Fellow heroes, the time has come! Our Mogu'shan Vaults guide for Mists of Pandaria is ready to serve you again. After all these years, this iconic raid returns in the Remix version of WoW Pandaria. If you have never had a chance to explore the history of the Mogu Empire, this is your chance. Prepare to face off against the same six bosses to test your skills and claim unique loot.
Within the following pages, we will provide you with Mogu'shan Vaults strategy, its locations, and other details. From fighting Stone Guard to taking down Will of the Emperor, a great challenge awaits you. You will learn about each boss’s ability, as well as what tactics to rely on to ensure you achieve victory in every encounter.
In our Mogu'shan Vaults raid guide, we will also go over the loot you can possibly obtain. What’s more important, you will be able to take your rewards to the upcoming expansion – The War Within. However, you will have a very limited amount of time to farm this raid. So, if you have missed this opportunity in the past, do it now.
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What is Mogu'shan Vaults in Mists of Pandaria Remix
Mogu'shan Vaults raid in MoP Remix is a returning activity from the year 2012 expansion. It features 10 and 20-man versions. Players can also opt for both Normal and Heroic varieties of the instance. Same as before, you will have to face off against six bosses in total.
While Mogu'shan Vaults release date happened on October 2, 2012, you can delve into it once more. This time around, the raid offers unique loot and lets you refresh memory before you jump to the latest expansion.
Just like before, Mogu'shan Vaults is the first raid you are to complete In WoW Pandaria Remix, it is unlocked upon reaching level 25. One can even call it a “level-up” raid, but it will be farmable on higher levels, too. You just need to finish its Heroic version instead.
Mogu'shan Vaults Location
To find Mogu'shan Vaults location, head to Kun-Lai Summit. To be more exact, you need to look for the northern end and left of the Temple of the White Tiger. It would not be difficult to discover if you follow these coordinates – 59.7, 39.
If you still have a question of where is entrance Mogu'shan Vaults, you need to look for Mogu'shan Terrace, the point we have circled in red in the screenshot below. Keep reading further to find it attached below!
Knowing how to get to Mogu'shan Vaults is not the only thing you need to think of. Be prepared to withstand six powerful bosses. Make sure you have gathered a reliable raid party before giving this activity a try. It does not matter if you are playing a 10-man Normal version of it or a 25-man Heroic one, it will be difficult anyway.
As promised, here is the exact Mogu'shan Vaults location map marked in the screenshot:
Now that you know where is the Mogu'shan Vaults, our advice is to prepare for the raid thoroughly. Since this is a time-limited event, you definitely do not want to spend too much time leveling your fresh character. Therefore, make sure to check our WoW Pandaria Remix Leveling service available at SkyCoach. This is your key to achieving level 70 in a blink of an eye. Unlock all the content waiting for you and enjoy the game instead of the grind. BLOG20
Mogu'shan Vaults Bosses
As we have already stated, you will have six Mogu'shan Vaults bosses to beat down. Each of them is especially powerful in their own aspect. Luckily, the devs have not brought any changes concerning their abilities or mechanics. Therefore, you will not have much problem defeating them if you did this in the past.
Below, you can see a complete list of all the bosses you will encounter in Mogu'shan Vaults Pandaria Remix:
- The Stone Guard
- Feng the Accursed
- Gara'jal the Spiritbinder
- The Spirit Kings
- Elegon
- Will of the Emperor
Keep reading our article further to find detailed Mogu'shan Vaults tactics for every boss listed. Every encounter we are going to describe further presents its own difficulties. Make sure to prepare for them thoroughly, especially if you manage to get past the first three enemies.
Mogu'shan Vaults Loot Table
The follow part of the guide demonstrates Mogu'shan Vaults loot table, illustrating the rewards you can obtain. All the items listed below are available in both Normal and Heroic versions. As always, they differ in how many stats they provide.
NOTE: The list of Mogu'shan Vaults loot provided below is NOT FINAL and is intended for illustrative purposes. The focus of this article is to guide you through defeating the raid's most formidable bosses, rather than detailing every reward available within the instance. Nevertheless, reviewing this table will give you a good idea of the potential rewards you might encounter.
