Best FC 25 Formations - Top 5 Custom Tactics

In this best FC 25 formations guide, we outline the top formations to use in the game. No matter if you prefer to attack or defend, you can find the formation that suits your playstyle.

Learn About the Best FC 25 Formations

Choosing the strongest formation has always been key to victory in the FIFA series. This remains so in FC with the meta changing from one game to another. In this guide, we are going to determine the best formation FC 25 that will let you dominate on the pitch. No matter if you attack or defend, you will find the one that suits you perfectly.

With the top 5 FC 25 custom tactics described in our article, you can enter the game with confidence. By consistently winning matches, you will be able to rank the highest among other players while earning a ton of coins and other rewards.

The range of the best custom tactics FC 25 presented allows you to choose between aggressive and more conservative approaches. You can try several of them to see which ones are more to your taste and refine them to perfection.

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What Formation to Use in FC 25?

First of all, let’s figure out why formations in FC 25 are so important and what role they play in each match. Formations in FC is how you line up your players on the pitch. Depending on your plan for the game, you can stick to either defensive or offensive options. The variety of FC 25 tactics allows you to experiment throughout many matches. We have outlined the strongest ones that are going to work in most situations.

Here is a list of FC 25 best formations and tactics we are going to cover in this guide:

  • 4-3-2-1
  • 4-4-2
  • 4-2-3-1
  • 5-3-2
  • 3-5-2

Note: You cannot find a single best formation to use in EA FC 25 for all situations. They are created in a way to counter each other. Pick the one that suits your playstyle and corresponds with your strategy for each match.

What is the Best FC 25 Formation

In this part of the guide, we will cover the best FC 25 formation to use for both offense and defense. Some of them stay as strong as they were in the previous game of the series. Others return from the earliest FIFA titles. They look promising in the latest release of this year and are likely to rule the meta for a while.

The 4-2-3-1 tactics available in FC 25 is a clear example of the time-tested formation. It stays strong and is often picked by players of all levels. A more unexpected guest on this list is 442 tactics, making its legendary return in FC 25 again. It is especially popular among beginners and is easy to master. BLOG20

FC 25 Best 4-3-2-1 Formation for Ultimate Team

The 4-3-2-1 is the best formation FC 25 Ultimate Team for players who wish to maintain constant threat on a pitch and attack rapidly. It is also known as the "Christmas Tree" formation due to the shape it creates if you look from above.

The reason it is so popular comes down to how you position the players who are supposed to be in front and always create pressure. Here is how the 4-3-2-1 is played in EA FC 25:

FC 25 4321 Custom Tactics Explained:

  • Defensive Style: Balanced
  • Width: 42
  • Depth: 65
  • Build Up Play: Balanced
  • Chance Creation: Direct Passing
  • Width: 42
  • Players In Box: 5 Bars
  • Corners and Free Kicks: 2 Bars

Player Instructions for 4-3-2-1:

  1. Left Back: Overlap, Stay back during an attack
  2. Right Back: Overlap
  3. CBs: Stays back during an attack
  4. LM & RM: Stay back while attacking, cover center
  5. RW: Come Back On Defence
  6. LW: Get in Behind
  7. Strikers: Stay Central

While the 4-3-2-1 is often considered the best attacking formation in FC 25, it can be countered easily. You can use the 3-5-2 formation for this purpose since it heavily overloads the midfield. This stops the rapid attack and allows you to create more 1v1 encounters, making 4321 less effective. The suggested formation also features lots of width, which is a weak side of the one you want to counter.

FC 25 Best 4-4-2 Formation & Custom Tactics

The 4-4-2 is FC 25 best formation and a classic choice of many players from earlier FIFA games. It is known for a perfect balance between attack and defense, making it an all-purpose choice compared to the previous alternative.

This formation has been around for many years, and it is recognized not only in the online world but in real football as well. Here is how the 442 tactics FC 25 works:

Best Custom Tactics FC 25 442 Explained:

  • Defensive Style: Balanced
  • Width: 50
  • Depth: 70
  • Build Up Play: Balanced
  • Chance Creation: Direct Passing
  • Width: 50
  • Players In Box: 5 Bars
  • Corners and Free Kicks: 3 Bars

Player Instructions for 4-4-2:

  1. Left Back: Stay behind during an attack
  2. Right Back: Stay behind during an attack
  3. CM: Cover the center and stay back during an attack
  4. LW and RW: Come back on defence, cut inside and get into the box for crosses
  5. Strikers: Stay central, get in behind, stay forward
  6. Goalkeeper: Sweeper Keeper

Despite being a time-tested classic choice, formations like 3-5-2 or 4-3-3 can counter the 4-4-2 with no problem. The 3-5-2 option wins due to an unbreakable defense line it creates. As for the 4-3-3 alternative, it is a solid choice thanks to how well it performs in attack. Having three people playing in the forward line leaves no chance to withstand an overwhelming attack like this with the 4-4-2.

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FC 25 Best 4-2-3-1 Formation & Custom Tactics

The 4-2-3-1 is a well-tested and recognized formation for beginners and is the best FIFA 25 formation, according to many. It dominates the playing field thanks to 2 CDMs, allowing for better control. This is what many new players lack when they enter the game first. 

When having a center of the pitch under your control, you can create scoring opportunities easily. If the game goes the wrong way, the formation provides a solid defense as well. Here is how the 4-2-3-1 works in EA FC 25:

FC 25 4231 Custom Tactics explained:

  • Defensive Style: Balanced
  • Width: 38
  • Depth: 59
  • Build Up Play: Balanced
  • Chance Creation: Direct Passing
  • Width: 35
  • Players In Box: 5 Bars
  • Corners and Free Kicks: 2 Bars

Player Instructions for 4-2-3-1:

  1. Left Back: Stay back during an attack
  2. Right back: Stay back during an attack
  3. Center Defending Midfielders: Cut passing lanes, cover center
  4. Center Midfielders: To the box during a cross-pass, play forward
  5. Center Attacking Midfielders: Free roam, stay forward
  6. Striker: Stay central, get in behind, stay forward

Many players consider the 4-2-3-1 to be the best defending formation in FC 25 due to its versatility. The truth is that it is primarily chosen by those who wish to create a strong presence in the middle of the pitch. You can choose any formation that dominates the center more than this one does.

