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Buy AAC Light-heavyweight Savage Boost and complete this challenging endgame content with ease.
Join our skilled team to beat the most complex challenges, get the best gear, and become one of the game's champions. Earn a unique mount, minions, and special achievements from one of Final Fantasy XIV's most brutal raids. Skip the hard parts and let our experts carry you to victory, giving you access to the game's best rewards.
With our FFXIV M1S-M4S Carry, you get:
There are a few requirements you should meet to buy FF XIV AAC Light-Heavyweight Savage boost from us:
Upload Parsing Logs Option: our booster will carry out a raid. Once done, they will upload the logs to and share a link to the completed raid. The percentage ranking, which ranges from 0 to 99%, will show where the player stands among the top performers of their class after the AAC Light-heavyweight Savage boosting;