Boss | Item Name | Gear Slot |
The Stone Guard | Beads of the Mogu'shi | Necklace |
Cape of Three Lanterns | Cloak | |
Claws of Amethyst | Hands | |
Feng the Accursed | Amulet of Seven Curses | Necklace |
Arrow Breaking Windcloak | Cloak | |
Bracers of Six Oxen | Wrist | |
Gara'jal the Spiritbinder | Circuit of the Frail Soul | Ring |
Eye of the Ancient Spirit | Shield | |
Fetters of Death | Belt | |
The Spirit Kings | Hood of Blind Eyes | Helm |
Meng's Treads of Insanity | Boots | |
Mindshard Drape | Cloak | |
Elegon | Starshatter | 2H Sword |
Torch of the Celestial Spark | Wand | |
Vial of Dragon's Blood | Trinket | |
Will of the Emperor | Hood of Focused Energy | Helm |
Lei Shen's Final Orders | Trinket | |
Worldwaker Cachabon | Necklace |
With plenty of Mogu'shan Vaults drops to be discovered, we wish you good luck in finding the items you are looking for. We would like to remind you once again. All the loot you manage to claim within WoW Remix MoP will be transferred to the retail version of the game later on. If you have no time for an endless farm of this raid, make sure to use our services we have talked about above.
Mogu'shan Vaults Bosses Guide – WoW Pandaria Remix
The largest segment of our article represents Mogu'shan Vaults bosses guide. From describing their mechanics, abilities, and preferable strategies, we have you covered. Do remember that each boss is unique and requires you to work as a team. Make sure you have a good raid leader to defeat the most powerful enemies within this instance.
From facing off against The Stone Guard to beating down Will of the Emperor, you have a long path to walk. However, this experience can help you refresh your memory before delving into a newer expansion of the retail version. Do not miss it out, and stand ready for the challenge awaiting you!
Stone Guard
The Stone Guard kicks off the challenges in the Mogu'shan Vaults raid. Though the mechanics are not too tricky, it is still a solid test for your team.
In Normal mode, you will mainly be focusing on target switching and responding to straightforward mechanics, all while keeping up with steady healing.
This encounter is a single-phase fight that continues until you have taken down all four Quilen Guardians that form The Stone Guard:
- Amethyst Guardian;
- Cobalt Guardian;
- Jade Guardian;
- Jasper Guardian.
The Guardians share a health pool but each has its own energy bar. When Guardians are near each other, they gain energy. Once a Guardian hits max energy, it unleashes a powerful raid-wide attack known as an Overload. Luckily, one Guardian at a time offers the raid 90% damage reduction from its Overload.
So, your main goal is managing which Guardian fills up first by positioning them near or away from each other based on the active debuff. After one Guardian unleashes its Overload, another will start its debuff, becoming your new focus to max out its energy.
This rotation keeps going until you have defeated all the Guardians.
As we are about to get further into our Stone Guard guide Pandaria Remix, here is what else you need to know about this boss fight:
- 10-Man Normal Health Pool – 130M;
- 10-Man Heroic Health Pool – 235M;
- 25-Man Normal Health Pool – 365M;
- 25-Man Heroic Health Pool – 769M;
- LFR Health Pool – 212M.
Do remember about the boss’s 7-minute Enrage timer.
We also recommend that you stick to the following Stone Guard boss raid composition:
- 10-Man Normal: 2 Tanks, 2-3 Healers, 5-6 DPS;
- 10-Man Heroic: 2 Tanks, 3 Healers, 5 DPS;
- 25-Man Normal: 3 Tanks, 6-7 Healers, 15-16 DPS;
- 25-Man Heroic: 3 Tanks, 6 Healers, 16 DPS;
- LFR: 2 Tanks, 6 Healers, 17 DPS.
Stone Guard Abilities
Amethyst Pool, Cobalt Mine, Jade Shards, Jasper Chains | These are damaging abilities used by the Guardians. Throughout the fight, they will periodically target one or more raid members with these damaging attacks. Be prepared to dodge or mitigate these abilities to keep your team alive and well throughout the encounter. |
Amethyst Petrification, Cobalt Petrification, Jade Petrification, Jasper Petrification |
These are the Petrification abilities used by one Guardian per cycle. They apply a stacking debuff to the raid, represented by a filling resource bar that maxes out at 100. If the debuff reaches full stacks, the raid will be paralyzed. However, the Guardian's subsequent Overload attack will break this Petrification. Additionally, Petrification significantly reduces the damage from the corresponding Guardian's Overload. For instance, Amethyst Petrification only diminishes the damage from Amethyst Overload and not from Cobalt Overload or any other Guardian's Overload. |
Amethyst Overload, Cobalt Overload, Jade Overload, Jasper Overload | These are the abilities the Guardians unleash when they hit max energy. These Overloads inflict damage on the raid, halt the Guardian's petrification casting, and remove the Petrification debuff from the raid members. |
Stone Guard Guide – Tactics & Strategy
To defeat The Stone Guard, you will need to focus on two key strategies:
- Ensure that each Guardian casting Petrification reaches max energy (100) before completing the petrification process.
