as Axe, but you see the enemy’s team has Lifestealer. If that happens, look for a different hero to play on the offlane.


To sum up our Dota 2 heroes tier list, we hope are now aware of the strongest characters for each role. While you can safely choose any hero you see in the S-Tier, always act out of the situation. Your opponents can have a strong counter pick or you might not have enough experience to play well on a particular hero.

Depending on the meta flow and our observations, this tier list will be updated accordingly. If you wish to stay updated on what is going on in Dota 2, make sure to bookmark this page. This is it for now, good luck, and we will see you in the game.


Who are the strongest heroes in Dota 2?


Here are the most powerful characters in Dota 2:

  • Phantom Assassin
  • Storm Spirit
  • Axe
  • Jakiro
  • Ogre Magi

What is the current meta for Dota 2?


Phantom Assassin has been in the center of the meta throughout many patches. This hero is too strong if not countered properly with MKB and specific picks like Troll Warlord.

Who are the best heroes of the patch in Dota 2?


Here are several best heroes to play in the current Dota 2 patch:

  • Lifestealer
  • Storm Spirit
  • Legion Commander
  • Rubick

How many heroes are in Dota 2024?


Currently, you can select from 124 heroes in Dota 2. Each of them features unique abilities and executes specific roles.

Which hero to pick in Dota 2?


In case you are looking for a strong mid lane pick, try playing as Templar Assassin. This hero is known for her maneuverability and amazing damage boost against multiple targets.

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