The War Within Gold Farming Guide

In our The War Within gold farming guide, we cover the best ways to make gold in WoW. From flipping the Auction House to farming the rarest transmogs and more, we have listed every method. You can also learn about the best gold farming classes and dungeon to run for maximum profits.

Read Our WoW The War Within Gold Farming Guide

Gold in World of Warcraft has always been the main currency at any stage of the game. You can never have too much of it, especially when it comes to purchasing gear. In this The War Within gold farming guide, we will cover the best ways to make gold in the latest WoW expansion. From Auction House flipping to selling BoE items and more, we have it all here.

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The Best Way to Farm Gold in The War Within

Combining two gathering professions, like Herbalism and Mining, is the best way to farm gold in The War Within. This method has existed throughout the WoW history. It is especially efficient during the early game when many players are in great need of resources. They will be later used to craft gear, consumables, and other items to sell for a higher price.

Using Skinning as an alternative option is also possible. In this case, you need to look for the areas with higher mob density. Only in this case, this profession is worth using for WoW gold farm instead of the Herbalism and Mining combination.

As the demand changes, the price for raw materials can go lower or higher. Once TWW launches, you can expect to sell most herbs and ores for a ton of WoW gold. By checking the Auction House during weekends, you can also make larger profits since there will be more players online.

Best Gold Farming Classes in WoW

Depending on the class chosen, you can make gold in World of Warcraft at a different speed. When looking for the best pick, you want to have many AoEs or pets to tank damage from mobs for you. Having higher mobility is also appreciated, as you will be able to move from one farming spot to another quickly. Here is a list of the best gold farming classes in WoW The War Within:

  • Mage: They can teleport between cities, making it easy to access the Auction House and farming locations. Mages also have tons of AoE spells, such as Blizzard and Arcane Explosion. They allow you to clear large mob groups at a higher speed. Use this advantage to farm old dungeons and raids for transmog gear and raw gold. As a Mage, you can also create your own food and water, reducing downtime and increasing gold farm efficiency in The War Within.
  • Hunter: You cannot find a better class for WoW solo gold farming than Hunter. Their pets can tank for them while they focus on dealing damage. Thanks to their ranged attacks, you can pull mobs from a distance, making it easier to handle multiple enemies at once. With excellent self-sustain and mobility, Hunters can farm efficiently without needing to stop frequently to heal or recover.
  • Druid: This class is the most versatile pick for gold farming in The War Within due to its forms. Thanks to them, you can solo old raids, farm specific materials, or enjoy a greater gathering speed. Their ability to switch between forms makes Druids nearly equally efficient for tanking or dealing damage. Use this to your advantage when making gold solo or in a group.

In addition to these three classes, both Warlock and Demon Hunter deserve your attention as well. They are also perfect for gold farming in WoW The War Within due to their innate mechanics. The first one can tank well thanks to demons while the second one features overwhelming mobility.

How to Make Gold in WoW

Making gold in World of Warcraft is possible in many ways, from regular questing to completing Crafting Orders and more. The preferred method depends on your playstyle and how much time you spend in the game. Here is how to make gold in WoW The War Within:

  • Auction House Flipping
  • Crafting Orders
  • BoE Items
  • Old Transmogs
  • Consumables
  • Crafted Mounts
  • Questing
  • Mob Grinding

To get maximum gold, we recommend combining several methods at once. For example, selling BoE items and consumables along the way. Those who enjoy running repeated instances would find dungeons a good source of gold as well. In The War Within, we can enjoy a batch of brand-new dungeons for leveling purposes and as a part of the endgame content.

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Auction House Flipping

Auction House flipping can be the best way to farm gold in WoW out of nothing. The basic idea is to buy items that are listed below their typical market value and then resell them at a higher price. This method works well because the Auction House is a dynamic market where prices vary every second depending on supply and demand. Being patient can help you spot good deals and turn a profit.

