WoW The War Within Blacksmithing Guide

Do you always want to have enough Gold to buy everything you want in World of Warcraft? Well, the better way to make plenty of shiny coins than being an artisian who is able to create powerful gear? In this WoW The War Within Blacksmithing guide, you will find everything you need to know about how to level up and utilize this Profession.

Read Our WoW The War Within Blacksmithing Guide

Blacksmithing is one of the most crucial professions in the game, and it allows you to create all kinds of weapons used by many melee-focused classes. Whether you’re making something for yourself or completing a crafting order, blacksmithing will always be a profitable and extremely useful crafting profession for any player. This WoW the War Within Blacksmithing guide is your ultimate handbook for this profession. Here, we’ll cover everything you need to know about it – the changes and updates that came with the new expansion, a leveling path, the specializations you can learn, and more.

But before we get into the War Within Blacksmithing overview, let’s talk about something pretty cool. If you’re having trouble leveling your profession or have other professions-related stuff you need help with, SkyCoach is where you can solve those issues. For example, we have an extremely popular service that helps you Level Up Blacksmithing to the max level along with any specializations. So, the message of the day is – don’t waste your time grinding levels; let SkyCoach handle the tough stuff, and enjoy the game!

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The War Within Blacksmithing Changes

First things first, we’ll start our WoW Blacksmithing guide by explaining what’s changed with the release of the latest expansion.

There’s a major overhaul in Blacksmithing with the Khaz Algar specialization. This update adds a new buff mechanic called Everburning Ignition, which boosts key secondary stats (Ingenuity, Multicraft, and Resourcefulness) when used before crafting. These buffs grow stronger with more Knowledge Points, making them essential for optimal crafting performance.

Unlike previous expansions, Blacksmiths must now take a more active role in crafting, as the passive bonuses from earlier specializations are no longer sufficient. However, the use of Everburning Ignition is limited by a cap on charges, potentially requiring breaks for intensive crafters. Overall, these changes increase the complexity and strategy in Blacksmithing, offering both new opportunities and challenges. For detailed information, players can consult specific guides dedicated to Blacksmithing and Professions in The War Within.

The War Within Blacksmithing Equipment

Continuing with the topic of new stuff, there are a few new WoW the War Within Blacksmithing items that you should definitely look into and obtain. These items come from the new zone, so it will not be too difficult to obtain them. BLOG20

Equipment Source Bonuses
Proficient Blacksmith's Toolbox Blacksmithing
  • +61 Resourcefulness
  • +61 Crafting Speed
Artisan Blacksmith's Toolbox Blacksmithing
  • +61 Resourcefulness
  • +61 Crafting Speed
Steelsmith's Apron Leatherworking

+49 Multicraft

Earthen Forgemaster's Apron Leatherworking +49 Multicraft
Proficient Blacksmith's Hammer Blacksmithing +132 Random Stat 1
Artisan Blacksmith's Hammer Blacksmithing +100 Random Stat 1

The new zones and activities, such as Delves, have a lot more in store for crafters. Do make sure to try out as much content as you can and there’ll be a good chance that your profession will benefit from your exploits and adventures.

The War Within Blacksmithing Shopping List

Let’s move on to Blacksmithing leveling stuff and start off by doing some shopping. If you wanna do this efficiently, you’re going to need to get a few items that will help you quickly craft items that will bring you the most XP. Here’s what you need:

  • 565x Bismuth
  • 51x Ironclaw Ore
  • 5x Aqirite
  • 32x Crystalline Powder
  • 2x Leyline Residue

The quality of these listed items doesn’t matter, so get whatever the cheapest option is at the auction. These babies will help you quickly rush to level 65 of your profession.

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Leveling Blacksmithing in The War Within

When you’re all set to go, it’s time to get busy with crafting. Your objective is to earn as much XP as possible while keeping the money you spend and the time you waste to a minimum. It is up to you whether you wish to take the shortest path when leveling Blacksmithing in The War Within.

Obviously, you could take your time and gather the necessary ingredients and resources and then enjoy the fruits of your labor as your Blacksmithing level goes up.

However, should you wish to minimize the time spent on advancing through Blacksmithing 1-100 WoW the War Within, there’s always the option to Buy WoW Gold so that you can get all the needed materials with ease. Why farm gold when any amount of it can be yours in a matter of minutes?! Now, let’s talk about what items you should craft.

