Pack Leader Hunter Guide - Talents, Leveling, and Rotation

Read our Pack Leader Hunter guide for WoW The War Within to learn about all the talents this tree has. We also cover the most efficient leveling strategies, as well as the best rotations to use.

Read Our Pack Leader Hunter Guide for WoW The War Within

In this Pack Leader Hunter guide for The War Within, we will cover all the talents this tree features. Since this is the main implementation arriving with this expansion, we bet you are eager to try it. Apart from that, we will go over possible leveling strategies, as well as the strongest rotations.

Judging by the name, WoW The War Within Pack Leader Hunter revolves around playing with pets. You get a ton of passives and bonuses to make your companion stronger. If you have always wanted to have more of your pet’s presence around, this talent tree is the answer.

Exactly for this reason, Pack Leader Hunter in The War Within is only available to Beast Mastery and Survival specs. While some of the talents are the same for both specializations, others have distinct differences. Both specs act as powerful DPS: BM is a ranged one, and Survival is a melee one.

Our Pack Leader Hunter DPS guide will be constantly updated once our team finishes the tests. So far, we only share information concerning the talents, leveling, and rotations. Make sure to save our article to your bookmarks and return here occasionally.

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Pack Leader Hunter Talents

The Hero Talent system introduced in The War Within brings the way you play Hunter to a new level. You can now rely on your animal companion more than ever. If you are playing as a BM or Survival, this talent tree is your go-to option. We are going to cover all Pack Leader Hunter talents for both specializations they are available for.

Pack Leader Beast Mastery Hunter Talents

The BM Hunter spec heavily relies on the pet by default. However, it has become more noticeable with the introduction of the Pack Leader talent tree. The latter has brought strong passives and a range of other Pack Leader Beast Mastery Hunter talents to benefit from.

  • Pack Leader Keystone Talent

Vicious Hunt: Kill Command gets you ready to unleash a brutal strike alongside your pet, adding extra damage equal to 200% of your Attack power with your next Kill Command.

Row 1 Row 2 Row 3
Pack Coordination: When you use Vicious Hunt, it directs your pet to execute a Basic Attack in tandem with your next Barbed Shot. Howl of the Pack: Each time your pet's Basic Attack lands a critical hit, it boosts your critical strike damage by 5% for 6 seconds. This effect can stack up to 3 times. Wild Attacks: Every third Basic Attack from your pet is guaranteed to be a critical hit, with the damage amplified by your critical strike chance.
Den Recovery: Aspect of the Turtle, Survival of the Fittest, and Mend Pet heal the target for 20% of their maximum health over 4 seconds. If the target is below 50% of their maximum health, the healing duration extends by an additional second.

Choose One: Tireless Hunt & Cornered Prey

Frenzied Tear: Your pet's Basic Attack has a 20% chance to reset the cooldown on Kill Command and trigger a second strike that deals 30% of the normal damage.

Choose One: Scattered Prey & Covering Fire

Cull the Herd: Kill Shot inflicts an extra 30% damage over 6 seconds and boosts the bleed damage dealt by you and your pet to the target by 25%.

Choose One: Furious Assault & Beast of Opportunity

  • Pack Leader Capstone Talent

Pack Assault: Vicious Hunt and Pack Coordination now stack and apply twice, and they remain active throughout the duration of Call of the Wild.

Pack Leader Survival Hunter Talents

When choosing the Survival spec to play with the Pack Leader talents, specific abilities are replaced. However, the main idea of the talent tree remains the same. You still strongly rely on your pet and want to buff them hard.

  • Pack Leader Keystone Talent

Vicious Hunt: Kill Command gets you ready to unleash a brutal strike alongside your pet, adding extra damage equal to 200% of your Attack power with your next Kill Command.

Row 1 Row 2 Row 3
Pack Coordination: Using Vicious Hunt directs your pet to deliver a Basic Attack alongside your next Raptor Strike. Howl of the Pack: Each time your pet's Basic Attack lands a critical hit, it boosts your critical strike damage by 5% for 6 seconds. This effect can stack up to 3 times. Wild Attacks: Every third Basic Attack from your pet is guaranteed to be a critical hit, with the damage amplified by your critical strike chance.
Den Recovery: Aspect of the Turtle, Survival of the Fittest, and Mend Pet heal the target for 20% of their maximum health over 4 seconds. If the target is below 50% of their maximum health, the healing duration extends by an additional second.

