MoCo Beginner's Guide

This MoCo beginner’s guide explains all the basics of the new MMO. Learn about how gear, gadgets, and projects work. We also outline the most crucial in-game activities like rift and dungeons, as well as PvP, and more.

Read Our MoCo Beginner's Guide

Welcome to our complete MoCo beginner’s guide, hunters! This game throws you into a monster-filled world where you hunt, level up, and gear up to become stronger. But with so much to do, getting started can feel overwhelming.

This article will break down everything you need to know, from gear upgrades to the best weapons and the most intricate mechanics. By reading it, you’ll be ready for the challenges that await you.

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MoCo Basics

The game is completely free-to-play, with no pay-to-win mechanics. You can play solo, in duos, or with a full group of friends. No matter what mode you prefer, here is how to play MoCo and what to expect from the game:

  • Open-world gameplay with different monster-filled maps.
  • Gear upgrades to make your character stronger.
  • Multiple weapons to change your playstyle.
  • Daily jobs, events, and dungeons to keep the game fresh.

Your level unlocks new gear, maps, and missions. Completing quests, hunting monsters, and joining multiplayer fights will help you grow stronger fast.

How Gear Works in MoCo

The most important part of our MoCo starter guide includes the description of how gear works. What do we mean by this term? It includes weapons, gadgets, passives, and a rider. Each piece of gear affects how you fight, move, and survive. You can upgrade gear to increase its power and unlock new abilities.

Let’s see what each gear type is all about in Mo.Co:

  • Weapons – Define your playstyle with different attack types.
  • Gadgets – Special abilities that help in fights.
  • Passives – Automatic buffs that improve your performance.
  • Rider – A mount that increases movement speed.

Gear upgrades happen with Chaos Cores, and they drop from monsters. Tougher enemies have a higher chance of dropping them. However, upgrades are random. You don’t choose what gets stronger. The only exception is Daily Jobs, which let you pick from four options when upgrading.

Gadgets Explained

Moving on with our MoCo new player guide, let’s see what other unique features this game brings to life. One of those aspects includes gadgets. They’re special abilities that help in combat. They can deal damage, heal, boost speed, or control enemies. Each gadget has a cooldown, so you need to use them wisely. Some have short cooldowns, and others take longer to recharge.

We’ve prepared the strongest gadgets as a part of our MoCo tutorial for new players:

  • Vitamin Shot – Heals and increases attack speed.
  • Explosive Six-Pack – Lets you jump while dropping bombs.
  • Multi Zapper – Hits all enemies in range with electricity.

You can equip gadgets that match your weapon and playstyle. None of them are unplayable or too OP. Some gadgets are better for big fights, so you want to take them for this purpose specifically. Others help with single-target damage you also need in some scenarios.

Note: Gadgets can be upgraded using Chaos Cores, just like weapons.

Multiplayer and Clans

The truth is that MoCo is designed for multiplayer action. This makes teamwork a big part of the game. Yes, you can hunt monsters solo, but this is much more fun in duos or large groups. Fighting alongside others makes leveling up faster and easier. When a monster dies, everyone nearby earns XP and loot, even if they didn’t attack. This means you can progress just by staying close to battles.

Clans in MoCo are called Groups, and each one can have up to 100 members. You can join multiple groups at the same time. Groups allow you to share lobby codes, chat with members, and track activity. This helps you find active teammates instead of playing with randoms.

The biggest tip we can share in our Mo.Co beginner’s guide is to play in a group. Why? Because you get a ton of benefits and more fun:

  1. More XP and loot when fighting in a team.
  2. Easier to fight Overcharged and Mega Charged monsters.
  3. Groups make it faster to clear Rifts.
  4. You can create custom lobbies for coordinated gameplay.
  5. Some events and missions require multiple players.

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Daily Jobs

Daily Jobs are one of the best ways to level up fast in MoCo for beginners. Every few hours, a new job appears, giving you tasks to complete. These jobs reward you with XP, loot, and Chaos Kits. Staying on top of them helps you progress much faster. One of the most crucial MoCo tips we can share is to focus on this type of activity above everything else. Why? Let’s find out:

  • They give a lot of XP to help you level up.
  • Completing three jobs earns you a Chaos Kit.
  • Jobs reward you with Chaos Cores, which upgrade your gear.

Chaos Kits let you upgrade a random piece of your gear. The only time you can choose which gear to upgrade is when you earn a Chaos Kit from jobs. After completing three jobs, you pick from four gear upgrade options. This helps you improve your best weapons and gadgets faster.

If you don’t complete your jobs, they stop appearing. This means you’ll miss out on rewards and level up slower. Always finish your jobs daily to keep getting new ones. Otherwise, you lose the easiest way of earning XP and slow your progression.

Best Weapons to Use for Beginners

We can’t miss out on choosing the best weapons as a part of our MoCo beginner guide 2025. Since we’re playing an MMO, your choice influences every aspect of the gameplay. Moreover, you don’t have any pre-created classes when creating your character. Your weapon is what defines your class and overall playstyle.

Some weapons work better for new players because they deal high damage and are easier to use. The best beginner weapons focus on splash damage. Why? Because they let you hit multiple enemies at once. Here are the strongest weapons to opt for early on in Mo.Co:

  • Techno Fists – Shots bounce between enemies, making it great for clearing groups.
  • CPU Bomb – Throws explosive bombs that deal massive area damage.
  • Portable Portal – Later in the game, this weapon can out-damage single-target weapons.