To make the most out of this best gold farm in WoW, you should install the Trade Skill Master addon. It lets you monitor all item prices on the Auction House. Use this to your advantage to buy cheap stuff and resell them at a higher price. You can make a large amount of gold with this method shortly after the TWW release. BLOG20

Crafting Orders

Crafting Orders was introduced back in Dragonflight and quickly became a lucrative way to earn gold in WoW. It is built around fulfilling requests from other players for specific crafted items. When someone needs a piece of gear, a potion, or any crafted item but lacks the profession or materials to make it themselves, they place an order, which you can then complete for a fee. This system allows crafters to earn gold by using their professions. Since the demand for high-quality crafted items is often high, it can be the fastest way to make gold in WoW.

The benefits of Crafting Orders include consistent profits, as you are directly meeting the needs of other players, ensuring a market for your services. Go for this method if you know how to craft high-demand items, like gear, consumables, or legendary items.

You do not need to rely on the Auction House as much, which means less competition and more control over your earnings. Completing orders helps you build a reputation, potentially leading to repeat business and even higher profits in the long run.

BoE Items

Selling BoE (Bind on Equip) items is a solid WoW gold farming way in The War Within. They are often dropped in the world, from dungeons, raids, or even crafted by professions, and since they are not soulbound, you can list them on the Auction House for a profit.

High-level BoE gear, especially those with desirable stats or unique appearances, is always in demand by players looking to upgrade their characters or enhance their transmog collection. This method can help you earn gold at any stage of the game.

Additionally, you can stumble upon valuable BoEs just through your regular gameplay, making it a passive yet potentially lucrative income stream. Plus, with the right timing and market awareness, you can buy undervalued BoEs from others and resell them at a higher price, adding to your profits.

Old Transmogs

Many WoW players are in the constant hunt for unique and rare appearances for their characters. You can use this to your advantage and turn transmogs in another WoW The War Within gold farming method. Most veteran players are mainly interested in transmog gear from older expansions or rare drops from dungeons and raids.

Depending on the demand on the Auction House, the price for these transmogs can go in both directions. Your goal is to wait for the rarest of them to hit their peak and sell for the highest profit.

Here are some of the best WoW transmogs to sell for gold:

  1. Teebu's Blazing Longsword
  2. Skullflame Shield
  3. Blackrock Bulwark
  4. The Glazer

We highly recommend doing these farms in a group to earn even more gold along the way. The chance of getting one of these old transmogs is super low. You can compensate your effort by selling one of them for millions of gold if you are lucky to get them.


No activity in World of Warcraft can be done smoothly without consumables. If you specialize in Alchemy, you can craft a variety of potions, elixirs, or scrolls to sell for gold. They will be in high demand for those who are into raiding, PvP, or leveling. Players are constantly buying these items from the Auction House, making it a steady and consistent source of income.

The benefits of selling consumables include a fast turnover rate, as these items are used up quickly and need to be replenished often, ensuring a continuous market. This method is also scalable – you can produce large quantities and sell them in bulk.

Here is how to make money in WoW by selling these best consumables:

  1. Phial of Tepid Versatility
  2. Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage
  3. Potion of Withering Dreams
  4. Phial of Elemental Chaos
  5. Dreamwalker’s Healing Potion

We can continue this list forever, as there are plenty of consumables to craft and sell. Remember that those potions that restore HP/MP or increase the class’s main stat are always in greater demand.

Crafted Mounts

Not all expensive mounts come as rare drops from raids and dungeons. Some can be crafted on your own and sold to others for a good amount of gold. These mounts often need rare materials or recipes, which makes them more valuable and sought after by players who either do not have the profession or prefer to buy rather than farm or craft the mounts themselves. Since mounts are permanent collectible items, players will spend significant amounts of gold to add them to their collection.

Here is how to farm gold in WoW by selling these crafted mounts:

The demand for unique and rare mounts often remains strong over time, meaning you can continue to sell these items for a good price, even as expansions come and go. Crafting mounts allows you to tap into a niche market with less competition compared to more common items. This makes it a reliable and often substantial source of income in The War Within.

