Deadlock Haze Build Guide

Deadlock's Haze is a character with some of the highest win rates in the game among other characters. In this Deadlock Haze build guide we'll explain how this character works, as well as what items you should buy throughout the game. We'll talk about ability and items synergies and give you tips on how to play Haze to win games!

Welcome, Deadlock fans; today, we’re giving you the Deadlock best Haze build. Haze is one of the most popular picks in every game. We’ll explain how this character works and what items you should buy in all three stages of the match. Now, this won’t be a complete character guide, though, but a good build always relies on a good understanding of the character’s abilities. So, if you’re just picking up Haze, go into Hero Sandbox and familiarize yourself with her toolkit. Do that, and you’ll be able to hold your lane with confidence. Haze is one of the heroes with the highest win rate, and our build will help you get more wins, adding to the statistics.

If you struggle to win matches in Deadlock, that’s understandable. This game is no ordinary hero shooter. Mixed with MOBA-like mechanics and map design, Deadlock can be punishing for new players. To get better at the game, we recommend a brand-new service from SkyCoach – Deadlock Pro for Hire. Get into the games with an experienced Deadlock player who will show you the ropes, stand in the lane, and win your games. Not only will you learn about how to win, but you’ll actually dominate any matches you play together, and that’s a guarantee!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Apart from learning about the best Haze build, you can also Buy Deadlock Boost from SkyCoach. We offer a wide range of products at the lowest market price and with the fastest delivery. You can make your first purchase even CHEAPER if you find a special PROMO CODE (highlighted in green) hidden in this article and get a 20% DISCOUNT.


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Deadlock Haze Abilities Overview

Before talking about itemization, it would be best to start off our Deadlock Haze build guide by explaining how the character works.

Haze is a dual-machine-gun-wielding damage dealer. She is among the fastest characters in the game with 8 m/s move speed and 56 damage per second. As the game describes her playstyle: “When Haze fixates on a target, she can hold her own in a firefight. She prefers to create one-sided exchanges, avoiding damage and then picking off unsuspecting targets up close.”

The Deadlock Haze abilities includes:

Icon Ability Description
Sleep Dagger Throw a dagger that damages and sleeps the target. Sleeping Targets wake up shortly after being damaged. Throwing a Dagger does not break your invisibility. Sleep Dagger does not interrupt enemies’ channeling abilities.
Smoke Bomb Fade out of sight, becoming invisible and gaining sprint speed. Attacking removes invisibility. Close enemies can see through your invisibility.
Fixation Shooting a target increases your bullet damage on that target. Gain one stack per bullet hit, two if the hit is a headshot.
Bullet Dance (ult) Enter a flurry, firing your weapon at nearby enemies with perfect accuracy. During the flurry, Haze gains a fire rate bonus and will evade some of the bullets shot at her.

You can clearly see what her fighting style is – Haze is a typical assassin and a glass-canon. Fragile but deadly. Hop in and out of invisibility, put enemies to sleep with the dagger, move for a better setup, and unleash the hailstorm by either auto-attacking to build up stacks of Fixation or use your ultimate on groups of enemies.

All you need now is a suitable collection of items that will reinforce this playstyle. Remember about limited inventory capacity. You have 4 slots for weapon, vitality, and spirit items and 4 extra “flex” slots for when you reach the endgame. So, a total of 16 slots for the entire game. Now, let’s talk about what to buy for Haze in Deadlock and why these items are the best for her. BLOG20

Early Game Items

We’ll start with the early stage of the game when you just deployed into your lane. A few minutes into the game, you should be able to accumulate enough souls to buy your first items. Each one of them costs 500 Souls. In the first part of the Deadlock Haze build that you see below, we’ve laid out the items you’ll need to get as soon as you have enough souls.

Item Cost Stats Description / Effect
Ammo Scavenger (AS) 500 Souls +15% Ammo, +60 Bonus Health Passive: Grants 2 ammo and 2 Spirit Power per Soul captured or denied. Max stacks of 12, lasts 35 seconds. Neutral kills count.
Headshot Booster (HB) 500 Souls +40% Headshot Damage, +5% Fire Rate, +40% Bullet Shield Health Boosts headshot damage and provides bonuses to fire rate and bullet shield health.
Rapid Rounds (RR) 500 Souls +9% Fire Rate; +1m/s Sprint Speed Increases the fire rate of weapons, allowing faster shooting in early-game engagements.
Extra Stamina (ES) 500 Souls +1 Stamina, +10% Stamina Recovery, +7% Fire Rate Increases stamina and movement speed, improving mobility and stamina regeneration for sustained combat engagements.
Active Reload (AR) 1250 Souls +10% Weapon Damage, -20% Reload Time While reloading, pressing [R] during the highlighted portion will instantly finish your reload and grant you Fire Rate and Bullet Lifesteal.
Bullet Lifesteal (BL) 1250 Souls +28% Bullet Lifesteal, +75 Bonus Health Decreases reload time significantly and adds a lifesteal component, providing sustain in combat.
Swift Striker (SS) 1250 Souls +22% Fire Rate, -5% Bullet Resist, +10% Ammo Converts bullet damage into health, helping the player regenerate HP in combat.

Stand your ground against the enemy in your lane and get the items in the same order as they are in this table. This is the most optimal order of the Deadlock Haze item progression, but if the situation calls for a change, then, by all means, get whatever you think is more important at the moment.

