New World Gold Farming Guide: How to Survive the Economy

The economy of every New World server is kind of a mess, and we all know that. Still, there are ways of ensuring a stable income, about which we will tell you in this article.

Getting gold in New World is always an issue once you reach level 60. Let us explain; missions may seem to give you enough resources to upgrade and play without thinking about grinding or farming gold. You just play the game like it is supposed to be played and have fun. 

As a reward, you seemingly get enough in-game currency to afford everything you might want. And it is shocking when you reach your exodia level and find yourself in a situation where you are running low on gold. And somewhere here, you will know why the New Worlds' economy is a mess. But we will get to that.

So, if you have already reached the max level, it is time to start farming. How to do so? We combined all of the best options in this article. To make things easier for new players and those who want to hit the cap (500,000 coins), we list your options from beginner-friendly to extreme. Expect the efficiency and profit to go up later on in the article.

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Why Do You Want to Farm Gold in New World? 

One of the main reasons for faming gold is to progress your character in ways like:

  • Buying better items from the trading post; 
  • Improving your trade skills;
  • Getting your hands on needed materials; 
  • Paying for cosmetics; 
  • Entries are not free as well. 

And that is just half of the list. It continues to the point where you will want to invest in your company’s treasury to claim territories and upgrade settlements. 

While you have to decide the best gold farming way for yourself, we have still listed the options from Easy to Hard based on our own experiences. That way you will have a general idea of the skills and level needed for each option. BLOG20



In most MMORPGs, quests are a waste of time when speaking about making money. That is not the case with New World and the best thing is that you do not need to break the normal game flow. Just play the game as it was meant to be by maxing out the number of quests completed. 

It may seem easy, so just have fun and do not stress too much; if you are running low on gold, try to farm mobs you see on your way, and they will drop some gold occasionally.

The only thing to remember is that you have to save the gold you have earned from playing. Save as much as you can. Because when you finish the story and get to the 60 level, you open yourself to the most profitable farming options.

Learn profitable professions 

Here we are mainly focusing on Armorsmithing and Weaponsmithing, and it is not for selling armor and weapons for extra gold. With these professions, you are becoming a one-man army, relying on your crafting skills and not on trading, so it does not make you money; instead, it saves you cash. You will no longer have to spend hours searching the market to find what you need, as you can just craft it yourself.

Farm the most needed resources 

Crafting and selling is fun and profitable but anyone who plays the game long enough will tell you that most of the money is in the low-tier (Tier One) resources. Sounds surprising, but the explanation is in the New Words’ economy system.

Players will always need Iron Ore. ‘But it is cheap and common!’ you would say. It is cheaper on a single-unit basis. But the more you gather, the more profit you make. Plus, it is much easier to sell because of the high demand.

Do not waste your time gathering rare and expensive stuff; just be the people's person and sell what is needed. Good for you, good for them. 

Upgrade your cooking skill

The market is always changing, so it is hard to tell you what to focus on. But there is thought behind selling dye. Firstly, it revolves around the cooking skill that the players usually ignore. So, you have a real chance of creating a monopoly. Of course, others will try to do the same, but if you are fast and lucky enough, you will have control over the price. Make the best out of it. Just do not go all in on the dye. Be smart and try to get ahead of the market. 

Don’t forget about the harvesting skill

Leveling up the Harvesting skill as early as possible is the key to getting a lot of money. It depends on the server, but you often find yourself with many herbs that will sell well on the market. You can harvest many different things, but usually, focusing on herbs gives you the most profit. Growing in Forests and grasslands, the available  species of herbs vary by territory. 

  • You can find basil, garlic, and sage in Everfall;
  • Ebonscale Reach is home to thyme and ginger;
  • Paprika, saffron, and tarragon are located in Brightwood.

But those are just several examples. You can use the Wiki to find more information on the specific herbs.

Learn how to know the accurate price

It is illogical, but it is sometimes better to sell raw resources than the crafted item made from them. To make things harder, there is no rule for that. The actual price depends on many things, and constantly changes. Always check how much you will get from the resources and how much for the complete item. It will save you a lot of money. and saving equals making. 

