This raid dungeon is a continuation of the Myths of the Realm side storyline, in which the Warrior of Light, represented by the player, encounters the 12 deities of Eorzia and is forced to undergo their tests to learn the truth. The first part of the raid was released on April 12, 2022 under the name Sanctum of Aglaia and included four bosses: Byregot, Rhalgr, Azema and Nald'thal. Here, in the second part of the story, the player will have to pass the test of another group of celestials: Nophica, Althyk, Nymeia, Halone and Menphina. This Endwalker Alliance raid is no joke, so you better read this article carfully.
To open the FFXIV new Alliance raid after Patch 6.3, players must return to the MorDoha region in the realm of Eorzea. If you have not yet unlock the Aglaia Alliance raid you should do this first. Items dropped in the Euphrosyne raid will have 620 item level. The minimum gear requirements for this raid is 595 ilvl. Note that you will be able to loot only one item per week, and, since the raid is updated every Tuesday, you should be careful when choosing items from the loot-pool. Two items fall from each boss except the final boss - Menphina, which will drop four pieces of gear as well as four game cards, a minion, and tunes for orchestrons.
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Nophica Strategy

The first boss of this FFXIV Endwalker Alliance raid is the goddess of fertility Nophica. This lady with a couple of very outstanding features and a giant scythe in her hands. She is the patron of reapers and also the first obstacle in our way. In terms of mechanics the boss is quite simple and, as it should be for the first boss of the raid, does not cause much difficulty to the group. BLOG20

First Phase |
Second Phase |
The battle arena is round in shape and surrounded by a dangerous zone that kills instantly. During the battle Nophica will periodically change the appearance of the arena. There are three in total:
- The Main field;
- Flower Field;
- Grass Field.
Boss mechanics will be connected to them. Here’s a list of the boss’ abilities:
- Abundance - Deals damage to the entire group.100% damage to the tanks and 30% to other group members. 30% damage to all members of the group that are not tanks.
- Matron's Plenty - When the goddess finishes applying this ability the battle arena turns into a grass or flower field. During this phase the boss applies one of her attacks.
- The Giving Land - The type of attack depends. If the arena is in the flower field phase, a wide circular AoE attack is used in front of the boss called Spring Flowers. You should stand outside its borders. If the arena is in the grass field phase, Nophica applies an AoE attack in the from of a donut with a safe zone under the boss.
- Matron's Harvest - After applying the ability the whole raid is moved to the standard arena and takes an average amount of AoE damage.
- Reaper's Gale - When Nophica starts using this ability there will be two sets of perpendicular AoE lines running through the arena. You should stand out of the AoE. After a few moments a second set of AoE lines appears in the safe zones. You should move from one safe-zone to another as the AoE-zone shapes change. The second version of Reaper's Gale adds to the above described additional circular AoEs in safe areas.
The second time Nophica uses Matron's Plenty, she will follow up with Floral Haze. This ability will apply a Right Face, Left Face, Forward March, or a Rearward March debuffs on players. When this debuff expires, your character will run in the direction indicated by the debuff.
- Matron's Breath - When Nophica finishes her spell she will mark two circles on the ground, yellow and blue. Sheinking circles marked with numbered spheres from one to six will also appear. These circles will count down in order and explode when the circles are shrunken down completely. The task of the raid is to stay in the correspondingly colored circles at the time of the explosion.
Also, in this phase the goddess will use the following abilities:
- Landwaker - Light AoE, targets the whole raid.
- Sowing Circle - Nophica marks four circular AoEs on the ground. These AoE zones will diverge from the boss in different directions indicated by the arrows. They will be followed by more AoEs in those directions. The players’ task is to dodge both waves of AoEs.
- Furrow - One member of the raid is marked with a yellow marker. Everyone must run to this raid member to divide the damage with him.
- Heavens' Earth - All three tanks will be marked by bright red tank breaker marks. The tanks must use their cooldowns and stay away from each other and the rest of the raid.
The battle phases will repeat in the same order until the boss is defeated.
Althyk and Nymeia Strategy

The next opponent of the raid group will be a pair of gods Althyk and Nymeia. The siblings are already a much more serious challenge for players. The battle arena is a square with an abyss on the edges, so try not to fall down.

