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Buy Rust Bunker Base boost on our platform and enjoy the fastest delivery and the best prices.
The art of building a base in Rust is complex and hard to master. Let our professional players help you build an easy-to-defend base that will be an impenetrable barrier between your belongings and enemy players.
Get our cheap Rust Bunker Base carry now and receive:
A base with a high-quality metal bunker ensures your resources are well-protected. Anyone attempting to access your main resources will have to put in significant effort;
The base includes:
+x1 metal door;
+x6 garage doors
+x4 large chests;
+x3 small boxes:
+x2 drop boxes;
+x3 furnaces;
+x1 Level 3 workbench;
The base daily upkeep cost:
+Stone: 2170;
+Metal fragments: 526;
+High Quality Metal: 18.
Our Rust Bunker Base boosting service is available via the following completion method: