ESO Scribing System Guide 2025

Discover Scribing - a new system in the game that adds customizable skills. In this guide you'll learn how to unlock this system, how it works, what are the Grimoires and Scripts. You'll also find the best combinations of Grimoires and Scripts for different roles and how to get each each new skill.

Discover ESO Scribing System

Have you ever felt powerless? Today, you’ll learn about obtainable skills that can be changed and tailored to your playstyle using a system that has been recently added to the game. This ESO Scribing guide will explain what this new system is about, how it works, and how to use it to add new skills and ultimately modify your character build.

The new ESO Scribing system is essentially a constructor where you get to decide which effects your new skills have. You’ll have a set of effects that can be combined in any way and attached to a skill to create some insanely powerful combinations. If you manage to see some synergies between the effects that you can add and the skills themselves, you can make entirely new builds and completely change how your class plays!

Learning a new gameplay system becomes much easier and more fun when you have no shortage of gold. If you’re running low, you could Buy ESO Gold at SkyCoach. This is a fast and safe service used by thousands of ESO players. Your gold will be delivered to you shortly after placing the order. You can pick anywhere between 2 and 10 million gold. So, if you need gold, SkyCoach is the place to get it from.

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How To Use Scribing

ESO Scribing might appear to be a pretty complex system at first glance, but the more you learn about it, the easier it gets. Let’s start with a list of important things in Scribing:

  • Grimoires – new skills that you can customize with Scribing to add various effects. These are unlocked and bought.
  • Scripts (3 different kinds) – a thing that contains an effect that can be applied to a skill. First, you must unlock them and then obtain them through some extremely tedious grind.
  • Luminous Ink – a currency required for scribing. Without it, you can’t do anything.

So far so good, eh? Scribing doesn’t have a sill line like Antiquities; instead, you just go to the the place marked on the screenshot below and start using it.

As long as you have at least one Ink (the resource currency), some Scripts and you unlocked and bought a Grimoire, come up to the Scribing Altar and get Scribing. It’s really easy. Just remember that for any change you make to a skill, you’ll have to pay Ink. Swapping and adding requires it.

You can customize the elements of Grimoires and swap them out as you see fit. The Skill itself has a base function, something that it always does.  BLOG20

You can add one of three elements – Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary, also known as Focus, Signature, and Affix Scripts. and replace some of the skill’s specifics. Now that you know how to Scribe in ESO, let’s find out how to actually get access to this system.

How To Unlock The Scribing System?

If you want to know how to unlock Scribing, it’s going to take a few steps. First, make sure you have the Gold Road expansion, this system is not available to those who don’t own it. Go to Singrad, where the Mage’s guild is, and find an NPC named Adept Irnard Rirnil. He’ll offer you a quest called “The Second Era of Scribing.” 

When you’re done, go ahead and complete The Wing of the Indrik right away. Do that and the Altar for Scribing will be yours to play with at any time you want. As we’ve mentioned before, these Wing quests are a way to unlock more Grimoires and Scripts. This answers the question for ESO Scribing where to get. Here’s a specific list of rewards from each quest:

Quest Rewards
The Wing of the Indrik
  • Scholarium Grimoire Vendor becomes available
  • Luminous Ink becomes a rare monster drop
The Wing of the Gryphon
  • Focus Scripts become available as rewards
  • Focus Scripts can be bought from the Scholarium Vendor
The Wing of the Dragon
  • Signature Scripts become available as rewards 
  • Signature Scripts can be bought from the Scholarium Vendor and the Infinite Archive Vendor
  • Scripts can be unlocked in Mage Guilds and through Class Mastery
The Wing of the Netch
  • Affix Scripts become available as rewards
  • Affix Scripts can be bought from the Scholarium Vendor and the Infinite Archive Vendor 
  • Luminous Ink now has a chance to drop from crafting materials nodes
The Wing of the Crow
  • Unlocks Soul Burst Grimoire
  • Unlocks True-Sight Viewing Emote
  • Unlocks 1 SP (Skill Point)

Do make sure to complete all of these quests, so that you actually get your hands on all possible Grimoires and Scripts.

How to Farm Luminous Ink

Luminous Ink is a resource and a currency without which you can’t do anything. Creating or editing a skill consumes this ink. It is categorized as a miscellaneous material and will be available in your crafting bag if you have ESO+.

How to get it:

Each Scribing quest (except the first and final ones) awards 3 ink, up to a total of 12 inks.

  1. Rare monster drop;
  2. Rare drop from resource nodes;
  3. Since it is not bound, ink can be acquired through trading;

Long story short, the best method to farm Luminous Ink is resource hunting.