- Prevent Overloads from occurring unless the corresponding Guardian's Petrification is active. For instance, Amethyst Overload should not trigger unless the raid is shielded by Amethyst Petrification.
This strategy requires frequent movement of the Guardians, positioning them close and apart from each other. The petrifying Guardian should always be within 12 yards of another Guardian to gain energy for Overload. Simultaneously, you will want to limit energy gain for the non-petrifying Guardians by rotating which one is close to the petrifying Guardian.
On Heroic Mode, The Stone Guard encounter closely mirrors its Normal Mode version but adds a floor tile mechanic. At each Guardian's spawn point, a crystal appears. Clicking this crystal grants a debuff: Living Jasper, Living Jade, Living Amethyst, or Living Cobalt, corresponding to the Guardian's color. In 10-player mode, players receive 10 stacks, while in 25-player mode, they get 7.
This debuff deals damage over time to the player. However, running over the white floor tiles will drop the stacks. When activated by the debuff, these tiles become Energized Tiles, glowing brightly. Running over them reduces the debuff stacks by one. Each energized tile boosts the raid's damage and Spirit by 1%, with stacking effects for each additional energized tile. Assign a few DPS players to click the crystals post-pull and energize tiles until your raid reaches a comfortable number.
The Guardians reset the tiles with their Power Down ability at 75% and 40% health, necessitating re-energizing to maintain the buff. Another Heroic Mode change is that Guardians being tanked by off-tanks won't lose energy while in Solid Stone state. BLOG20
Feng the Accursed
Feng the Accursed, once known as Feng Shri, is the second boss you will encounter in Mogu'shan Vaults. He is a spirit roused following the Stone Guard's demise and will bring several mogu statue trash mobs to life as you make your way to his chamber.
The Feng the Accursed encounter unfolds in three distinct phases, each featuring a range of unique abilities from the boss. Though the fight is not overly complex, it does put a significant burden on your Healers and demands precise execution from the entire raid team.
As we are about to get further into our Feng the Accursed guide Pandaria Remix, here is what else you need to know about this boss fight:
- 10-Man Normal Health Pool – 145M;
- 10-Man Heroic Health Pool – 209M;
- 25-Man Normal Health Pool – 456M;
- 25-Man Heroic Health Pool – 628M;
- LFR Health Pool – 249M.
The boss features a 9-minute Enrage timer on Normal difficulty. When it comes to Heroic difficulty, it changes to 10 minutes instead.
We also recommend that you stick to the following Feng the Accursed boss raid composition:
- 10-Man Normal: 2 Tanks, 2-3 Healers, 5-6 DPS;
- 10-Man Heroic: 2 Tanks, 3 Healers, 5 DPS;
- 25-Man Normal: 3 Tanks, 6-7 Healers, 15-16 DPS;
- 25-Man Heroic: 2 Tanks, 6 Healers, 17 DPS;
- LFR: 2 Tanks, 6 Healers, 17 DPS.
Feng the Accursed Abilities
Epicenter | The boss triggers an earthquake lasting 10 seconds, dealing damage to all raid members each second. The damage decreases the further away you are from the boss during the channel. While Epicenter is active, all players suffer from a 75% reduced chance to hit. Feng casts Epicenter roughly every 30 seconds. |
Lightning Fists | Feng unleashes a shockwave, or Lightning Fists, regularly in front of him. Those caught in its path suffer significant Nature damage and are stunned briefly. |
Wildfire Spark |
The boss targets a random raid member with this debuff, which transforms into a spreading fire patch after 5 seconds. This fire patch grows and moves across the room floor, dealing substantial Fire damage per second to anyone in its path. Feng tends to apply this debuff multiple times in quick succession, followed by a 30-second pause before repeating. During these pauses, he uses his other ability, Draw Flame, which we will detail below. Occasionally, Feng may even cast Wildfire Spark while channeling Draw Flame. |
Draw Flame |
Feng absorbs all wildfire in the area with this ability, gaining a stacking buff. The number of buff stacks corresponds to the amount of wildfire absorbed. This buff amplifies Feng's melee attacks, causing them to inflict significant Fire damage to the entire raid. Each melee swing reduces one stack of the buff. Feng employs this ability every 30 seconds. Entering Phase Three does not remove Feng's active Draw Flame buff. |
Arcane Velocity | The boss channels this spell, causing raid-wide damage to all players. Damage increases the farther away players are from the boss. Feng uses this ability approximately every 20 seconds. |
Arcane Resonance | Feng targets one random raid member with this debuff in 10-man raids, and two in 25-man and LFR. Affected players suffer Arcane damage every second, with allies within 6 yards also taking damage. The damage to allies intensifies with each player affected by the debuff. Feng applies this debuff about every 20 seconds. |
Feng the Accursed Guide – Tactics & Strategy
The Feng the Accursed encounter unfolds across three distinct phases:
- Phase One: Starts 5 seconds after engaging Feng and continues until he reaches 66% health.
