WoW Remix Mists of Pandaria Best Classes Tier List

Read our Pandaria Remix tier list and learn about the best classes specifically for this time-limited event. From finding the strongest picks for DPS, Healer, and Tank roles, we have you covered.

Read our WoW Pandaria Remix Best Classes Tier List for DPS, Healers, and Tanks

The long-awaited 10.2.7 patch has also brought the MoP expansion back. While it has returned in a bit of a different appearance, the community is hyped about it. We have prepared this WoW Remix Mists of Pandaria best classes tier list to keep you updated on the meta within the entire event.

Yes, this mode will not last forever, and you definitely do not want to waste your time playing a weak character. After all, farming Bronze, slaying powerful raid bosses, and clearing dungeons become easier if you are playing a meta class and spec. In our WoW Pandaria Remix tier list, we cover the strongest DPS, Healer, and Tank classes to help you be the best.

We will focus on the Pandaria Remix PvE tier list only, as there are no PvP modes we all know present in this time-limited event.

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How Our Pandaria Remix Class Rankings Work

It is important to understand how our Pandaria Remix class rankings work as we follow the traditional system. That means we take a particular specialization, evaluate it, and put it in one of our tier brackets. Every specialization can be placed in one of the tiers, depending on its performance:

  • S-Tier: This tier represents the best class picks you can possibly opt for in the current meta. The classes you see belonging here have powerful abilities and excel in any type of content. They prove to be stronger compared to other alternatives and rule the meta right now.
  • A-Tier: While having slightly worse performance, A-Tier classes are still worth your attention. They perform strongly and are versatile, making them a great choice for most content during this time-limited event. These classes might not be as dominant as the ones in the S-Tier, but they still remain highly competitive and desirable. Consider picking the ones mentioned in our PvE tier list Pandaria Remix as well if you are looking for a way to diversify your gaming experience.
  • B-Tier: Some people may call the classes belonging to the B-Tier a sort of golden middle. They are not terrible but do not promise something exceptional either. You can still opt for the classes from this tier despite a range of limitations and weaknesses they have.
  • C-Tier: This tier represents below-average options. The classes belonging to the C-Tier have more noticeable weaknesses or limitations compared to other tiers. They prove to be less competitive and have a hard time when completing any endgame content. Despite all this, they remain usable but may require more effort to achieve similar results.
  • D-Tier: The classes belonging to the D-Tier are the worst ones you can possibly opt for. They have significant weaknesses that severely impact their performance. While most players tend to avoid playing the classes from this tier, the meta is in constant development. After the devs release another patch, it can change radically and make certain classes from this tier stronger.

A lot of people are discussing WoW Pandaria Remix tier list on Reddit and other popular platforms. However, the meta seems to be unpredictable until the event lasts at least for a few weeks. Make sure to stay tuned, save our article to your browser bookmarks, and return here later on for fresh details.

Pandaria Remix DPS Tier List

Since most players prefer to play as damage dealers, we are going to start with the basics. The following part of the article is devoted to Pandaria Remix DPS tier list. We are going to describe the best picks for this role in the current meta. Do keep in mind that we are focusing on the PvE content only.

Tier Classes & Specs
S Subtlety Rogue, Arcane Mage, Havoc Demon Hunter, Arms Warrior, Enhancement Shaman, Demonology Warlock
A Frost Mage, Devastation Evoker, Marksmanship Hunter, Windwalker Monk, Shadow Priest, Retribution Paladin, Beast Mastery Hunter, Balance Druid, Outlaw Rogue, Unholy Death Knight
B Elemental Shaman, Fire Mage, Fury Warrior, Frost Death Knight, Survival Hunter, Destruction Warlock, Feral Druid
C Augmentation Evoker, Assassination Rogue, Affliction Warlock

NOTE: If you have not found your favorite class sitting in the expected tier, this does not mean anything. Just like all Pandaria Remix DPS rankings, ours is quite subjective and does not fully represent the meta flow in the game. Do not be afraid to play the class/spec you really like if it brings fun and enjoyment to your gameplay.

As you can see from the list, best classes Pandaria Remix include the following options:

  1. Subtlety Rogue
  2. Arcane Mage
  3. Havoc Demon Hunter
  4. Arms Warrior
  5. Enhancement Shaman
  6. Demonology Warlock

These specializations prove to be the strongest ones in the current meta. They belong to the S-Tier and perform exceptionally well in any content you can go for. From raiding to clearing dungeons and more, you will be the king of PvE when playing any of these specs.