Complete List of Scribing Grimoirs and How To Get Each One

It’s worth repeating – a Scribing Grimoire is a skill that belongs to one of the skill lines. First, you must gain access to them and then buy them for 50,000 Gold. If you need the same Grimoir again, it will cost you only 10,000 Gold. In the table below, we’ll tell you where to get Grimoires ESO and what they do.

Image Grimoire Skill Line How to Obtain

Elemental Explosion Destruction Staff Complete the Wing of the Indrik quest

Mender’s Bond Restoration Staff Complete the Wing of the Indrik quest

Shield Throw One Hand and Shield Complete the Wing of the Indrik quest

Smash Two-Handed Complete the Wing of the Indrik quest

Soul Burst Soul Magic Finish the Wing of the Crow quest; then complete the Second Era of Scribing on other characters

Wield Soul Soul Magic Automatically unlocked during the Scribing tutorial quest

Torchbearer Fighters Guild Complete the Wing of the Indrik quest

Trample Assault Complete the Wing of the Indrik quest

Traveling Knife Dual Wield Complete the Wing of the Indrik quest

Ulfsild’s Contingency Mages Guild Complete the Wing of the Indrik quest

Vault Bow Complete the Wing of the Indrik quest

To sum this ESO Scribing Grimoires list up, you unlock new abilities known as Grimoires by completing specific quests and purchasing them from the Scholarium after completing the Wings quests. Some Grimoires, like Soul Burst, require additional quest completion or achievements. Additionally, certain Grimoires are automatically unlocked during the tutorial.

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Scribing Scripts Explained

The second most important element of Scribing is Scripts. As explained before, they add different effects to the Grimoirs. There are 3 types of Scripts:

  1. Focus – add a main effect to the Skill like a damage type, healing, stun, etc.
  2. Signature – modify the behavior of the Focus scripts, changing how or when the effect triggers.
  3. Affix – adds some kind of buff or a debuff.

Each type is unlocked after completing a certain Wing, so make sure to do them all to be able to customize these new skills and create as many variations as possible. After you’ve unlocked each Script type, you need to obtain scripts. Now, let’s list all scripts and how to get them: BLOG20

Focus Scripts

Image Script How to Obtain
Magic Damage Earned through the Second Era of Scribing quest
Healing Earned through completing the Wing of the Indrik quest
Physical Damage Collected from the Mages Guild (Vulkhel Guard - Auridon)
Stun Collected from the Mages Guild (Daggerfall - Glenumbra)
Damage Shield Collected from the Mages Guild (Davon’s Watch - Stonefalls)
Bleed Damage Acquired through dailies (Rewards of the Worthy, Mages Guild, and Delves) after acquiring the Sigil of Luminary Gryphon
Disease Damage Acquired through dailies (Rewards of the Worthy, Mages Guild, and Delves) after acquiring the Sigil of Luminary Gryphon
Dispel Acquired through dailies (Rewards of the Worthy, Mages Guild, and Delves) after acquiring the Sigil of Luminary Gryphon
Flame Damage Acquired through dailies (Rewards of the Worthy, Mages Guild, and Delves) after acquiring the Sigil of Luminary Gryphon
Frost Damage Acquired through dailies (Rewards of the Worthy, Mages Guild, and Delves) after acquiring the Sigil of Luminary Gryphon
Generate Ultimates Acquired through dailies (Rewards of the Worthy, Mages Guild, and Delves) after acquiring the Sigil of Luminary Gryphon
Immobilize Acquired through dailies (Rewards of the Worthy, Mages Guild, and Delves) after acquiring the Sigil of Luminary Gryphon
Knockback Acquired through dailies (Rewards of the Worthy, Mages Guild, and Delves) after acquiring the Sigil of Luminary Gryphon
Mitigation Acquired through dailies (Rewards of the Worthy, Mages Guild, and Delves) after acquiring the Sigil of Luminary Gryphon
Multi-target Acquired through dailies (Rewards of the Worthy, Mages Guild, and Delves) after acquiring the Sigil of Luminary Gryphon
Poison Damage Acquired through dailies (Rewards of the Worthy, Mages Guild, and Delves) after acquiring the Sigil of Luminary Gryphon
Pull Acquired through dailies (Rewards of the Worthy, Mages Guild, and Delves) after acquiring the Sigil of Luminary Gryphon
Restore Resources Acquired through dailies (Rewards of the Worthy, Mages Guild, and Delves) after acquiring the Sigil of Luminary Gryphon
Shock Damage Acquired through dailies (Rewards of the Worthy, Mages Guild, and Delves) after acquiring the Sigil of Luminary Gryphon
Taunt Acquired through dailies (Rewards of the Worthy, Mages Guild, and Delves) after acquiring the Sigil of Luminary Gryphon
Trauma Acquired through dailies (Rewards of the Worthy, Mages Guild, and Delves) after acquiring the Sigil of Luminary Gryphon