- Phase Two: Begins at 66% health and lasts until Feng's health drops to 33%.
- Phase Three: Starts at 33% health and continues until Feng is defeated.
Each phase features two abilities unique to that phase, along with two shared abilities that Feng uses throughout the fight. One of these shared abilities, a stacking debuff on the tank, varies slightly between phases but will be considered as a single ability for simplicity.
This encounter focuses solely on a single-target fight; there are no additional adds or secondary targets to distract from the main objective.
- Phase 1
Phase One kicks off roughly 5 seconds after engaging Feng. Initially, from engagement until the start of Phase One, the boss will primarily melee and use his Spirit Bolt ability. After this brief period, he will move to the Spirit of the Fist statue, gaining its abilities.
This phase concludes when his health drops to 66%, transitioning him into Phase Two.
Lightning Fists is fairly straightforward to manage. Melee DPS, along with the rest of the raid, should typically position themselves behind or to the side of Feng, avoiding the frontal cone of the ability. Tanks should also easily sidestep the attack, as it has a noticeable cast time.
The primary challenge in Phase One is managing the Epicenter ability. However, Shroud of Reversal and Nullification Barrier can significantly ease this task.
Shroud of Reversal can effectively mimic Lightning Fists to stun Feng during his Epicenter cast. Here's a strategy to employ this effectively:
- Apply Shroud of Reversal to the tank.
- Allow the tank to be hit (and stunned) by Lightning Fists.
- When Epicenter begins, trigger Lightning Fists on Feng.
By doing this, you can potentially negate every Epicenter, given that Shroud of Reversal has a 30-second cooldown. When Feng is stunned, melee DPS and tanks can stay in close proximity without worrying about the hit chance reduction, and the rest of the raid is unaffected.
However, reliably stunning Feng for every Epicenter is challenging. It's crucial for tanks to communicate with the raid. If there is a failure to mimic Lightning Fists, it should be announced promptly to adjust raid positioning accordingly.
- Phase 2
Phase Two starts when Feng's health drops to 66%. At this point, he'll move to the statue of the Spirit of the Spear, adopting its abilities.
This phase concludes when Feng's health reaches 33%, transitioning the encounter into Phase Three.
In Phase Two, managing the wildfire from Wildfire Spark is crucial to minimizing raid damage and making the encounter more manageable. Here is how to handle it:
- Wildfire spreads upon contact, causing more raid damage due to Draw Flame.
- Players with the Wildfire Spark debuff should move away from others before it expires.
- Designate an area, preferably near an edge of the room, where players should drop their wildfires.
- Wildfire patches move slowly, so players must be vigilant about their positions and watch for approaching wildfires.
Draw Flame:
- When Feng uses Draw Flame, all wildfires rush towards him.
- Players caught in this path can take significant damage, sometimes resulting in instant death.
- It is beneficial to group all wildfires to one side of Feng.
- The raid should position themselves on the opposite side of Feng during his Draw Flame channel to minimize damage from incoming wildfires.
By effectively managing wildfires and positioning during Draw Flame, you can mitigate a significant amount of the raid damage and make healing more manageable.
- Phase 3
Phase Three initiates when Feng's health dips to 33%. He will then move to the statue of the Spirit of the Staff, adopting its abilities.
This phase concludes when Feng the Accursed is defeated.
Arcane Resonance tends to target ranged DPS players and healers. The debuff is based on player spec, not location. Even healers in melee range can be affected. If a player with Arcane Resonance is near other players, the damage it deals is substantial and can result in immediate deaths. Arcane Resonance is often cast in conjunction with or shortly before/after Arcane Velocity. Arcane Velocity inflicts massive damage when players are not positioned close to Feng. BLOG20
Gara'jal the Spiritbinder
Gara'jal the Spiritbinder awaits as the third encounter in the Mogu'shan Vaults raid. This fight is a single-phase battle that will push your raid's coordination to the forefront.
