Diablo 4 Spiritborn Guide

In our complete Diablo 4 Spiritborn guide, we cover all the newest class's aspects you want to know about. From explaining the Spirit Hall mechanic to describing all the skills and more.

Read Our Diablo 4 Spiritborn Guide

The Vessel of Hatred DLC is not that far away from being released. A brand-new Spiritborn class will be released along with its launch. It will become the sixth class added to the game’s roster. In our Diablo 4 Spiritborn guide, we will cover all the aspects of mastering this class. From explaining its unique Spirit Hall mechanic to describing skills and more, we have it all here.

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Spiritborn Gameplay

Spiritborn gameplay is built around four Spirit Guardians you can combine in battle. With this class, you can be a squishy assassin, a tanky bruiser, or a combination of both. The Vessel of Hatred DLC new class truly has no bounds in terms of builds and playstyles.

With a total of 24 skills to combine and four different forms, Spiritborn is a class for everyone. This is what the developers kept in mind while creating it. Every Diablo 4 player can play Spiritborn in a way they like.

Spiritborn Pros & Cons

Since we are dealing with a brand-new class, let’s take a look at Spiritborn pros and cons first. This will help you understand whether you want to try this class or not.

Starting with Spiritborn upsides, they include the following points:

  • Complete Versatility: Choose between four Spirit Guardians and create your own way of playing Spiritborn. You can execute the role of a Tank or a fast DPS, the choice is yours. This is by far the most customizable class we have seen in Diablo 4.
  • Overwhelming Mobility: No matter what Spirit Guardian you choose to build your gameplay around, you will have overwhelming mobility. This is especially seen in The Jaguar form.

As for Spiritborn downsides, we have to mention the following things:

  • Two-Handed Weapons Only: The Spiritborn class can only use Glaives, Quarterstaffs, and Polearms as their weapons. This significantly limits your fighting capabilities since you have no access to many OP Uniques.
  • Hard to Master: Having 24 active skills to combine and experiment with makes Spiritborn a difficult class to master. Learning it will not take too much time, but be ready to invest much time in practicing it to master it from top to bottom.

Spiritborn Forms

Spirit Guardians, aka forms, are what make this class unique. They can make you specialize in dealing damage or tanking. Each form has its own theme you can decide to build your character around. The same goes for the damage type you want to deal. Here is a list of all Spiritborn forms in Diablo 4:

  • Centipede (Balazan) – Poison Damage
  • The Eagle (Kwatli) – Lightning Damage
  • The Gorilla (Wumba) – Physical Damage
  • The Jaguar (Rezoka) – Fire Damage

You can either choose a single Spirit Guardian to focus on or combine several of them. This will grant you access to both damaging and tanking skills. For example, you can assign skills from The Jaguar tree to hit quickly and hard. You might also want to have an option to defend yourself, meaning you can take something from The Gorilla skill kit. BLOG20

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Spiritborn Stat Priority

When it comes to the best Spiritborn stat priority distribution, Dexterity is your go-to attribute. It significantly boosts all the damage you do. Both Strength and Intelligence are also great for increasing your offense and defense. Consider leveling them right after Dexterity to become even stronger. Finally, you have Willpower, which is absolutely useless and does nothing useful.

Spiritborn Spirit Hall Class Mechanic

Spirit Hall is a unique Spiritborn class mechanic that grants access to a set of passive bonuses. They vary depending on the Spirit chosen. You can select several Spirit types to benefit from their major and minor bonus simultaneously. This system allows you to further customize your builds and gain additional devastating effects based on each Spirit’s core themes.

Spirit Major Passive Minor Passive
Using an Eagle skill gives you 2 storm feathers, with a cap at 8 ones. When you dodge, all storm feathers are unleashed, causing 111 Lightning damage and making targets vulnerable for 3 seconds. You get a 4% extra Crit Strike chance for every 4 meters you move.
Eagle All your skills now become Eagle skills. You start accumulating this bonus again after 2 seconds you land a Crit Strike.
Using a Gorilla skill inflicts 100% Thorns damage on enemies you hit and grants a Barrier equal to 10% of your maximum life (up to 40%) for 3 seconds. Maximum Resolve is increased by 2.
Gorilla All your skills now become Gorilla skills. Gain the Unstoppable effect upon reaching at least 5 stacks of Resolve.
Every 4th time you directly damage an enemy with a Jaguar skill, you unleash additional slashes that deal 100% of the total damage of those 4 hits. Maximum Ferocity is increased by 1.
Jaguar All your skills now become Jaguar skills. Grants 1 stack of Ferocity each time you slay an enemy or deal damage to a boss.
Striking an enemy with a Centipede skill lowers their damage by 2.5% and slows them by 10% for 3 seconds. This effect can stack up to 8 times. Recover 1% of your Max HP for each nearby enemy poisoned in the last 3 seconds, up to a maximum of 5%.
Centipede All your skills now become Centipede skills.

