Demonology Warlock Guide - The War Within 11.1

Welcome to our complete Demonology Warlock The War Within guide where we will share all the details you should know about playing this spec. From BiS gear to the most efficient skill rotations, we have you covered. After reading this article, you will become a true master of Demonology Warlock in WoW.

Read Our Demonology Warlock Guide for WoW

Fellow heroes, welcome to our complete Demonology Warlock The War Within guide, where we will share all the details you should know about playing this spec. To begin with, it is worth mentioning that the Warlock class has always been of great interest to the WoW community. However, exactly the Demonology build seems like the most powerful spec you can opt for playing as Warlock.

Players specializing in Demonology will have a ton of spells to summon various demons. Some of them include Dreadstalkers and Wild Imps. Not to mention your demon companions that are constantly around you. For example, Felguard is always there to protect you and fight your foes. All demons you summon cause problems to your enemies by default. However, you can use Summon Demonic Tyrant to empower them and increase the damage dealt.

It is also important to mention that all Warlock specs, including Demonology, use Soul Shards as a consumable resource to cast the strongest spells. An example is Nether Portal that summons a good many demons to fight for you.

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Demonology Warlock Pros & Cons

In this part of our Demonology Warlock The War Within guide, we would like to analyze what this spec has to offer players, its strengths and weaknesses. BLOG20

Starting with the strong sides, they look as follows:

  1. Sustains tons of damage, appears to be highly survivable;
  2. Deals devastating damage to solo and group targets;
  3. Not the worst mobility, Demonic Gateway is especially good in raiding;
  4. Can resurrect other players in battle;
  5. Fits most group compositions due to the variety of talent builds.

However, you can never have a perfect spec. Here are the weak sides:

  1. Strongly dependent on demons you summon, their AI is quite a struggle;
  2. Takes quite a long to ramp up DPS potential;
  3. Some spells are randomized (e.g. Demonic Core, Ripped through the Portal, and a few others);
  4. No immunity;
  5. Does not provide enough burst damage if certain spells are on cooldown.

As you can see, Demonology Warlock is a relatively well-balanced spec. The latter can be equally powerful and weak depending on the situation and the person who plays it. If you are not sure whether it is your choice, but still want to give it a shot, we have a solution for you. Buying The War Within Leveling from our company means you will save a ton of time while getting your character to the cap. Our pro players will take care of this job for you. The only thing you are to do is to try out your boosted character to see if it suits you.

Demonology Warlock Gameplay Essentials

This spec revolves around the non-stop summoning of demons. They are your main tool to win any fight, especially if you are focusing on a solo target and wish to deal the maximum damage. If we compare the Demonology Warlock basics we currently have to what they were in previous expansions, there are not too many significant differences.

You still strongly rely on Soul Shards because they are used to empower your other abilities. As a Demonology Warlock, you cannot imagine fighting an enemy without using Shadow Bolt and Demonbolt to get those shards. Once you have enough of them, your primary goal is to summon as many demons as possible while dealing additional damage. Use Call Dreadstalkers and Hand of Gul’dan to surround yourself with an army of demons fighting on your side.

Of course, this is just a quick Demonology Warlock DPS guide, as there are many other rotations you can try to maximize your damage. We will return to this part further in this article. For now, these basics are enough to understand the way this spec performs in battle.

Demonology Warlock Core Abilities

As a Demonology Warlock, your primary goal is to spam an enemy with your abilities and not let other players near you. Luckily, you have decent mobility to change your positioning and escape the battlefield when necessary. To put it simply, all the abilities that summon demons or empower them are your key to leading in battle. Here is a list of WoW Demonology Warlock abilities you are going to use in most of your fights for sure:

  • Shadow Bolt – Deals damage and generates 1 Soul Shard. Make sure to use it every time its cooldown refreshes;
  • Demonbolt – Deals damage and generates 2 Soul Shards. Another source of Soul Shards you need to cast more powerful abilities;
  • Call Dreadstalkers – Use to summon 2 Dreadstalkers. An incredibly strong ability that helps deal with a solo target effectively. Keep in mind that it uses 2 Soul Shards to be cast;
  • Hand of Gul’dan – Another ability to summon more demons. The number of demons you spawn depends on how many Soul Shards have been consumed and varies from 1 to 3;
  • Grimoire: Felguard – Not only summons another demon fighting by your side, but also stuns an enemy;
  • Summon Vilefiend – Just like the previous ability, summons one more demon to help you defeat a foe;
  • Nether Portal – Make sure to use this ability before you start spending your Soul Shards, as you will have a demon summoned for each Soul Shard spent;
  • Summon Demonic Tyrant – Your lesser demons will stay alive longer and will deal increased damage;
  • Implosion – Quite a contradictory ability, but it turns out to be quite useful when you need to deal burst damage.

