WoW The War Within Alchemy Guide

Potions and phials - that is what any player needs the most in both PvE and PvP. So why not start making these precious consumables and thus forget about not having enough gold? In this guide, you will find everything you need to know to master Alchemy in WoW The War Within!

Read Our WoW The War Within Alchemy Guide

Alchemy has always aimed at supplying yourself and others with all types of Potions, Flasks, and Concoctions. It remains one of the major professions and is highly popular among those who wish to sell consumables and earn Gold in return. In this WoW The War Within Alchemy guide, we will cover all the profession’s changes, leveling tips, specialization, and more.

Before we jump into The War Within Alchemy overview, spare us one more minute here. SkyCoach can help you Level Up Alchemy all the way up to 100. Any specialization is also available. Skip the grind and enjoy the game!

You might also want to read our other The War Within profession guides:

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The War Within Alchemy Changes

Starting our WoW Alchemy guide, let’s go over the changes this profession received in The War Within. Unfortunately, there are not that many of them this time. You still use the same Experiment mechanic to learn a new recipe. The only difference is that you experiment on an herb rather than on Phials or Potions.

If your experiment ends successfully, you will learn a recipe that uses the herb you used for it. In case your experiment fails, you will suffer a ton of damage and receive the Recent Catastrophe debuff. This does not let you conduct new experiments while it is active for 15 minutes.

One important The War Within Alchemy change lies in crafting Formulated Courage. This item allows you to experiment without experiencing the debuff. While you will still get the damage, the debuff effect will not be applied. You can use this potion if you do not wish to wait for 15 minutes before you can start experimenting again.

The War Within Alchemy Equipment

As expected, we have received a new set of WoW The War Within Alchemy equipment. It consists of two accessories and a tool. Using this set grants visual effects when performing a profession-related action. It also grants extra stats like Resourcefulness, Crafting Speed, and others.

Item Description Required Profession to Craft
Artisan Alchemist's Robe +49 Resourcefulness, +73 Crafting Speed Tailoring
Nerubian Alchemist's Hat +49 Multicraft Leatherworking
Patient Alchemist's Mixing Rod +100 Random Stat Inscription

These items do not take up extra space in your inventory. Instead, they use additional slots that are added precisely for this gear category. Also, note that special Alchemy equipment cannot be transmogrified.

The War Within Alchemy Shopping List

To get prepared for Alchemy leveling, you need to gather specific materials in advance. We have prepared a complete shopping list containing all the required items to get to level 30 or so:

You can buy the following items of any quality, as you will get the same amount of XP anyway. From that point, leveling Khaz Algar Alchemy becomes more difficult.

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Leveling Alchemy in The War Within

The main challenge of leveling Alchemy in The War Within lies in distributing your Knowledge Points correctly. Your path to level 100 starts with crafting basic items like Algari Healing Potion to get the maximum XP.

It is up to you whether you want to gather all the required materials for it yourself or buy them on the Auction House. Early on, the price for both Mycobloom and Gilded Vial will be huge. We highly recommend gathering them instead of purchasing them to save an extra penny.

In case you wish to speed up your Alchemy 1-100 WoW The War Within journey, you can Get WoW Gold in any amount you want at SkyCoach. Forget about grinding and farming. Enjoy the lowest price and the fastest delivery to any server you choose.

Alchemy Leveling 1-30

Starting our WoW The War Within Alchemy leveling guide, the first threshold you are to conquer is levels from 1 to 30. It is relatively easy to do if you use the shopping list we shared earlier. Here is what you should do:

Benefiting from First Craft Bonuses is the best way to level Alchemy in WoW. This method is especially appreciated during early levels. Here are a few examples of the items you can craft to gain extra XP from this bonus system:

You also want to create and use Wild Experimentation as often as possible. Your goal is to discover more new recipes to use later. They will help you gain more XP from the First Craft Bonus system. Also, they can be sold for a decent amount of gold on the Auction House.

Alchemy Leveling 30-60

When reaching level 30, you have more options for how to level Alchemy TWW. The biggest tip here is to use Meticulous Experimentation to discover new recipes. The only downside of this item is its 1-day cooldown. This makes it impossible to rely on this method only. However, you need to keep crafting it daily and never miss out on an opportunity to learn new recipes.

You can continue getting multiple Skill Points from Meticulous Experimentation all the way up to level 60. This process will take a while, but you will not have to try hard at all.

If you have enough resources, here is how to level Alchemy fast in WoW:

  • Keep crafting new Potions, Flasks, and Phials
  • Unlock the Thaumaturgy ability to transform materials

This strategy will not only help you gain plenty of XP, particularly from the First Craft Bonus, but earn extra Gold as well. The main idea is to discover and use as many new recipes as possible. All the items you get from crafting can be sold to others or used during Raids and M+ dungeons later.