Above all, this encounter puts a significant demand on your DPS players. They need to defeat the boss swiftly to beat the relatively tight enrage timer.
As we are about to get further into our Gara'jal the Spiritbinder guide Pandaria Remix, here is what else you need to know about this boss fight:
- 10-Man Normal Health Pool – 117M;
- 10-Man Heroic Health Pool – 179M;
- 25-Man Normal Health Pool – 309M;
- 25-Man Heroic Health Pool – 543M;
- LFR Health Pool – 218M.
The boss features a 6-minute Enrage timer.
We also recommend that you stick to the following Gara'jal the Spiritbinder boss raid composition:
- 10-Man Normal: 2 Tanks, 2-3 Healers, 5-6 DPS;
- 10-Man Heroic: 2 Tanks, 2 Healers, 6 DPS;
- 25-Man Normal: 2 Tanks, 5-7 Healers, 16-18 DPS;
- 25-Man Heroic: 2 Tanks, 5 Healers, 18 DPS;
- LFR: 2 Tanks, 5 Healers, 18 DPS.
Gara'jal the Spiritbinder Abilities
Summon Spirit Totem | Gara'jal summons Spirit Totems every 20 seconds. These totems are your raid's gateway to the Spirit World, except for the tanks who have another way through Banishment. |
Voodoo Dolls | Gara'jal marks the current tank and two random raid members (three in 25-man and LFR) as Voodoo Dolls. 70% (50% in LFR) of the damage taken by each Voodoo Doll is mirrored onto the other Voodoo Dolls. Voodoo Dolls cannot enter the Spirit World via Spirit Totems. |
Banishment | After the Voodoo Doll effect wears off, Gara'jal casts Banishment on the Voodoo Doll tank, sending them into the Spirit World. |
Frenzy | Gara'jal enters a Frenzy state when he reaches 20% health. This boosts his attack speed by 50% and damage by 25%. In Frenzy, Gara'jal stops summoning Spirit Totems. |
Gara'jal the Spiritbinder – Tactics & Strategy
The Voodoo Doll tank takes significant damage from Gara'jal's melee hits and shared damage with other Voodoo Dolls. These dolls also take damage from Spirit World adds, which affects players in the Normal World too.
Healers need to focus on the Voodoo Doll tank, ensuring consistent and strong healing.
The off-tank should be ready to taunt Gara'jal right after the main tank gets Banished to the Spirit World, which happens as the Voodoo Doll effect wears off on the main tank.
During Voodoo Dolls, Gara'jal targets only the affected tank. However, taunting him affects the threat but will not change his target. The off-tank can use this to ensure they are high on threat when the main tank gets Banished.
The Spirit World experience varies depending on how players enter it. Most enter via Spirit Totems, while tanks get there through Banishment. Shadowy Minions populate the Spirit World, spawning regularly. These adds have two spells: one damaging players in the Normal World and one targeting players in the Spirit World
Spirit Totems are attackable and killable, with low health. Killing a Spirit Totem sends the closest three players within 6 yards into the Spirit World.
Unlike LFR, there is a player limit in the Spirit World. While the cooldown for Spirit Totems is 10 seconds and max stay is slightly shorter, up to 5 players can be inside briefly. Players entering the Spirit World have their health reduced to 30% of their maximum.
The Spirit Kings
The Spirit Kings are the fourth boss encounter in Mogu'shan Vaults, growing progressively challenging as the fight unfolds.
The main challenge is constant movement and adjusting formations. Players need to switch between stacked and spread-out positions, putting strain on all raid roles.
As we are about to get further into our Spirit Kings guide Pandaria Remix, here is what else you need to know about this boss fight:
- 10-Man Normal Health Pool – 43.6M;
- 10-Man Heroic Health Pool – 65M;
- 25-Man Normal Health Pool – 119M;
- 25-Man Heroic Health Pool – 196M;
- LFR Health Pool – 70M.
The boss features a 10-minute Enrage timer.
We also recommend that you stick to the following Spirit Kings boss raid composition:
- 10-Man Normal: 1 Tank, 2-3 Healers, 6-7 DPS;
- 10-Man Heroic: 1 Tank, 2-3 Healers, 6-7 DPS;
- 25-Man Normal: 1 Tank, 5-7 Healers, 17-19 DPS;
- 25-Man Heroic: 1 Tank, 5-7 Healers, 17-19 DPS;
- LFR: 1 Tank, 6 Healers, 18 DPS.
