Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter Guide - Talents, Leveling, and Rotation

By reading our comprehensive Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter guide, you will master this talent tree. Whether you prefer playing as Havoc or Vengeance spec, we have you covered. From describing all talents to giving leveling tips and discovering the best rotations, we have it all for you.

Read Our Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter Guide

Welcome to our complete Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter guide, created for the latest WoW expansion. With the release of The War Within, this class and both its specs received the same two talent trees. They further increase the DH potential in both damage-dealing and tanking aspects.

In our article, we will go over WoW The War Within Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter from top to bottom. Starting with the talent overview to leveling, and the best rotations. As for other in-game aspects, they will be added in the future once we get the confirmed information.

You will learn details regarding both specs as you read our Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter DPS guide. Their talents can be different depending on what spec you choose – Havoc or Vengeance. We will provide the exact description of both talent versions for your convenience.

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Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter Talents

Let’s not waste a second longer and jump to the brand-new feature we have received in this expansion. The following part of the text covers all WoW Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter talents currently available. Some of them improve your DPS while others belong to the utility and defensive groups.

Despite the specialization choice, your gameplay will be built around the Demonsurge talent. The latter aims to maximize the potential of your Metamorphosis. It also empowers specific abilities when playing as the Vengeance DH and boosts your basic stats as the Havoc DH.

In the table below, you can learn what are Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter talents and find a detailed description of each of them.

NOTE: If a particular talent works differently because of the spec choice, we will use the / sign to describe both options.

  • Fel-Scarred Keystone Talent

Demonsurge: Greatly improves your Metamorphosis, allowing it to burst in AoE damage when empowered spells are cast for the first time. You can buff this keystone talent even further thanks to the capstone talent.

Row 1 Row 2 Row 3

Choose One: Wave of Debilitation & Pursuit of Angriness

  • Wave of Debilitation: Chaos Nova reduces enemies’ movement speed by 60%. Along with that, their attack and cast speed becomes 15% slower for 5 sec once the stun effect goes away.
  • Pursuit of Angriness: Movement speed is enhanced by 1% for 10 Fury.
Focused Hatred: Demonsurge inflicts 35% more damage if only one enemy is hit.

Choose One: Set Fire to the Pain & Improved Soul Rending

  • Set Fire to the Pain: You receive 10% less Fire damage. 5% of all non-Fire damage taken instead becomes Fire damage and it is dealt during 6 seconds.
  • Improved Soul Rending: Leech gained from Soul Rending increased by 2%. You get another 2% bonus on top of that when Metamorphosis is active.
Burning Blades: Adds an extra 10% Fire damage to your auto attacks, as well as to Chaos Strike/Soul Cleave and Throw Glaive abilities. Violent Transformation: Upon activating Metamorphosis, your Sigil of Flame and Immolation/Fel Devastation are reset right away.

Enduring Torment: When you are out of your demon form, you still have your Chaos Strike and Blade Dance damage increased by 5%. Your Haste is also improved by 3%.

The Vengeance spec has its Health and Armor increased by 5% and 20% respectively.

Untethered Fury: Maximum Fury increased by 50.

Choose One: Student of Suffering & Flamebound

  • Student of Suffering: The Sigil of Flame ability grants you Student of Suffering, enhancing Mastery. It also grants 5 Fury every 2 seconds for the 8-second duration.
  • Flamebound: Immolation Aura radius is increased by 2 yards. Also, it has a 30% improved crit strike damage bonus.
Monster Rising: Agility improved by 5% while you are not in a demon form.
  • Fel-Scarred Capstone Talent

Demonic Intensity: Activating Metamorphosis significantly improves Eye Beam/Fel Devastation, Immolation Aura, and Sigil of Flame. Demonsurge damage is further enhanced by an additional 10% for each successful activation while you are in a demon form.

