Deadlock Best Characters Tier List

Deadlock is an upcoming MOBA-style hero shooter featuring a diverse and vibrant lineup of characters. Our tier list will introduce you to this roster and explore the current character. We'll also be taking a closer look at the strongest character in the game.

Check out Deadlock Best Characters Tier List

The new game from the creators of Team Fortress 2 and Dota 2, among other legendary titles is working on a new blend of hero shooter and MOBA. Deadlock has gained quite a following, even though it is still in active development, and its access is limited to invites only.

Our Deadlock best characters tier list 2024 will introduce you to the colorful roster of heroes you can play in the game and show you the current meta. So, if you’re wondering which character you should main or which one is the most powerful one, this tier list is for you.

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Deadlock Character Ranking Explained

This Deadlock tier list is going to be based on several statistics that can be easily fact-checked online. We’ll use data such as:

  1. Winrate percentage
  2. Pickrate
  3. Average last hit per minute
  4. Average denies
  5. Average Net Worth per minute
  6. Average KDA

That being said, arguably the most important stat for this tier list is, without a doubt, the winrate. We’ll also be considering character versatility, weaknesses, synergy potential, abilities, and much more. With all of these criteria in mind, here’s how we define our tiers: BLOG20

  • S-Tier: Characters in this tier are the best of the best, dominating the meta with high win rates and versatility. They have powerful abilities, excellent synergies, and few weaknesses, making them consistently reliable choices in any situation. These characters often shape the meta, and opponents need to be prepared to counter them specifically. They are must-picks for players looking to maximize their chances of winning.
  • A-Tier: These characters are strong and dependable, with win rates slightly below the S tier but still impressive. They excel in their roles and offer great utility or damage potential, but they might have a few more counters or require a bit more skill to use effectively. While not as universally dominant as S-tier characters, they are still top picks and can often hold their own against the best.
  • B-Tier: Characters in the B tier are solid choices, but they have clear limitations or require specific team compositions to shine. They boast decent win rates and can perform well in the right hands, but they often struggle against higher-tier picks or have noticeable weaknesses that can be exploited by skilled opponents. These characters are reliable but not standout stars, making them good situational picks.
  • C-Tier: These characters are below average, with win rates and overall performance that are noticeably weaker. They might have niche uses or specific scenarios where they excel, but generally, they are outclassed by higher-tier characters. C-tier characters often need buffs or reworks to compete at a higher level, and while they aren't completely unusable, they are rarely optimal choices.
  • D-Tier: Characters in the D tier are the weakest and least viable, with poor win rates and significant flaws that prevent them from competing effectively. They may have outdated mechanics, lack synergy with the current meta, or simply be overshadowed by better options in almost every aspect. D-tier characters are generally considered last-resort picks and are often avoided unless there are no better choices available.

This tier list approach helps balance win rates with other crucial factors like skill ceiling, synergy, and consistency, ensuring each character's strengths and weaknesses are fairly assessed within Deadlock's dynamic gameplay.

Deadlock Tier List 2024

Now, let’s actually get to the most exciting part: the Deadlock character tier list itself. While there are roles such as supports, carries, and tanks in the game, there are not enough characters in each role to make separate rankings. So, for now, we’re doing a tier list for all characters. In the future, Deadlock will surely expand its roster, and separate rankings will become more valuable.

Tier Heroes
S-Tier Seven, Warden, McGinnis, Haze, Lady Geist
A-Tier Mo & Krill, Ivy, Abrams, Abrams, Lash, Pocket
B-Tier Wraith, Kelvin, Infernus, Shiv, Dynamo
C-Tier Bebop, Yamato, Grey Talon
D-Tier Vicious, Vindicta, Paradox

Now that we have all Deadlock characters ranked, it’s time to learn why each of them belongs to their tier.

Deadlock S-Tier Heroes

If you want to pick the best Deadlock characters in the current version of the game, then look no further than these 5 characters.