Any of the abilities mentioned above are equally good in PvE and PvP. You can use those not only to deal devastating damage, but tank outgoing damage as well. This is especially useful while clearing another dungeon. No doubt, any player enjoys getting the top-rank loot.

However, getting the best reward possible requires a group of 5 reliable people. If you dream of gearing up your Demonology Warlock, but struggle with clearing a dungeon, we have you covered here. Make sure to try our Mythic Carry services, where our pro players finish a dungeon of any difficulty for you. It is a great opportunity to receive powerful gear without spending too much time and effort relying on other players.

Demonology Warlock Stat Priority

No matter what Warlock spec you are going to specialize in, your primary stat remains Intellect. The latter influences your spell power and increases your ability damage. It should always be your priority to maximize. To get this stat, your armor choice should always fall on Cloth equipment.

Speaking of Demonology Warlock stats, the order looks as follows:

  1. Haste is the first stat in terms of importance, as it allows you to cast spells quicker. It is extremely important when playing this spec since you want to spam as many abilities as possible in the shortest time;
  2. Critical Strike and Mastery are equally good and take second place in terms of importance. The first stat grants you a chance of dealing more damage or getting extra healing. The second one boosts your demons’ damage significantly;
  3. Versatility not only increases your damage, but also reduces the one you take. It is a nice stat if you are looking forward to boosting your sustainability and survivability.

Of course, you can change the presented order the way you like. It often depends on the role you are playing. The order described above allows you to deal decent damage against single and group targets. However, if you lack tankiness and die too quickly, make sure to increase your Versatility stat.

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Demonology Warlock PvE Builds

With the introduced talent system in the latest expansion, it is hard to think of a perfect and all-situation build. However, we have prepared 3 different builds fitting various in-game situations. The one we present below is probably the best PvE Demonology Warlock build. It allows you to deal decent damage against solo targets, which is what you need when making your way to the level’s cap. On top of that, it has a bit of cleave damage to offer, which is a nice tool to have against a pack of weaker mobs.

This is what you want the Warlock tree to look like in this build:

Depending on the situation, you may swap particular talents. However, if you only begin to master this spec, it will suit most situations. Moving further to the Demonology Warlock tree, it should look as follows:

This build allows you to farm effectively and deal with nearly any mob in a blink of an eye. As you progress further in the game and become more experienced, you may come up with a few changes on your own. Still, it is a decent build to start your TWW journey as a Demonology Warlock.

Speaking of other The War Within Demonology Warlock PvE variations, we would like to share a build exactly for Mythic+ dungeons. This in-game activity has always been of great interest to the WoW community. The mode itself represents a never-ending and constantly scaling challenge with generous rewards waiting for players by the end of a week. A possible spec build may vary depending on what affixes and group composition you have. However, we have tried our best to make up a versatile build to fit any dungeon.

Starting with the main Warlock tree, it may look as follows:

As has been mentioned above, it is subject to change if you feel like it. However, the Demonology Warlock’s power lies in its spec tree, which may look the following way:

Remember, this build is highly flexible and can be changed according to your particular in-game situation. Always think of what affixes are active during a certain week, look at your group composition, and so on. All these factors influence what your final build may look like. Once you become more experienced, you will see what changes can be made.

Moving further, we would like to share the Raid build. Before we begin, it is important to mention that the recommended setup may look a bit different depending on what boss you are fighting. However, the presented build suits most situations.

Starting with the main Warlock talent branch, it goes like this:

In most cases, your main tree is not likely to change. This is a completely well-balanced setup and combines the most powerful talents that can be useful in any situation, including raiding. Up next, we have the Demonology Warlock tree that usually looks like this:

It is by no means a must-have setup, as it can be slightly changed depending on a particular boss. However, it will work just fine against most of them. Make sure to try it out in the game to see how it suits your playing style.