To gain these bonuses and unlock them all, you need to progress through the Vessel of Hatred campaign. Despite having the option to choose bonuses from different Spirits, you can only have one major and one minor bonus simultaneously.

Spiritborn Skills

You can experiment with your character’s build and overall playstyle with 24 skills in total. They come in different rarities and can be upgraded just like any other class’s skills. Here is a complete list of all Spiritborn skills with a detailed description of each:

Skill Rarity Description
Withering Fist Basic Dash forward and strike an enemy, dealing immediate damage and inflicting Poison damage over 6 seconds. On your 3rd attack, your strike explodes, damaging nearby enemies and slowing them by 30% for 3 seconds.
Thrash Basic Leap at an enemy and slash, dealing damage. On your 3rd attack, unleash a flurry of rapid slashes around your target, dealing significant total damage.
Thunderspike Basic Quickly lunge forward with a piercing strike, dealing damage. On your 3rd attack, the strike penetrates deeper, dealing additional damage and reducing your Evade cooldown by 5 seconds.
Rock Splitter Core Charge at a target and clobber the enemies in front of you, dealing damage. On your 3rd attack, strike all surrounding enemies, dealing additional damage.
Crushing Hand Core Smash the ground beside you, creating two overlapping shockwaves on either side, each dealing damage.
Quill Volley Core Throw 5 feathers that pierce through enemies, each one dealing damage.
Rake Core Conjure claws that rake through the enemies in front of you, dealing damage and then exploding for additional damage.
Stinger Core Hit a small area, damaging enemies within it and all nearby poisoned enemies.
Vortex Focus Create a cyclone that pulls enemies inward, followed by a crushing downdraft that deals damage to them.
Soar Focus Soar into the air to create a cloud that makes enemies at your target location vulnerable for 5 seconds. Then, crash down onto them, dealing damage.
Ravager Focus

Passive: Increases Minimum Ferocity.

Active: Unleash a fierce roar, making all your attacks trigger extra strikes that deal damage over 6 seconds.

Toxic Skin Focus

Passive: Enemies that attack you are poisoned, taking damage over 3 seconds.

Active: Release an overflow of toxins, creating a poisonous trail and making you unhindered for a few seconds.

Armored Hide Defensive

Passive: Accumulate Resolve every 5 seconds.

Active: Encase yourself to become Unstoppable and gain 100% Block Chance for a few seconds.

Concussive Stomp Defensive Stomp in front of you, sending out a shockwave that deals damage and knocks down enemies for a few seconds.
Counterattack Defensive

Passive: Increase Dodge Chance and automatically retaliate with damage against nearby enemies when you dodge their attacks.

Active: Dodge all direct attacks for 2 seconds.

Scourge Defensive Summon a wave of insects that bite enemies, causing them to Fear and Slow down for 3 seconds while applying Poison damage over 6 seconds.
Payback Potency Strike enemies in front of you, dealing damage. When you are hit, there is a 35% chance to cut Payback’s cooldown by 1 second.
Razor Wings Potency Send out a cluster of razor-sharp spirit feathers that rebound, dealing damage on their way out and back.
Rushing Claw Potency Slash through an enemy over a short distance, hitting all enemies in your path twice for a total of damage.
Touch of Death Potency Strike an enemy, infecting them with 5% damage and applying Poison damage over 9 seconds. When the infection ends or the host dies, a swarm emerges and targets nearby enemies for 9 seconds, dealing damage with each hit. You can have up to 3 swarms active at the same time.
The Protector Ultimate The Gorilla Spirit guards an area for 6 seconds, repeatedly smashing surrounding enemies for 80% damage and granting you a Barrier equal to 15% of your Maximum Life every 1.5 seconds.
The Seeker Ultimate The Eagle Spirit swoops down, dealing 20% damage. After a brief delay, it takes off, delivering a powerful blast that deals 300% damage.
The Hunter Ultimate Leap across the battlefield with the Jaguar Spirit, dealing 50% damage upon landing. Then, rapidly slash enemies in the area, delivering a total of 200% damage over 7 strikes.
The Devourer Ultimate The Centipede Spirit appears, unleashing a blast that hits enemies in a line for 140% damage and spitting at others for 40% damage. It lasts for 15 seconds.

