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Buy our WoW SoD Prince Thunderaan Kill Boost, and complete this challenging raid in no time!
Face off against Prince Thunderaan, now reimagined as a formidable world boss for 20 players, with up to 40 allowed in the fight. This epic encounter is open to all, even if you’re not on the Thunderfury quest line. Defeat him to claim thrilling new loot designed for all classes and specializations! This Prince Thunderaan kill boost is the fastest way the get all the powerful rewards from this boss!
This will be no easy fight, and only the strongest heroes will make it through this furious battle and get all the powerful artifacts guarded by mighty bosses. So, if you do not want to spend many hours trying to get through this dungeon and get all the excellent rewards, then our WoW Season of Discovery Prince Thunderaan Kill carry is exactly what you need!
The requirements for our Prince Thunderaan carry are:
Our WoW SoD Prince Thunderaan Kill boosting service is available via the following completion method: