WoW The War Within Mining Guide

Mining has always been one of the most profitable professions in World of Warcraft. The new expansion brings a lot of new Mining features we are going to tell you about in this WoW The War Within Mining guide.

Read Our WoW The War Within Mining Guide

Mining has remained one of the most popular and profitable professions throughout all World of Warcraft expansions. Pairing it with Blacksmithing will allow you to craft powerful equipment pieces on your own. This can help you gear up on your own or earn extra gold on the Auction House. In this WoW The War Within Mining guide, we will cover the general changes introduced for this profession, provide leveling strategies, describe the specializations, and more.

Before we get further into our The War Within Mining overview, let us share the fastest way to get to level 100 in this prof. SkyCoach can assist you to Level Up Mining all the way up to 100 in a blink of an eye. Do not waste your time on grinding XP. Our PROs will take care of this job for you.

Read our other The War Within profession guides:

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The War Within Mining Changes

Starting our WoW Mining guide, let’s look at the changes brought together with The War Within expansion. As always, we have received new types of ore you can find across the Khaz Algar region. They include the following ones:

Bismuth comes in the Common quality and can be found across all Khaz Algar zones. Aqirite is of Uncommon quality and is only found within Hallowfall and Azj-Kahet zones. Ironclaw is also present in Uncommon quality and can be gathered around the Isle of Dorn and in the Ringing Deeps.

We also have a new set of ore modifiers to work with. This feature was implemented back in the Dragonflight expansion, where we had Hardened, Molten, Primal, and Titan-Touched modifiers. With the release of TWW, we have the following ore modifiers:

  • Crystallized – Increases your secondary stats by 3% for 2 minutes when you gather this node type. You do not experience negative effects from Altered herbs and Weeping ores while this buff is active. You also get Crystalline Powder as an additional drop.
  • Weeping – Grants the Horrific Poison debuff when you gather this node type. It deals DoTs, slows you, and reduces both Primary and Stamina stats. You also get Writhing Sample as an additional drop.
  • Webbed – Gathering this node will slow your movement speed for 7 seconds. If another character gets too close to you, the effect will be spread to them as well. You also get Weavercloth as an additional drop.
  • EZ-Mine – Mining this node will detonate dynamite around it. You will see circles appearing at the location where an explosion is about to happen. If you stay in this range, you will receive a ton of damage and will be knocked back. We highly recommend maxing out Deftness to gather these nodes before they explode.
  • Camouflaged – You can only discover this node type when having Phial of Truesight active. It is possible to craft this consumable if you specialize in Alchemy or buy it on the Auction House.

As before, you can also discover Rich nodes, which contain more raw materials than their usual versions.

The War Within Mining Equipment

With the start of the expansion, we have also received new WoW The War Within Mining equipment. It includes two accessories and a tool. You can only see this gear when performing profession-related actions (e.g. gathering an ore). The main reason you want to wear it is the extra stats you receive. They can be anything from Random Stat increase to increased Deftness and Perception.

Item Description Required Profession to Craft
Proficient Pickaxe +132 Random Stat Blacksmithing
Artisan Pickaxe +100 Random Stat Blacksmithing
Bismuth Miner's Headgear +61 Deftness, +61 Perception Engineering
Aqirite Miner's Headgear +61 Deftness, +61 Perception Engineering
Miner's Bismuth Hoard +121 Finesse Engineering
Miner's Aqirite Hoard +121 Finesse Engineering

Equipping any of these gear parts also boosts your Khaz Algar Mining Skill by default. Remember that this equipment does not take extra slots in your inventory. The developers have added specialized slots for this type of gear. BLOG20

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Leveling Mining in The War Within

Leveling Mining in The War Within happens automatically by gathering ores. You can earn more XP by picking an ore for the very first time. To maximize your Mining leveling speed, you want to know exactly when each node will become yellow, green, and gray. Prioritizing certain specializations will also help you level up the profession faster.

This table covers the question of how to level Mining fast in WoW:

Ore Yellow Green Grey
Bismuth 30 35 40
Aqiritie/Ironclaw 65 70 75
Rich Bismuth 45 50 55
Rich Aqirite/Ironclaw 75 80 85
Bismuth Seam 80 85 90
Ironclaw/Aqirite Seam 90 95 100
Named Bismuth 80 85 90
Named Ironclaw/Bismuth 100 100 100

By using this table, you now see what herbs are supposed to be gathered at specific levels. However, ignoring Grey nodes completely is not recommended. Our advice is to pick up everything you encounter through your Mining 1-100 WoW The War Within journey.

During the early game, you will primarily encounter Bismuth, which is used in basic Blacksmithing recipes. You can sell it on the Auction House while the demand for this ore is still high. If that does not help you become richer, you can Get WoW Gold at SkyCoach in any amount. We guarantee the best price and the fastest delivery to any server!

