WoW The War Within Herbalism Guide

Making gold in World of Warcraft is an essential part of the game's experience. And what is a better way to make some shiny coins than being a supplier whose goods are always in high demand? In this WoW The War Within Herbalism guide, you will find everything you need to know about how to level up and use this profession.

Read Our WoW The War Within Herbalism Guide

Herbalism is one of the most multi-purpose professions that bring tons of value if used properly. You can pair it up with Alchemy to craft nearly infinite consumables to use by yourself or sell to others. In this WoW The War Within Herbalism guide, we will go over the prof’s general changes, leveling tips, specializations, and so on.

As we are about to start our The War Within Herbalism overview, let us help you with leveling it. At SkyCoach, you can Level Up Herbalism to any level, including 100, in a jiffy. Trust this job to our PROs rather than grinding XP by yourself.

You might also want to read our other The War Within profession guides:

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The War Within Herbalism Changes

Beginning our WoW Herbalism guide, we have prepared a list of changes coming in The War Within. The biggest and most-awaited change concerning Herbalism is the introduction of new herbs, such as:

These herbs can be discovered all around four zones in Khaz Algar. All of them, except for Mycobloom, are Uncommon and present a higher value.

We have also received a new set of herb modifiers. This feature was introduced back in Dragonflight, where we had Frigid, Windswept, Titan-Touched, and Decayed modifiers. With the launch of WoW The War Within, we have the following node modifiers:

  • Altered – Grants the Horrific Poison debuff when you gather this node type. It deals DoTs, slows you, and reduces both Primary and Stamina stats. You also get Writhing Sample as an additional drop.
  • Crystallized – Increases your secondary stats by 3% for 2 minutes when you gather this node type. You do not experience negative effects from Altered herbs and Weeping ores while this buff is active. You also get Crystalline Powder as an additional drop.
  • Irradiated – Gathering this node type will slightly push you backwards. You also get Leyline Residue as an additional drop.
  • Sporefused – You will see green circles spawning around you after gathering this node type. If you step on them, they will explode and deal overwhelming damage. You also get Viridescent Spores as an additional drop.
  • Camouflaged – You can only discover this node type when having Phial of Truesight active. You can craft this consumable if you specialize in Alchemy or buy it on the Auction House.

Apart from that, you can also discover Lush nodes that bring more raw materials when gathered.

The War Within Herbalism Equipment

With the start of the new expansion, you can also enjoy freshy added WoW The War Within Herbalism equipment. It includes two accessories and a tool, each granting particular bonuses like stat boost. For example, you gain extra Deftness, Perception, and other stats.

Item Description Required Profession to Craft
Artisan Gardening Hat +61 Deftness, +61 Perception Tailoring
Stonebound Herbalist's Pack +121 Finesse Leatherworking
Artisan Sickle +100 Random Stat Blacksmithing
Weavercloth Gardening Hat +61 Deftness, +61 Perception Tailoring
Gardener's Basket +121 Finesse Leatherworking
Proficient Sickle +132 Random Stat Blacksmithing

This type of equipment is non-transmogrified. You also should not be worried about it taking up extra slots in your inventory. They use special slots added exactly for this type of equipment. BLOG20

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Leveling Herbalism in The War Within

Leveling Herbalism in The War Within is possible by gathering herbs. You will also gain more XP by grabbing an herb for the very first time. We highly recommend that you use Sky Golem to ensure you can gather herbs without leaving your mount. This will significantly increase your Herbalism leveling speed. Also, you will not have to invest 40 Knowledge Points into the Botany specialization to get the same benefit.

The following table answers the question of how to level Herbalism fast in WoW:

Herb Yellow Green Grey
Mycobloom 20 25 30

Arathor’s Spear, Orbinid, Luredrop, Blessing Blossom

40 45 50
Named Mycobloom 80 85 90
Named Arathor’s Spear, Orbinid, Luredrop, Blessing Blossom 100 100 100

Your goal should be to gather herbs that give the most XP during your leveling. However, you should not fully ignore Grey nodes if you encounter them. Our most extensive advice here is to gather everything you see. You will find a way to benefit from any herb later on.

Early on, you will mainly discover Mycobloom used in many Alchemy recipes. Make sure to gather as much of it as possible to sell to others on the Auction House. To get all the required equipment for your Herbalism 1-100 WoW The War Within journey, you can Get WoW Gold at SkyCoach. The delivery to any server, any amount, and the best price are guaranteed.

Herbalism Leveling 1-60

Starting our WoW The War Within Herbalism leveling guide, you need to make your way all the way up to level 60 first. You can do this by going outside and gathering everything you encounter. Do not strive to grab a particular herb, as even Mycobloom will give you skill points up to level 30.