Invest in consumables

The classic life cycle of potions and food is simple: you buy it and then use it immediately. But it is also one of the most stable ways of getting cash. Although the market is flooded with the same things you are trying to sell, the price is always the same making it a good option, though not the most profitable. 

Gold > Items

In some games, money is not everything, so it is better to have items you can sell later instead of tons of gold right now. It is not like that in New World. After you finish your quests, you’ll quickly realize that you rarely see any actual cash in your pocket. You find a lot of resources but not gold. We will not go into how the developers made a deficit of money in a virtual game, but money costs more than items.

Sell everything you are not planning to use. It will be easier to repurchase it later on.

Change the server 

If the economy on your server is doomed, just run. Change the server and never come back. Sometimes it is beyond repair. Sometimes servers with a lower population will have better options and prices. So do not get too comfortable and be ready to jump from one to another quickly. 

Make money from the new players 

You have been there. You have done that. You probably know what new players are seeking. While experienced players know every card in your sleeve, it is not the same with newbies. Do not be ashamed of making a profit from them. And we are not talking about getting the price high, so you get one in a million opportunity to sell something. Just do a good job for everyone and sell what they need. 

The main downfall of this method is running out of customers. Do your research first if you want to do it. There may not be many newcomers on your server ready to give you money.

Trading Posts

To start your New World money-making journey, you must be familiar with the Trading Post. There is no way around it as this is one of the most important money-making tools in the game. 

Trading Posts are places where players can freely exchange their goods. Here you can sell and buy everything from resources to items. There are several things to remember: 

  • Prices will differ from market to market!

As in real life, demand dictates the price of things; if one market is flooded with a particular resource, the price will go down, so trying your luck in another might be a good option. The same rule applies the other way around. 

If you see some items getting rarer and rarer, gathering them as fast as possible may be a good option. Or sell them to get some shiny coins. Even if you need a particular item right now, you can always get them cheaper on other Trading Posts or when the price decreases.

Small tips for big traders:

  • Always compare the prices between Trading Posts;
  • Money > Resources, so sell everything you are not using or do not need;
  • Buying Orders will let you buy things in the long run. Since you can place it on rare items that are not available right now;
  • Short-term orders are also helpful since players tend to undercut anything that is listed for a long time;
  • Things that rarely drop or might be only obtained from chests will always have a high demand;
  • Sell your ‘Perfect Stat’ items; they will cost a lot, and you will find yourself a better one anyway;
  • Sell everything that crafters need to level their skills up. Especially if you are not planning on crafting yourself.

Medium & Hard

Market Flipping

We are starting things slow. Flipping, as in every game, depends on your trading skill. Buy low, sell high. Easy as that. 

You are trying to make money off players trying to sell loot as fast as possible. The price in such cases is below the average. Then you list it with a higher price and make some cash. It is basic but gets more complex with time and higher profit. 

Just remember the guidelines to achieve desired cash numbers:

  • Include listing tax in your price;
  • Twenty-four hours is a reasonable time limit to test if the item is valuable now. If you do not sell it in 24 hours, then you better try something else;
  • Flipping works best as one item per time option for niche items, so it is worth focusing on rare and hard-to-get items; sometimes people find something so rare they do not know if it costs anything, so you can get super cheap and make a great profit afterwards;
  • The easier things to get, the larger quantities will be; larger quantities equal better prices for buyers (not sellers), and so on;
  • Reinvest your gold, do not spend it right away; hitting 500,000 gold is your goal then you will need to spend it; before that moment, try to focus on building your economy a good foundation;
  • Prices may go up during the weekends when most people are online so consider waiting till Saturday to sell and Mondays to buy.

Take your time with things; take your time to know the market and get its feel. It takes time and dedication, but the payoff may be massive. 

One of the most significant upsides of this method is that there is nothing as time efficient as flipping. There are no better options if you have limited time. 

