FragPunk Best Weapons Tier List

This FragPunk best weapons tier list describes the strongest guns to use in the game. We rank all the weapons, putting them in their respective tiers from S to B. You’ll also discover the most powerful weapons to use for each Lancer and more. Read now!

Read Our FragPunk Best Weapons Tier List

Welcome to our complete FragPunk best weapons tier list, Lancers. Struggling to find the strongest gun so far? This is what usually happens when you start playing a fresh competitive shooter. Picking the right gun can make all the difference in a match. Some weapons hit hard, and others feel clunky to use.

This guide compares and outlines the best guns to use in FragPunk. You’ll learn which ones deal the most damage, fire the fastest, and feel the easiest to use. We’ll go over all the types available in the game. From Assault Rifles to SMGs and others, we have everything.

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FragPunk Gun Tier List

The game features a solid lineup of weapons, but not all perform equally well. Some guns hit hard, fire fast, and feel amazing to use, while others struggle in the current meta. Want to know which one to choose? Here’s our FragPunk gun tier list:

Tier Weapons
S-Tier Fever, Resolver, Bad Moon-S, Vicious, Meat Maker, Mad Dog-S
A-Tier Highlife, Discipline, Ghost Pepper, My Way, Clampdown, Bad Reputation
B-Tier Boom Broom, Cold Shoulder, Cure-All

The S-Tier weapons are your go-to options in any match, no matter what Lancer you’re playing. As for A-Tier guns, they are still strong but require better positioning or playing more carefully. Finally, we have B-Tier weapons, which are still decent but lack the impact of top-tier alternatives.

Best FragPunk Weapons Ranked

We’ve included six weapons in the S-Tier category. This means you can safely pick any of those, depending on the Lancer you play, the map, etc. They’re equally powerful and can score you a win in most gunfights. Here are FragPunk best weapons ranked:

  • Fever
  • Resolver
  • Bad Moon-S
  • Vicious
  • Meat Maker
  • Mad Dog-S

Now, we’ll take a closer look at each gun from this list to see what makes them so powerful. The common fact that unites all these guns is that they deal a ton of damage, have bearable recoil, and can win gunfights at most ranges. BLOG20


Fever is by far the best Assault Rifle in FragPunk we’ve discovered. It has high headshot damage but lower body shot damage. It fires slowly but hits hard, rewarding accuracy over spraying. It’s perfect for mid-range fights and works well with most playstyles.

See the damage and range capabilities of Fever:

Damage and Range 0-25M 25-40M 40-60M
Head 91 83 75
Body 35 32 29
Limb 31 28 26

We can safely call Fever the strongest gun in FragPunk in terms of versatility and effectiveness. You can get it for any Lancer and know that you’ll win most gunfights, especially at mid-range distances.


Resolver is a heavy Sniper Rifle that destroys enemies with a single headshot. It has insane damage across all ranges but fires slowly. It’s best for holding angles and taking out enemies before they react. Resolver punishes missed shots, but if you land them, you’ll dominate.

See the damage and range capabilities of Resolver:

Damage and Range 0-17M 17-60M
Head 300 260
Body 150 130
Limb 142 123

Currently, you can’t find a better Sniper Rifle among all FragPunk meta weapons in this category. It can obliterate your enemies if you’re good at positioning and being unpredictable. We highly recommend giving it a try if you enjoy sniper-like gameplay.

Bad Moon-S

Bad Moon-S is among the best guns in FragPunk in its category. It fires fast, aims quickly, and deals solid damage at range. However, it trades some power for speed, making it more forgiving than other Marksman Rifles. The built-in silencer helps stay undetected while picking off enemies. It’s a great mix of precision and flexibility.

See the damage and range capabilities of Bad Moon-S:

Damage and Range 0-15M 15-60M
Head 154 132
Body 70 60
Limb 66 57

Yes, you wouldn’t be able to one-shot people as you do with Resolver in most cases. In return, this gun offers faster gameplay speed and allows you to peek angles where no one expects you. Just compare its fire rate of 300/min against 40/min Resolver offers. Do you see the difference? Yeah, that’s what we’re talking about. The ADS speed is also convenient, allowing you to quickscope more often.


Vicious is the best Secondary Weapon in FragPunk. It hits hard and can one-shot enemies up close. Compared to other pistols, it deals higher damage but requires accuracy. It’s the perfect backup weapon when you run out of ammo or need a quick kill.

See the damage and range capabilities of Vicious:

Damage and Range 0-8M 8-25M 25-60M
Head 150 143 133
Body 73 70 65
Limb 65 63 58

Compared to Cure-All and Cold Shoulder, this gun feels more rewarding to play with. Once you understand its recoil pattern, you can one-tap enemies at closer ranges. The weapon’s ADS speed of 0.18 allows you to quickly peek around corners before enemies react. Vicious is also recognized among FragPunk best weapons on Reddit due to how similar it is to Desert Eagle in CS2.

Meat Maker

Meat Maker is the best Shotgun you can opt for in FragPunk now. It destroys enemies at close range with insane burst damage. It’s almost always a one-shot kill up close. Even if your aim isn’t perfect, its spread helps land headshots. If you like aggressive, up-close fights, this shotgun is unstoppable.

See the damage and range capabilities of Meat Maker:

Damage and Range 0-10M 10-25M 25-60M
Head 25x11 18x11 15x11
Body 17x11 12x11 10x11
Limb 17x11 12x11 10x11

Despite having slower reload speed compared to Boom Broom, this weapon prevails in terms of damage. Specific Lancers like Corona can annihilate the entire map with it. It’s just a matter of positioning and timing.

Mad Dog-S

Mad Dog-S is among FragPunk best weapons in the SMG category. Why? It fires fast, hits hard, and shreds at close range. This gun has a slightly lower fire rate than Clampdown but deals more damage per shot. It’s deadly in fast fights, letting you melt enemies before they can react.

See the damage and range capabilities of Mad Dog-S:

Damage and Range 0-20M 20-35M 35-60M
Head 39 36 33
Body 26 24 22
Limb 22 20 18

With the overwhelming fire rate of 759/min, Mad Dog-S is the king of close-quarter fights. You can use it to jump around a corner and take down 1 or 2 opponents before they even see you. We highly recommend using this gun when playing Lancers who have smoke-like abilities. They will help you get close enough without being noticed.

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Best FragPunk Weapon Overall

Fever is arguably the best weapon in FragPunk that you can pick when playing any Lancer. It’s reliable, versatile, and suitable for any map. It balances damage, accuracy, and range, making it a great choice for any playstyle.

Here’s why Fever is so powerful:

  • Deadly at medium range – Perfect for most fights in the game.
  • High headshot damage – Rewards accurate players who land their shots.
  • Good balance of fire rate and power – Doesn’t fire too fast, but each shot packs a punch.
  • Works well in most situations – Great for holding positions, pushing, or playing defensively.

Fever excels in nearly every situation. Other weapons may have higher damage, faster fire rates, or better close-range power, but none match Fever’s consistency and versatility. BLOG20

Best Weapons for Each Lancer in FragPunk

Every Lancer performs better with certain weapons that match their playstyle and abilities. This might not be that of a big deal at lower ranks, but this synergy matters a lot later. We have defined the best weapons for each Lancer in FragPunk for you to consider:

Lancer Weapon Description
Nitro Fever

Nitro locks down areas and protects teammates, so she needs a steady and powerful rifle.

Fever is perfect because it has great accuracy, strong headshot damage, and solid mid-range power. It lets Nitro hold angles while setting up walls and turrets.

Hollowpoint Resolver

Hollowpoint is a deadly sniper, and Resolver is her best weapon. It one-shots enemies with headshots and works best for holding long sightlines.

Her smokes and sonar detector help her control fights from a distance.

Zephyr Meat Maker

Zephyr relies on speed and sneaky attacks, so Meat Maker is the best fit. It destroys enemies at close range, making it perfect for surprise attacks.

With her invisibility and teleportation, she can get in fast, land a shot, and escape.

Pathojen Discipline

Pathojen keeps her team alive, so she needs a reliable gun that works at all ranges.

Discipline has a fast fire rate and solid damage, helping her stay active while healing teammates.

Kismet Bad Moon-S

Kismet tracks enemies and deals heavy damage, so Bad Moon-S is her best option. It fires quickly, has strong accuracy, and stays quiet thanks to its silencer.

This lets Kismet take enemies by surprise and finish them fast.

Broker Mad Dog-S

Broker blocks vision and deals heavy damage, so Mad Dog-S is a great choice. It fires fast and hits hard, making it perfect for pushing enemies.

This gives you time to set up smokes and traps.

Spider Clampdown

Spider moves quickly and controls space, so he needs a fast-firing gun.

Clampdown is ideal because it shreds enemies up close and helps in aggressive plays.

Serket My Way Serket slows and traps enemies, so she needs a gun that keeps pressure on them. My Way is a solid choice with its big magazine and strong damage output.
Axon Meat Maker

Axon fights up close and personal, so Meat Maker fits his playstyle best.

It hits like a truck in close-range fights, letting him push aggressively with his shotgun and sticky grenades.

Sonar Fever

Sonar tracks enemies and gathers intel, so she needs a gun that keeps her in the fight.

Fever has great accuracy and headshot damage, making it perfect for both offense and defense.

Jaguar Bad Reputation

Jaguar relies on traps and intel, so Bad Reputation is the best pick.

It rewards precise shots and does high headshot damage, making it deadly when paired with his traps.

Chum Boom Broom

Chum sends his robot pet into fights, so Boom Broom helps him follow up quickly.

