Division 2 Leveling Guide 2025

There are several progression systems in the game. In this guide, we'll answer the question - how to level up SHD levels and do it fast. We'll break down all leveling systems, explaining their differences and focusing on the most important one. SHD levels are the endgame progression system, and this guide will teach you how to conquer it!

Greetings, seasoned Agents. Division 2 now includes an incredible amount of content accumulated after half a decade of updates. With this Division 2 leveling guide, we want to show you how to level up your Agent quickly and get access to all content that might yet not be available to you. The leveling system in the game is not the most simple one either, and it could be difficult for players to know what’s what.

In this day and age, not all gamers have enough time to dedicate to their hobby. Sometimes, life gets in the way of a long gaming session, and we end up missing a lot of action. Division 2’s progression system requires a lot of time to be spent on it, and if you can’t spare enough, you’re risking being stuck with less engaging content. There’s a better way. You can Buy SHD and Season Pass leveling services at SkyCoach. With it, you’ll be able to quickly complete the current season pass, which usually takes weeks of active playing. SkyCoach’s own team of professional gamers will boost your SHD and season pass to the required level, allowing you to enjoy its benefits! The service is absolutely safe, completely transparent, and, what’s even more important - it’s fast. Place your order today and get the desired SHD level or Season Pass level in the blink of an eye!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Apart from learning everything about Division 2 leveling, you can also Buy Division 2 Boost from SkyCoach. We offer a wide range of products at the lowest market price and with the fastest delivery. You can make your first purchase even CHEAPER if you find a special PROMO CODE (highlighted in green) hidden in this article and get a 20% DISCOUNT.


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Division 2 Leveling 1-40

If you want to know how to level up fast in Division 2, first you gotta know the difference between different level systems.

  • Character Levels (1-30): This is the standard leveling system you experience in most RPGs. You gain XP through completing missions, activities, and defeating enemies. Leveling up unlocks new skills, talents, and allows you to equip higher-powered gear.
  • Level 31-40 (Warlords of New York DLC): The Warlords of New York DLC raises the level cap to 40. This expansion removes Gear Score focuses on individual item stats, and builds for power.
  • SHD Watch Levels (Level 40+): Upon completing Warlords of New York, you unlock the SHD watch leveling system. This endless progression system grants various bonuses to your character's stats and unlocks cosmetic rewards.
  • Expertise System (Level 40+): Introduced in a later update, the Expertise system allows you to specialize in specific gear categories (weapons, skills, brands, etc.) by earning Proficiency and Expertise levels. This system refines your build further by offering additional bonuses and optimizations to your favorite gear.
  • Seasons (Level 40+): the game features Seasons, which are recurring limited-time events with their own leveling system (typically 100 levels). Each Season offers unique challenges, rewards, and progression tracks (free and premium). While not directly impacting your character's core stats, Seasons provides another layer of engagement and can grant powerful gear or cosmetic items.
  • Dark Zone Ranks: As players venture into the Dark Zone, they earn experience points specifically for the Dark Zone, separate from the main character XP. These Dark Zone experience points contribute to a player's Dark Zone rank.

We’ll start by explaining the Division 2 level up fast methods for getting from level 1 to level 40. The base game has a cap set to level 30. If you have the expansion, you don’t even need to bother leveling from 1 to 30 because, during character creation, you could just activate the boost that will make your character level 30 right from the start. However, you still need to meet some requirements:

  1. Have prologue completed
  2. Have the base of Operations unlocked
  3. Have base skills unlocked

If you got all 3, you’re eligible for the boost. From there on out, you can head out straight to New York, where you’ll be able to earn levels 31-40. Once you’re in NY, you can’t go back to Washington D.C. until you have finished the expansions’ story. Now, the fast leveling Division 2 to 40 is your next goal. BLOG20

To reach level 40 in NY, you must focus on the main activities on the map. First and foremost, kill all 4 Warlords following the main story emissions; this will take you almost all the way to level 40. If not, participate in the following activities to catch up:

  1. Strongholds
  2. Propaganda Broadcasts
  3. Public Executions
  4. Territory Control
  5. Side missions & bounties

When you’re done, consider yourself being in the endgame, where levels no longer accumulate. Instead, you’ll have a bunch of other Division 2 leveling system to worry about with the most important one being the SHD levels.

Division 2 SHD Leveling 

From levels 30 to 40, the item level was replaced by the Gear Score, which is a summary of the power and quality of all of your equipped items. However, after level 40, the Gear Score gets replaced by SHD levels. This part of the guide will focus on the fastest way to level in Division 2 to increase this type of level.  With each new level, you can improve your attributes like:

Offense Defense Skills Miscellaneous
Weapon Damage Armor Skill Health Reload Speed
Headshot Damage Health Skill Damage Ammo Capacity
Critical Hit Chance Explosive Resistance Skill Repair Accuracy
Critical Hit Damage Hazard Resistance Skill Haste Stability

This is done through something called Keener’s Watch, which you can unlock in the Skills section of your inventory. If you were wondering Division 2 how to level up fast, the SHD level is increased by participating in all sorts of in-game activities, from killing enemies to finishing some end-game content. Since there’s a lot to do in the, we’re going to name the best methods you can use!