End-game crafting

To access the end-game crafting, your crafting skills must be at level 200. That’s the only way of accessing end-game recipes. Firstly, focus on Armoring, Jewelcrafting, and Weaponsmithing. These are the best if you are looking to make yourself a fortune. Depending on your leveling methods, you can start with one of them and slowly move to others. Just remember that end-game crafting is very expensive, and you will spend a lot of time/resources on it. 

Your main goal is crafting level 600 items; it may be jewelry, gear/weapons with stats, and perks that give the best value/price on the market. Keeping them may be a great option, but we are talking about making money in this article.

To start things off, you have to complete this setup:

  • Trading skill at level 200;
  • Tier V crafting materials ( it may be something like Asmodeum, Phoenixweave, Runic Leather, etc.);
  • 3x Major Armoring Crafting Trophy / 3x Major Weaponsmithing Crafting Trophy;
  • Complete crafter set;
  • Tier V crafting food;
  • Specific raft mod;
  • Certain timeless shard.

It is not the most straightforward task to craft upon reaching the end game. You have to spend a lot of time and in-game money to obtain everything required for crafting. But once you get everything in place and are ready to sell, you open yourself to one of the best gold-farming methods in the game. It will not require too much time or resources (other than the ones you need to start it off). 

The good part about this whole scheme is it does not depend on the meta or changes that come into the game. Once you are at a point where you can craft end-game items, you will maintain them as a reliable (or even the primary) source of the much-needed items on the market. It is a serious investment, but you know what they say: give a person a fish, and they will make sushi once, teach a person to fish, and they will open a sushi restaurant. Or something like that. 

It is also worth mentioning that there is not much competition in such a high-end market. So players do not have much to choose from, and you are the one who makes the prices. Even the average price for such stuff is incredibly high. You can get anything from 50k to 500k from a single thing. So be sure that all the time you put into getting to end-game crafting will be fully paid off.

Sell your refining skills daily cooldowns 

Smelting, Woodworking, Leatherworking, Weaving, and Stonecutting are refining skills in the game; upon reaching max level in one of them, you open the crafting option for a Tier V material that is unique for that trade skill. 

This whole process has a 24-hour cooldown. The good news is you can trade this material but to be profitable, you need a specific scheme:

  1. Get the required materials from the buyer;
  2. Craft the items;
  3. Trade them back with a crafting fee.

The only difficulty in this method is the need to speak with other players in the messages. It may be simple for you, but it can be near impossible for others. All of us are different, and you should decide for yourself if it is the way you want to make money in New World. 

The profit truly depends on your negotiating skills. The better you talk and communicate, the more money you will make. It is less stable than other options, but may be a fun change. 

As an example, let’s imagine such a trade:

Someone wants to get a Runic Leather cooldown. Firstly, you want to message the player involved and set a crafting fee, it can be different from server to server, but it is usually around 1000 gold. You can craft up to 10 RL cooldowns; for this example, a person wants to get all of them at once. To give them that, you will have to receive: 50x Infused Leather + 10x Smolderhide + 10x Scarhide + 10x Aged Tannin. You trade that for 10 Runic Leather cooldowns. And ask for your fee you can try to ask for the fee upfront, but usually, buyers want to avoid risking it.

Defeat the Elite Named Bosses and Get Legendary Items 

You might be familiar with this method. You only need to farm bosses to get Legendary items. Several bosses will bring you unique drops that are one of the game's best (stats-wise). 

Players are ready to pay a lot of money to get them without needing to defeat the same mob repeatedly. But. There is a huge but. They have a shallow drop rate. So no one can tell how much time you will spend trying to get a specific item.

To easily defeat these high-level elite bosses, you will need to find yourself a group that will help you. Select runs do not charge any entry fee, but you still rely on a group to join these activities; if you do not want to waste your time, plan ahead and go into such raids when the server population is at its peak. 

Some of the best elite zones in the game are: 

  • Ebonscale Reach (Imperial Palace);
  • Edengrove (Malevolence in the heart of Edengrove);
  • Reekwater (Siren’s Stand, Forecastle Drift);
  • Shattered Mountains (Myrkgard, Scorched Mines).

You usually get stuff worth anything from 5k to 40k. While it hugely depends on the RNG, it is still a good way to make some cash. 