If you are struggling with a particular dungeon or cannot defeat a certain boss, the problem is not always about the build you have chosen. It may be a lack of personal experience or reliable teammates. To get the top-rank loot no matter what, you can Buy The War Within Boost to let our pro players do the job for you. We guarantee you the shortest completion time and the lowest service prices.

Demonology Warlock PvP Build

Moving further, we have a The War Within Demonology Warlock PvP build next in line. Before we begin, it is important to mention that this spec is great in most situations when you are to fight other players. The reason for this is you have short cooldowns allowing you to deal consistent burst damage. Besides, you have a ton of demons to summon. While the lesser ones act more like a distraction, the larger ones actually do a lot of DPS and can tank as well. On top of that, you have various mobility tools and can act as a tank yourself in certain situations. 

Nonetheless, you do not really have counter tools against highly mobile classes. The only thing to help you here is Fear. Speaking of crowd control, this spec has not much to offer except for Shadowfury. Finally, you strongly rely on demons you summon, as you have very little damage without them.

It is probably the best Demonology Warlock setup you can think of in terms of versatility. Of course, some changes can be implemented, but it will work perfectly in most cases. Starting with the main Warlock tree, it contains the following talents:

This is the combination of the strongest and most useful talents. It is impossible to counter all other classes, but this setup does its best. Up next, we have the Demonology Warlock branch that looks like this:

This build relies on summoning demons and empowering them. At the same time, you have enough mobility to escape from classes that can try to kill you instantly (e.g. Rogue).

To see how a particular setup works for a particular player, it is often necessary to have a few alts leveled up to compare them. If you do not have enough time, to get several characters to the level’s cap, we have you covered here. After all, WoW has always been about having an alt or a few, right? By ordering our WoW Powerleveling services, you can be sure our pro players will boost any number of characters you need. This will allow you to be versatile and fit any in-game situation.

Demonology Warlock BiS Gear

With such a great variety of gear presented in the game, one can only dream of collecting a perfect combination of all equipment pieces. The Dragonflight expansion has brought even more sources you can resort to if you wish to have high-rank gear. We are talking about the Crafting Order system, of course. The latter is used to create Mythic+ equipment substitutes for other players if you are good enough at the profession you specialize in.

These items are not that powerful, yet they are possible to craft unlike those you get for clearing dungeons or slaying raid bosses. When making an order for other players to craft this equipment, focus on gear that increases Intellect, Haste, and Mastery stats. They are your key to dealing maximum damage, no matter if we are talking about PvE or PvP.

Down below, we would like to share a table that contains BiS Raid equipment. Keep in mind that it is almost unreal to collect such a set of items. Still, you will be one of the strongest players if you manage to do so.

Up next, we have prepared a perfect Mythic+ equipment list. Just like the previous setup, it focuses on increasing your Haste, Mastery, and Critical Strike stats. Comparing these two tables will make it easier for you to decide which set you prefer.

To make your equipment build even more powerful, you cannot miss out on Trinkets. The latter is used to empower your abilities and additionally increase your main and secondary stats. Here is the table containing the best trinkets for a Demonology Warlock starting from the top tier and ending with the low one.

It is also important to add a few words concerning Dreaming Crests and in what cases you should spend this currency. Just a reminder, it is used to upgrade your equipment Mythic+ equipment up to level. It is a rare currency and should only be used with the items that matter most. They include Weapons, Chests, Legs, and Helms. Finally, you can boost your Trinkets if they lag behind other items’ levels too significantly.

Speaking of the Spark of Dreams crafting reagent, you can use it to create mythic items. The latter serves as a temporary substitution for Mythic+ and Raid gear. You should use it wisely and craft the highest level equipment. If you cannot do it right away, you can always use the recrafting system later. There are no specific items you want to craft, but make sure you focus on weapons first, as they radically increase your DPS.

Adding a few words on Embellishments, you can use the following ones to empower your character even more:

No matter what gear you decide to wear, it needs to be crafted. If you cannot do it yourself, the only way to obtain it is to buy from the market. Consequently, it costs a bunch of gold and it will take days to farm it manually. If you are not ready to spend so much time grinding, we are here for you. By buying WoW Gold with our company’s help, you can get as much gold as you need to afford any equipment piece at the Auction House. We offer reasonable prices, guarantee the results, and safety.