Herbalism Leveling 60-80

The best way to level Herbalism in WoW between levels 60 and 80 is to gather Empowered and Camouflaged herbs. Just like we have already mentioned, you can grab Camouflaged herbs only if you have Phial of Truesight active. As for Empowered herbs, they spawn randomly instead of their normal versions.

Herbalism Leveling 80-100

Gathering Empowered Orbinid, Arathor's Spear, Luredrop, and Blessing Blossom is the fastest way to level Herbalism in WoW The War Within at this threshold. During these 20 levels, you will stop receiving skill points from gathering Camouflaged herbs. Empowered Mycoblooms will turn green, meaning they also grant practically nothing. If you encounter Lush herbs, that are not seen on your map, they will grant skill points as well.

Best Place to Level Herbalism in The War Within

Moving from north to south in the Ringing Deeps is the best place to level Herbalism in WoW The War Within. By following the path outlined on the map, you will gather a ton of herbs. In fact, you can mainly stick to the southern part of the map if you do not wish to make such a large loop. BLOG20

The War Within Herbalism Specializations

With the start of the new expansion, you have three different Herbalism specializations in The War Within. They revolve around specific Herbalism themes, and you can combine several of them to create your perfect build:

  1. Bountiful Harvests
  2. Botany
  3. Overloading the Underground

Each specialization is unlocked when you reach a specific level in the profession. You can unlock the first one at level 25, the second at 50, and the third at 75. When progressing through each spec’s talent tree, you need to have enough Knowledge Points to get the required bonuses.

Bountiful Harvests

Bountiful Harvests is the first specialization unlocked in Herbalism in The War Within. In most cases, you want to prioritize maxing this spec among all others. This is because it lets you refine lower-quality herbs into higher-quality ones.

Here is what you mainly use the Bountiful Harvests specialization for in WoW:

  • Increase your skill while gathering herbs.
  • Learn to refine herbs into higher qualities.
  • Increase the effect of Finesse while gathering herbs.
  • Gather the rare and elusive Null Lotus from additional sources.

The demand for this specialization will surely remain large throughout the entire expansion, but mainly early on.


Botany is the second specialization unlocked in Herbalism in The War Within. The main goal you want to invest Knowledge Points in this spec is the ability to gather herbs while mounted. You need a total of 40 points to unlock this feature. If you are not a Druid or do not have Sky Golem, this is your go-to spec.

Here is what you mainly use the Botany specialization for in WoW:

  • Gather herbs while mounted.
  • Increase your Deftness, Finesse, and Perception while gathering herbs.
  • Learn to plant and cultivate seeds at Beledar’s Bounty in Hallowfall.

The biggest advantage you get from Botany is +1 extra Vigor for just unlocking this specialization. This is the reason why you want to open this spec before all others. It can save you plenty of time while flying from one herb node to another.

Overloading the Underground

Overloading the Underground is the third and final specialization unlocked in Herbalism in The War Within. This one is all about reducing your cooldown when gathering specific herbs. You will also earn extra materials when picking Crystallized and Altered nodes.

Here is what you mainly use the Overloading the Underground specialization for in WoW:

  • Reduce the cooldown of Overload Empowered Herb while you gather.
  • Increase your Finesse and Perception while gathering empowered herbs.
  • Reduce the negative side-effects of gathering empowered herbs and gain additional benefits.

Upon investing 40 Knowledge Points, you will get an extra charge of Overload Empowered Herb as well. Having two charges in total will help you benefit from specific elemental nodes when gathering Khaz Algar herbs.

Best Herbalism Build in The War Within

We cannot outline a particular best Herbalism build in The War Within just yet. Depending on your goals and the main reason you have picked this prof, your build will vary. As a rule, you use Herbalism for one of the following things:

  • Picking herbs to use for crafting consumables
  • Gathering herbs to sell to others on the AH

Both approaches have the right to exist, and you transform your build accordingly. With that in mind, you just need to think about the order you want to max out your specializations. This is what we suggest to go for to get the maximum out of Herbalism in WoW:

  1. Unlock Botany if you are not a Druid or do not have Sky Golem.
  2. Go for Bountiful Harvests.
  3. Max out Overloading the Underground as your last specialization.

No matter what Herbalism build you choose, you need to invest 40 points in Botany if you do not meet one of the two requirements mentioned. Otherwise, you will tremendously lose in gathering speed.