Choose One: Tireless Hunt & Cornered Prey

Frenzied Tear: Your pet's Basic Attack has a 20% chance to reset the cooldown on Kill Command and trigger a second strike that deals 30% of the normal damage.

Choose One: Scattered Prey & Covering Fire

Cull the Herd: Kill Shot inflicts an extra 30% damage over 6 seconds and boosts the bleed damage dealt by you and your pet to the target by 25%.

Choose One: Furious Assault & Beast of Opportunity

  • Pack Leader Capstone Talent

Pack Assault: Vicious Hunt and Pack Coordination now stack and apply twice, remaining active throughout the duration of Coordinated Assault.

Best Pack Leader Hunter Talents

As you progress through the game, you will inevitably achieve level 80. This is the new level cap introduced in The War Within. During this path, you will unlock all the talents we have just described. However, some of them prove to be more powerful than others. Here is a list of the best Pack Leader Hunter talents:

Depending on the situation, these talents can perform better or worse. Though, we have outlined the most powerful ones in any scenario. It does not matter if you are into PvE or PvP, these are the best picks. While they seem stronger, all the talents are interlinked and cannot live without each other. Therefore, treat this list as our subjective opinion and always test it in practice. BLOG20

Here is a brief explanation of why we have chosen these talents from the Pack Leader WoW talent tree:

  1. Vicious Hunt: Since this is your Keystone talent, this has to be put on the list. It significantly boosts your DPS and enhances Kill Command.
  2. Wild Attacks: Increases your pet’s damage output by default. You will see critical numbers popping more often.
  3. Frenzied Tear: This talent boosts your Kill Command even further, making it incredibly strong. The only problem here is that it has a randomized chance.
  4. Scattered Prey: Boosting the DPS of your Multi-Shot or Butchery is always welcome. These are your main abilities after all.
  5. Pack Assault: Similarly to your Keystone talent, this one is your Capstone one.

Most of the talents you see bring passive effects. This does not complicate your existing rotations and only makes it more powerful.

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How to Play Pack Leader Hunter

So far, we cannot provide any exact details on how to play Pack Leader Hunter in TWW. Our team needs more time to run some tests before updating this part of the guide. The only thing that is already clear is that this talent tree is a true find for pet lovers. If you always wanted to build your playstyle around your animal companion, give this talent tree a try.

We truly believe that this talent tree will find its place in the current meta. After all, BM Hunters have always been a popular pick among players. As for the Survival spec, we will see how it will perform.

Pack Leader Hunter Leveling Guide

With the release of WoW The War Within, we have received an expected level cap increase. Now, you need to make it all the way up to 80 to reach the final point. To ensure you reach this maximum ASAP, we have prepared this Pack Leader Hunter leveling guide for you.

Once you are done with Pack Leader Hunter leveling in WoW, the real game begins. You will have access to the most challenging raids, as well as Mythic+ dungeons. They are your primary sources of BiS gear and other exclusive rewards. To reach level 80, you can use our WoW Power Level deal we offer at the best market price.

Here is how to level up as a Pack Leader Hunter in WoW The War Within:

Levels 1-10:

  • Focus on mastering key skills like Steady Shot and Arcane Shot. Using them on cooldown makes your mob farming more efficient and quicker.
  • Complete all quests in your starting zone to earn XP and get to know the area better.
  • As you level up, you will unlock new abilities. Add these into your routine to boost your farming speed even further.

Levels 11-20:

  • Move on to tougher areas as you progress. Your new skills will help you face stronger enemies.
  • Experiment with different skills and combinations to see what works best for you. This is a great time to try out new strategies.
  • Do not skip lower-level dungeons and group activities – they offer valuable XP and add variety to your gameplay.

Levels 21-40:

  • Fine-tune your skill rotation and add new abilities to enhance your farming efficiency and questing effectiveness.
  • By level 40, you will have a solid set of core abilities. Use these strategically to excel in mid-game content.

Levels 41-60:

  • Think about joining a guild as you near endgame content. Being in a guild can boost your chances of completing endgame challenges and earning rare rewards.
  • Try higher-level dungeons and raids to level up faster and gain more XP.
  • As you unlock new abilities, choose ones that fit your playstyle and integrate them into your strategy.

