Throne and Liberty Gearing Guide

Gearing in TL is not as straightforward as it may seem. In this Throne and Liberty Gearing Guide, we're going to explain how to increase your gear score what each of the gearing systems does, as well as how to use it. Prepare to learn everything about equipment enchanting, skill leveling, and runes.

Check out the Throne and Liberty Gearing Guide

The gearing system in Throne and Liberty is directly responsible for your character strength. So, in this Throne and Liberty equipment guide, we’ll introduce you to and explain its every element. Essentially, this is your guide to gear progression, which is quite unique compared to most MMOs. Unlike some systems that could risk breaking your gear or wasting your time, Throne and Liberty allows you to build up your gear without those frustrations.

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Throne and Liberty Gear Progression Guide

Gear score is one of the primary metrics that the game uses to determine your overall power level. So, what is gear score? If you check your character sheet, you'll notice a number at the bottom of the screen called Combat Power (in-game term) or gear score. This number represents a combination of everything your character has in terms of progression—your gear, weapon mastery levels, skill levels, and more. Everything in the game impacts your gear score, from your equipment, traits on armor, and weapon enhancements. Essentially, it reflects all the progress you've made in the game and influences how well you perform in activities like open-world dungeons.

Below, we’ve listed the most impactful ways to progress your character's combat power:

Progression Method Impact on Gear Score
Upgrading Weapon Quality (e.g., from Uncommon to Epic) +40
Enhancing Armor and Accessory Quality (from Epic to Epic Tier 2) +30
Improving Armor and Accessory Quality (from Uncommon or Rare to Epic) +20
Boosting Weapon Traits, Mastery, or Tier (e.g., Epic Tier 1 to Tier 2) +10
Weapon Enchantments +8
Armor/Accessory Enchantments +5 per level
Trait Bonuses +4 per trait
Rune Power +1 to +22
Skill Level Increases +2 per level

Note: The value of Runes depends on their quality and level. More details on how each system works can be found in the respective sections below.

One of the most important things is weapon quality. Weapon quality significantly affects your base damage, which impacts both your auto attacks and your skill damage. Most skills will reference base damage in their calculations, meaning your main weapon and off-hand are key factors in how much damage you can deal. Switching from an uncommon to a rare weapon, for example, increases your gear score by 40 points, and the same goes for upgrading from rare to epic.

Next in line by importance is armor and accessory quality. Although the global launch won't feature Tier 2 epics, armor, and accessory quality is still the second most impactful way to increase your gear score. Like weapons, armor quality follows the same rarity path: uncommon, rare, and epic. Additionally, armor has a direct influence on your defense, making it critical for your overall survivability.

After that, weapon mastery plays a big role in boosting your gear score. As you use a particular weapon, you gain experience with it, which directly contributes to combat power. Traits and trait resonance (a new system in Throne and Liberty) also have a strong effect. For example, each additional trait you add to your gear increases your gear score by 10 points. Once you've added all possible traits, you can roll a resonance trait, which adds another 10 points to your total. BLOG20

Weapon enchanting is another major component. Every time you increase your weapon's enchantment level (up to level 9), you gain 8 gear score points. This adds up to 72 points across the board, not to mention the bonuses to base stats like wisdom, perception, and critical hit, which grow as you enchant your gear.

Armor and accessory enchanting works similarly. Although each level only adds 5 points to your gear score, you have more pieces of armor and accessories than weapons. This means that while individual pieces may contribute less, they collectively add a substantial amount to your overall score.

In the next section of the TL Gear Upgrade guide, we’ll talk about Gear enchanting which includes weapon, armor, and accessories leveling, and trait upgrading.

Gear Enchanting Explained

As you move from gray to green to blue gear, the progress you make on each item builds up and carries over through the Throne and Liberty gearing system. This means when you get a better piece of gear, you can transfer the progress from your old one. Today, we’re going to break down how this system works in detail by going through the equipment enchanting screen, which has three tabs: Level Up, Transfer, and Trade.

Leveling Up Gear 

When you click on a piece of gear in the Level Up tab, it shows its current level and the level you can upgrade it to. Progression is powered by Growthstones, which are crucial for upgrading your jewelry, armor, and weapons. You’ll earn Growthstones from almost every activity in the game: 

  • Quests, 
  • Adventure Journal, 
  • Contracts

Leveling gear is a very simple process. All it does is increase the item’s stats. You must level up each individual item you have separately. The rarity of the item plays a vital role in what’s required to level it. Both Growstones and items share the same rarity system, so you must use the same rarity of Growthstones and equipment to level up a piece of your gear. Those TL gear tiers are:

  • Uncommon - max level is 6
  • Rare - max level is 9
  • Epic - max level is 9

On your screen you’ll see the preview of what you’ll be getting for the level up – how much your stats will grow. On the right side, you’ll see the required Growthstone that you need to spend. The higher the level of an item, the more Growthstones it’s going to take. Finally, under the item, you’ll see chances to grant a bonus amount of experience. Here’s how each bonus tier works:

Type Chance to Grow Growth Amount
Common 40.00% 35%
Intermediate 30.00% 40%
Greater 20.00% 60%
Special 10.00% 100%

In other words, the amount of Growthstones required to move to the next level has a chance to give you extra experience!