Herbalism Trainers in The War Within

If you specialized in Herbalism in the Dragonflight, you already know it in TWW. Just gather any Khaz Algar herb, and you are good to go. If you wish to learn it from scratch, you need to visit one of the following Herbalism Trainers in The War Within:

  • Akdan - Dornogal, /way #2339 44.7 69.2 44 80
  • Master Gardener Dhurttig - Freywold Village, Isle of Dorn, /way #2248 42.1 70.3
  • Kawaris - City of Threads, Azj-Kahet, /way #2216 47.2 16.8

The War Within Herbalism Treasures

Just like with other WoW TWW profs, you can discover hidden Knowledge Treasures for Herbalism. Each discovery grants +3 Knowledge Points you can use to progress through the chosen specialization tree. Here is a list of all The War Within Herbalism treasures:

Treasure Name Coordinates Zone
Dornogal Gardening Scythe 60.72, 29.23 Dornogal
Ancient Flower 57.55, 61.49 Isle of Dorn
Earthen Digging Fork 48.25, 35.01  Ringing Depths
Fungarian Slicer's Knife 52.89, 65.82 Ringing Depths
Arathi Garden Trowel 47.77, 63.37 Hallowfall
Arathi Herb Pruner 36.01, 55.00 Hallowfall
Tunneler's Shovel 46.65, 15.90 Azj-Kahet
Web-Entangled Lotus 54.64, 20.90  Azj-Kahet

Note: You need to reach level 25 in Herbalism before being able to discover these treasures. BLOG20

Making Gold with Herbalism in The War Within

Gathering and selling herbs is how you make gold with Herbalism in WoW The War Within. These raw materials can either be sold right after you pick them up or used for crafting specific consumables. No matter what approach you choose, you will gain your part of the profit. Herbalism, as well as Mining, is the main gathering profession that thrives early at the expansion launch.

Everyone around will need the herbs you gather for their own recipes, especially if they specialize in Alchemy. Do not miss your opportunity to earn an extra penny during this period. Later on, you will still be able to make money with Herbalism in TWW if you manage to sell higher-quality herbs. For this, you might need to learn Bountiful Harvests, as this specialization allows you to refine herbs from Tier 1 up to Tier 3.

To learn more about farming gold in WoW, you can read our specialized The War Within Gold Making Guide available by clicking this blue link.

Best Race for Herbalism in The War Within

The best race for Herbalism in WoW The War Within is Dracthyr due to increased Perception stat by default. They also have a unique mobility ability, allowing you to move from one gathering spot to another much faster compared to other races.

You can also go for a more basic option like Tauren Druid, who features +5 skill and boasts quicker gathering speed. This will save you plenty of time in the long run if compared to others again.


This marks the end of our WoW Herbalism guide, travelers. We have covered all the main aspects you need to know about Herbalism in The War Within. They include the general changes, leveling methods, as well as the specializations and possible builds. This page will be gradually updated as we continue exploring the newest expansion. Make sure to stay with us by saving this page to your browser bookmark. This is it for now, and we will see you in Azeroth!


Is Herbalism any good in WoW The War Within?


Herbalism is one of the strongest gathering professions in WoW. You can use it to gather raw materials to sell on the AH or craft specific consumables.

What is the best profession to pair with Herbalism in WoW The War Within?


Herbalism is best paired with Alchemy. You gather raw materials you can use to create rare consumables to use on your own or sell to others.

What is the fastest way to level Herbalism in WoW The War Within?


The fastest way to level Herbalism is to move from north to south in the Ringing Deeps. Following this path lets you gather plenty of herbs.

What is the best race for Herbalism in WoW The War Within?


Dracthyr is the best race for Herbalism due to its increased Perception. You also benefit from this race’s mobility ability to move from one spot to another.

Is Herbalism profitable in WoW The War Within?


Herbalism allows you to make large profits in gold in WoW. This profession has always been popular for those who wish to make an extra penny for gathering herbs.

What is the best specialization for Herbalism in WoW The War Within?


Botany is the best specialization for Herbalism since you can gather without getting off a mount after investing 40 points into it.

How do I learn The War Within Herbalism?


You can visit the following trainers to learn Herbalism in The War Within:

  • Akdan in Dornogal
  • Master Gardener Dhurttig in Freywold Village, Isle of Dorn
  • Kawaris in City of Threads, Azj-Kahet

What can you do with The War Within Herbalism?


Herbalism in WoW is primarily needed for gathering herbs to sell to others or used for crafting specific consumables.

How do you make money with Herbalism in WoW The War Within?


You can either gather raw herbs to sell them right away on the AH or use them to create specific consumables to earn even more gold.

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