The War Within Mythic+ Guide

Mythic Plus Dungeons are one of the most popular end-game activities in the game. They do not take a lot of your time, while offering a challenging PvE experience. Is it not a perfect combination? Of course, there is a lot you should know about this part of the game, and you will find all the answers you need in this guide.

Read Our The War Within Mythic+ Guide

With the start of The War Within Season 2, you can expect huge updates concerning Mythic+ Dungeons. In our WoW Mythic+ guide, we will cover all the changes, including the new Dungeon pool, affixes, and other details. We have gathered everything you need to know about Mythic+ for a great start in the latest expansion.

As we are about to delve into our Mythic Plus guide, let’s find out what is M+ start date in The War Within Season 2. You can test your skills in Mythic+ dungeons starting from March 4, 2025.

Here is a list of our other The War Within guides to read:

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Mythic+ Dungeons in The War Within

Mythic+ Dungeons in The War Within are just regular dungeons divided into so-called Keystone levels or “Keys” for short. They have increasingly higher difficulty, starting from +0 Key, which is the easiest (but still much harder than Heroic dungeons), all the way up to +20 Keys and above. This threshold will be challenging even for the most well-geared, coordinated, and dedicated groups.

How to Unlock Mythic+ Dungeons in WoW The War Within

To unlock Mythic+ Dungeons in WoW The War Within, you need to have a Mythic+ Keystone in your inventory. Once you have entered the dungeon and selected Mythic difficulty, you will need to place your Keystone into the special mechanism at the dungeon’s entrance called Font of Power.

After you place your Keystone into the Font of Power, you will see the difficulty and all current weekly affixes. To upgrade your Keystone further, you will need to complete a Mythic+ dungeon to receive another random dungeon’s Keystone. If you fail to complete the dungeon for some reason or do not manage to make it within the timer, your Keystone level will be lowered by 1.

Such a system creates a serious challenge for players. To get to higher keys and thus better rewards, you will need to master your class and specialization really well. This journey will not be easy!

The War Within Season 2 Mythic+ Dungeon Pool

As usual, not all dungeons from the actual content are presented in the Mythic Plus pool. The developers always put some old dungeons in the rotation. This creates a good opportunity for players to see what some content of the previous expansions was like. Below, you will find the list of dungeons available in the The War Within Season 2 Mythic+ Dungeon pool:

The WoW Mythic+ Dungeon rotation for Season 2 you see consists of 8 dungeons. There's a completely new dungeon called Operation: Floodgate arriving this season. Four others were added together with TWW. Finally, we have three dungeons returning from the previous expansions, such as BfA and Shadowlands.

Get ready to test your skills by checking out the list of The War Within Mythic+ Season 2 bosses:

Complete any Mythic+ Dungeon in TWW with the help of our PROs. Forget about farming and enjoy the rewards we reap for you. Begin WoW Mythic Plus Season 2 with ease instead of grinding. With our pro players in your team, the question “How to gear for Mythic Dungeons?” will bother you no more. BLOG20

Mythic+ Season 2 Recommended Item Level

For The War Within Mythic+ Season 2, a recommended item level would be at least 616 or higher. The more, the better, but having 616+ ilvl gear as a DPS should be enough for the very start at +2 Keystone level.

The numbers of Mythic+ Dungeons ilvl in The War Within are averaged. The success in a particular M+ Dungeon mainly depends on your DPS and Tank. Having a well-cooperated party can help you clear the instance even if your gear is 20 item levels below the recommended.

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Mythic+ Loot Table

When it comes to Mythic+ loot table, things are pretty straightforward. Mythic+ gear scale is designed in such a way that the more difficult Keystone you have completed, the better your rewards will be. Note that in Season 2, the WoW The War Within Mythic Plus loot pool was redesigned, and now looks like this:

Keystone Level Dungeon Gear ilvl Great Vault Reward ilvl
Mythic +2 639 649
Mythic +3 639 649
Mythic +4 642 652
Mythic +5 645 652
Mythic +6 649 655
Mythic +7 649 658
Mythic +8 652 658
Mythic +9 652 658
Mythic +10 655 662
Mythic +11 655 662
Mythic +12 655 662

You can keep progressing above +12 Key if you wish to test your skills. However, you will not get better rewards for this, as there is a particular ilvl cap during the season.


Mythic+ Affixes

Affixes are what differentiates Mythic+ from regular 5-people dungeons. These are special effects that make enemies in dungeons stronger and have unusual effects on them or players. Quite obviously, this alone makes dungeons significantly more difficult. With the start of The War Within Season 2, we have received a new range of Mythic+ affixes. Along with that, some of the old ones are retired for Season 2 of TWW.