Leveling 1-25

For this WoW the War Within Blacksmithing leveling guide, we’re splitting the entire leveling into three parts or ranges, if you will, so that it’s easier to understand what to make when and track your progress. Besides, reaching level 25 is a huge milestone. To get there, you’re going to make the following items:

Item Quantity Ingredients
Core Alloy 48x 384x Echoing Flux, 480x Bismuth
Proficient Pickaxe 1x 5x Crystalline Powder, 1x Core Alloy
Proficient Sickle 1x 3x Crystalline Powder, 2x Core Alloy
Proficient Skinning Knife 1x 5x Crystalline Powder, 1x Core Alloy

Ironclaw Alloy

1x 5x Echoing Flux, 1x Leyline Residue, 5x Ironclaw Ore, 2x Core Alloy
Charged Alloy 1x 5x Echoing Flux, 1x Leyline Residue, 5x Aqirite, 2x Core Alloy
Proficient Blacksmith's Hammer (Equip, do not sell) 1x 1x Core Alloy 
Dredger's Developed Greatbelt 1x 1x Bismuth, 2x Core Alloy
Dredger's Plate Vambraces 1x 8x Bismuth, 1x Core A

These are in the order in which you should make them. Once you’re finished, you should reach Blacksmithing level 25 and unlock specializations. At this point, you’re going to have to pick one of 4. But don’t worry! Later on, you’ll be able to use all of them, but for one, you’re only going to have to settle on one of them.

Picking a spec is the best way to level Blacksmithing WoW, so don’t ignore them. Once you have chosen your specialty, you’ll start receiving Knowledge Points that you will spend on your Specialization skill tree. Keep in mind that these points are limited, so do look over the unlockable perks before investing points in them.

Leveling 25-50

For the second stretch, you’ll focus on more complex recipes.

Level Range Item Quantity Ingredients
25 - 31 Dredger's Developed Defender 1x 3x Bismuth, 2x Core Alloy
Ironclaw Dirk 1x 5x Ironclaw Ore, 1x Core Alloy
Ironclaw Stiletto 1x 5x Ironclaw Ore, 1x Core Alloy
31 - 38 Proficient Blacksmith's Toolbox (Equip, do not sell) 1x 1x Core Alloy
Ironclaw Axe 1x 8x Ironclaw Ore, 1x Core Alloy
Ironclaw Sword 1x 8x Ironclaw Ore, 1x Core Alloy
Dredger's Developed Gauntlets 1x 4x Bismuth, 1x Core Alloy
Dredger's Developed Helm 1x 4x Bismuth, 1x Core Alloy
38 - 40 Dredger's Developed Legplates 1x 60x Bismuth, 1x Core Alloy
Dredger's Developed Pauldrons 1x 5x Bismuth, 2x Core Alloy
40 - 42 Adjustable Framework 1x 1x Crystalline Powder, 1x Core Alloy
Tempered Framework 1x 1x Crystalline Powder, 1x Core Alloy
42 - 50 Ironclaw Great Mace 1x 10x Ironclaw Ore, 1x Core Alloy
Ironclaw Knuckles 3x 3x Ironclaw Ore, 3x Core Alloy

If by this point you’re still not sure how to level Blacksmithing fast WoW, it is crucial to understand that everything revolves around specializations and how you update them. At this point, you’ll have enough skill points to unlock the second specialization. You may pick whatever you want. However, we do recommend picking Everburning Forge for your second, or at least third specialization. This is going to make the rest of the leveling much cheaper.

Leveling 50-100

The last stretch is the hardest in terms of both the price of resources and the difficulty of the recipes.

Level Range Item Quantity Ingredients
65 - 75 Sanctified Alloy 20x 100x Echoing Flux, 20x Profaned Tinderbox, 20x Null Stone, 40x Ironclaw Ore, 20x Core Alloy
  Alternative: Everburning Ignition - -
75 - 94 Everburning Ignition 30x 30x Artisan's Acuity, 150x Crystalline Powder, 30x Core Alloy

Some of these recipes might turn green, so you’ll have to craft 5-10 items more than specified in the table. Alternatively, you may level up a bit slower but cheaper by making Everburning Ignition if Sanctified Alloy proves to be too expensive.

For the last 6 levels, you can keep making Everburning Ignitions even when the recipe turns green. This might not be the fastest way to level Blacksmithing WoW the War Within, but you’ll get there. Alternatively, you can start completing crafting orders that use Spark of Omen, a reagent that is not available on the auction and can only be obtained once every two weeks. Each order completed gives you 3 points, so, at this stage, you’ll only need to complete 3 of them.

The War Within Blacksmithing Specializations

Since we’ve already briefly mentioned Blacksmithing specializations the War Within, we should explain what they are and how they work.