  • Seven: Seven is a top-tier pick due to his simple yet effective kit, which allows him to excel in almost any situation. His ultimate ability deals significant AoE damage, making him a key figure in team fights and skirmishes. His high pick rate reflects his effectiveness and ease of use, though he does lack mobility, which can make him vulnerable if caught out of position.
  • Warden: Warden is a reliable choice thanks to his straightforward playstyle and ability to buff teammates. He offers solid damage output and is effective in various roles, but his squishiness can make him susceptible to burst damage if not positioned well.
  • McGinnis: Known for her space-creating abilities, McGinnis excels at zoning enemies and providing utility to her team. Her turrets and control over neutral objectives make her a strategic asset, though her lack of mobility can leave her exposed in fast-paced engagements.
  • Haze: Haze is a formidable hero with a strong ganking kit, offering both high burst damage and crowd control. Her invisibility and headshot potential make her a deadly assassin, but she is fragile and requires careful positioning to avoid being taken down quickly.
  • Lady Geist: Lady Geist's unique playstyle revolves around sacrificing health for damage, which, combined with her high damage output and utility, makes her a versatile threat. Despite her lack of mobility, her built-in sustain and utility make her a valuable pick in the right hands.

Deadlock A-Tier Heroes

A-Tier is for the top Deadlock characters. They’re always solid picks assuming that you’ve spent some time learning what they can do and how to play them. Practicing and learning a new character isn’t exclusive to this tier only, but if you want to play to your character strength and win, don’t ignore the training game mode.

  • Mo & Krill: Mo & Krill thrive in close-quarters combat, making them a fun but challenging pick. Their short range can limit their effectiveness in extended fights, but they excel when diving into enemies and disrupting backlines.
  • Ivy: Ivy offers high versatility and a strong potential for game-changing plays with her ultimate ability. Her kit has a high skill ceiling, requiring practice to master, but she can execute powerful combos and provide great utility in coordinated team fights.
  • Abrams: A straightforward and tanky hero, Abrams excels at soaking damage and dealing oppressive blows in skirmishes. His simplicity makes him an easy-to-pick-up hero for players who prefer a durable and impactful frontliner.
  • Lash: Lash is a highly mobile damage dealer with an agile kit that allows him to traverse the map quickly and hunt down enemies. His ability to lock onto targets makes him a strong duelist, though he may struggle in team fights against heavy crowd control.
  • Pocket: Pocket's high damage potential and repositioning capabilities make him a strong pick, although his complex kit can be a barrier to entry. Mastery of his abilities can lead to great success, but missteps can leave him vulnerable.

Deadlock B-Tier Heroes

B-Tier heroes are balanced choices in the Deadlock meta that can perform well under the right conditions. They often excel in specific roles or strategies but lack the overall dominance or versatility of higher-tier picks. B-Tier characters can be effective with favorable team compositions or in the hands of players who understand their nuances. While not as universally strong, they still offer valuable contributions when played to their strengths.

  • Wraith: Wraith is an accessible hero with a good mix of damage, crowd control, and mobility. Her point-and-click CC ultimate is easy to use, making her a solid pick for players looking for reliable performance, though she often needs support from her team to secure kills.
  • Kelvin: Kelvin's mobility and crowd control make him a disruptive force capable of setting up impactful AoE combos. While fun to play, his effectiveness can be inconsistent depending on the enemy team's ability to counter his kit.
  • Infernus: Infernus excels at dealing burn damage over time and can quickly gain an advantage in the lane with his aggressive abilities. However, he requires precise positioning and timing to maximize his damage potential, making him a solid but not top-tier pick.
  • Shiv: Shiv specializes in executing low-health enemies but struggles with prolonged engagements due to his short range. He is best used in specific scenarios where his burst potential can be fully realized.
  • Dynamo: Dynamo boasts one of the strongest ultimate abilities in the game, providing significant crowd control and some healing. His tankiness makes him a durable frontline option, but his reliance on landing key abilities keeps him from reaching the top tiers.