Outpost Rush 

If you mainly focus on PvP, outpost rush is a way to go. You plan to stack coins by playing Outpost Rush matches. While you only earn 200+ coins per match, they are repeatable, and you get specific PvP gear. It is an excellent option if you want to get Factional tokens or Gypsum orbs.

It may not be the best or easiest way of getting money, but it is the only one that relies on PvP, so it is worth mentioning. 

Trophy Components Farming

We have decided to talk about this farming method separately. It does not require any investments, and you do not have to find the group; no specific gear is needed – all you need is to reach the maximum level. While not required, having some luck gear on you is helpful to increase the chances of getting valuable stuff. 

There are specific areas for farming Epic and Legendary Trophy components. However, you can see these components in the Supply Stockpile caches everywhere on the map; only a few of the zones are worth farming in.

Weavers Fen & Reekwater

Here you can see the map for the Weavers Fen chests:

And the Reekwater: 

Trophy components have low drop rates, making them valuable for the end-game profession furnishing. Players who decide to become furnishers use these components to craft Trophies that buff and reward everyone who uses them. 

Chests have a 60-minute cooldown, so you can reopen it only after waiting an hour. But it would not make sense not to take this time to open as many chests as you can. 

The way of farming the trophies looks like this: 

  • You open the map and create a loop for yourself. Creating a route before you open the first chest is essential, so you do not waste time looking for where to go next. For example, you start right down to Reekwater town and go up to the islands until you reach the mountains, then on your way back, you collect chests that are to the left of the main road. 
  • You want to have your timer running, so you can stop and repeat everything once you hit 60 minutes marker. It is worth mentioning that you can re-do this as many time as you wants; with more tries, you have better chances of obtaining something valuable.  
  • Reekwater is an excellent place to start, not only because of the number of chests, but also because it is a good place to farm raw resources such as Orichalcum Ore, Ironwood, Platinum ore, etc., while you are focusing on Trophies. 
  • The cash you get from the drops will heavenly rely on your luck. Cheaper ones will make you a couple of thousands, while the most-wanted items, such as Corrupted Totem, Loaded Dice, or Armoring Tools, can sell for 40k+ gold.


Now you know everything about New World gold farming methods. It is up to you to decide which one suits the most and will bring you joy (and money, obviously). If you do not feel like spending time farming and grinding, you can rely on us to give the best value for your money. 

We guarantee safety for your account and fast delivery, so you do not have to risk everything on a shady site to get some coins. Enjoy one of the best services available, and forget about spending whole days grinding. You now know how to make money in New World. 

Enjoy your New World journey, and do not forget to have fun! While constantly thinking about all of the economic problems the game has. But now you know the places to go and things to do. Use this knowledge wisely, and do not spend too much time running in circles while trying to get rare trophies from the chests.


What is the fastest way to farm gold in the New World?

There are many options, but all of them will take some time. If you are just starting to play the game, try to complete every quest available that should give you more than enough gold. Upon reaching the max level, you will access more profitable, but time-consuming options that require a lot of preparation but, on the bright side, have the biggest payoff possible – up to 500k for a single item. So, the fastest way depends on your level and willingness to do things upfront. 

Where can I farm gold Ore in New World?

Gold ore can be found in most regions of the New World. Sometimes it is hard to see the veins on the map, so check these notable spots for mining: Brightwood, Everfall, Monarch's Bluffs, Windward, and First Light.

How do I get more gold in New World?

Do not focus on a single option of making gold. Try combining different ways and schemes to find the ultimate combo for yourself. Also, remember that reaching the maximum level is absolutely needed to access the most profitable options. 

Use the market to its max and do your research; investing in specific skills will open you new ways of getting more gold. 

And yes, reading the article above will show the best ways of making money in New World and a great understanding of the whole economic system of the game. If you are still hesitating, give it a read. 

How do you get gold in the New World?

By crafting & selling, farming & grinding, the PvP matches, flipping, end-game crafting… The list is impressively long. So, consider spending your time researching all the ways possible to find the best-suiting one. 

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