In short, specialization trees allow you to learn more advanced recipes and upgrade your additional crafting skills. There’s a total of four specializations available to Blacksmiths:

  1. Everburning Forge
  2. Means of Production
  3. Weaponsmithing
  4. Armorsmithing

In earlier expansions, your character could only pick one of them, but today, you’ll eventually be able to unlock and benefit from all four of these. As you level up Blacksmithing, you’ll have the option to pick one specialization at levels 25, 50, 60, and 75.

Everburning Forge

Everburning Forge focuses on enhancing crafting efficiency through boosts in Multicraft and Resourcefulness, which allow for creating multiple items per crafting attempt and reducing material costs. The best recipes and talents available with this spec are:

  • Everburning Ignition
  • Imaginative Foresight
  • Gracious Forging
  • Discerning Discipline

This specialization emphasizes a streamlined and cost-effective approach to crafting, making it ideal for players who aim to maximize their productivity and resource management.

Means of Production

The Means of Production specialization emphasizes enhancing your Crafting Skills and Secondary Stats, particularly for crafting tools, consumables, and alloys. It grants access to key recipes like the Artisan Blacksmith's Hammer and the Ironclaw Whetstone and includes a central node that boosts skill points for items covered by the sub-specializations, including profession tools, accessories, and consumables.

Tools of the Trade: Focuses on crafting profession tools and accessories, offering skill boosts for each through two clear sub-specializations: Trade Tools, which enhances skill with crafting tools, and Trade Accessories, which focuses on accessories.

  • Stonework: Improves crafting skills specifically for consumable stones that enhance weapons and tools.
  • Fortuitous Forges: Specializes in creating finishing reagents (frameworks) and alloys, providing extra skill points for each through dedicated sub-specializations, allowing crafters to refine their expertise in these areas.


Weaponsmithing allows blacksmiths to master the art of crafting weapons like swords, axes, and polearms. With sub-specializations available for each weapon type, this path significantly boosts crafting quality. A key feature is the Concentration mechanic, which helps create top-tier weapons with limited resources by focusing on quality over quantity.


Armorsmithing is divided into sub-specializations for crafting different armor slots: Large Armor (chest, legs, shields), Sculpted Armor (head, shoulders, feet), and Fine Armor (waist, wrists, hands). This specialization is versatile, enabling the crafting of powerful gear sets or high-value individual pieces. It's perfect for players who want to equip themselves fully or focus on crafting high-demand armor for others.

Best Blacksmithing Builds in The War Within

Since there are skill trees, there are also builds. Well, the best Blacksmithing builds the War Within are different for every Blacksmith. Or, to be more precise, the best build depends on your own goals since you can use your profession for a variety of things. Based on this idea, you could think of three different builds:

  1. Blacksmithing for personal use – if you intend to supply your character with the best gear throughout your journey, then you should prioritize Armorsmithing or Weaponsmithing, where you’ll be investing your skill points.
  2. Making money with Blacksmithing – if your main goal is to sell the stuff that you craft to earn gold, then you should make Means of Production your top priority as this is where you’ll be able to make the most expensive items such as various alloys, weapon stones, tool enhancements, etc.
  3. Blacksmithing for crafting orders – if you’re part of a guild or you love the idea of interacting with the community, then your goal must be producing the most valuable and powerful items of the best possible quality. To achieve that, you need to understand how Concentration works. You spend it on making better quality items, but it has a cap and restores daily. So, what you really want to achieve with this build is to make sure you can make high-quality stuff without the use of Concentration.

For this final build, you can focus on whichever specialization you want, depending on what type of items you wish to craft. For instance, if you wish to focus on crafting profession equipment, then your build would look something like this:

  • Means of Production – 10 points
  • Tools of the Trade – 30 points
  • Pick Trade Tools as your first sub-spec.
  • Trade Tools – 20 points.
  • Means of Production – 30 points
  • Trade Accessories – 20 points

Truth be told, it’s a little too soon to talk about profession builds extensively, because there’s no clear meta and it is not possible to tell what’s the market demand is like. As soon as we have more data on our hands, this section of the guide will be updated.

Blacksmithing Trainer in The War Within

There’s not one Blacksmithing trainer the War Within but three of them:

  1. Darean - Isle of Dorn, Dornogal
  2. Gandorhil - Isle of Dorn, Freywold Village
  3. Mylle - Azj-Kahet, City of Threads

You can go to any one of these three to become a Blacksmith and learn new skills.