Deadlock C-Tier Heroes

C-Tier heroes of the all Deadlock characters list have more pronounced weaknesses or situational uses, making them less reliable in the current meta. They can still be effective with specific strategies or against certain matchups, but their overall performance is typically outclassed by higher-tier picks. C-tier characters often require niche playstyles or particular team setups to be viable, which can limit their utility in broader gameplay scenarios.

  • Bebop: Bebop's potential is hindered by the need to land hooks consistently to be effective, and his short-range can make him vulnerable in many matchups. He is a niche pick that requires specific team support to thrive.
  • Yamato: Yamato is currently struggling in the meta due to his heavy melee focus, which leaves him open to punishment from ranged and mobile enemies. His kit requires adjustments to become more competitive. BLOG20
  • Grey Talon: Grey Talon relies heavily on his ultimate ability for impact, but his overall viability is limited without a significant investment in items. He is fun to play but often falls short compared to more consistent damage dealers.

Deadlock D-Tier Heroes

D-Tier heroes are currently the least viable picks in Deadlock, often plagued by significant disadvantages or being outclassed by other characters. They tend to have low win rates, limited utility, or abilities that are hard to leverage effectively in the current meta. D-tier characters are usually picked either for experimental purposes or in very specific niche strategies, but they are generally not recommended for competitive play.

  • Viscous: Viscous has been heavily nerfed, leading to a significant drop in effectiveness. His abilities now lack the power to compete at higher levels, relegating him to the bottom tier.
  • Vindicta: Vindicta is currently underpowered and suffers from a low win rate. Her damage output is insufficient to make her a viable choice in most scenarios, making her one of the least-picked heroes.
  • Paradox: Paradox is in an awkward position where his kit is difficult for players to maximize. This has resulted in both low play and win rates, making him a challenging hero to justify in most team compositions.

Best Deadlock Character So Far

It would appear that the best character in Deadlock is Seven. The master of lighting and electricity, this guy excels at team fights and can easily deal with players (regardless of what character they’re playing) who haven’t learned advanced movement techniques.

Seven’s toolkit consists of abilities that have an area of effect, meaning you can damage or stun multiple enemies. Here’s a brief overview:

  1. Lightning Ball – shoot a ball of lightning that travels in a straight line. Does damage to all targets in its radius. Slows down when damaging enemies and stops if it hits a wall.
  2. Static Charge – apply a charge to a target enemy hero. After a short duration, the static charge stuns and damages enemies within the radius.
  3. Power Surge – power up your weapon with a shock effect, making your bullets proc shock damage on your target. This shock damage bounces to enemies near your target. Occurs once per burst shot.
  4. Storm Could (ultimate) – channel an expanding storm cloud around you that damages all enemies within its radius. Enemies do not take damage when they are out of line-of-sight. You have increased Bullet Resist during the channel.

In other words, Seven can dive into a skirmish at the right time to cause mayhem to multiple enemies, stunning them and dealing damage at the same time. He is an easy-enough character to learn and marked beginner-friendly in the game itself. So, all around, Seven is a very strong character, and no wonder he has a high winrate.


Deadlock is a rapidly growing game that mixes a hero shooter with a Moba-style map and game mode. It is easy to see that the game will have a huge following when it is fully released. There will surely be big e-sport events dedicated to it.

For now, it’s cast of characters is not that big compared to other MOBAs, but all of these characters are completely unique in how they are played and what they can offer to you and your team. We will be updating our tier list whenever you heroes join the roster or existing ones get updated in a meaningful way.


Who is best character in Deadlock?


Currently the best character in Deadlock is Seven. He is easy to learn and has a very strong set of abilities that allow him deal with multiple enemies at the same time.

Who is the strongest character in Deadlock?


Seven is the strongest character in Deadlock by winrate, but characters like Haze, Ivy, Kelvin, and Warden are not that far behind.

Who is the best damage character in Deadlock?


Seven has a base damage of 70, but his ability to damage multiple enemies makes him the character with the highest DPS in the game.

Who is the best support character in Deadlock?


The best support character in Deadlock is Kelvin, as his abilities are centered around slowing down and even freezing enemy heroes in place making them easy targets for teammates.

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