Best Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter Talents

As stated above, the Fel-Scarred talent tree is built around buffing your Metamorphosis. Be it a Havoc or Vengeance specialization, the idea stays the same. To unlock the tree’s full potential, you need to move from the very start to the end. The reason for this is that your keystone and capstone talents are interconnected. As for other best Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter talents, they are as follows:

  1. Demonsurge
  2. Violent Transformation
  3. Wave of Debilitation
  4. Improved Soul Rending
  5. Demonic Intensity

This is strictly our subjective point of view. To sum things up, all the talents are interlinked and have little value without each other. Still, some of them look much stronger compared to others. This is mainly because of how they influence the rotation. Talents like Monster Rising are not that sufficient and influence practically nothing. BLOG20

Below, you can find a brief description of each talent listed above. We explain why they are considered to be the strongest alternatives out of all:

  • Demonsurge: This is our bread and butter, as this greatly improves the capabilities of Metamorphosis. Whether you choose the Havoc or Vengeance spec, your gameplay will be built around it.
  • Violent Transformation: Having Sigil of Flame and Immolation Aura/Fel Devastation ready upon activating Metamorphosis is too good. Apart from boosting your overall DPS, it also lets you play more freely.
  • Wave of Debilitation: This talent is a great choice for Mythic+ dungeons. Overall, this is just a better pick compared to Pursuit of Angriness.
  • Improved Soul Rending: Once again, having your Leech increased is just too good compared to what Set Fire to the Pain offers.
  • Demonic Intensity: There is nothing to add here. Just like the keystone talent, this one is your bread and butter. It further boosts your Metamorphosis and Demonsurge explosions.

Once again, do not focus too much on specific talents when in the game. While these five picks are arguably better than others from your arsenal, do not underestimate the rest of the options. Combined all together, they make the Fel-Scarred tree what it appears in The War Within.

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How to Play Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter

The following part of the article explains how to play Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter if you are new to this class. Unlike most talent trees introduced for other classes, the Fel-Scarred DH brings nothing new to the table. To put it in other words, this talent tree only improves what we already have. Your gameplay still focuses on activating Metamorphosis when required. In fact, this talent tree makes this dependence only worse. Why? Do remember that all Demonsurge random procs work when you are in a demon form.

Apart from Student of Suffering and Violent Transformation, other talents barely impact your existing rotations. In fact, they mainly improve what you already have. In case you are not looking for a new way to play the Demon Hunter class, the Fel-Scarred tree is your choice. It is a solid pick for players looking to enhance their DPS by further improving Metamorphosis.

As it seems to our team, the Fel-Scarred tree is mainly designed for the Havoc specialization. However, you can find a few controversial picks even inside one tree. For instance, Set Fire to the Pain is also available for Havoc but it is obviously created for VDH. As for Improved Soul Rending, it works the other way around, as it is a clear pick for HDH.

As for the rest “Choose One” talents, they work in the same manner. By reading their descriptions, you can clearly see what talent goes to what specialization. The devs have done a great job of maintaining this balance, as both DH specs have the same talent trees. Let us remind you that this is not the case for other classes.

Before giving any further Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter tips, we need to watch the meta closely. However, we bet that this talent tree is going to be a more popular pick. The main reason for this is that all DH players are looking for ways to increase their DPS further. This is exactly the job this talent tree does.

Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter Leveling Guide

When only starting out, our Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter leveling guide is what you need to progress faster than others. We have prepared a set of simple instructions to ensure you reach level 80 ASAP and enjoy all the endgame activities the devs prepared.

We are not going to provide any exact details on what areas you need to pick for WoW Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter leveling. Instead, we will outline the basic tips you can use at any stage of the game. Be you a professional or a beginner stepping into The War Within for the first time, you will find something useful below for sure:

Levels 1-10:

  • Everything starts with mastering your baseline abilities like Chaos Strike and Blade Dance. Use them on cooldown to farm mobs faster, saving much time in the long run.
  • Once you find yourself in a starting zone, make sure you have completed all the quests available. This will let you gain starting XP and see what areas are around you.
  • As you level up, you will gain access to other abilities. Make sure to add them to your basic rotation and use them all the time. This will help save more time when farming or moving around the zones.