Such a large variety of skills lets Spiritborn stay the most versatile class in the game. At SkyCoach, you can Find a Perfect Diablo 4 Build for this class or any other. Let our PROs handle grinding and farming for you. Delve into the endgame content and destroy everyone on your way.

Spiritborn Best Skills

So far, all abilities connected with movement are considered Spiritborn best skills. Despite belonging to the Basic category, skills like Withering Fist, Thrash, and Thunderspike are superbly powerful.

The same goes for all four Ultimates you have in your arsenal. No matter what form you decide to build your character around, they all deserve your attention. The Protector is a perfect choice for a Tank build. The Devourer is an option for a bruiser. Both The Seeker and The Hunter are for pure DPS builds.

Spiritborn Passives

The class boasts plenty of active skills to use in a fight. Apart from that, here is a list of Spiritborn passives that make your even stronger:

  1. Vital Strikes: You deal 100% more damage to Vulnerable enemies. Once you make an enemy Vulnerable, your next direct hit heals you for 2% of your Max HP, generates 5 Vigor, and removes the Vulnerable status.
  2. Adaptive Stances: The base Spirit of a skill provides specific bonuses. When you cast a skill with a different base Spirit, it swaps to the new bonus and boosts all damage by 30% for 5 seconds.
  3. Prodigy's Tempo: Every 3rd consecutive use of the same basic skill boosts all skill ranks by +2 for 5 seconds. Every 3rd consecutive use of the same core or potency skill reduces the cooldowns of all skills by 10%, with an additional 2% reduction for each rank of those skills.
  4. Noxious Resonance: Your critical strikes make enemies explode, dealing 100% of their total poison damage to nearby foes.

Vital Strikes seems like the most OP passive Spiritborn has so far. Just imagine that, dealing 100% more damage to Vulnerable enemies. There are plenty of ways to apply this debuff to gain a bonus like this. You will heal for 2% of your Max HP, meaning you get free self-sustain in a fight. BLOG20

Spiritborn Weapons

With the launch of the new DLC, we will also see new Spiritborn weapons added to the game. These are archetypes we have never seen before: Glaive and Quarterstaff. Glaives boost your damage against Elites, while Quarterstaffs significantly enhance your block chance and block mitigation. Both weapons have a base attack speed of 1.0, matching that of a Greatsword, allowing for swift strikes.

Spiritborn Uniques

Just like all other classes, a variety of Spiritborn Uniques is coming with the Vessel of Hatred DLC. Here is a list of all unique items currently confirmed for the new class:

  • Ring of Centipede Eagle
  • Ring of Gorilla Centipede
  • Ring of Eagle Jaguar
  • Ring of Centipede Jaguar
  • Scorch of the Earth
  • Sepazontec
  • Harmony
  • Moving Dodge

If the developers add more Spiritborn items of these types, we will update the article shortly after.


This brings us to the end of our Diablo 4 Spiritborn guide, the newest class coming with the Vessel of Hatred DLC. Within these pages, we have covered all the aspects you need to know. From describing all the skills to explaining the Spirit Hall mechanic and more. Once we learn more details about Spiritborn, we will update this article to keep you informed. This is it for now, heroes, and we will see you in Sanctuary!


How does Spiritborn play in Diablo 4?


The Spiritborn class is played around combining four distinct Spirit Guardians. Depending on the chosen form, you will have a different set of skills and bonuses.

What are the best Spiritborn skills in Diablo 4?


So far, the best Spiritborn skills include its Ultimates, such as:

  • The Devourer
  • The Hunter
  • The Seeker
  • The Protector

What are Spiritborn forms in Diablo 4?


Here is a list of all Spiritborn forms currently available in the game:

  • Centipede (Balazan)
  • The Eagle (Kwatli)
  • The Gorilla (Wumba)
  • The Jaguar (Rezoka)

Is Spiritborn any good in Diablo 4?


Spiritborn promises to revolutionize Diablo 4’s class roster. By playing this class, players can execute any role they want, experiment with endless builds, and so on.

What weapons does Spiritborn use in Diablo 4?


Spiritborn has two new weapon archetypes exclusive to this class, such as Glaive and Quarterstaff.

Is Spiritborn difficult to master in Diablo 4?


With a total of 24 active skills and four different stances to choose from and combine, Spiritborn is quite a difficult class to master.

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