Each one of these Script adds an effect that its named after. Now, let’s have a look at the Signature Scripts:

Image Script How To Obtain
Lingering Torment Earned through the Second Era of Scribing quest
Sage’s Remedy Earned through completing the Wing of the Indrik quest
Warrior’s Opportunity Collected from the Mages Guild (Elden Root - Grahtwood)
Druid’s Resurgence Collected from the Mages Guild (Wayrest - Stormhaven)
Hunter’s Snare Collected from the Mages Guild (Mournhold - Deshaan)
Fencer’s Parry Acquired through dailies (Cyrodiil, world bosses, and Fighters Guild) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Dragon
Cavalier’s Charge Acquired through dailies (Cyrodiil, world bosses, and Fighters Guild) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Dragon
Growing Impact Acquired through dailies (Cyrodiil, world bosses, and Fighters Guild) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Dragon
Gladiator’s Tenacity Acquired through dailies (Cyrodiil, world bosses, and Fighters Guild) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Dragon
Warmage’s Defense Acquired through dailies (Cyrodiil, world bosses, and Fighters Guild) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Dragon
Wayfarer’s Mastery Acquired through dailies (Cyrodiil, world bosses, and Fighters Guild) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Dragon
Thief’s Swiftness Acquired through dailies (Cyrodiil, world bosses, and Fighters Guild) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Dragon
Knight’s Valor Acquired through dailies (Cyrodiil, world bosses, and Fighters Guild) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Dragon
Anchorite’s Potency Acquired through dailies (Cyrodiil, world bosses, and Fighters Guild) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Dragon
Anchorite’s Cruelty Acquired through dailies (Cyrodiil, world bosses, and Fighters Guild) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Dragon
Crusader’s Defiance Acquired through dailies (Cyrodiil, world bosses, and Fighters Guild) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Dragon
Leeching Thirst Acquired through dailies (Cyrodiil, world bosses, and Fighters Guild) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Dragon
Immobilizing Strike Acquired through dailies (Cyrodiil, world bosses, and Fighters Guild) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Dragon
Assassin’s Misery Acquired through dailies (Cyrodiil, world bosses, and Fighters Guild) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Dragon
Class Mastery Acquired by collecting 50 Class Mastery scraps, which can be earned through master writs, trials, dungeons, arenas, and PvP (drop rate is very low)

These scripts add a modifier that changes the Focused effect. For example, a Signature Script can add a slowing effect or resource restoration effect. Last, but not least, we have the Affix Scripts:

Image Script How to Obtain
Breach Earned through the Second Era of Scribing quest
Resolve Earned through completing the Wing of the Indrik quest
Off Balance Earned through completing the Wing of the Indrik quest
Vitality Collected from the Mages Guild (Rawl’ka - Reaper’s March)
Maim Collected from the Mages Guild (Riften - The Rift)
Vulnerability Collected from the Mages Guild (Evermore - Bangkorai)
Berserk Acquired through dailies (World events, Undaunted, and Imperial City) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Netch
Brittle Acquired through dailies (World events, Undaunted, and Imperial City) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Netch
Brutality and Sorcery Acquired through dailies (World events, Undaunted, and Imperial City) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Netch
Courage Acquired through dailies (World events, Undaunted, and Imperial City) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Netch
Cowardice Acquired through dailies (World events, Undaunted, and Imperial City) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Netch
Defile Acquired through dailies (World events, Undaunted, and Imperial City) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Netch
Empower Acquired through dailies (World events, Undaunted, and Imperial City) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Netch
Enervation Acquired through dailies (World events, Undaunted, and Imperial City) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Netch
Evasion Acquired through dailies (World events, Undaunted, and Imperial City) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Netch
Expedition Acquired through dailies (World events, Undaunted, and Imperial City) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Netch
Force Acquired through dailies (World events, Undaunted, and Imperial City) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Netch
Heroism Acquired through dailies (World events, Undaunted, and Imperial City) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Netch
Intellect and Endurance Acquired through dailies (World events, Undaunted, and Imperial City) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Netch
Interrupt Acquired through dailies (World events, Undaunted, and Imperial City) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Netch
Lifesteal Acquired through dailies (World events, Undaunted, and Imperial City) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Netch
Magickasteal Acquired through dailies (World events, Undaunted, and Imperial City) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Netch
Mangle Acquired through dailies (World events, Undaunted, and Imperial City) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Netch
Protection Acquired through dailies (World events, Undaunted, and Imperial City) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Netch
Savagery and Prophecy Acquired through dailies (World events, Undaunted, and Imperial City) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Netch
Uncertainty Acquired through dailies (World events, Undaunted, and Imperial City) after obtaining the Sigil of Luminary Netch

This type of Script adds a buff or a debuff based on its name. Some of them reduce the target’s healing, while others reduce the damage taken by you.