Levels 11-20:

  • Once it is possible, make your path to higher-level zones. There, you will encounter more challenging enemies. Handling them would not be a problem due to your extended ability arsenal.
  • Upon gaining access to new skills, implement them into your rotation. Also, do not be afraid to experiment, as you would already have enough space for that at this point.
  • Do not forget about low-level dungeons and other group activities. This significantly speeds up your XP gaining process and diversifies gameplay in general.

Levels 21-40:

  • Keep practicing your rotation and add new skills to it. This will further improve your faming speed and allow finish quest faster.
  • Once you get closer to level 40, you can consider yourself halfway through. At this point, you will have access to a large variety of your core abilities. Implement them into your existing rotation without a doubt.

Levels 41-60:

  • Joining a guild is crucial once you move toward the endgame content. This will let you complete endgame activities with a higher chance of success. Consequently, you will earn unique rewards to boost your character’s strength.
  • You will gain access to higher-level dungeons and raids to participate in. Do not neglect this opportunity to increase your level of speed further.
  • During these levels, you will also acquire even more new abilities. See which of them fit your play style and use them accordingly.

Levels 61-80:

  • Finish the most beneficial quests in terms of XP and refine your rotation to the maximum.
  • Once you reach the level cap in The War Within, you will have all PvE and PvP activities unlocked for you. Choose the ones you like more or hunt for the specific rewards if you please.

Both Demon Hunter specs in WoW 11.0 should not be too difficult to level up. You have a large variety of both single-target and AoE spells to clear up any zone fast and finish practically any quests on your own. Things only become easier thanks to the Fel-Scarred talent tree. BLOG20

Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter Rotation Guide

One of the reasons for trying hard to reach level 80 is to get access to all the required abilities. Some of them are too crucial and are outlined in our Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter rotation guide separately. A clear example is the Metamorphosis since this talent tree is built around it. However, creating a rotation that would fit both PvE and PvP encounters is impossible. In fact, to craft the ideal one, you will have to spend quite a lot of time experimenting and practicing.

Therefore, our team needs a bit more time to provide you with WoW Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter rotation. We highly recommend that you save this page to your browser bookmarks and come back later. Once we get confirmed information, you will find all the necessary details here.


To sum up our WoW Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter guide, we have covered all the aspects you need to know about this talent tree. From describing all the talents available to provide you with crucial tips on leveling and rotations. In case you consider some information is missing, we will surely add it later. For now, we need to see what place this talent tree takes in the current meta. Who knows what buffs and nerfs can change it in the future? Stay tuned and make sure to return to this page occasionally. This is it for now, heroes, and we will see you in Azeroth!


What are the best Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter talents?


The strongest talents for the Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter include the following options:

  • Demonsurge
  • Violent Transformation
  • Wave of Debilitation
  • Improved Soul Rending
  • Demonic Intensity

Is Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter good?


Fel-Scarred Demon is a great talent tree that further improves DPS capabilities. It revolves around Metamorphosis, which is the ability many people play around.

Is Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter hard to play WoW?


Not really. Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter is easy to master and its rotations are far from being complex.

How do I maximize DPS as Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter?


The main idea to maximize your DPS is to proc Demonsurge as often as possible while being in the center of the fight.

Which spec is best for Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter?


The Havoc specialization definitely suits the Fel-Scarred talent tree better.

Is Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter good for fast leveling in WoW?


Absolutely! Both Demon Hunter specs are great at leveling. The speed at which you gain XP becomes only better thanks to the Fel-Scarred talent tree.

What is the best Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter rotation in WoW?


Your basic rotation would always imply procing as many Demonsurges as possible once you enter a demon form.

Is Fel-Scarred Demon Hunter good for PvE?


Thanks to a variety of AoE and single-target abilities, Fel-Scarred Demon Hunters excel in PvE content of any type.

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