FFXIV Everkeep Extreme Guide

In our FFXIV Everkeep Extreme guide, we explain how to defeat Zoraal Ja in detail. You can also find all the boss's abilities described, as well as how to counter them. Finally, we share a complete loot table covering all the rewards you can expect to get.

Read Our FFXIV Everkeep Extreme Guide

The Dawntrail expansion has introduced two brand-new trials in patch 7.0 available in both Normal and Extreme modes. This encounter consists of only one boss – Zoraal Ja. Despite being the only enemy, it features complex mechanics and abilities, evolving from one phase to another. In our Everkeep Extreme guide, we will cover the unlock requirements, the boss’s abilities, and how to beat Zoraal Ja.

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How to Unlock Everkeep Extreme Trial

Since we are dealing with a completely new trial, let’s find out how to unlock Everkeep Extreme first. Players get access to this trial upon finishing the main questline of the Dawntrail expansion. Once you do this, you also need to talk to the Wandering Minstrel waiting for you in Tuliyollal. It is only possible to enter Everkeep Extreme at level 100. Also, make sure you have an item level of 690.

Note: The gear requirement can be canceled if you have a full party of 8 people to enter the fight without queuing.

Zoraal Ja Extreme Guide

Before we get to a detailed description of all phases, here is a quick Zoraal Ja Extreme guide to help you understand the mechanics. Depending on the phase, your team will fight the boss on a different platform. Avoiding getting hit by the party-wide AoE all the time is also a key to success in this encounter. The difficulty increases before you reach the third phase where you need to put all your DPS before the boss wipes your party.

Here is a short review of all Zoraal Ja Extreme phases:

  1. Phase One: You start by battling the boss in the normal area. The wall does not kill instantly but applies a relatively weak debuff with a bleed effect. It is important to stay on the platform and not fall off. This can be tricky since there are only 16 squares on each platform. The boss will then cast Dawn of an Age to transform a platform and create four identical ones surrounding the main arena.
  2. Phase Two: The mechanics do not change much in this phase. The only difference is that Zoraal Ja gets a bunch of new abilities we will cover later in the guide.
  3. Phase Three: Similarly to the previous phase, things do not change much here. Closer to the end of the fight, your party should be prepared for a DPS test before the boss wipes you all.

There will be a total of 8 people in your team. Speaking of the required roles, your party composition will look like this:

  • 4 DPS
  • 2 Tanks
  • 2 Healers

To maximize your chances for success, dividing your team properly is recommended. Make sure that two Tanks cover two Melee DPS while two Healers take care of two Ranged DPS. Also, remember that the platform consists of only 16 squares. This does not leave much room for you to move around it, and you will mostly take the same position throughout the fight. BLOG20

Zoraal Ja Phase One Tactics

The most essential precaution throughout Phase One is to watch closely to stay on the platform. It is easy to fall off once the boss casts Dawn of an Age and transforms the platform. As for the rest, keep dodging AoE skills while damaging the boss with everything you have.

Here is a list of Zoraal Ja abilities used during Phase One:

Ability Description
Actualize This is a raid-wide AoE that is cast frequently throughout the fight at the beginning of phases.
Multidirectional Divide

When cast, it will drop a cross telegraph on the arena that will grow some extra branches.

The initial cross is a double-wide column while the remaining branches telegraph narrower column AoEs.

Forward Half

Zoraal Ja jumps to the front of his target ring, turning 180 degrees in the process.

He then executes two simultaneous cleave – one towards the back of his hitbox, and one with the glowing sword.

Backward Half

Zoraal Ja jumps to the back of his target ring, turning 360 degrees in the process.

He then executes two cleaves – one towards the front of his target ring and one with the glowing sword.

Regicidal Rage The boss spawns two tethers that the tanks should grab and take off to the left and right away from the raid.
Dawn of an Age Inflicts a ton of AoE damage to your entire party and transforms the platform.
Vollok Places swords on the four copies of the arena that appear after Dawn of an Age.

When cast, it synchronizes the arena with two of the outside platforms that are adjacent to on another, indicated by a blue highlight on their border.

Any sword tile on a synchronized platform will blow up in the main arena.

Half Full This is a 180-degree cleave cast on the boss’s side with a glowing sword.
Greater Gateway Causes two outer platforms to gain blue tethers with the other two platforms gaining red and green tethers.
Blade Warp Places two swords on a blue-tether platform and an additional sword on the adjacent red and green platform.
Chasm of Vollok

A yellow prism will appear on top of each player’s head. In a moment, a sword will drop on a tile they are standing on to inflict AoEs.

It will also activate the debuff, increasing the magic damage the targets take.

