Last Epoch Leveling Guide: How to Level Up Fast

In this guide we're discussing leveling systems of Last Epoch and explaining how the progression works. Here you will learn about that your character is not the only one who can be leveled up, but their skills get levels as well. Read on to learn more!

Guys welcome to the Last Epoch leveling guide, where we’re going to cover the game’s progression system, explain how it works, and how to do it right. In this game, you’re not just leveling up your character. You’re also leveling up your skills, as each has its own skill tree that allows you to customize how a skill behaves and works. Increasing character level makes them better. The core stats grow higher. The health pool gets bigger, and, what’s important, each level gives you one passive skill point that you can spend on your character’s passive skills. The higher your level, the more options you have in terms of available skills, and therefore, the number of possible builds you can try out also grows. In this guide, we’ll be discussing both character and skill leveling, along with the best leveling methods.

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Do you need more reasons to know about the best way to level up in Last Epoch? Skill trees play a pivotal role, offering a playground of customization that empowers you to tailor each skill's behavior and functionality. As you ascend in character level, not only do you become more formidable, but you also gain a valuable passive skill point with every level gained. These points become the building blocks for shaping your character's prowess through the acquisition of passive skills.

It's not just about the fastest way to level Last Epoch; it's about strategic decision-making. The higher your character level, the broader your array of available skills, opening up a multitude of possibilities for crafting diverse and potent builds. In this comprehensive guide, we'll navigate both character and skill leveling, providing insights into the best methods to optimize your progression. Join us as we explore the dynamic world of Last Epoch, where every level gained is a step towards unlocking the full potential of your character and skills.

Last Epoch Character Leveling

Let’s kick off our Last Epoch leveling guide 2024 with character leveling. The highest level you can reach in the game is 100. It’s a big number, and the journey to get it is going to be long, especially if it is your first time and character. Just like in any other RPG, you receive experience for an array of actions. Gain enough EXP, and you will advance to the next level. Let’s name all sources of experience:

  1. Killing Enemies: This is the most straightforward way to gain EXP, especially enemies slightly above your level.
  2. Completing Quests: Main story and side quests provide significant EXP rewards alongside other benefits.
  3. Clearing Monoliths: These randomized dungeons offer good EXP, especially with higher difficulty modifiers. Aim for Monoliths within 5-10 levels above your character.
  4. Arena: Offers fast-paced combat and decent EXP, ideal for efficient grinding when you can handle the challenge.
  5. Echoes: Completing echoes, especially higher-tier ones, awards substantial EXP alongside unique loot and challenges.
  6. Crucible: This endgame wave survival mode throws waves of enemies at you, granting good EXP per wave cleared.
  7. Shattered Worlds: This endgame progressive difficulty mode grants increasing EXP rewards as you progress through floors.

Leveling up gives you more mana, more health, and one passive skill point, which you can spend on your class’s passives.

Last Epoch Skills

Unlike character experience, which you can gain through various activities like completing quests and killing enemies, skill experience is directly tied to how much you utilize that particular skill. Each class gets multiple active skills, each of which can be leveled up and modified. But the catch here is that you only get to specialize in 5 of them. Once your character gets a level, you get a skill point used to unlock a node on the skill tree of that specialized skill. The maximum skill level is 20, but some items can give you more than that. Each skill is leveled separately, and the nodes that change that skill or ability will define your build. Once again, all you need to do to level up your skills is put them in the slots and use them in combat. Here’s an example of the best leveling skills Last Epoch that you’ll be able to upgrade and modify:

Class Skill Name Type Cooldown
Mage Fireball Projectile 2 seconds
Sentinel Shield Bash Ranged 6 seconds
Acolyte Summon Skeletons Summoning 10 seconds
Primalist Maelstrom AoE 4 seconds
Rogue Shuriken Toss Projectile 3 seconds

The key to powerful builds in Last Epoch lies in combining skills that synergize with each other.  A skill might buff another one's damage, trigger its effects, or provide a utility that enhances it. Choosing skills that all scale well with the same stats (e.g., fire damage, crit chance) creates a unified focus for your build. Balancing offensive skills with defensive passives or utility skills like movement or area control is crucial for survivability. BLOG20

Last Epoch - How To Level Up Faster?

There’s a lot that ties into leveling and reaching level 100. In this section, we’re going to cover the most important things you can focus on to make your leveling journey faster and more rewarding:

  • Movement Speed

If you can move through levels quicker, you can get through the story quicker, and you’ll eventually get to the Monoliths, where most of the endgame farming takes place. So, where do you get increased movement speed from in the early game? 

  1. Silver Ring - adds 3%-8% increased movement speed. You can equip two
  2. Advent of the Erased Boots - unique item that can give you up to 20% increased Movement speed and a chance to get Heist - grants an additional 30% movement speed.
  1. Lessons of the Metropolis boots - up to 17% movement speed increase
  2. Quicksilver Coil - up to 8% movement speed increase and Heist
  3. Arboreal Circuit - up to 18% movement speed increase.
  4. Thorn Slinger - up to 6% movement speed increase
  5. Fighting Chance - up to 10% movement speed increase
  6. The Falcon - up to 15% movement speed increase

These items can be found and equipped to increase your movement speed.