Mining Leveling 1-70

Let’s begin our WoW The War Within Mining leveling guide with the basics. Making your way in Mining leveling from 1 to 70 is relatively easy and fast. You gain skill points from every node, including basic Bismuth. The latter only stops giving any skill points when you reach level 40 or so. Reaching this threshold only leaves you with Ironclaw and Aqirite to gather. Both ores will give you skill points up to level 70.

Mining Level 70-90

To make it from 70 to 90 in Mining, you will have to hunt for rarer ore nodes. They include Empowered, Rich, and Camouflaged ones. Gathering only Aqirite and Ironclaw is the fastest way to level Mining in WoW The War Within during this threshold. You can never predict their spawning place, meaning you will have to follow your chosen path and hope for the best.

Mining Leveling 90-100

Reaching the 90-100 threshold in Mining is particularly difficult. You will no longer gain skill points from anywhere except for Empowered and Camouflaged nodes. Gathering only Aqirite and Ironclaw nodes is the best way to level Mining in WoW to the cap. Everything else you pick up is only necessary for crafting or selling, not for leveling.

The War Within Best Mining Spots

In this part of our World of Warcraft Mining guide, we will go over the routes you can use for farming ores. We will only outline The War Within best Mining spots to gather Ironclaw and Aqirite, as they are the rarest and most sought-after ore types.

Ironclaw Farming Spots

The Isle of Dorn is the best place to level Mining and farm Ironclaw. It features plenty of nodes to gather. We have outlined the farming route you want to follow, making a large loop around the zone, including Dornogal, the capital city.

Aqirite Farming Spots

Hallowfall is the best zone for farming Aqirite. It is mainly found around riversides when you are moving up and down. Just make sure you have enough Vigor not to stop in the middle of your flight.

The War Within Mining Specializations

With the launch of the new expansion, we have also received three The War Within Mining specializations. Each of them is tied to a specific Mining theme, and you can create several combinations and build to benefit in this or that situation. Here is a list of all specs available for Mining now:

  1. Plethora of Ore
  2. Mining Fundamentals
  3. Mastering the Mysterious

Achieving a specific level allows you to open one, two, or three specializations. You can unlock the first one at level 25, the second at 50, and the third at 75. Once you open the chosen spec, you will have access to several trees inside the specialization. You use Knowledge Points to unlock the required benefits and get bonuses from them. BLOG20

Plethora of Ore

Plethora of Ore is the first specialization unlocked in Mining in The War Within. Judging by the name, it allows you to gather more ores. It also significantly boosts the speed at which you gather nodes.

Here is what you mainly use the Plethora of Ore specialization for in WoW:

  • Gain increases in skill to acquire higher quality ore when mining the ores you have chosen to specialize in.
  • Improve your ability to harvest the elusive Null Stones.
  • Learn Refinement recipes that allow you to improve the quality of small quantities of ore.
  • Improve the speed at which you mine ore, giving you more time to mine.

In most cases, you want to pick Plethora of Ore as your first specialization when reaching level 25 in Mining. This will help you gather more raw materials to use for early crafting or selling for extra gold. This specialization is also the key to leveling up Mining faster.

Mining Fundamentals

Mining Fundamentals is the second specialization unlocked in Mining in The War Within. The biggest advantage it has to offer is that it lets you gather ores while mounted. It also significantly boosts your profession stats, allowing you to pick more ores and mine faster overall.

Here is what you mainly use the Mining Fundamentals specialization for in WoW:

  • Learn how to mine ore deposits while mounted.
  • Chunks of ore dislodged while mining can be mined for additional yield.
  • Improve your Finesse, Deftness, and Perception when mining in Khaz Algar.

If you are looking for a massive stat increase, this specialization is your choice. We also highly recommend that you invest enough Knowledge Points into it to unlock the ability to mine while mounted. This will significantly improve your farming speed.

Mastering the Mysterious

Mastering the Mysterious is the third specialization unlocked in Mining in The War Within. It revolves around Overloading ore nodes. One of the main features is that you gain an extra Overload charge.

Here is what you mainly use the Mastering the Mysterious specialization for in WoW:

  • Gain significant cooldown reduction to Overload while mining.
  • Gain an additional charge of Overload.
  • Learn how to protect yourself and improve the yield from unusual deposits found across Khaz Algar.

This is the specialization you want to max out closer to the end game. If you wish to benefit from Overloading effects, this is your choice.

Best Mining Build in The War Within

The best Mining build in The War Within is the one that unlocks the ability to gather while mounted. Therefore, we highly recommend putting 60 points into Mining Fundamentals and 50 points into Plethora of Ore. If you care to gather more ores, you can choose to go for Plethora of Ore first.