First Phase |
Second Phase |
It's imperative for the tanks to move the bosses to the opposite sides of the battle arena. Because Althyk and Nymeia are buffing each other’s stats when they are close to each other. Traditionally, you should watch your feet carefully to avoid hitting an AOE.
Bosses share a health bar for two and use the following range of abilities:
- Spinner's Wheel - Nymeia marks every raid member with a tarot card with a debuff. When the debuff expires, the course of action depends on what card you have. If the player has a pink heart card, you should stand with your back to Nymeia. When the card shows yellow rising sun do not move when the debuff expires. If you have a green inverted heart, you should turn to face Nymeia and if you have blue inverted sun don't stop where you are. If you make a mistake, you will be stunned for eight seconds.
- Time and Tide - Althyk will speed up the timing of any mechanic Nymeia uses. Works together with Spinner's Wheel (the previously mentioned tarot card mechanic) or Petrai (tankbuster from second phase of combat) and can switch AOE explosion order of Hydrostasis during the second battle stage.
- Mythril Greataxe - Althyk swings his axe in a wide cone-shaped AoE.
- Axioma - Althyk deals small raid-wide damage.
When Althyk uses his Axioma ability the next stage of the fight begins. Dark purple areas appear in the arena, entering which causes a debuff , which gives vulnerability to magic and increases your weight. These areas will remain in the arena until the end of the fight.
- Inexorable Pull - When Althyk starts casting this spell, everyone must run to the purple area to receive a debuff , which increases your weight. All players without the heavy weight debuff will be thrown into the air and take a large amount of fall damage.
- Petrai - Tankbuster for all tanks. Tanks must stick together and use their cooldowns to minimize the damage taken from this ability.
- Hydroptosis - Nymeia marks some players with circular shape AoE markers. You must spread out to the sides to minimize damage. This AoE will split into two parts, emitting ripples in two opposite directions.
- Hydrostasis - Nymeia casts an AoE wave into the center of the arena. This AoE splits into two parts, moving in two opposite directions.
- Hydrostasis - The Goddess marks three points in the arena with numbers in the AoE zones. These AoEs will be triggered in numbered order.
Otherwise, it's a pretty predictable boss with a hidden timer of enrage. After that, the brother and sister will cast a 99999999 damage AOE and kill the entire raid.
Halone Strategy

The third raid boss is the goddess of winter and war, the patroness of Ishgard named Halone. This Valkyrie awaits players in a circular arena with dangerous spikes around the edges and is quite a dynamic and challenging boss. Combat consists of two phases and requires a certain level of coordination from the raid. Before the fight, players usually set up markers in the arena for different raid groups, so that at the right phase all players know where to run first.
First Phase |
Second Phase |
The first phase, starts after the initiation of combat and the goddess uses the following set of abilities:
- Rain of Spears - an AoE that damages the entire group, hitting three times but dealing little damage.
- Tetrapagos - When the boss uses this attack, she pre-shows four different attack patterns - circular AoE underneath, splitting left, splitting right, a donut-shaped AoE around her - in a certain order. The raid's task is to memorize the order of attacks, because once she completes the spell, she will launch all four attacks in quick succession. Getting hit by two attacks out of four is guaranteed death.
- Doom Spear - Halone marks three areas around the map with stack marks. Each of these areas must contain a certain number of raid members to withstand damage. (Remember the raid group tags described above.) Halone will jump between all three marked zones, dealing a decent amount of damage.
- Spears Three - Applies an AoE on all tanks. They will need is to get out of the way and use cooldowns.
- Thousandfold Thrust - The boss moves to the center of the arena and red circles appear around her. The circles slowly spread out, and then Halone launches a series of successive attacks in that direction. There's a lot of damage, so it's best not to get hit by them.
- Lochos - Halone summons two sets of spears at the edge of the arena. Eventually these spears will fly across the arena. Watch carefully where the safe zones appear. In the future, the number of safe zones will be less because of the combination with the Thousandfold Thrust.
- Will of the Fury - Halone places a donut-shaped AoE on the edge of the arena. This AoE will slowly move deep into the arena. If you hit the AoE, you will receive a Deep Freeze debuff. At the same time, while you're dodging Will of the Fury, Halone will cast.
Wrath of Halone: AoE in the center of the arena. The raid should run to the edge to minimize damage and avoid Will of the Fury's AoE at the same time.
- Ice Rondel - Standard yellow marker per raid member. Run into a marked player to minimize damage.
If you are still alive and have dealt enough damage, the Second Phase begins:
The boss divides the arena and summons four Giant Ice Spears and begins charging the ability: The Fury's Frost. The marked areas are enclosed by an ice barrier and the idea is to split the raid in groups by markers and quickly destroy the spears. The spears will try to defend against you and will use Niphas' AoE ability to deal damage around them.
- Ice Dart - Halone marks several members of the raid with AoE markers. The task is quickly spread out.
- Cheimon - The central Ice Spear casts three linear AoEs aimed at the other three spears. These AoEs will rotate around the spear in the direction indicated by the arrows. The task of the players is to follow the rotation to avoid taking damage from the AoEs.
The second phase ends with the boss applying the Fury's Aegis ability, which deals more damage the longer the boss charges it up. In short: the faster you kill the spears, the less damage you get at the end of the second phase. If the charge bar of Fury's Aegis is at maximum - you are dead. After using Fury's Aegis, the boss returns to the first phase of the battle and starts to use the Phase 1 abilities in random order. The task is not to die and reduce the boss's health to a minimum.
Important note: It was repeatedly noticed that AOE can kill you even in the safe zone. This is due to the high ping, or a flaw of the developers, so be extremely careful when running away from the AoE on this boss.
Menphina Strategy