It fires fast and is easy to use, making it great for close-range battles.

Corona Fever

Corona burns areas and blinds enemies, so he needs a gun that keeps him in control.

Fever gives him strong mid-range power, letting him engage and retreat easily.

As you can see, most Lancers should opt for Fever or other Assault Rifles. This is the reason why this weapon and this category are so popular in the game. They’re just too versatile and easy to use in any situation.

Best Weapons for Beginners in FragPunk

New players need guns that are easy to use and reliable in fights. They should offer good damage, accuracy, and control without requiring perfect aim. Here are the five best weapons for beginners in FragPunk so far:

  1. Mad Dog-S is a great choice for new players because of its fast-firing bullets and solid damage. It’s easy to use in close fights, and even if you miss some shots, the high fire rate helps make up for it. It’s also versatile, working well for both aggressive pushes and defensive plays.
  2. Discipline is one of the most beginner-friendly assault rifles. It has good range, steady recoil, and a high fire rate. This makes it a great weapon for learning the game since it performs well in almost any situation. If you're not sure what gun to use, Discipline is always a safe pick.
  3. Fever is the best overall weapon in FragPunk, and it’s also great for beginners. It rewards good aim with strong headshot damage, but it’s also forgiving if you hit body shots. It’s an all-around solid choice for new players who want to learn and improve their accuracy.
  4. Boom Broom is the easiest shotgun for new players. It fires fast and doesn’t require perfect aim since the spread covers a wide area. It’s great for close-range fights, and you don’t have to worry about headshots – just hit your target and deal big damage.
  5. Bad Moon-S is a beginner-friendly marksman rifle that lets you land precise shots without the slow reload of a sniper. It has a faster fire rate than other marksman rifles, making it more forgiving if you miss. It’s a great choice for players who want to practice their aim while keeping good range control.

Don’t chase the meta when you’re only starting to learn the game. First, you need to improve your aim, control, and positioning. You don’t want to think about the most powerful gun so far. Pick the ones that are easier to handle and have simpler mechanics.

What Weapon Type to Choose in FragPunk

You don’t know what weapon type to play with, do you? FragPunk has a bunch of them, each including several guns to choose from. Each category offers something unique. It can be speed and mobility or raw damage and range. Let’s find out what each weapon type is known for in the game:

  • Shotguns

They deal massive damage up close but are weak at long range. These weapons are great for aggressive players who like to rush enemies and fight in tight spaces. If you prefer fast ambushes, a shotgun like Meat Maker is a strong pick.

  • SMGs

This category is known for high fire rates and being easy to control. They work well in close and mid-range fights, but their damage drops off at longer distances. If you like fast-paced fights, weapons like Mad Dog-S are great choices.

  • Assault Rifles

These are the most balanced weapons in the game. They offer good damage, range, and accuracy. You can fight effectively at most distances and adapt to different situations. Fever and Discipline are top choices for both new and experienced players.

  • LMGs

Light Machine Guns have large magazines and great sustained damage, but they are heavier and slower. They are good for controlling areas and dealing with multiple enemies. However, they require better positioning and aren’t as versatile as Assault Rifles.

  • Marksman & Sniper Rifles

Marksman Rifles like Bad Moon-S and Snipers like Resolver reward accurate shots. They deal high damage from long distances, but missed shots can be costly. These weapons are best for players who enjoy precise aiming and slower-paced combat.

We would recommend going for Assault Rifles on most maps, no matter what Lancer you’re playing. They’re just too good to avoid, as they offer balanced damage, range, and have bearable recoil. This type of weapon is equally good for beginners and experienced players, though. Feel free to try them out if you have no idea where to start.


This brings us to the end of our FragPunk best weapons tier list, fellow readers. You’re now fully prepared to dominate on any map with your favorite gun. We’re sure you’ve learned a lot about each weapon type and discovered the strongest guns to run with. See which weapons suit your Lancer’s abilities more and give it a go in the next round. Good luck, and we will see you in the game!


What is the best weapon in FragPunk?


The Fever Assault Rifle is the best weapon due to its high damage, accuracy, and versatility.

What is the fastest killing gun in FragPunk?


The Meat Maker Shotgun kills instantly at close range, making it the fastest-killing weapon.

What are the best weapons in FragPunk?


The top weapons include:

  • Fever
  • Resolver
  • Bad Moon-S
  • Vicious
  • Meat Maker
  • Mad Dog-S

Are shotguns good in FragPunk?


Yes, shotguns like Meat Maker and Boom Broom are great for close-range fights and fast kills.

What weapon has the highest damage in FragPunk?


The Resolver sniper rifle deals the most damage, with 300 headshot damage at close range.

What is the best gun for spraying in FragPunk?


The Mad Dog-S submachine gun is the best for fast spraying, thanks to its high fire rate.

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