Demonology Warlock Enchants and Consumables

Keep in mind that having top-rate equipment is not the only way to become stronger. The game’s developers have implemented tons of enchants and potions you can use to empower the character. Neglecting these mechanics means you will lose in most PvP contests and your PvE damage will be significantly lowered as well.

Beginning with the enchantments, you can choose between stronger and weaker alternatives. Depending on how fast you progress in the game, you will be able to swap particular options for more powerful ones. Before you plunge into the following table, we also want to mention that Howling Rune is probably the best choice for a Demonology Warlock in terms of weapon buffs. It boosts your Haste stat significantly allowing you to spam your abilities more often.

Up next, we have consumables, which play a vital role whether you are farming high-level mobs or clearing a dungeon. They are especially useful if you are a solo player and prefer to rely on yourself. However, some consumables will be must-haves when playing in a group.

Starting with the phials, your best pick is Phial of Elemental Chaos, as it increases a random secondary stat. If it happens to be Haste or Mastery, you are lucky. Even though Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage has a negative effect, it significantly increases your Critical Strike rate. Having this kind of buff means you can deal a ton of burst damage before the drawback activates. If you have no other alternatives, try using Phial of Static Empowerment. However, it is not that efficient during a battle.

To maximize your damage output, which is what you need during Mythic+ Dungeons and Raiding, you can use the Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power. It significantly increases your main stat making you deal way more damage. If you cannot afford it, use Elemental Potion of Power as a cheaper option instead.

As a Demonology Warlock, you have quite enough self-healing abilities. Still, you always want to have a Dreamwalker's Healing Potion lying in your backpack. Sometimes, you can use Potion of Withering Vitality to finish off a foe and restore health in safety a bit later. Playing in a group, you should have Delicate Suspension of Spores and Residual Neural Channeling Agent to help your group members even when you are dead.

No matter how well you are prepared for the upcoming raid week, you can never be sure of victory. All the phials and potions you create increase your chances only for a tiny bit. Not to mention how much you depend on your team composition and personal players’ skill. If you are not ready to take a risk like that, you can buy WoW Raid Boost where our pros will handle any raid for you. We guarantee you the result and the highest rewards available. Check our prices and plans available to see what suits you best.

Demonology Warlock Rotation Varieties

You already know that playing this spec requires a quick gain and wise usage of Soul Shards, your resource to empower the strongest spells. No matter what WoW Demonology Warlock rotation you choose, it is important to follow a particular sequence of abilities you use to deal maximum damage. Let us begin with the Opener rotation, which uses Nether Portal to summon as many demons in the shortest time possible:

  1. Precast Power Siphon. It will be possible due to the Inner Demons talent;
  2. Shadow Bolt;
  3. Shadow Bolt;
  4. Nether Portal;
  5. Soulburn;
  6. Grimoire: Felguard;
  7. Summon Vilefiend;
  8. Demonbolt;
  9. Call Dreadstalkers;
  10. Demonbolt;
  11. Hand of Gul'dan;
  12. Summon Demonic Tyrant;
  13. Hand of Gul'dan;
  14. Hand of Gul'dan;
  15. Demonic Strength;
  16. If you have any Demonic Core left, use them.

If you prefer to play without relying on Nether Portal that much, you can use an alternative rotation:

  1. Cast Demonbolt or Shadow Bolt if you are playing with Power Siphon;
  2. Call Dreadstalkers;
  3. Grimoire: Felguard;
  4. Summon Vilefiend;
  5. Shadow Bolt;
  6. Shadow Bolt;
  7. Hand of Gul'dan;
  8. Cast another Hand of Gul’dan if you have any Soul Shards left;
  9. Summon Demonic Tyrant.

If you are looking forward to maximizing your burst damage, here is a rotation variety for that:

  1. Make sure you have 2+ Wild Imps and a couple of Soul Shards before getting into a fight;
  2. Summon Demonic Tyrant;
  3. Call Dreadstalkers;
  4. Demonic Strength;
  5. Nether Portal;
  6. In case you have 2+ Soul Shards, cast Hand of Gul’dan;
  7. Demonbolt;
  8. Shadow Bolt;
  9. Hand of Gul'dan;
  10. If the enemy group members have gathered close to each other, use Guillotine;
  11. Summon Vilefiend;
  12. Hand of Gul'dan;
  13. If you have managed to get the Demonic Core buff, cast Demonbolt;
  14. Hand of Gul'dan;
  15. To finish off your low-HP foe, cast Implosion.