A clear example of this is the 4-3-3 formation played with three central midfielders. This creates a noticeable advantage in controlling the middle of the pitch and countering the 4-3-2-1’s two CDMs. Once you take full control of the pitch center, you can start creating pressure and try to score. The 4-3-3 formation is also a great pick if you wish to attack from the flanks, as the 4-3-2-1 lacks defense against wide attacks.

FC 25 Best 5-3-2 Formation & Custom Tactics

The 5-3-2 is often considered the best formation in FC 25 for those who prefer unbreakable defense. This formation undoubtedly dominates in terms of defense, thanks to five defenders at the back. However, it is surprisingly strong in attack alike. This is possible due to RM and LM creating extra threat and goal opportunities. Here is how the 5-3-2 works:

FC 25 532 Custom Tactics Explained:

  • Defensive Style: Balanced
  • Width: 35
  • Depth: 65
  • Build Up Play: Balanced
  • Chance Creation: Direct Passing
  • Width: 20
  • Players In Box: 5 Bars
  • Corners and Free Kicks: 2 Bars

Player Instructions for 5-3-2:

  1. RM and LM: Balanced, cover wing
  2. CM: Stay back, cover center
  3. Strikers: Get in behind
  4. Goalkeeper: Sweeper Keeper

We highly recommend that you test the Sweeper Keeper and see if it fits your needs. While this brings extra defense, allowing your goalkeeper to play as an extra defender, it might not suit your playstyle.

Speaking of how you can counter the 5-3-2, the most straightforward pick is the 4-4-2. You can also use any other formation that allows you to strike from the flanks. Another good option is the 3-5-2, thanks to how well it dominates the midfield. The opponent’s five men in the back just remain useless while you start dominating the rest of the pitch. If played correctly with the 3-5-2, those who are using the 5-3-2 will not be able to get past the center of the playing field. BLOG20

FC 25 Best 3-5-2 Formation & Custom Tactics

The 3-5-2 is among FC 25 best tactics for players who prefer a balanced approach. Similarly to the 4-4-2, you can use it equally efficiently for both attack and defense. Depending on how the game goes on, you can switch your strategy accordingly and stay competitive throughout the match. Here is how the 3-5-2 functions in EA FC 25:

FC 25 352 Custom Tactics Explained:

  • Defensive Style: Balanced
  • Width: 45
  • Depth: 55
  • Build Up Play: Balanced
  • Chance Creation: Direct Passing
  • Width: 40
  • Players In Box: 5 Bars
  • Corners and Free Kicks: 3 Bars

Player Instructions for 3-5-2:

  1. Center Defense Midfielder: Cover center, stay back during an attack
  2. Center Attack Midfielder: Stay forward
  3. Left Midfield and Right Midfield: Help with defending
  4. Striker: Stay forward, get behind the lines

Why is the 3-5-2 often referred to as the best FC25 formation in the current meta? Not that many people know how to play in the middle and take control of it. To successfully defeat the 3-5-2, you need to use a formation that focuses on attacking the center of the pitch. A few options include the 4-4-2 or 4-2-3-1 formations. They both are built around creating pressure in the midfield. Once you take control of the playing field’s center, you are free to score.

If you are not a too experienced FIFA player, you might want to play more conservatively. It is necessary in order to counter possible attacks coming from two wide midfielders and the forwards. If you miss your chance to take the center, this is the time when you should start playing defensively against the 3-5-2.


This brings us to the end of our guide describing the strongest formations to choose in FC 25. As expected, the release of the new game shook up the meta quite heavily. Several of the well-known formations still manage to remain on top, while others are left behind and forgotten. Despite this, we have seen a major interest increase in the formations we have not heard about in a while.

If your goal is to stay on top of the leaderboard and always score the greatest rewards, our article is your key to success. We will always monitor the game’s meta for you and update this text accordingly. Once the developers release any fixes, you will learn about the latest and most potent formations to use shortly after.


What is the best formation in FC 25?


The 4-3-2-1 formation dominates in FC 25 the way it did in the previous game of the series. It is perfect for attacking and creating constant pressure on the pitch many players can’t handle properly.

What is the best formation for Liverpool in FC 25?


The 4-3-3 formation is the best pick for this team’s aggressive playstyle, relying on fast wingers. Both Salah and Diaz benefit from this formation like no other players.

What formation to use in FC 25 Career Mode?


The 4-2-3-1 formation is a basic choice to stay competitive in EA FC 25 Career Mode. It balances between attack and defense, allowing you to define your playstyle as the match goes on.

What is the most effective formation in FC 25?


Both 4-2-3-1 and 4-3-2-1 formations are great picks for both veterans and beginners. The first one is often preferred for defense while the second one is enjoyed by aggressive players.

What’s the best custom tactics for FC 25?


Best Custom Tactics FC 25 442:

  • Defensive Style: Balanced
  • Width: 50
  • Depth: 70
  • Build Up Play: Balanced
  • Chance Creation: Direct Passing
  • Width: 50
  • Players In Box: 5 Bars
  • Corners and Free Kicks: 3 Bars

What are the most offensive tactics in FC 25?


The 4-3-2-1 is the best aggressive tactics for players who wish to execute rapid attacks and pressure the opponents non-stop.

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