The Spirit Kings Abilities
- Qiang the Merciless:
Flanking Orders | Summons a row of unattackable Mogu warriors. They move across the arena from a random edge, dealing massive damage in front of them. Players can easily dodge this by moving to the side. Used every 40 seconds during the fight and every 75 seconds after the boss is defeated. |
Massive Attacks | Frontal cone attack that deals heavy damage, split among affected players. Cast every 5 seconds by the boss. |
Annihilate | AoE attack with a 3-second visual warning on the ground. Deals significant damage to players in the area. Cast every 40 seconds by the boss. |
- Subetai the Swift:
Pillage | Subetai charges a random raid member, applying Pillaged debuff to players within 8 yards. Lasts 15 seconds, reducing damage and healing by 50% and increasing Physical damage taken by 50%. Used every 40 seconds. |
Volley | A 3-part frontal cone attack. First volley: wide cone with moderate damage. Second volley: narrower cone with increased damage. Third volley: narrowest cone with massive damage. |
Rain of Arrows | Targets a random raid member, launching arrows that stun and deal damage to players in an 8-yard radius. Players can kill the arrows (Pinning Arrows) to free themselves from the stun. |
- Zian of the Endless Shadow:
Undying Shadows | Summons an attackable add at a random raid member's location. The add fixates on the nearest player, damaging those within 10 yards. When killed, it creates a void zone that shrinks over 30 seconds, turning back into the add. After the void zone shrinks twice, it disappears. Used every 40 seconds during the fight and every 85 seconds after Zian is defeated. |
Shadow Blast | Interruptible spell targeting a random raid member.Deals significant Shadow damage to players within 8 yards of the target.Cast every 4-5 seconds by Zian. |
Charged Shadows | Deals high Shadow damage to a player and jumps to players within 8 yards, damaging them too. |
- Meng the Demented:
Maddening Shout | Turns raid members hostile to each other, allowing them to attack. Inflicts Shadow damage every 3 seconds. Ends when each player has dealt 40,000 damage to another player (20,000 in LFR). Used every 50 seconds during the fight and every 85 seconds after Meng is defeated. |
Crazy Thought | Interruptible spell that increases Meng's insanity by 10. Casts this ability frequently, roughly every 5 seconds. |
The Spirit Kings Guide – Tactics & Strategy
- Qiang:
Stay close to the tank to share the damage from his cleave. Watch for Flanking Orders' path and avoid getting caught. Move behind the boss during Annihilate to avoid instant death.
- Subetai:
Quickly move away when he casts Pillage. Dodge the cones from Volley; stay within ~15 yards of the boss to minimize hits. Ranged players spread out to reduce Rain of Arrows hits; kill arrows or use instant stun removal on affected players.
- Zian:
Players with Undying Shadow should move along the edges; ranged focus on killing the add. Always interrupt Shadow Blast; assign three players for rotation.
- Meng:
Stack up during Maddening Shout and use AoE to break it quickly. Interrupt Crazy Thought when possible; he will cast it frequently. During Cowardice (50-70 Sanity), DPS should slow down or stop to manage damage.
Elegon is the fifth boss in Mogu'shan Vaults, offering a challenging and multi-faceted encounter.
You will face various adds to defeat, navigate through positioning challenges, and handle bursts of heavy damage. Additionally, DPS will be tested, especially for those in entry-level raid gear.
However, if you have tackled the earlier bosses successfully, Elegon's complexities should be manageable for your raid.
As we are about to get further into our Elegon guide Pandaria Remix, here is what else you need to know about this boss fight:
- 10-Man Normal Health Pool – 294M;
- 10-Man Heroic Health Pool – 339M;
- 25-Man Normal Health Pool – 883M;
- 25-Man Heroic Health Pool – 1.16B;
- LFR Health Pool – 306M.
The boss features a 9-minute Enrage timer.
We also recommend that you stick to the following Elegon boss raid composition:
- 10-Man Normal: 2 Tanks, 2 Healers, 6 DPS;
- 10-Man Heroic: 2 Tanks, 2 Healers, 6 DPS;
- 25-Man Normal: 2 Tanks, 6-7 Healers, 15-16 DPS;
- 25-Man Heroic: 3 Tanks, 6 Healers, 16 DPS;
- LFR: 2 Tanks, 6 Healers, 17 DPS.