The War Within Alchemy Treasures

Treasures are collectible items that will help you level up your profession faster. They’re spread out across the various locations, hidden in chests. You should seek out each treasure to make your leveling fairly quicker. Below is a list of the War Within Blacksmithing treasures with coordinates:

Treasure Name Coordinates Zone
Dornogal Hammer  47.69, 26.67 Dornogal
Ancient Earthen Anvil 59.82, 61.85 Isle of Dorn
Earthen Chisels 60.55, 53.73 Ringing Depths
Ringing Hammer Vise 47.68, 33.14 Ringing Depths
Holy Flame Forge 47.57, 61.10 Hallowfall
Radiant Tongs 44.04, 55.60 Hallowfall
Nerubian Smith's Kit 46.57, 22.88 Azj-Kahet
Spiderling's Wire Brush 52.97, 51.29 Azj-Kahet

These treasures can be picked up once you reach level 25, and not earlier!

Making Gold with Blacksmithing in The War Within

Earning heaps of gold with Blacksmithing is possible. This is one of those professions that has always been profitable. There are lots of classes that need melee weapons and plate armor, and this is what Blacksmiths excel at.

If you choose your specialization wisely, you can start making gold early on while investing those Knowledge Points into the talents that unlock new recipes. Here’s what will most likely be in demand that you can make and make money on:

Consumables Weapons Plate Armor
Ironclaw Weightstone Everforged Longsword Sanctified Steps
Ironclaw Razorstone Charged Halberd Beledar’s Bulwark
Coreforged Skeleton Key - Dredger's Developed Pauldrons

These are just a few examples of what you can make your fortune on, but as time goes on, you’ll learn about other items that will be sought out by players. BLOG20

To learn about farming gold in WoW, we recommend reading our specialized The War Within Gold Making Guide available by clicking this blue link.

Best Race for Blacksmithing in The War Within

If you want to go all in on being a Blacksmith, you should consider picking the best race for Blacksmithing the War Within when creating a character. Depending on the side you’re on, you should go either Lighforged Draenei on the Alliance side, as they get the ability to place an anvil anywhere you go. Besides, they get +5 skill points in this profession.

Horde players should pick the Dark Iron Dwarfs for the same bonus skill points. On top of that, they get a +10% bonus speed when doing anything Blacksmithin-related.


This concludes our WoW Blacksmithing guide, heroes of Azeroth. We’ve covered pretty much everything there’s about this profession. As more content gets released, you can expect to see more recipes and more stuff to craft. Don’t forget to keep track of the auction prices to know what items are in demand, or take advantage of custom crafting orders if you want to make some gold.

Last but not least, if you liked this guide, go ahead and bookmark it, as we’ll be updating it whenever there are more changes to the profession. For now, though, have fun crafting!


Is Blacksmithing any good in The War Within?


Blacksmithing is definitely very good in WoW. It’s got a bunch of fun mechanics that make it entertaining to use. Besides, you can make a lot of gold by selling the stuff that you make. Alternatively, you can make stuff for your own character as you level up.

What is the best profession to pair with Blacksmithing in The War Within?


Mining is obviously the best gathering profession to use with Blacksmithing, as you’ll be using a lot of ores in your crafting.

What is the fastest way to level Blacksmithing in The War Within?


The fastest way to level up this profession is by preparing a set of items that will allow you to quickly make some items using recipes for as long as they give you enough XP. So, make a list of these resources and either buy them or find them yourself.

What is the best race for Blacksmithing in The War Within?


For Alliance, it’s Lightforged Draenei, whereas Horde players should pick Dark Iron Dwarfs.

Is Blacksmithing profitable in The War Within?


Blacksmithing is one of the best professions for making gold. You can do so by either selling the stuff that you make on the auction or by completing crafting orders, which are always expensive, especially towards the endgame.

What is the best specialization for Blacksmithing in The War Within?


The best specialization for Blacksmithing depends on your own goals regarding this profession. If you want to earn gold, pick Means of Production. If you intend to complete custom orders, pick either Weaponsmithing or Armorsmithing.

How do I learn The War Within Blacksmithing?


Talk to any of the available trainers. Here’s where you find them:

  1. Darean - Isle of Dorn, Dornogal
  2. Gandorhil - Isle of Dorn, Freywold Village
  3. Mylle - Azj-Kahet, City of Threads

How do you make money with Blacksmithing in The War Within?


You can make gold by crafting the most in-demand items, whether they are weapons, armor, or consumables. Constantly monitor the market and try to understand the demand. Alternatively, you may focus on completing custom crafting orders.

What can you make with The War Within Blacksmithing?


You can make a lot of stuff using Blacksmithing. There’s a wide variety of items that you can do, but you can put them all into three categories:

  1. Plate Armor
  2. Melee Weapons
  3. Consumables

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