Now that you are aware of all the abilities let’s talk about how to beat Zoraal Ja in Everkeep Extreme during this and other phases. Be prepared for Actualize at the beginning of the fight. After that, the boss will always cast Multidirectional Divide. Once you pass through it, watch out for any of the Half attacks. You want to be in the front on the glowing sword side for Forward Half. Stay behind and opposite the glowing sword side for Backward Half.

Another Multidirectional Divide will be cast and immediately followed by Regicidal Rage. The Tanks must immediately take the tethers and get them away from the raid. Alternatively, the party can remain stacked in the original safe spot for this, but your Melee DPS may complain about their position. After that, you have a bit of time to heal up and prepare for the Dawn of an Age cast.

Once Dawn of an Age is cast, four copies of the arena appear on the outside, and Zoraal Ja places a sword on them with Vollok, followed by Sync. Be prepared for Half Full, as this is much deadlier compared to the two similar mechanics used before. Move out of Half Full and either solve the safe spit via the synced platforms or stand at the intersection of a quadrant and dodge into a safe spot when the telegraphs appear. There will always be two safe tiles per quadrant before considering Half Full.

The boss then cases Greater Gateway and Blade Warp spells. Passing through red will create a column AoE that is three tiles wide. Passing through green will create a column AoE that is only one tile wide but knocks players back one tile. When Chasm of Vollok is cast, spread it into your own tiles to avoid overlapping AoE damage. Zoraal Ja will use Actualize to restore the arena, dealing raid damage and initiating Phase Two.

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Zoraal Ja Phase Two Tactics

As you enter Phase Two, the boss will have a new set of abilities, such as:

Ability Description
Projection of Triumph Upon cast, it will place a 4x4 grid of swords on the arena, as well as two opposing tethers. One telegraphs point-blank circle AoEs, and the other telegraphs donut AoEs.
Projection of Turmoil Gives all raid members a Projection debuff and spawns another traveling tether at the North tip of the arena.
Bitter Whirlwind This is an AoE that hits 3 times over about 7 seconds. It also inflicts a 4-second vulnerability.
Drum of Vollok One role will be targeted with enumerations that must be shared by two players.
Aero III Places a tornado on each platform. Walking into this tornado will knock players up in the same manner the enumerations did.
Duty’s Edge This is a 4-hit stack AoE that inflicts a stacking Magic Vulnerability. The damage increases with every hit you soak.
Burning Chains Tethers all DPS players to Healers. Players must separate to avoid lethal damage from these chains.

The tethers from Projection of Triumph will start moving around the platform, triggering their indicated effects whenever they pass over a sword. It is fairly simple to either stand between the sword for the circle AoEs or on the sword for the donut AoEs as needed.

The actual complexity of this mechanic starts when the boss starts casting either of his Halfs. This is probably the most challenging part of the entire encounter. You have about three seconds between when the tethers proc and when the Half resolves to get to the Half safe spot.

You will then have two seconds more to adjust before the next tether proc. Getting hit by only one of the various AoEs going off is survivable, and even if a few people die here, this is an okay situation.

Once Zoraal Ja casts another Actualize, the blades from Projection of Triumph will fade. Be prepared to counter Projection of Turmoil. This tether will travel South, and as it passes over party members with Projection, it will trigger a stack AoE. The Tanks should go to the two northmost waymarks, with the Melees on the next two waymarks on the south.

Finally, the Healers should go to the next two waymarks, and then the Ranged DPS on the final two waymarks. The Tanks will solo their stacks with light mitigation, and then will follow the tether to soak with the Melees at the first melee’s waymark. The four people will then soak at the second melee’s waymark. Then, four of them join the first Healer, five of them join the second Healer, and so on.

Zoraal Ja will cast his second Dawn of an Age, dealing raid damage and transforming the arena. This time, only one additional platform will appear. When Bitter Whirlwind is cast, the Tanks can swap after each hit like this. However, this effect can be dispelled after one Tank soaks all three hits. So, we highly recommend that you keep one Tank alive instead of swapping them all the time.

Moving to Drum of Vollok, the targets will be knocked up into the air when these enumerations resolve. Their partners will be knocked up and away from their partners. These players should aim to get knocked onto the second platform, leaving the raid with one role on the original platform and the other role on the new platform.

The boss will cast Vollok and place a giant 2x2 sword on each platform before syncing them, rendering 8 tiles on each platform unsafe. Players should spread in the remaining four tiles close to the boss, with the Melee in the closer 2 tiles and the Ranged in the farther 2 tiles.

Speaking of Aero III, be sure to aim and not run too deep into the tornado when crossing to the other platform. Additionally, using the tornado gives Wind Resistance down. Players can only survive using a tornado once. The boss will then cast either of his Halfs. One of the roles needs to use the tornado to get transferred to another platform and achieve a safe spot.

Finally, we have the Burning Chains mechanic to counter. Once the cast is over and the chains have appeared, the role that has not used the tornado will use them to cross to the other platform. Both groups should then run to the far side of their platform until their chains break.