The final boss is the goddess of the moon Menphina and her faithful hound Dalamud. Compared to the past bosses, the final raid confrontation is quite simple and requires no extra effort or quick reaction from players.
First Phase |
Sexond Phase |
Combat begins after the tank taunts the boss. During Phase 1 Menphina fights players alone. The battle arena is again a circle with a dangerous area around the edges.
- Blue Moon - A raid-wide AoE. Healers must heal through it. There is also a danger zone created after the boss uses the ability for the first time.
- Love's Light - This ability marks the phase transition with one of two forms...
- Full Bright (Large Edge) - In this first attack forms a giant moon on the edge of the arena. The moon will slowly increase in size as it gets brighter and brighter. When the brightness reaches its maximum, a large AoE line emerges from the moon into the center of the arena.
- Full Bright (Four Moons) - The second form of this attack summons four moons around the arena. Each moon will slowly diminish. When the moon is completely extinguished, the surrounding area will explode as a large AoE. Watch the phases of the moon to determine the explosion's order.
- Midnight Frost - Menphina deals damage right behind her.
- Lunar Kiss - The boss marks all three tanks with Flare markers. Each tank must spread out and use his cooldowns, making sure there are no other members of the raid in the way of the attack.
- Silver Mirror - A sequential series of circular AoEs following several raid members. This will be followed by...
- Moonset - Goddess marks three areas around the arena with wider circular AoEs. She then quickly strikes these three areas.
- Winter Halo - Menphina freezes the surrounding area in a donut-like AoE, with the safest spot under the boss.
- Selenain Mysteria - Menphina summons four ceremonial pillars around the room and starts charging The Lover's Power ability. The pillars must be destroyed before The Lover's Power bar reaches 100. At this time the ice crystals will shoot cone-shaped AoEs in different directions. When the pillars are destroyed, Menfina will hit the entire raid with the Rise of the Twin Moons spell and summon her hound, Dalamud.
After the appearance of Dalamud, the second phase of the battle begins. Some attacks from the first phase will change.
- Midnight Frost - The boss cleaves right behind her. At the same time the hound raises one of its paws for Waxing Claw. Keep an eye on the glowing paw; it points to the dangerous half of the arena.
- Playful Orbit - Menphina and Dalamud separate. Both will still use Midnight Frost and Waxing Claw, but the first attack can hit the area in front of the boss instead of behind it. Be careful and watch for frost on the ground around Menphina! Later on both of these attacks will be combined with Full Bright.
- Cratering Chill - The boss will mark the arena with two markers . Run away from them to reduce damage. The floor will then be frozen and you will slide as you move. At this time Menphina uses Winter's Halo and the hound uses Waxing Claw. Carefully slide into a safe area.
- Moonset Rays - Standard damage sharing marker. You should run into each other to avoid damage.
The battle lasts until you completely defeat the boss.
If you do everything correctly, Euphrosyne will be easy, and you will have a lot of fun. We really hope this Alliance Raid Guide was helpful.
Where to unlock the Aglaia alliance raid in FFXIV?
Once you complete all required main scenario quests, you will be able to begin the series of quests to unlock the Aglaia raid by talking to the Fresh-faced Student in Old Sharlayan at X:9.1, Y:11.5.
How do you unlock Endwalker raids?
To unlock ENdwalker raid you will need to complete a series of quests within the main story line.
How many raids are in Endwalker?
There are two big raids in the Endwalker expasion:
- Pandaemonium;
- Myths of the Realm.
How hard are raids in FFXIV?
The raids in our beloved game are pretty hard. You will need a really good team and advanced game understanding to complete them.