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Quests are often mentioned in World of Warcraft gold farming guides due to their simplicity. This method is also recommended for new players who wish to learn more about the game’s plot. At higher levels, you want to tackle Weekly and World Quests rather than the ones from the main campaign. You can also do specific Side Quests if the reward offered is worth it.

As you progress through quests, you earn gold directly from quest rewards and occasionally find rare items or materials that can be sold on the Auction House for extra profit. Additionally, questing often involves killing mobs and looting their drops, which can include valuable gear or crafting materials. Questing often leads to discovering and unlocking new areas, which can open up additional opportunities for making gold through new quests and resources.

Mob Grinding

Mob grinding revolves around killing groups of enemies to collect their loot, including gold. This is by far the easiest gold farm method in WoW The War Within. It is as old as the game itself and requires little explanation. You simply find the best spot you can possibly discover for your current level and grind mobs. Once you clear the area, wait for them to respawn, and repeat your steps.

The benefits of mob grinding include a steady stream of gold and loot since you are consistently collecting drops and cash as you fight. It is a flexible method – you can do it while watching TV or chatting with friends, making it a good option for players who want to combine gaming with other activities.

Best WoW Gold Farming Spots

Speaking of mob grinding, we cannot miss out on sharing the best WoW gold farming spots. Unfortunately, we have no confirmed details on such locations in The War Within just yet. Our team will need some time to run tests and build up a whole table of these zones.

With the release of the newest expansion, we have so many areas to search through and compare. Also, new mobs do not have proper loot tables yet. This means we do not know exactly what they drop.

Once we learn more about TWW, we will share the best place to farm gold in World of Warcraft. Until then, keep exploring the new zones and see what the developers have prepared for us.

Best Professions to Make Gold in WoW

Herbalism and Mining are the best professions to make gold in WoW The War Within. They provide raw materials that are always in demand by other players for crafting consumables, gear, and enhancements. Since herbs and ores are constantly needed for Alchemy, Inscription, and Blacksmithing, gathering professions can generate steady and significant income, especially if you focus on high-value materials from current content.

As for crafting professions, Alchemy is the best one for earning extra gold. It allows you to craft potions, flasks, and other consumables that players regularly buy for raids, PvP, and other content.

Jewelcrafting can be highly profitable due to the demand for gem cuts and crafted gear. This is especially seen when a new expansion or patch drops, as players rush to upgrade their characters. The same can be said about Enchanting because everyone needs enchants to boost their gear, making it a profession with a never-ending market. BLOG20

Best Gold Farming Dungeons in WoW

Running dungeons can earn you a ton of gold, especially when reaching higher levels. The reason why so many players choose this type of content is its endless repeatability. Here is a list of the best gold farming dungeons in WoW The War Within:

Dungeon Run Time Description
Maraudon 6-7 Minutes

It has a large variety of items and tons of herbs that you can sell instantly.

You want to run from one entrance to the other, reset the instance, and run back the other way.

Blackrock Depths 8-9 Minutes

It has the largest number of mobs out of all Vanilla dungeons.

Try to come up with a strategy to maximize the clearing speed.

Blackrock Spire 6-7 Minutes You can farm for transmog items in LBRS. Also, look for some expensive recipes to sell on the Auction House. 
Uldaman 6-7 Minutes

Farming this dungeon is worth it for the rarest items like Papal Fez, Pendulum of Doom, The Jackhammer, and Miner's Hat of the Deep.

They can sold for millions of gold, but the chances of getting them are super low.

Razorfen Kraul 3-4 Minutes

This is one of the easiest and fastest-to-run gold farming dungeons in WoW on the list.

It has a good number of BoEs to drop with a decent chance. One of many examples is Wolfclaw Gloves.

Each dungeon you run can drop items that can be sold on the Auction House, such as gear, pets, and transmog items. They also provide materials that can be used or sold for crafting and other professions.