Zoraal Ja will cast Actualize again, dealing raid-wide damage and restoring the arena. After that, the third and final Phase starts.

Zoraal Ja Phase Three Tactics

Congratulations to those who have made it to this part of our Everkeep Extreme walkthrough. Once you enter the final stage of the fight, expect only one new ability to appear:

  • Half Circuit: This is a half-arena cleave indicated by a left or right glowing sword alongside either in or out. If they point inwards, then out is safe, and vice versa.
    The phase starts with the boss casting two Projection of Triump, summoning the swords as well as the donut and circle AoE tethers. The only difference is that it is accompanied by Half Circuit this time. It is relatively easy to counter and we have described the steps you should take above.

This ability is followed by another Regicidal Rage. Just wait patiently until your Tanks grab them and take them away from the raid. Up next, be prepared for another set of Projection of Turmoil stacks, which we resolve in the exact same way. The only difference here is that the boss will cast Half Full 180-degree left or right cleaves periodically as the tether travels from North to South.

Expect Bitter Whirlwind to be cast after that. The second Tank should use their invulnerability on another one when this happens. The boss will then use Dawn of an Age to deal raid-wide damage and transform the arena once again. Four additional platforms will appear with swords placed on them with Vollok before syncing two other platforms.

Shortly after the swords resolve, players will be struck with Chasm of Vollok. All this is followed by Duty’s Edge. Greater Gateway will execute just as it did during the first Dawn of an Age. Actualize will be cast again to transform the arena to its initial state.

Finally, the boss will repeat Multidirectional Divide before enraging. Along with that, he will use either Backward Half or Forward Half to try to kill you. Once he is almost out of HP, he will be enraged with Actualize. Make sure you kill the boss before he wipes your entire raid. BLOG20

Everkeep Extreme Rewards

Congratulations on defeating Zoraal Ja! Now, let’s take a closer look at what Everkeep Extreme rewards are waiting for you:

  • Everkept Achievement
  • 15 Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics
  • Zoraal Ja Card
  • Resilient Totem
  • Treasure Coffer

Along with that, players have a chance to obtain the Wings of Resolve mount. The Treasure Coffer you get after each boss kill contains one of the following items, with it being an item level of 710.

Take a look at the Everkeep Extreme loot table below to see what gear you can get:

Item Type
Resilient Earring of Aiming Earrings
Resilient Earring of Casting Earrings
Resilient Earring of Healing Earrings
Resilient Earring of Fending Earrings
Resilient Earring of Slaying Earrings
Resilient Choker of Aiming Necklace
Resilient Choker of Casting Necklace
Resilient Choker of Healing Necklace
Resilient Choker of Fending Necklace
Resilient Choker of Slaying Necklace
Resilient Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets
Resilient Bracelet of Casting Bracelets
Resilient Bracelet of Healing Bracelets
Resilient Bracelet of Fending Bracelets
Resilient Bracelet of Slaying Bracelets
Resilient Ring of Aiming Ring
Resilient Ring of Casting Ring
Resilient Ring of Healing Ring
Resilient Ring of Fending Ring
Resilient Ring of Slaying Ring
Wings of Resolve Other
Resilient Armor Material
Faded Copy of Seeking Purpose Orchestrion Roll

Most of the items you get from this coffer have the Blue rarity. There are only three items belonging to the Basic group. Ideally, you want to gather a whole set of earrings, necklace, ring, and bracelets. Depending on your job, you will need the corresponding drop.


To wrap up our Final Fantasy 14 Everkeep Extreme trial guide, we hope you have managed to defeat this mighty boss. Zoraal Ja features complex and unpredictable mechanics you need to adapt to. With our detailed guide and tips given above, you will easily learn about all of them. You can now safely enter the fight and know that you are fully prepared to take Zoraal Ja down. Farm this boss as many times as you want and reap your highest-level rewards introduced in Dawntrail.


How do you unlock the Everkeep Extreme in FFXIV?


Everkeep Extreme is available for 100-level players who have finished the main storyline in the Dawntrail expansion.

How many phases are there in the Everkeep Extreme trial?


The entire Everkeep Extreme trial can be split into three main phases.

What are Everkeep Extreme rewards in FFXIV?


Players can get the following rewards upon completing Everkeep Extreme:

  • Everkept Achievement
  • 15 Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics
  • Zoraal Ja Card
  • Resilient Totem
  • Treasure Coffer

How to beat Zoraal Ja in Everkeep Extreme trial in FF14?


Learn and adapt to all the mechanics you encounter during the fight with the boss. In most cases, you need to dodge AoE attacks while trying not to fall off the platform.

Is Everkeep Extreme trial in FFXIV hard?


Everkeep Extreme trial can be particularly difficult for unprepared players. We highly recommend that you try doing it only with a full stack of your friends, not just random people.

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