Your next goal is to max out two ores of your choice. During the early game, we would advise you to go for Bismuth. The reason for this is that you will discover it more often, and it is used for many recipes early on. Later on, you want to focus on Aqirite and Ironclaw, investing 45 points into each.

As you get to 90-105 points, invest points into the last ore type. Then, max out Mining Fundamentals. After that, you can use your points to level anything else like the third specialization – Mastering the Mysterious. You can also go for Rich Deposits, Outlawed Techniques, and Webbed.

Mining Trainers in The War Within

If you knew Mining back in Dragonflight, you do not need to visit the profession trainers in TWW. Instead, you can only go to any newly added region and gather a random ore. If you wish to learn the prof from scratch, you can find Mining Trainers in The War Within in these locations:

The War Within Mining Treasures

You can find hidden Knowledge Treasures scattered all around Khaz Algar zones. They are available for all professions, including both crafting and gathering types. By picking them up, you will gain +3 Knowledge Points to spend in your specialization trees. Here is a list of all The War Within Mining treasures:

Treasure Name Coordinates Zone
Dornogal Chisel 36.73, 79.23 Dornogal
Earthen Miner's Gavel 58.13, 62.01 Isle of Dorn
Regenerating Ore 66.20, 66.35 Ringing Depths
Earth Excavator's Shovel 49.46, 27.73 Ringing Depths
Arathi Precision Drill 46.09, 64.40 Hallowfall
Devout Archaeologist's Excavator 43.05, 56.74 Hallowfall
Heavy Spider Crusher 46.66, 21.57 Azj-Kahet
Nerubian Mining Supplies 48.31, 40.80 Azj-Kahet

Note: You can only discover Knowledge Treasures once you achieve level 25 in Mining.

Making Gold with Mining in The War Within

Making gold with Mining in The War Within is possible by selling what you have gathered or using it for crafting and selling a ready-made item. We recommend going for the first alternative, especially early in the expansion. The ingredients you gather with Mining are used for a variety of crafting recipes. Professions like Blacksmithing, Engineering, and Jewelcrafting cannot live a single day without your materials.

Ideally, you want to gather as many materials as possible and sell them during raid days. This is the time crafters are looking for materials to craft stuff. As you get into the late game, see that your Perception stat is improved enough to gather rare ores. They cost more and are more difficult to find on the Auction House.

To learn more about farming gold in WoW, you can read our specialized The War Within Gold Making Guide available by clicking this blue link. BLOG20

Best Race for Mining in The War Within

The best race for Mining in WoW The War Within is Dracthyr due to increased Perception stat by default. They also feature a race-specific mobility ability to move from one node to another much faster. You can also go for a more basic option like Highmountain Druid, who features +5 skill and boasts quicker gathering speed.


This brings us to the end of our WoW Mining guide, heroes. We hope you have found the information you were looking for. We have covered all the main details you need to know to master Mining in The War Within. As the developers release future updates, we will keep updating this article accordingly. This is it for now, and we will see you in Azeroth!


Is Mining any good in WoW The War Within?


Mining is a great profession for both gathering precious raw materials for crafting and making gold in general.

What is the best profession to pair with Mining in WoW The War Within?


Mining is best paired with Blacksmithing. Other professions like Engineering and Jewelcrafting would fit well enough, too.

What is the fastest way to level Mining in WoW The War Within?


You can level Mining by repeating the farming route on The Isle of Dorn and gathering Ironclaw. If you wish to gather Aqirite and earn tons of XP, you can use the farming route in Hallowfall.

What is the best race for Mining in WoW The War Within?


Dracthyr is the best race for Mining, as it has increased Perception from the start. This race’s mobility ability also allows you to traverse from one farming spot to another quickly.

Is Mining profitable in WoW The War Within?


Mining is one of the most profitable WoW professions when it comes to making gold. You can make a ton of gold by selling raw ores.

What is the best specialization for Mining in WoW The War Within?


Mining Fundamentals is the best specialization for Mining since it lets you gather ores without getting off a mount.

How do I learn The War Within Mining?


You can visit the following trainers to learn Mining in The War Within:

  • Tarib in Dornogal
  • Shardgar in The Isle of Dorn, Freywold Village
  • Drampert Avirex in Mereldar, Hallowfall
  • Mintine the Tireless in Azj'Kahet, City of Threads

What can you do with The War Within Mining?


Mining in WoW is used for gathering ores used for crafting items or selling to others on the Auction House.

How do you make money with Mining in WoW The War Within?


You can make money with Mining by selling ores on the Auction House or use them to create certain items to sell even for more gold.

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