Other specializations, the ones sitting in the A-Tier, are also worth your attention. While they can hardly be called top DPS Pandaria Remix, the following specs are good enough to play:

  1. Frost Mage
  2. Devastation Evoker
  3. Marksmanship Hunter
  4. Windwalker Monk
  5. Shadow Priest

As we keep playing through this time-limited event, our Pandaria Remix best DPS choice can change. To ensure you always stay informed, do not forget to visit this page occasionally. Above all this, appreciate every moment spent in the game and enjoy the class/spec you are playing despite its position in the current meta. BLOG20

Pandaria Remix Healer Tier List

Moving on, we jump into our Pandaria Remix Healer tier list crafted specifically for this event. This role is crucial in any PvE content you can participate in the game. From surviving throughout the raid boss fight or beating down tons of dungeon adds. Nothing would be possible without getting healed all the time.

Tier Classes & Specs
S Discipline Priest, Mistweaver Monk
A Restoration Shaman, Preservation Evoker
B Holy Priest
C Restoration Druid, Holy Paladin

NOTE: If you have not found your favorite class sitting in the expected tier, this does not mean anything. Just like all Pandaria Remix Healer rankings, ours is quite subjective and does not fully represent the meta flow in the game. Do not be afraid to play the class/spec you really like if it brings fun and enjoyment to your gameplay.

Currently, Pandaria Remix best Healers are the following ones:

  • Discipline Priest
  • Mistweaver Monk

These specs belong to the S-Tier and outperform all others in any content you can take part in. However, the picks from the A-Tier are also worth your attention. Despite being a bit weaker, they have taken their place in the current meta. Depending on your preferred playstyle and how seriously you take the game, your final choice may vary.

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Pandaria Remix Tank Tier List

Now, we are getting to tough guys. As we are diving into our Pandaria Remix Tank tier list, we cover the best picks for this role. Just like Healers or DPS, they are an irreplaceable part of any group. After all, who soaks the major part of damage while damage dealers do their job, right? Therefore, let’s discover the strongest choice for this particular position.

Tier Classes & Specs
S Blood Death Knight, Vengeance Demon Hunter
A Protection Paladin, Protection Warrior
B Brewmaster Monk, Guardian Druid

NOTE: If you have not found your favorite class sitting in the expected tier, this does not mean anything. Just like all Pandaria Remix Tank rankings, ours is quite subjective and does not fully represent the meta flow in the game. Do not be afraid to play the class/spec you really like if it brings fun and enjoyment to your gameplay.

Judging by the list you see above, Pandaria Remix best Tanks include:

  • Blood Death Knight
  • Vengeance Demon Hunter

These two picks belong to the S-Tier and perform at the top. Compared to other choice for this role, we highly recommend opting for these ones. If you have not created a character yet or are thinking about having an alt, you cannot find the strongest alternatives.


To sum up our WoW Pandaria Remix tier list, we have covered the strongest classes for each role. From defining the best DPS, Healers, and Tanks, you are now prepared to make an informed decision. Since this event is here only for a limited time, you want to play a more promising spec compared to others. This will help you farm tons of Bronze and conquer all the activities available within MoP.

Once again, do not forget to check out this article occasionally. We will update it once the devs roll out any buffs and nerfs. They can significantly influence the in-game meta. As for now, good luck, heroes. We hope to see you in Azeroth!


What class is the best DPS in WoW Pandaria Remix?


Here is a list of the best DPS in Pandaria Remix:

  • Subtlety Rogue
  • Arcane Mage
  • Arms Warrior
  • Enhancement Shaman
  • Demonology Warlock
  • Havoc Demon Hunter

How to pick a WoW Pandaria Remix class?


See what is going on with the in-game meta, define what role you want to execute in a party, and compare several classes/specs belonging to it. Whether you choose to be a DPS, Healer, or Tank, there is a list of the strongest and weakest picks we have shared in our article.

What is the most fun WoW Pandaria Remix class?


Rogue has always been among the most fun Pandaria Remix classes. The reason for this is that you can sneak up on your enemies and “play” with them before slaying them. Things like invisibility and poisons help a lot in this matter.

What is the best dungeon spec in Pandaria Remix?


The following classes are the best for clearing dungeons in Pandaria Remix:

  • Augmentation Evoker
  • Destruction Warlock
  • Fire Mage
  • Shadow Priest
  • Outlaw Rogue

What is the S tier in Pandaria Remix?


The S-Tier reflects the strongest classes you can opt for when executing this or that role. As a rule, these classes have powerful abilities and perform better than others in any type of content.

What is the least played class in Pandaria Remix?


Judging by the statistics, Death Knights, Shamans, and Warlocks are the least-picked classes in Pandaria Remix.

What is the easiest class to play in Pandaria Remix?


It is believed that Hunter is the easiest class to play in Pandaria Remix. The reason for this is that it has straightforward gameplay and easy-to-learn abilities.

What classes are always good in Pandaria Remix?


In most cases, the following classes tend to be powerful in any patch:

  • Mage
  • Rogue
  • Druid

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