Alchemy Leveling 60-100

Crafting Flasks and Potions is the fastest way to level Alchemy in WoW The War Within. You can take any you like and manage to discover at this point. Creating Meticulous Experimentation every day should remain your routine task as well. You can keep doing it all the way up to level 100. Apart from small XP earnings, you will always have a chance to discover new recipes.

Here are a few examples of what items you can craft to increase your Alchemy leveling speed:

You will keep earning 2 Knowledge Points for crafting Flasks until level 90. Potions will grant 1 Knowledge Point until level 80. Phials will guarantee Knowledge Points only until level 80. The same goes for PvP Flasks.


The War Within Alchemy Specializations

You can master four different Alchemy specializations in The War Within. Each specialization is centered around a particular Alchemy theme. You will also have access to different recipes, depending on what specs you prioritize:

  1. Alchemical Mastery
  2. Fantastic Flasks
  3. Potent Potions
  4. Thaumaturgy 

Each specialization is unlocked when you reach a specific level in the profession. The first one becomes available at level 25, the second at 50, the third at 60, and the final one at 75. This is where your precious Knowledge Points come in handy. You spend them to progress through the chosen tree, gaining access to bonuses and benefits.

Alchemical Mastery

Alchemical Mastery is the first specialization unlocked in Alchemy in The War Within. You can call it a “generic” tree since it serves all your basic needs. You have the central node that gives you a bunch of stats for every single thing you have in Alchemy. They are bonuses to stats like +15 Resourcefulness, +15 Multicraft, and so on.

Here is what you mainly use the Alchemical Mastery specialization for in WoW:

  • Reduce the risks and increase the benefits of experimenting with the herbs of Khaz Algar.
  • Create reagents from combinations of herbs.
  • Improve the chance to discover new alchemical formulae.
  • Increase your Skill, Ingenuity and reduce Concentration costs when crafting recipes with specific herbs.

You gain access to two new recipes when progressing through Alchemical Mastery:

  • Harmonious Horticulture: This recipe is unlocked at level 20 and is used to create a crafting reagent for specific Alchemy recipes.
  • Formulated Courage: This recipe is unlocked at level 30 and is used to craft the potion that saves you from the Recent Catastrophe debuff.

Fantastic Flasks

Fantastic Flasks is the second specialization unlocked in Alchemy in The War Within. Judging by the name, it focuses on creating Flasks. There are only three nodes in this tree, which makes it much simpler compared to what we had in Dragonflight.

The primary feature of this tree is that you have a slight chance of getting an empty vial after you use a flask or phial. In the long run, this can potentially save up some Gold if you are out Raiding or running M+ Dungeons often.

Here is what you mainly use the Fantastic Flasks specialization for in WoW:

  • Craft additional soulbound Flasks per day.
  • Increase your Multicraft, Resourcefulness, and Skill when crafting Flasks and Phials.
  • Learn to craft Flask Cauldrons.
  • Gain Spillover from crafting Flasks and Phials.

You get access to the Algari Flask Cauldron recipe when investing 30 points in the Fantastic Flasks tree.

Potent Potions

Potent Potions is the third specialization unlocked in Alchemy in The War Within. In short, this spec works in the exact same way as Fantastic Flasks, but with your Potions. The tree looks even more simplified compared to the previous one. The main feature remains the same, as you can get an empty vial as well.

Here is what you mainly use the Potent Potions specialization for in WoW:

  • Craft additional soulbound conjured potions per day.
  • Increase your Multicraft, Resourcefulness, and Skill when crafting Potions.
  • Learn to craft Potion Cauldrons.

You unlock the Algari Potion Cauldron recipe when investing 30 points in the Potent Potions tree.


Thaumaturgy is the fourth and brand-new specialization in Alchemy in The War Within. This spec entirely revolves around transmutes to craft. You need a Philosopher’s Stone for this tree. You can easily get the one from Vanilla Alchemy or whichever one you prefer.

Here is what you mainly use the Thaumaturgy specialization for in WoW:

  • Gain bonus transmutagen from performing acts of thaumaturgy and transmutation.
  • Increase your Resourcefulness, Skill, and additional yields from your acts of thaumaturgy and transmutation.
  • Create Coreway Catalysts.

In this spec, you work with three different types of material. They are called Ominous, Volatile, and Mercurial. Each one has specific items you can use to turn them into others. This is a sort of recycling system.

There are plenty of transmute combinations out there. We will only outline one of the most important ones out there. Gleaming Glory allows you to transform Gleaming Transmutagen 80x into Blasphemite 1x. This gem is used for Jewelcrafting, and the only way to get it is through this Alchemy’s specialization. Imagine how much Gold you can make out of that!