Finally, we have a rotation to use against multiple targets that goes like this:

  1. Use Felstorm as soon as it refreshes;
  2. Call Dreadstalkers;
  3. Hand of Gul’dan.

Other interchangeable abilities you can use for this rotation include Grimoire: Felguard, Demonic Strength, Bilescourge Bombers, Guillotine, and Implosion. Depending on how the situation goes, you will see which one suits you better.

Demonology Warlock Leveling

Playing as a Demonology Warlock in patch 11.1 has a certain range of strong and weak sides when it comes to leveling. Let us begin with the advantages first:

  • Deals equally decent damage to solo and grouped targets;
  • Felguard can tank multiple mobs while dealing significant damage;
  • You can complete most group quests on your own.

Speaking of the disadvantages, they look as follows:

  • Sometimes, Felguard requires healing, which means you stop dealing damage yourself;
  • You have to rely on Demonic Core to cast Demonbolt instantly;
  • You should learn to control your pets, as their AI is often not enough.

Adding a few words about the talent build, this is how your main Warlock branch may look like:

Your Demonology talent tree can look as follows:

As you can see, there are some talents for you to learn. They are left unlearned on the screenshots, as you might want to choose them yourself depending on the situation. The most important ones are:

  1. Soulbound Tyrant;
  2. Grimoire of Synergy;
  3. Grand Warlock's Design;
  4. Demonic Gateway;
  5. Fel Might;
  6. Shadowfury;
  7. The Expendables;
  8. Soulburn.

Your Leveling rotation includes the following abilities:

  1. Guillotine;
  2. Implosion (make sure to stack as many Wild Imps as possible before using this ability);
  3. Summon Demonic Tyrant;
  4. Demonic Strength;
  5. Call Dreadstalkers;
  6. Demonbolt to generate Soul Shards.

Along with that, you have Accrued Vitality, Desperate Pact, and Mortal Coil to increase your survivability when farming solo. When facing a powerful mob, use Axe Toss to control it. If you are surrounded by weaker mobs, use Shadowfury instead. You can also act as a tank yourself while letting your demons deal damage. It is possible thanks to Dark Pact and Unending Resolve.

When leveling, your talent build and rotation are not the only things that matter. You should also use various consumables to increase your leveling speed and make it safer. Here is our list of the most useful items:

The whole leveling process is aimed at getting to the level’s cap and participating in various high-rank in-game activities. We are talking about Mythic+ dungeons and Raiding in particular. Getting the best loot out of these activities is the only way to climb the ladder. However, if you cannot do this yourself or struggle with matching the right team, we have you covered.

Make sure to check our World of Warcraft Boosting services where our pro players clear any dungeon or slay any raid boss for you. We guarantee the result and the fastest completion time. Our company offers fair prices and flexible plans for you to choose from.

Final Words

The Demonology Warlock spec is a highly versatile and mobile DPS machine. If used correctly, it can deal tons of AoE or single-target damage. In our guide, we have shared various talent builds and possible rotations for you to choose from.

With a plethora of demons you can summon, playing as a Demonology Warlock means controlling your AI pets to tank and deal damage effectively. We hope you have enjoyed the article and learned something new. Make sure to stay with us, as we will keep updating this guide if any changes occur.


Is Demonology Warlock hard to play in WoW?

Just like with all other specs, it is not that difficult to play Demonology Warlock once you get the basics of it. Make sure you understand your core abilities and what rotation to use in a particular situation to master this class.

How do I maximize DPS as Demonology Warlock?

Your primary goal is to press the core abilities as soon as they refresh. It also depends on the rotation you choose to focus on. In our guide, we have a variety of rotations for nearly any in-game situation.

Is Demonology Warlock good in The War Within?

With an updated talent system, it is one of those specs that rules the current meta. This is an extremely strong class that deals devastating damage and has high mobility.

Is Demonology Warlock good in PvE WoW?

To put it shortly, it absolutely is. You have a range of AoE abilities and demons that can tank outgoing damage. On top of that, you have tons of single-target damage to slay even the strongest mob.

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