Throne and Liberty Contracts Guide

Throne and Liberty have many different systems. In this TL Contracts guide, we're going to be talking about a system of repeatable quests that is the primary source for gear upgrade materials, money, and XP.

Check out the Throne and Liberty Contracts Guide

Welcome adventurers of Novcrea! Today, we’ve prepared for you a Throne and Liberty Contracts guide. This is a very important system of repeatable tasks and this guide will explain why do you need to concern yourself with using it and how to extract from contracts as much profit as possible.

In short, Contracts are crucial to your gear progression, as they reward you with all kinds of resources and materials that you use to upgrade your gear and level up weapon skills. We’ll explain everything in detail here, so grab a seat, and let’s dive into it.

Read our other Throne and Liberty articles:

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What Are Contracts in Throne & Liberty?

In Throne and Liberty, contracts emerge as a pivotal system within the game, acting as a framework for players to enhance their gaming experience through daily engagement and rewards. These contracts function as a repeatable quest mechanism, enabling players to immerse themselves in a variety of tasks that contribute to progression and character development. The random generation of contracts offers an unpredictable and dynamic element to gameplay, ensuring that players are consistently challenged and rewarded for their efforts.

The role of contracts extends beyond mere quest completion; they are integral to a player's journey in Throne and Liberty. By participating in these contracts, players can gather valuable resources, such as experience points (XP), in-game currency known as Solant, and vital growth materials necessary for upgrading characters. This system encourages players to explore the vast game world, interact with its various elements, and discover new strategies to fulfill their contractual obligations, making each day in the game a unique experience.

You’ll be spending Contract Rights to accept contracts, a currency provided to you daily. Players earn 10 Contract Rights per day, with a maximum storage of 60 Contract Rights. If you don’t have enough of those, all you can do is wait until the next server reset. Because there’s no way to earn them in the game. 

Furthermore, you can’t have more than five contracts at the same time for some reason. To pick up a new contract when you already have 5 active, you must either complete or abandon an existing one.

If none of the available contracts are appealing or suitable, you can just click Refresh to generate a new bunch of objectives. However, after refreshing, at least one contract must be accepted before you can refresh again. BLOG20

Contract Vendors, the NPCs that provide contracts, can be found throughout the world in various towns and settlements. These vendors offer contracts relevant to the level of the zone in which they are located, making it beneficial to visit vendors in higher-level zones if you are a higher-level player. In other words the contracts are tied to the location you’re in, which is pretty handy as you won’t be made to waste your time moving between zones too much. Below, you’ll see a list of every Throne and Liberty Contracts Location that includes key areas like:

  • Kastleton - A bustling town known for its vibrant market and diverse NPCs. It serves as a central hub for players to gather, trade, and accept contracts.
  • Starlight Observatory Ruins - Located near the Urstella Fields, these ruins are remnants of an ancient observatory. Players often encounter goblin enemies here, adding a layer of challenge to exploration.
  • Watcher’s Post - A strategic lookout point that offers a panoramic view of the surrounding areas. It is often used for scouting and planning, making it a key location for players engaged in quests.
  • Purelight Tower - A towering structure that radiates a mystical light. It is associated with various quests and serves as a landmark for players navigating the world.
  • Sanctuary Oasis - A serene and tranquil location, this oasis provides respite for weary travelers. It is often a gathering spot for players seeking to relax and recover.
  • Vienta Village - A quaint village known for its friendly inhabitants and rich culture. It offers various quests and resources for players to engage with.
  • Canina Village - A lively village characterized by its unique architecture and vibrant community. Players can find numerous activities and contracts here, making it a popular destination.

These vendors offer contracts suitable for the level of their respective zones, so be sure to visit one that matches your character's current level for optimal results.

How to Choose Contracts in Throne & Liberty

Finding and taking on a few contracts is nothing difficult. When you talk with a Contract Vendor, you’ll be presented with several contract options. These include information on:

  1. The location of the contract – usually within close proximity of the contract vendor.
  2. The tier and level range – requirements information as well as the tier of rewards and difficulty.
  3. The specific objectives – explain what you need to do. Usually, it’s about killing a bunch of monsters or collecting specific items after killing them.
  4. The rewards offered – there might be different types of rewards, and you should evaluate whether or not the quest is worth doing for the outcome.

Here’s how to pick TL contracts. You can have up to 5 active contracts at a time. Before accepting, always check the contract objectives and rewards. Avoid choosing contracts that are overly time-consuming or difficult, particularly if you’re new to the game or pressed for time. Look for quick objectives, such as sending Parrot Mail or chopping down trees, which can be completed swiftly.

If none of the available contracts suit your needs, you can use the Refresh button to generate new contract options. However, you must accept at least one contract before refreshing the options again. This feature is useful if you're trying to focus on contracts with easier or faster objectives or if you want multiple contracts that share similar goals (e.g., defeating wolves in a single area).

To save time and maximize efficiency, it’s wise to choose contracts that:

  • Offer quick and easy objectives - it’s best to farm something fast rather than spend an eternity and consumables on a contract that doesn’t offer anything of value.
  • Share similar locations or enemy types, allowing you to complete several objectives simultaneously (for instance, defeating different types of enemies in the same zone).
  • Provide useful rewards that match your current progression goals, such as crafting materials or upgrade items.