Levels 61-80:

  • Focus on high-reward quests to maximize your experience and fine-tune your ability rotation for top performance.
  • Once you reach the level cap in The War Within, you will have access to all PvE and PvP content. Choose activities that interest you or aim for specific rewards to develop your character further.

Leveling up as a Pack Leader Hunter in WoW 11.0 is a breeze. Your pet will tank most of the incoming damage for you while also providing extra DPS. This is one of the best classes/specs to go for fast and easy leveling.

Pack Leader Hunter Rotation Guide

We have prepared a separate Pack Leader Hunter rotation guide to let you learn more about your core abilities and how they are used. Casting your abilities in a specific order can make a big difference in WoW. Depending on the specialization chosen, your rotation will vary accordingly. Here, we have gathered the best rotations for both Beast Mastery and Survival specs.

No matter what WoW Pack Leader Hunter rotation you choose, your role stays the same. You want to squeeze every bit of DPS possible. The means of achieving this goal will be different since you can either attack from a distance or in a melee range. BLOG20

Pack Leader Beast Mastery Hunter Rotation

Here is an example of a Pack Leader Beast Mastery Hunter rotation to use in WoW TWW:

  1. Barbed Shot to maintain Frenzy
  2. Bestial Wrath
  3. Barbed Shot if Frenzy has fewer than 3 stacks
  4. Kill Command if it has 2 charges
  5. Dire Beast if Bestial Wrath is down or Call of the Wild is about to be ready
  6. Kill Command
  7. Barbed Shot
  8. Explosive Shot
  9. Kill Shot
  10. Cobra Shot

As a rule, you prefer this rotation when fighting a solo target rather than a group of foes.

Pack Leader Survival Hunter Rotation

When going for the Survival spec, you can use this rotation option for the Pack Leader talent tree:

  1. Wildfire Bomb if you have 2 charges of Wildfire Bomb
  2. Coordinated Assault
  3. Use Tip of the Spear to enhance the following abilities:
    – Flanking Strike
    Wildfire Bomb
    Kill Shot
    Explosive Shot
  4. Kill Command, but make sure it does not over cap your Focus bar
  5. Wildfire Bomb
  6. Raptor Strike or Mongoose Bite

Similarly to the previous alternative, you mainly use this rotation when encountering a solo target.


As we finish our WoW Pack Leader Hunter guide, we hope you have found all the details you want. This is undoubtedly one of the strongest talent trees added for the Hunter class. If you wish to build your playstyle around your pet, go for it. It is a decent pick for both Beast Mastery and Survival specializations. As we learn more about this talent tree, this guide will be updated shortly after. This is for now, travelers, and we will see you in Azeroth!


What are the best Pack Leader Hunter talents?


Here is a list of the best Pack Leader Hunter talents in WoW:

  • Vicious Hunt
  • Wild Attacks
  • Frenzied Tear
  • Scattered Prey
  • Pack Assault

Is Pack Leader Hunter good?


Pack Leader Hunter is a great talent tree for players who want to rely on their animal companions more often.

Is Pack Leader Hunter hard to play WoW?


Not really. Choosing the Pack Leader Hunter talent tree does not complicate your rotations. Instead, it only makes it stronger thanks to passive abilities.

How do I maximize DPS as Pack Leader Hunter?


Learning the best rotations we have outlined for the Pack Leader Hunter talent tree will increase your DPS.

Which spec is best for Pack Leader Hunter?


Both Beast Mastery and Survival specs seem like a solid choice for this talent tree.

Is Pack Leader Hunter good for fast leveling in WoW?


Absolutely! It is a great talent tree to opt for while leveling since you will have a stronger pet to tank and damage for you.

What is the best Pack Leader Hunter rotation in WoW?


Here is an example of how your Pack Leader Hunter rotation can start:

  1. Barbed Shot to maintain Frenzy
  2. Bestial Wrath
  3. Barbed Shot if Frenzy has fewer than 3 stacks
  4. Kill Command if it has 2 charges

Is Pack Leader Hunter good for PvE?


This talent tree is a great pick for both high-level raids and M+ dungeons. The reason for this is your pet who can tank and deal extra DPS together with you.

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