Most fights involve large groups of monsters. Splash damage lets you hit multiple enemies at once, making fights faster and easier. Some weapons, like the Speed Shot Bow, focus on single targets, but they aren’t ideal for early progress.

Using Chaos Kits, focus on upgrading splash-damage weapons first. This helps increase your damage output and makes fights less challenging. Additionally, you’ll gain XP faster and take down larger mob groups way easier.

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Events in MoCo

MoCo features special events that give extra rewards and help players progress faster. They appear at different times during the day. It’s important to keep an eye out for them not to miss easy rewards. Each event works differently, but all offer valuable stuff like XP and Chaos Cores. Here are a few events to watch out for:

  • Double XP Event – Earn more XP for hunting monsters. A simple way to level up faster.
  • Protect the Engineers – Find MoCo employees on the map, protect them from enemies, and earn XP.
  • Overcharge Alert – Overcharged monsters spawn more often and drop extra Chaos Cores.

We highly recommend grinding Overcharge Alert while it’s available. The number of Chaos Cores you can loot is overwhelming. This event is the best one in terms of how it influences your progression, especially early on.

Long-Term Projects

MoCo has long-term projects that work like extended missions. These take more time to complete but offer big rewards like XP and gear upgrades. Unlike Daily Jobs, they require more effort and often push players to try different weapons or gadgets. A few examples include:

  • Hunting a specific monster multiple times.
  • Dealing damage with certain weapons or gadgets.
  • Exploring new areas and completing world objectives.

Projects help you progress faster by giving huge XP boosts. Some require using weapons you might not prefer, but completing them is worth it. They also help unlock more gear, making your character stronger over time.

One of the most important MoCo tips and tricks we can share is to focus on those projects after Daily Jobs only. The latter is much easier and faster to complete. They also offer better rewards if we compare those two activities.

Rifts and Dungeons

Rifts are MoCo’s version of dungeons, offering intense battles and big rewards. They are part of your questline and must be completed to progress further. Rifts feature multiple waves of enemies, ending with a powerful boss fight.

Each Rift starts with clearing enemy waves. After that, you enter the boss area for the final battle. The goal is to defeat the boss quickly for extra XP and rewards. Some Rifts even have a time limit for additional challenges.

The main features of this activity include the fact they’re great for XP and gear upgrades. You can significantly boost your character’s strength by grinding rifts often. You get a ton of rewards and also complete projects along the way. Finally, it’s a great way to test your skill and diversify the gameplay.

Playing PvP in MoCo

There are two main PvP modes in Mo.Co: solo and team battles. However, PvP does not unlock immediately – you need to progress before accessing it.


Solo Mode Solo mode plays like a battle royale but with monsters and players. You fight enemies, collect shards, and eliminate opponents. The player with the most shards at the end wins. Unlike traditional battle royales, you can respawn after dying.
Team Mode Team PvP works similarly but with four players on each team. The goal is to outscore the other team by collecting more shards. Coordination and teamwork play a huge role in securing victory.

Remember that PvP offers little XP and no Chaos Cores. This means it’s not the content you’re looking for when only starting out. You can try this for fun, but don’t expect major rewards. It’s more for fun and competition than grinding levels. BLOG20

How to Get Free Cosmetics Early On

MoCo lets you customize your character with cool cosmetic items. Most of them are only available through the in-game shop. Though, there are some ways to unlock them for free:

  • Daily Free Merch Tokens: Every day, you get free merch tokens from the vending machine. These tokens let you unlock cosmetics without spending real money.
  • Finding Merch Boxes: Merch boxes are hidden all over the world. Collect them to get even more free tokens. These boxes appear as beige dots on your mini-map.
  • Using Tokens in the Merch Machine: Once you collect enough tokens, use them in the merch machine. The machine randomly selects an outfit or accessory for you.
  • Completing Projects for Extra Cosmetics: Some long-term projects reward cosmetic items. Keep an eye on these tasks to unlock exclusive styles over time.

Always remember to grab your daily tokens and search for mech boxes to get free cosmetics. Don’t expect many opportunities like this since the developers only make you pay for the cosmetics. The game is totally free in all other aspects. You can’t pay for winning others; your money only influences the way your character looks.


This sums up our MoCo beginner’s guide, hunters! You’re now fully prepared to explore this exciting MMO in all its aspects. The game offers a ton of fun and unique features. Some elements, like rifts, seem familiar, and others are absolutely new. Enjoy the title’s smooth gameplay and see what it has to offer when it comes to grinding through the content and progressing with your character. Good luck, and we will see you in the game!


What to do when you first start MoCo?


Focus on completing daily jobs, leveling up, and upgrading your gear for faster progress. Join groups to hunt monsters and earn more rewards.

How to become good at MoCo?


Upgrade your gear, use AoE weapons, and complete daily jobs for steady progression. Playing with others also helps you level up faster.

What is the best beginner weapon in MoCo?


Techno Fists and CPU Bomb are great for beginners due to their strong AoE damage. These weapons help clear large groups of enemies easily.

How to be good in MoCo?


Use the best weapons for crowd control, upgrade gear regularly, and join group hunts. Completing projects and events will also boost your progress.

Is MoCo easy?


Yes, but it requires strategy and teamwork to progress efficiently. Choosing the right gear and weapons makes the game much easier.

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