Transferring Progress to New Gear

The Transfer tab is where you move progress from an old item to a new one. This is amazing because it means that you don’t lose the resources you spent on weaker gear because you get to transfer some of it into the new one. 

For example, if you have a green level 6 chest piece and then get a blue chest piece, you can transfer the experience. However, it's not a 1:1 transfer. Typically, you’ll transfer around 50% of the experience. So, transferring from a level 6 green item might upgrade your blue item to level 2 or 3.

This system helps save Growthstones and materials as you progress. When transferring, the old item is destroyed, but the experience is applied to the new one. You can do this with items of the same slot—chest piece to chest piece, for example—and the higher the item’s quality, the more experience transfers. Blue-to-blue and purple-to-purple transfers are 1:1.

Trading Traits Between Gear

The Trait tab is a bit more complex. Each piece of gear, whether it's blue, purple, or even green, has random traits associated with it. These traits provide specific bonuses, such as increased crit chance or bonus damage against certain enemies. You can see potential traits by inspecting an item.

Let’s say you have a dagger with a heavy attack chance trait, and you want to add another trait like crit hit. You can trade traits between two pieces of the same item. For example, if you get another dagger with crit hit, you can merge it with your original one to combine the traits. The second dagger will be consumed in the process, but you’ll unlock the desired trait on your main weapon. But this method only works if you have two copies of the same item with different traits. BLOG20

There’s another way to unlock traits, which is using trait unlock stones. These stones allow you to lock in one of the six possible traits for your item. This helps save time when farming for the perfect item, especially for rare weapons.

  • Upgrading Traits: Once you have the desired traits, you can level them up by consuming items with similar traits. For instance, if you want to upgrade the heavy attack chance on your dagger, you need to find another dagger with the same trait and combine it. This can be done multiple times to increase the trait’s level.
  • Auction House and Extracting Traits: If you don’t have duplicates of a weapon, you can buy extracts of specific traits from the auction house. Once you have an extract, you can apply it to your weapon, boosting the trait to a higher level. This process can help maximize your weapon’s potential and make your character stronger over time.

Runes and Gearing

Runes is a new system in the game that has a massive impact on the Combat Power. Runes are items that you insert into gear to get bonuses. There are 3 rarities of runes, and each rarity gives a different amount of gear score per rune.:

  • Common rune gives +1
  • Uncommon rune gives +5
  • Rare rune gives +10

On top of that, runes can be leveled up, too! The max rune level is 60, and with each 5 new levels, a rune adds 1 point to the Combat Power. So if you have a level 60 rare rune, that’s around +20 Combat Power. And don’t forget that you can equip multiple runes and slot them into different pieces of gear!

Skill Leveling

As you level up your skills, particularly weapon mastery, you gain additional points to your gear score. For example, each level of weapon mastery can provide an extra 10 points to your gear score.

Each level of weapon mastery provides additional points to your gear score, typically around 10 points per level, which accumulates and can lead to substantial increases in your character's total power. This enhancement is crucial because a higher gear score translates to better performance in various combat situations, allowing players to deal more damage, survive longer, and effectively contribute to their teams. For example, mastering a sword to level five would inherently offer 50 additional points to the gear score, which could be the tipping point in several encounters.

Moreover, skill mastery is not an isolated aspect; it interacts with other features within the game. As players specialize in certain weapons through skill mastery, they unlock improved effects and abilities associated with that weapon type. This means that investing in weapon mastery could augment the effectiveness of the gear players equip, further amplifying the advantages their masteries confer. For instance, a player specializing in daggers may unlock a unique skill set that enhances their critical hit damage; when this is combined with high-level gear, the synergy can lead to exceptional overall performance.


Gear progression in Throne and Liberty is a complex thing, but once you start digging into it, you’ll realize that everything makes sense. Every upgrade and level-up of everything your character has increases their Combat Power, which is a numerical representation of the character’s overall strength. In other words, this is your Gear Score.

Now, there are multiple systems that you will use throughout the game to improve your Combat Power. First of all, it’s the Equipment Enchanting, which includes things like gear leveling, working with gear traits, transferring levels to different items, etc. It works with all types of equipment – from weapons to accessories. On top of that, you mustn’t neglect leveling your skills and taking advantage of runes that you would slot into your gear. All of that will increase your overall gear score.

We hope that this guide was useful to you and helped you make your character stronger!


How does the gearing system work in Throne and Liberty?


Gearing in TL offers several progression systems all of which allow you to increase your overall gear score. From item leveling to equipping runes – all of it has a positive impact and makes your character stronger.

How can I upgrade my gear in Throne and Liberty?


Your gear can be upgraded in the Equipment Enchanting menu, where you can level up gear, transfer levels to new gear, or replace, add, or upgrade item traits.

What is the end-game gearing strategy in Throne and Liberty?


Since the game content and activities have a specific Combat Power requirement, by the endgame, you must focus on leveling all of your gear, skills, and runes to the max. Additionally, you need to make sure that your weapons have the most amount of the best traits with maximum stats.

How to increase combat power in Throne and Liberty?


Combat Power represents your character’s overall strength. When you get better gear, level it up, insert runes, upgrade your skills – all of this increases Combat Power.

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