Keystone Level Affix

Xal'atath's Bargain: Ascendant
Xal'atath's Bargain: Voidbound
Xal'atath's Bargain: Pulsar
Xal'atath's Bargain: Devour

+7 Tyrannical or Fortified, replacing one another on a weekly basis
+10 Tyrannical or Fortified both active simultaneously
+12 Xal'atath's Guile

The introduction of new affixes will bring positive effects that offer bonuses for different types of damage each week. These beneficial effects are designed to provide advantages without being crucial for dungeon completion, encouraging players to make diverse gameplay choices. One of the latest affixes, Xal’atath’s Bargain, is a clear example of this concept. BLOG20

New Mythic+ Affixes

The following new Mythic+ affixes were added back when WoW Season 1 Mythic Dungeons started:

  • Reckless – Non-boss enemies that don’t use mana hit harder, ignoring 20% of your armor. However, their own armor is weaker by 30%, and they take 10% extra damage from Arcane attacks.
  • Thorned – Non-mana-using enemies strike back when hit, dealing some Physical damage in return. On the bright side, they take 10% more damage from Holy and Shadow attacks.
  • Attuned – Mana-wielding enemies deal 20% more magic damage, making their spells extra dangerous. But they also take 10% more damage from Nature attacks and 30% more from Bleed effects.
  • Focused – Mana-based enemies move faster in combat with 30% more Haste, letting them cast and attack quicker. Thankfully, they also become more vulnerable, taking 10% extra damage from Frost and Fire attacks.

Retired Mythic+ Affixes

Continuing our WoW Mythic guide, let’s take a closer look at the retired Mythic+ affixes:

Depending on the community’s feedback, the developers might return them in the future.

Mythic+ Season 2 Rewards

By participating in Mythic+ Season 2, you can obtain a range of rewards and achievements. The developers did their best to make Mythic+ Dungeons a kind of competitive discipline by adding a built-in scoring system similar to the PvP scoring system. Every completed dungeon will award you with some Mythic Score points based on Keystone difficulty and whether you manage to complete the dungeon within the timer or not.

  1. The War Within Keystone Explorer: Season Two: This is the first step in the Mythic+ achievements ladder. It requires only a 750 Mythic Score, so it is relatively easy to achieve.
  2. The War Within Keystone Conqueror: Season Two: This one is a little harder, requiring a 1500+ Mythic Score. So, fighting your way through both M+ Dungeons on at least +5 difficulty seems pretty much inevitable.
  3. The War Within Keystone Master: Season Two: This is where things get serious. This achievement requires you to have at least a 2000+ Mythic Score, which is in no way a trivial task.
  4. The War Within Keystone Hero: Season Two: Only a comparably small percentage of players will ever be able to achieve this since it is an incredibly difficult challenge. You will need to have at least a 2500 Mythic Score, meaning you need to play with some of the best PvE players in the game.

Keystone Hero Achievements in Season 2

The developers have also introduced a variety of Keystone Hero achievements you can earn for completing Mythic Dungeons +10 or higher. During the entire The War Within Season 2, they play a vital role for any M+ fans. They allow you to teleport to the specific dungeon’s entrance swiftly. It is in your best interest to try to collect them all. They will also be available for your entire band, thanks to the Warbands system.


Mythic+ Dungeons are perhaps the most popular end-game activity in the game. They offer overwhelmingly difficult PvE challenges and, at the same time, are far less time-consuming than more traditional raids. Considering that a Mythic Dungeon gear ilvl in WoW The War Within is usually compared to those from raids, M+ Dungeons is a perfect way to experience the most interesting part of the game for a great number of players.

We hope that our guide to Mythic Dungeons was helpful for you. Be sure to check this article again when another big update is released to learn everything new about Mythic+ Dungeons.


How do I get my 2500 rating for Mythic Plus?


You will need to complete Mythic Plus Dungeons within the The War Within dungeons pool. To minimize the time in which you will get your Mythic Score, try to complete as high keys as possible. Completing them within a timer will also help a lot.

How to do Mythic Plus Dungeons?


Mythic+ Dungeons are not much different from regular dungeons in terms of overall gameplay feel (save that they are much more intense). If you want to get those Mythic Dungeon rewards, you must adjust your playing to current affixes and your party’s composition.

How difficult is Mythic Plus?


This depends completely on what Key you want to complete and what the current week’s affixes are. Usually, things get pretty difficult starting from 5 Keystone Level. Also, Tyrannical weeks are considered to be more difficult than Fortified.

What level of Mythic Plus should I be doing?


If your goal is to simply get some high M+ ilvl gear, then the highest Keystone you should aim for is +5. However, if you want to be among those few players who manage to meet the requirements for Keystone Master and Keystone Hero achievements, your goal is to complete as high-level Keys as possible.

Can you keep getting loot from Mythic?


Yes, you will continuously get gear from Mythic dungeons in WoW The War Within. You will be able to trade items you do not need to players in your party.

How many pieces of gear drop from Mythic plus?


In M+ dungeons, your party will receive only two pieces of gear from the chest at the end of the dungeon. So, your chances of getting an item are roughly 20-30%.

How many Mythic+ dungeons are in The War Within?


There are eight dungeons to test your skills at within Mythic+ Season 2 The War Within:

  • Operation: Floodgate
  • Cinderbrew Meadery
  • Darkflame Cleft
  • The Rookery
  • Priory of the Sacred Flame
  • Theater of Pain
  • Operation: Mechagon: Workshop

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