Once you’ve selected your contracts, they will be visible on your quest-log interface, where you can track your progress. You can also click on each contract for more detailed information that will tell you how to complete TL contracts.

Remember, contracts rely on Contract Rights for activation. Each day, you are given 10 Contract Rights, which are replenished at the daily server reset. You can store up to 60 Contract Rights at a time. If you miss a few days, any unused rights will accumulate, giving you more flexibility on busier days.

Contract Rewards

Completing contracts in Throne & Liberty provides several valuable rewards that are crucial for gear progression. The exact rewards can vary between contracts, so it’s wise to choose contracts based on the specific items you need.

Throne and Liberty Contracts Rewards for completing contracts include:

  1. Growth Stones: Essential for enhancing your character’s abilities.
  2. Solant: Useful for general expenditures and upgrades.
  3. Experience Points (XP): Helps in leveling up your character.

In addition to these, contracts grant you a special currency known as Contract Coins. These coins can be exchanged for further rewards at a Contract Coin Merchant, who is typically found in settlements like Kastleton.

Items available for purchase with Contract Coins include:

  • Crafting Materials: Various materials are necessary for crafting and upgrades.
  • Lithographs: Special items that can aid in character development.
  • Mystic Keys: Used to access special content or items.

If you save up to 3,000 Contract Coins, you can also purchase Epic (purple) Weapons, which offer significant boosts to your character’s capabilities.

The inventory of the Contract Coin Merchant resets every 24 hours. If you don’t find the items you want, try checking with another merchant or returning the next day.

Effectively utilizing contracts and the rewards they offer can greatly accelerate your character’s development and assist in progressing toward end-game content.

Tips & Tricks for Contracts

If you want to farm these contracts as fast as possible, consider the following Throne and Liberty Contracts Tips:

  1. Team Up with Friends: it’s always faster to farm with party members than solo. Unlike gold farming, where rewards are shared, contract rewards are not divided among group members. Bringing friends can help you finish contracts faster without losing any rewards.
  2. Use contracts with other quests: whenever you come into a new location it will unlock a set of objectives related to that territory. Review those objectives and the list of available contracts. Then, accept those whose objectives overlap. That way, you’ll be completing more than one task at the same time, literally doubling the amount of rewards.
  3. Use the Refresh Button: don’t forget to abuse that Refresh button to get a new random list of quests. Aim to choose contracts located in the same area to streamline the process and complete them more efficiently.
  4. Choose Easy Objectives: Opt for contracts with straightforward objectives that you can complete quickly. For example, some contracts may only require collecting a few items, making them easier and faster to finish.
  5. Look for Unique Rewards: rewards are also randomized. Take your time to go through a list of rewards and pick the ones that you currently need more than anything. If you’re not doing the contracts with rewards you don’t care about, you save your time!
  6. Pay Attention to Item Quantities: When selecting contracts, check the number of items offered in the rewards. For instance, if you need Weapon Growth Stones, choose contracts that offer more of them, such as four instead of three.

By following these tips, you can make the most out of your contract opportunities and advance your character’s development more efficiently. BLOG20


The contract system in Throne & Liberty is designed to be both a challenging and rewarding aspect of gameplay, offering players a strategic way to enhance their characters. By leveraging the tips provided, you can navigate this system with greater ease and efficiency, ensuring that each contract completed brings you closer to your goals. Embracing teamwork, making savvy choices about contract selection, and keeping an eye out for valuable rewards will not only streamline your progression but also enrich your overall gaming experience. With the right approach, the contract system becomes a powerful tool for achieving success in the expansive world of Throne & Liberty.


How do I complete contracts in Throne and Liberty?


To complete contracts, visit a Contract Vendor, choose up to 5 contracts, and fulfill their objectives, such as defeating enemies or gathering materials. You can use the Refresh button to get new contracts if needed.

What are the rewards for completing contracts in Throne and Liberty?


Completing contracts rewards you with XP, Solant (Gold), crafting materials, and Contract Coins, which can be exchanged for valuable items from merchants.

Where to find contract vendors in Throne and Liberty?


Contract Vendors are located in settlements across the map, including places like:

  • Kastleton, 
  • Starlight Observatory Ruins, 
  • Watcher’s Post, 
  • Purelight Tower
  • Sanctuary Oasis, 
  • Vienta Village, 
  • Canina Village.

What are contract coins and how do I use them?


Contract Coins are a special currency earned by completing contracts. They can be used at Contract Coin Merchants to purchase items like Growth Stones, weapons, and crafting materials.

Are there any tips for farming contracts in Throne and Liberty?


Here are a few tips to maximize the gains from contracts:

  1. Pick quick and easy objectives like gathering resources or simple tasks (e.g., sending Parrot Mail), which can be completed faster.
  2. Group contracts by location to minimize travel time and choose contracts that require similar tasks, like defeating the same type of enemies in one area.
  3. Use the Refresh button strategically to avoid time-consuming contracts, ensuring you always have manageable objectives.

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