Best Alchemy Builds in The War Within

As for the best Alchemy builds in The War Within, our team needs more time to run some tests. Now, we can only speculate on possible builds that will be popular during this expansion. One of them will surely revolve around Thaumaturgy, the brand-new specialization. Here is a list of possible strongest builds for Alchemy players in TWW:

  • Potion Crafter Build (Fantastic Flasks + Alchemical Mastery + Potent Potions);
  • Consumable Trader Build (Alchemical Mastery + Fantastic Flasks + Potent Potions);
  • Thaumaturgy Build (You spend all Knowledge Points to maximize the Thaumaturgy tree).

Once we learn more details, this part of the article will be updated shortly after. Make sure to stay with us and wait for future updates.

Alchemy Trainer in The War Within

The Alchemy trainer in The War Within is Tarig, found in The Foregrounds in southern Dornogal. You can also use a crafting table when visiting the trainer.

The War Within Alchemy Treasures

Discovering Knowledge Treasures can help you level up your Crafting professions, like Alchemy, much faster. Each treasure grants +3 Knowledge Points but can only be opened once per character. Here is a list of all The War Within Alchemy treasures:

Treasure Name Coordinates Zone
Earthen Iron Powder 30.70, 70.54 Isle of Dorn
Metal Dornogal Frame 57.69, 61.76 Isle of Dorn
Reinforced Beaker 42.19, 24.15 Ringing Depths
Engraved Stirring Rod 64.93, 61.77 Ringing Depths
Chemist's Purified Water 42.66, 55.07 Hallowfall
Sanctified Mortar and Pestle 41.68, 55.81 Hallowfall
Dark Apothecary's Vial 42.83, 57.28 Azj-Kahet
Nerubian Mixing Salts 45.43, 13.23 Azj-Kahet

Note: You need to make sure you have reached level 25 in your profession before searching for treasures.

Making Gold with Alchemy in The War Within

You have plenty of options to make gold with Alchemy in WoW The War Within. The most basic ones revolve around crafting Potions, Phials, and other consumables to sell on the Auction House. The demand for these items is especially high when new Raids or Mythic+ Dungeons are released. You have perfect margins when turning raw materials you gather out in nature and turning them into something more expensive.

To learn about farming gold in WoW, we recommend reading our specialized The War Within Gold Making Guide available by clicking this blue link.

Best Race for Alchemy in The War Within

The best race for Alchemy in WoW The War Within varies depending on your faction. For Horde players, it will be Goblin with the +5 Skill Point bonus. Alliance players would benefit from choosing Kul’Tiran due to the +2 Skill Point bonus.

Having extra stats can make a difference in the end game. This is the time when you craft the strongest items and want to have the highest ilvl possible.


This brings us to the end of our WoW Alchemy guide, heroes. We hope you have learned everything you need about this profession to conquer The War Within. As the expansion continues to develop, we will update this article accordingly. Save this page to your browser bookmarks, and make sure to return here once in a while. Good luck, and we will see you in Azeroth!


Is Alchemy any good in WoW The War Within?


Alchemy remains one of the strongest professions in WoW. As always, players will need plenty of potions, flasks, and other consumables to explore The War Within expansion.

What is the best profession to pair with Alchemy in WoW The War Within?


Alchemy is best paired with Herbalism. The latter allows you to pick up different herbs you can use for creating potions, phials, and flasks later on.

What is the fastest way to level Alchemy in WoW The War Within?


Creating flasks, potions, phials, and other consumables is the fastest way to level Alchemy in WoW. If you manage to score the First Craft Bonus, you will earn even more XP.

What is the best race for Alchemy in WoW The War Within?


Goblin is the best race to specialize in Alchemy for Horde. Alliance players want to opt for Kul’Tiran instead.

Is Alchemy profitable in WoW The War Within?


Alchemy has always been and remains one of the most profitable profs in WoW. This does not change with The War Within, as players always need consumables to use in their journey.

What is the best specialization for Alchemy in WoW The War Within?


Alchemical Mastery is the best specialization for Alchemy if your goal is to have a bit of everything this profession offers. It will provide you with extra stats, bonuses, and a bunch of new recipes to craft.

How do I learn The War Within Alchemy?


You can learn Alchemy in The War Within by talking to Tarig, an NPC waiting for you in Dornogal.

What can you make with The War Within Alchemy?


Here is a list of what you can craft with Alchemy in WoW The War Within:

  • Potions
  • Flasks
  • Phials
  • Concoctions
  • Transmutations
  • Alchemist Stones
  • Cauldrons

How do you make money with Alchemy in WoW The War Within?


Crafting and selling all sorts of consumables like potions and flaks is how you make money with Alchemy in WoW.

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