Completing Shooting Range Challenges

In this section of the Division 2 fast leveling guide, we’ll be naming the best leveling methods in no particular order. You may focus on the ones that you find the easiest or the quickest. Shooting range challenges are available across the map in The Division 2. These challenges consist of different levels, with each level offering varying degrees of difficulty and corresponding XP rewards. The amount of XP earned depends on the level of the challenge completed. BLOG20

To maximize Division 2 fast exp gains, players can adjust the world difficulty to Heroic. Despite the intimidating name, Heroic difficulty in shooting range challenges does not involve enemy NPCs. Instead, it offers increased XP rewards for completing the challenges.

Farming Dark Zone Landmarks

Another way of Division 2 XP farming is clearing the landmarks in the Dark Zone. DZ Landmarks are key points of interest within the Dark Zone, teeming with powerful enemy NPCs and valuable loot. Engaging in Dark Zone activities, particularly farming landmarks, presents players with significant opportunities to earn XP. Coordinating with a proficient team enhances efficiency and safety during Dark Zone farming expeditions. However, players must remain vigilant of potential rogue agents, as PvP encounters in the Dark Zone add an element of risk to XP farming endeavors.

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Completing Projects

Projects in D2 are assigned tasks that players can undertake to earn rewards. This is often an overlooked method to Division 2 level up quickly.  With the introduction of significant XP rewards upon project completion, these tasks become lucrative avenues for farming SHD levels. Each project includes various objectives that contribute to XP gain, effectively providing players with a 2-for-1 benefit. By completing projects and their associated objectives, players can efficiently accumulate XP while also obtaining valuable rewards and resources.

Capturing Control Points

Control Points are strategic locations scattered throughout the game’s map, ripe for capturing and securing by players. Capturing Control Points not only enhances control over the game world but also grants substantial XP rewards. The amount of XP earned increases with the level of difficulty and tier of the Control Point. Boosting Control Points to level 4 significantly raises the difficulty but also enhances the XP reward upon successful completion. This option is ideal for players seeking maximum XP gains from Control Points while facing formidable challenges.

Clearing Public Executions

This type of world activity is one of the best ways for fast leveling in Division 2 in terms of how quickly you can complete them and how much XP you earn for doing them. Once you set the world level to the highest you can comfortably play at and enable all five directives, you can start looking for those activity markers on the map. You might want to start by looking at West Potomac Park and the area around Washington Monument, as this is the area with the highest amount of Public Executions. They’re popping up at random, so your job is to clear one and then get to the next one as quickly as possible.

The whole thing with these executions is – you clear out the adds it spawns with, then you take care of just one reinforcement wave, and that’s it! When you play on heroic difficulty and all five directives enabled, you’ll get almost 500k experience, which is an insane amount for how fast this whole process takes. With time, you’ll get better at clearing this activity, which actually also applies to other activities. You’ll memorize the enemy spawn points and develop your own execution method.


There are numerous progression systems in Division 2 and it can be difficult at times to know which one you should focus on. We’ve given you some Division 2 leveling tips that can help you reach the desired level. In summary, your focus should be on gaining level 40 first by completing the main story missions in Washington to reach level 30 and then going to New York to get level 40 by completing the expansion’s story missions. From there, you’ll be mainly increasing your SHD levels, which will replace all of the rest kinds of levels. From there on out, it’s as simple as farming different in-game activities. The most lucrative in terms of experience rewards are:

  • Public executions
  • Control points
  • Projects
  • Shooting Range challenges
  • Dark Zone landmarks

Do these in any other you want, but don’t forget to set the world tier and difficulty setting to the highest that you can handle. This will ensure you’ll get as much XP as possible.


What is the best way to level up in Division 2?

Complete story missions and then do side content like strongholds, projects, control points, etc. But always prioritize story missions.

How does leveling work after 40 Division 2?

After level 40, you’ll get access to SHD levels, a totally different leveling system. Keep completing side content to earn levels and upgrade one of the core attributes.

What is the fastest way to level up new character in Division 2?

The fastest way would be using the boost that allows you to jump to level 30 and gain access to the New York story content. From there on out you can reach level 40 relatively easy.

What gives the most XP in Division 2?

Set the world tier to the highest available and do open-world activities for maximum experience.

What is the fastest way to increase SHD levels in Division 2?

The fastest way to increase SHD levels is to do side-content on the highest world tier and difficulty:

  1. Public executions
  2. Control points
  3. Projects
  4. Shooting Range challenges
  5. Dark Zone landmarks

What is the best XP build in Division 2?

Use a build with the Determined talent that’s available on sniper rifles, handguns, and marksman rifles. This talent does the following - Once an opponent has been eliminated by a headshot, each subsequent enemy hit will also result in a headshot.

What is the fastest way to level up in Division 2?

If you’re trying to get to level 40, do the story missions first, and then, if you’re lacking experience, do some side activities.

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