Scripts can also be bought from a dude who acts as a Scholarium vendor. His name is Chronicler Firandi, and you should already know him by this point. But there’s another trader, the weekly one, who can sell you them. He goes by the name Filer Ool and is found in the Infinite Archive, Apocrypha. 

Script Type Initial Price (Scholarium) Initial Price (Archival Fortunes) Discounted Price (Gold) Discounted Price (Archival Fortunes)
Affix Scripts 25k 10k 5k 2k
Focus Scripts 75k 30k 15k 6k
Signature Scripts 100k 40k 20k 8k

You’ll get the discounted price when you buy these scripts for your alts, after one of your characters bought them for the first time.

On top of that, Scripts are items in their original form, which means that you can bank them or trade them. But, once you actually use a Script, your character learns and memorizes it, and then it becomes something you can’t trade or put in a bank. 

Best Scribing Scripts Combos

The developers claim that there can be over 4000 possible combinations of Grimoires and Scripts. In this section, we’d like to offer you a few combinations that we think might be the ESO best Grimoire Scripts for a certain type of role. Remember, you should combine Scripts with Grimoires based on your build and the type of content you’re usually doing. But if we’re talking about the roles, here are some good combos: BLOG20

Tank Role

Tanks can get some pretty sick combos out of Leaching Burst, Warding Contingency, and Heroic Torch.

Grimoire Focus Script Signature Script Affix Script
Lashing Burst Pull Hunter’s Snare Interrupt
Leashing Soul Pull Druid’s Resurgence Cowardice
Warding Contingency Damage Shield Gladiator’s Tenacity Protection
Heroic Torch Generate Ultimate Gladiator’s Tenacity Heroism

These skills will let you pull your enemies, do AoE damage, and provide enough protection for you and your teammates in some endgame dungeons.

Healer Role

Healers have two awesome Grimoirs to pick from. Each choice adds a fun new mechanic that lets you heal your teammates in a new way.

Grimoire Focus Script Signature Script Affix Script
Mender’s Bond Mitigation Sage’s Remedy Courage
Dazing Explosion Stun Druid’s Resurgence Brittle

If you’re tired of using the same ways to heal someone, with these, you’ll definitely be having fun. These don’t necessarily add more complexity, they’re more for variety.

Damage Dealer Role

If you’re looking for more damage, we’ve found only one combination so far, but there’s probably more.

Grimoire Focus Script Signature Script Affix Script
Venomous Knife Poison Damage Warrior’s Opportunity Berserk

This is obviously based on dealing with DoT through poison, which can help you deal with stronger enemies.

Solo Player

Solo players always look for more survivability, and as it happens, there’s one Grimoire that offers just that. Other options include new ways to stun and knockback your enemies.

Grimoire Focus Script Signature Script Affix Script
Warding Burst Damage Shield Anchorite’s Potency Resolve
Repelling Torch Knockback Hunter’s Snare Mangle
Dazing Trample Stun Hunter’s Snare Mangle

The Burst gives you and your friends a shield that absorbs incoming damage. It’s absorbing capacity is based on your maximum health, which is pretty neat.


Scribing has added eleven new skills which can be further customized by you using Scripts that add all sorts of effects, buffs, debuffs, and other stuff. Each of these skills can have up to 3 different Scripts, which means that there can be potentially thousands of possible combinations.

But before you can start experimenting, you’re going to have to become an errand boy and do some multi-step quests. The first quest is an introductory one, where the game holds your hand, explaining everything step by step. That’s not all, though. There are a series of quests that you need to do (we suggest you do them all before tinkering with the system) to be able to find all of the ingredients. After that, you’re going to have to run around the world of Elder Scrolls, hoping to collect as many Scripts as you can. Unless, you have mountains of gold, in which case you can then just buy them. Either way, then you can finally start playing around with Scribing.

This concludes our guide for this new system. If you found it useful, don’t forget to rate this guide and we’ll see you in the next one!


How to unlock the Scribing System in ESO?


The Scribing System can be unlocked by completing a quest called The Second Era of Scribing, which can be accepted from Adept Irnard Rirnil in Skingrad.

What is ESO Scribing?


Scribing is a new system that offers eleven new skills that can be changed and modified using Scripts.

What are Grimoires in ESO?


Grimoires are the new customizable skills added to the game with the Scribing system.

How to get Scripts for Scribing in ESO?


Scripts like Grimoires must be first unlocked by completing the WIng questlines. Then, they can be either bought or found as rewards for completing daily challenges.

What are the best Grimoires to use in ESO?


The best Grimoires are usually the ones that fit your build, role, or class. Here are a few examples:

  • Tank – Lashing Burst
  • Healer – Mender’s Bond
  • Damage Dealer – Venomous Knife
  • Solo Player – Warding Burst

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