Mid Game Items

Once you’ve destroyed your lane opponent’s Guardian, you can consider yourself entering the mid-game. That’s when you’ll get your core items that will allow you to roam around, helping your teammates get enemy hero kills and push other lanes.

Item Cost Stats Description / Effect
Quicksilver Reload (QSR) 1250 Souls 65 Spirit Damage, 15% Fire Rate Bonus, 12s Max Frequency Imbue an ability with bonus Spirit Damage on the first hit. When the ability is used, your weapon is reloaded and has a Fire Rate bonus for that clip.
Kinetic Dash (KD) 1250 Souls +100 Bonus Health, +1.5 Health Regen Your next Dash-Jump does not cost an extra stamina and you gain Fire Rate and bonus Ammo until your next reload. Lasts up to 8s.
Sprint Boots (SB) 500 Souls +2m/s Sprint Speed, +1 Health Regen, +4% Weapon Damage Boosts sprint speed, offers slight health regeneration and increases weapon damage slightly.
Bullet Resist Shredder (BRS) 1250 Souls +100 Bonus Health, +5% Bullet Resist Reduces Bullet Resist on enemies when you deal Spirit Damage.

Your role as a damage dealer dictates that you participate in team fights and almost never go out to push lanes alone. And these are the Deadlock Haze best items for mid game.

Late Game Items

In the late game, you’ll have more opportunities to focus on your survivability thanks to items like UNstoppable and Escalating Resilience.

Item Cost Stats Description / Effect
Escalating Resilience (ER) 3000 Souls +14% Fire Rate, +14% Weapon Damage Grants Bullet Resist when your bullets hit an enemy hero. Each shot can only grant one stack.
Lucky Shot (LS) 6200 Souls +30% Ammo Your bullets have a chance to be empowered, causing them to deal bonus damage and Slow on hit.
Unstoppable 6200 Souls +150 Bonus Health, +15% Spirit Resist, +1m/s Move Speed, +12 Spirit Power Supress negative status effects and become Immune to Stun, Silence, Sleep, Root, and Disarm.

These items should be enough for the final push but don’t just settle for these. As you and your team rack up kills and more Souls end up in your “pockets,” there are more fun items that you should get:

  1. Superior Stamina – Increases the number of air dashes and air jumps that can be performed from 1 to 2 before landing.
  2. Enduring Speed – Reduces the effect of the enemy Movement Slow
  3. Ricochet – Your bullets will ricochet on enemies near your target, applying any bullet procs and dealing a percentage of the original damage.
  4. Silencer (Active) – For the next 4s, al your bullets immediately apply Silence. Silcence prevents targets from using abilities.
  5. Leech – Gives you 35% lifesteal from your bullets and abilities. BLOG20

These endgame items are optional and depend on the heroes on the enemy team. If you see a lot of characters with control abilities, then grab Silencer, which will go great with Unstoppable. If some tanks are making your team run in the opposite direction, take Leecha and drain their health, restoring yours. The late-game phase is flexible. By the time you get there, you’ll have a good idea of what kind of enemies you’re dealing with.


Haze is a super strong character in the game if you buy the right items. With this build, you will feel comfortable during the laning phases and all the way into the final stages. For all the new players who are unfamiliar with the concept of buying items for the character, which is common for MOBA games – shop items are the only way to make your characters stronger besides upgrading their abilities. While there are a lot of items, you only need to concern yourself with those items that are very selected for you in this build. Alternatively, the recommended tab of the shop shows only essential items that are separated into 3 sections representing the 3 main phases of a match – early game, mid-game, and late game. Everything you need is that tab.

We’d also like to encourage you to try and experiment with your build by going into the Weapon, Vitality, or Spirit tabs that contain all of the items from those categories. And with that, we wish you good luck and many victories!


What is the best Haze build in Deadlock?


We recommend a build that focuses on movement speed and burst damage. Therefore, it should include items like the Headshot Booster for the early game and Crippling Headshot for the late game.

How to create and save a build in Deadlock?


To create a build in Deadlock, go into the Hero Sandbox, open the Curiosity Shop, and click “Browse Builds”. At the top left, just above the list of builds and a search bar, you’ll find the button that says “Create New Build.” Click that, and you’ll be taken to the build editor, where you’ll be able to pick the items for the build, add custom descriptions, and save it.

What items should I buy for Haze in Deadlock?


Here are the best items to buy when playing as Haze in Deadlock:

  1. Headshot Booster: Increases headshot damage.
  2. Ammo Scavenger: Helps sustain ammo for last hits and secure souls.
  3. Extra Regen or Extra Spirit: Choose based on your lane needs.
  4. Extra Health and Rapid Rounds: Boost survivability and fire rate.
  5. Burst Fire: Maximizes fire rate.
  6. Improved Spirit: Increases ammo count.
  7. Mystic Slow: Enhances passive damage.
  8. Lucky Shot: Provides a significant damage boost.

What abilities should I prioritize for Haze?


Focus on abilities that enhance damage output and survivability. The general order in which you upgrade your abilities is this: 3,1,2,4,3,3,4,3,2,1,1,2,1,4,2,4.

How To Get Good as Haze in Deadlock?


To get better at playing Haze, follow these simple instructions:

  • Use headshots to conserve ammo while dealing damage.
  • Stay mobile to avoid damage, utilizing her invisibility and movement abilities.
  • Focus on abilities that enhance damage output and survivability.

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