Elegon Abilities
Celestial Breath | Frontal cone AoE attack every 20 seconds. High Arcane damage. |
Materialize Protector | Summons a Celestial Protector add. Targets its main aggro and has its own abilities. |
Arcing Energy | Celestial Protector's ability. Random high Arcane damage to raid members. Applies Closed Circuit debuff, reducing healing by 50% (25% in LFR) for 20 seconds. Dispellable. |
Stability Flux | Small Arcane damage to all raid members per second. |
Total Annihilation | Triggered when Celestial Protector is killed. Large Arcane damage to all raid members. |
Grasping Energy Tendrils | Cast when no targets are in melee range. Pulls all raid members and deals high Arcane damage. |
Elegon Guide – Tactics & Strategy
- Phase 1:
Tank Elegon facing away from the raid to ensure only the tank gets hit by Celestial Breath. Off-tank picks up the Celestial Protector. Tank it within the Inner Ring and kill it outside the ring. Ensure raid members are not low on health when the Protector dies to avoid triggering Total Annihilation.
Periodically step out of the Inner Ring to reset Overcharged stacks. Tanks should swap regularly to allow the off-tank to reset their stacks. Healers should promptly dispel Closed Circuit to restore full healing to affected players. Maintain steady healing on the raid and tanks throughout the encounter.
- Phase 2:
Kill as many Energy Charge waves as possible. Each killed wave boosts the damage on Elegon for the rest of the fight, aiding in defeating the enrage timer. Assign specific DPS groups to target each Charge to ensure efficient elimination. Focus on maximizing damage on Elegon, especially during his Draw Power channel (15 seconds). Use this time to unleash heavy DPS to Elegon.
During the brief time when Energy Charges stack together, use AoE abilities or spread DoTs. This is viable only for the first couple of global cooldowns. Afterward, spread out to efficiently kill individual Charges. If unable to stop a wave, focus on maximizing damage to Elegon during this phase. Realistically, expect to ignore the fourth or fifth wave of Energy Charges.
- Phase 3:
Move around the Outer Ring, prioritizing the destruction of Empyreal Focuses. Once all Focuses are down, focus on eliminating the Cosmic Sparks. Tanks should pick up and kill the Cosmic Sparks. If needed, delay killing them until after the Empyreal Focuses are eliminated. Stay vigilant and avoid the impact locations of Energy Cascade to prevent unnecessary damage. Healers should maintain consistent healing on the raid and tanks throughout the encounter.
When Stage Three concludes, Stage One will reset with Elegon's health at 50%, reverting to the mechanics previously encountered.
After the second Stage Three, Elegon gains Radiating Energies. This applies raid-wide Arcane damage to all players, with Outer Ring damage being significantly higher than Inner Ring damage. During this phase, Elegon will melee the tank and use Celestial Breath. BLOG20
Have everyone stack tightly on Elegon to maximize damage output. Healers should focus on keeping the raid and tanks alive through the increased damage from Radiating Energies. Utilize healing cooldowns to manage the damage effectively. With the increased damage taken due to Draw Power stacks and the limited time before Elegon enrages, maximize DPS on Elegon. Prioritize using DPS cooldowns and abilities to burn through his health as quickly as possible.
Instead of resetting Overcharged stacks, rely on healing and defensive cooldowns to survive the increased damage. It is crucial to focus on DPS during this phase to defeat Elegon before the enrage timer.
Will of the Emperor
The Will of the Emperor is the final boss in Mogu'shan Vaults, blending challenges from previous encounters. The fight, though straightforward in concept, becomes chaotic with numerous adds joining the fray.
As we are about to get further into our Will of the Emperor guide Pandaria Remix, here is what else you need to know about this boss fight:
- 10-Man Normal Health Pool – 157M;
- 10-Man Heroic Health Pool – 235M;
- 25-Man Normal Health Pool – 471M;
- 25-Man Heroic Health Pool – 706M;
- LFR Health Pool – 239M.
We also recommend that you stick to the following Will of the Emperor boss raid composition:
- 10-Man Normal: 2 Tanks, 2-3 Healers, 5-6 DPS;
- 10-Man Heroic: 2 Tanks, 2 Healers, 6 DPS;
- 25-Man Normal: 2 Tanks, 6-7 Healers, 15-16 DPS;
- 25-Man Heroic: 2 Tanks, 6-7 Healers, 15-16 DPS;
- LFR: 2 Tanks, 6 Healers, 17 DPS.
Will of the Emperor Abilities
Focused Assault – Emperor’s Rage | Adds use Focused Assault, fixating on a raid member and slowly moving toward them to deliver minor damage. |
Focused Defense – Emperor’s Courage | Other adds use Focused Defense, fixating on tanks and approaching them to hit with Impeding Thrust. |
Energizing Smash – Emperor’s Strength | AoE ability that deals high damage and stuns targets in a growing radius around the impact point, cast roughly every 7 seconds. |
Devastating Arc – Jan-xi and Qin-xi | Swings the boss's weapon to damage a large area indicated by flashing blue lights and the boss's animation. |
Stomp – Jan-xi and Qin-xi | Damages and stuns players in a 12-yard radius around the boss, signaled by the boss lifting his weapon above his head. |
Will of the Emperor Guide – Tactics & Strategy
- Emperor's Courage:
These adds are priority targets. Kill them before they reach their fixated tank. Tanks should move if they get too close. Attack them from behind for maximum damage. Casters should position near their spawn point to hit them from behind immediately. Use slows to keep them in check.
- Emperor's Strength:
Next in line after Emperor's Courage. Tanks or melee DPS can handle them. Kill them quickly to prevent the radius of their Energizing Smash from expanding too much. Focus on nuking them down when no Emperor's Courage are present.
- Emperor's Rage:
These adds pose less threat. Players they fixate on should move away until the adds are killed. Use stuns and slows to control them until they're taken care of.
- Phase 2:
Once the bosses spawn, tanks should grab them and position them about 60 yards apart to avoid overlapping Devastating Arcs. Ranged DPS and healers should form a triangle with the tanking positions, ensuring they can reach both bosses without being in danger.
Adjust these positions as needed when players move to dodge add fixations.
Focus on adds as in Phase One; they remain the priority.
- Emperor's Courage: Kill them quickly to prevent them from slowing tanks and causing unavoidable Devastating Arc hits.
- Emperor's Strength: Take them down fast to avoid expanding Energizing Smash stuns, which can become unavoidable.
- Emperor's Rage: Clear them out to prevent them from accumulating and becoming a nuisance.
Tanks and melee DPS should learn to recognize Devastating Arc animations to easily dodge them. Tanks should be particularly cautious since being hit applies an armor-reducing debuff. With the rapid Devastating Arc combos, avoiding hits is crucial to prevent dangerous stack-ups of this debuff.
Mogu'shan Vaults Solo Guide
The Mogu'shan Vaults raid in WoW Pandaria Remix offers a tough challenge for solo players, given its mechanics tailored for full groups. While some may try soloing for achievements or gear, it is crucial to know that certain encounters, especially those needing multiple players, can be very hard, if not impossible, to solo Mogu'shan Vaults.
Classes with strong self-healing or high survivability might fare better soloing some parts. Ultimately, whether to solo Mogu'shan Vaults depends on your goals and what you find enjoyable. While solo players might enjoy conquering challenges alone, others might prefer the social fun of raiding with friends. Instead of seeking a Mogu'shan Vaults solo guide, we'd suggest teaming up with reliable players and tackling this legendary raid together while using our article as a guide.
To sum up, Mogu'shan Vaults in WoW Pandaria Remix is a captivating raid filled with intricate boss mechanics, engaging encounters, and enticing loot. From the mysterious chambers housing the Spirit Kings to the grandeur of the Will of the Emperor's chamber, each boss presents its own set of challenges that test your raid's coordination, skill, and teamwork.
The loot and drops from these bosses offer valuable rewards, making the raid not only a fun challenge but also a fruitful endeavor for those seeking powerful gear upgrades and unique transmog items.
Whether you're diving into the raid for the first time or revisiting it for nostalgia or achievements, our guide aims to provide you with comprehensive insights, strategies, and tips to help you navigate through Mogu'shan Vaults successfully.
What level is Mogu'shan Vaults WoW Pandaria Remix?
You can enter Mogu'shan Vaults upon hitting level 25.
How do you get to Mogu'shan Vaults in WoW Pandaria Remix?
To enter Mogu'shan Vaults, head to Kun-Lai Summit and look for Mogu'shan Terrace.
How do I start Mogu'shan Vaults?
You start the instance by getting inside through the Mogu'shan Terrace.
Where is Mogu'shan Vaults raid?
Mogu'shan Vaults is located in the north-east of Kun-Lai Summit, on the Mogu'shan Terrace.
How many bosses are in Mogu'shan Vaults?
You will encounter six bosses in Mogu'shan Vaults:
- The Stone Guard
- Feng the Accursed
- Gara'jal the Spiritbinder
- The Spirit Kings
- Elegon
- Will of the Emperor
Who is the first boss in Mogu'shan Vaults?
The Stone Guard is the first boss you are going to encounter in Mogu'shan Vaults.
What mounts drop in Mogu'shan Vaults?
Astral Cloud Serpent is a specific mount you can get from Mogu'shan Vaults upon defeating Elegon.