Additionally, running dungeons can sometimes reward you with gold directly from quest completions and dungeon end bosses.

Other instances like Wailing Caverns, Gnomeregan, Sethekk Halls, Pit of Saron, Halls of Lightning are also the best WoW dungeons to farm for gold. Some of them, Pit of Saron, for example, are not that popular like the ones we have given in the table. Still, they are worth your attention if you wish to diversify your gameplay and try something new.

Raw Gold Farm in The War Within

When it comes to raw gold farm in The War Within, the best sources are yet to be discovered. This method typically involves running old dungeons or raids, where you can loot large amounts of gold from enemies and sell any gear or items that drop for vendor prices. The focus is on gathering raw gold rather than relying on the fluctuating market prices of the Auction House.

The benefits of raw gold farming in WoW include its consistency and reliability. Since you are earning gold directly, you do not have to worry about market trends or the demand for specific items. It is a simple and steady way to accumulate gold, especially if you are farming older content that you can clear quickly.

WoW Gold Making Tips

We have covered many gold farming ways in TWW already. To sum up our guide, here are a few more WoW gold making tips for you to follow:

Farm Rare Pets Certain rare pets can be farmed from specific mobs, dungeons, or events and sold for high prices on the Auction House. Pets like the Captured Dune Scavenger or Parrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw) are what you should be looking for.
Craft and Sell Glyphs If you have the Inscription profession, crafting and selling glyphs can be a steady way to earn gold. Glyphs are always in demand, especially new or popular ones, making this a reliable market to tap into.
Flip Darkmoon Cards Craft or buy low-cost Darkmoon Cards, then sell complete decks at a higher price during the Darkmoon Faire. These decks are popular for their trinkets, making them a valuable and reliable market to tap into, especially early in expansions.

Keeping these tips in mind will help you become even richer in WoW. Try to build your own strategy, combining as many methods listed as possible. In this way, you can maximize your earnings and always have access to the best gear, rarest pets, and strongest consumables.


This brings us to the end of our WoW The War Within gold farming guide, heroes. We have outlined the most profitable methods to ensure you never miss a penny. As the TWW expansion goes on, we will keep updating this article. Make sure to save this page to your bookmarks and return here once in a while. This is it for now, and we will see you in Azeroth!


What is the best way to farm gold in WoW The War Within?


Combining Herbalism and Mining is the best way to farm gold in WoW The War Within. They let you gather herbs and ores that are immediately sold on the Auction House. The demand for these raw materials never fades away, and it is especially high early in the expansion.

How to farm gold in WoW 11.1?


Start from gathering raw materials with Herbalism and Mining. Selling them on the Auction House can help you earn your first money.

What to farm in The War Within for gold?


You can farm for rare BoE items and old transmogs to sell for collectors. Some players in WoW are ready to pay millions of gold to get the most unique appearances. 

What professions make the most gold in WoW The War Within?


Here is a list of the best professions to make gold in WoW The War Within:

  • Herbalism
  • Mining
  • Jewelcrafting
  • Alchemy
  • Enchanting

How to farm gold quickly in WoW The War Within?


Here is how you can farm gold quickly in WoW The War Within:

  • Auction House Flipping
  • Completing Crafting Orders
  • Selling BoE Items
  • Farming Old Transmogs
  • Crafting Consumables
  • Completing Quests
  • Crafting Rare Mounts
  • Grinding Mobs

What dungeons to run for gold in WoW The War Within?


The best dungeons to run for gold in WoW The War Within include:

  • Maraudon
  • Blackrock Depths
  • Lower Blackrock Spire
  • Uldaman
  • Razorfen Kraul

What is the best class to farm gold in WoW The War Within?


Mage is the best class to pick for farming gold in WoW The War Within. It has plenty of AoEs and defensive spells to farm without interruptions. Other viable options include classes like Hunter and Druid.

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