  • Goals to reach before Monoliths

Before farming in Monolyths, which you can unlock as early as level 15 where you will go there following the story quest. But before you go there, there are a few things that you should do:

  1. Get max Idol Slot Rewards - do so by completing the main story quests and side quests that grant this reward.
  2. Get max Passive Points Rewards - do so by completing the main story quests and side quests that grant this reward.

You can check how many of those you have by opening the in-game map and looking at the bottom left corner.

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  • Farming Monolyths and Arena Nodes

Once you start farming the Monolyths, you’ll start seeing a markable increase in the amount of XP you’re getting. When you’re doing it, look out for the Arena Nodes, as these are absolutely fantastic for XP. You’ll be fighting lots of enemies in a short amount of time. There’s a small trick you can do to be able to replay the same arena again and again. Before you’re about to finish the arena, press “T” on the keyboard and teleport into the town. Then teleport back, and you can clear the arena again. You can do so all the way up to level 58, when your XP gains start to slow down.

  • Blessings

When arenas are no longer effective for leveling, you’re going to want to reach the end of the first Monolyth as soon as possible and defeat the boss. The reason being is that the boss drops a Blessing reward that gives an experience boost called Strength of Mind.

  • Getting to Empowered Monoliths

Getting to the empowered monoliths at level 90 is very important. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Start off by completing the Fall of the Outcasts.
  2. Move to the Black Sun
  3. Next, finish the End of the Storm
  4. Then do the Reign of Dragons
  5. Complete 3 last nodes to unlock the Empowered Monolyths - Spirits of Fire, The Last Ruin, and the Age of Winter

Once you have completed these, you can go to the central node and unlock the Empowered Monoliths.

  • Going back to the First Timeline

Going back to the Fall of the Outcasts timeline and farming this one, it is how you get the blessing called Grand Strength of Mind that boosts the experience and gains even more.

  • Increasing the Corruption

Next stop, find a timeline that has a blessing that you want to farm or a unique gear item. Then, you start working your way through the different nodes, prioritizing nodes that actually increase the corruption. What it does is make enemies much stronger but also make the rewards better, including increased EXP gains.

Let’s wrap up the Last Epoch speed leveling guide with a few general tips now:

  1. Powerleveling is not great - whenever you team up with a player who can kill a monster with a much higher level than yours, you’ll only get the experience as if that monster was only five levels above you, not more than that. So, if you’re wondering how to power level in Last Epoch, you can do it, but it's not very effective.
  2. Fighting rare, magical monsters - sometimes, you’ll encounter monsters that will be stronger than the regular ones. Killing them is a big advantage, as they actually grant you 50% more XP than regular mobs.
  3. Going back to older Monolyths and their nodes - there are still going to be valuable rewards that you can chase down there, especially one of the Echo rewards is called Tomes of Experience, which gives you a decent amount of EXP.
  4. Last Epoch fastest leveling build - there are builds that are better at leveling than others, but the core concept here is this - prioritize movement speed and damage above all else.

By following this path that we outlined you’re going to be setting yourself on the right track to reach the max level without struggles.


Mastering the art of leveling in Last Epoch is not merely a journey to level 100 but a strategic progression that involves character development, skill enhancement, and efficient gameplay. As you navigate through the diverse sources of experience, from battling enemies to conquering Monoliths and engaging in various endgame activities, you'll find that each step contributes to the richness of your character's growth.

In the grand scheme of leveling, there's a balance to be struck. Powerleveling may seem tempting, but the experience gained from facing challenges suited to your level ensures a more rewarding and sustainable progression. Confronting rare, magical monsters proves advantageous, yielding 50% more XP and presenting an opportunity for accelerated growth.

Even as you reach the pinnacle of your leveling journey, revisiting older Monoliths and chasing down valuable rewards, like the coveted Tomes of Experience, adds depth to your experience. In essence, following the outlined path ensures you're on the right track to achieve the coveted max level seamlessly. This guide equips you with the knowledge and strategies needed for a triumphant ascent to level 100 without unnecessary struggles.


How do you level up fast in Last Epoch?

To level up quickly in Last Epoch, focus on movement speed early on for efficient story progression. Equip items like Silver Rings, Advent of the Erased boots, and others to boost your speed. Complete quests, kill enemies, explore Monoliths, and engage in activities like the Arena for substantial experience. Prioritize reaching max Idol Slot and Passive Point rewards before delving into Monoliths, and strategically farm Arena Nodes for accelerated XP gains.

How to level up after 100 Last Epoch?

After reaching level 100 in the Last Epoch, the progression continues through endgame content. Explore Empowered Monoliths at level 90, focusing on completing key quests like Fall of the Outcasts, Black Sun, End of the Storm, Reign of Dragons, and unlocking nodes like Spirits of Fire, The Last Ruin, and the Age of Winter. Farming in different timelines, increasing corruption, and obtaining Blessings like Grand Strength of Mind contribute to post-level 100 advancement.

How does Last Epoch work?

Last Epoch operates as an action role-playing game with a robust leveling and progression system. Players navigate a diverse world, gaining experience by defeating enemies, completing quests, exploring Monoliths, and engaging in endgame activities like the Arena. Character progression involves leveling up, acquiring passive points, and customizing skills through skill trees. The synergy between skills is crucial for creating powerful builds. The game's complexity lies in balancing offense, defense, and utility skills to optimize character development.

Where to start with Last Epoch?

Begin your Last Epoch journey by understanding the game's leveling system. Focus on movement speed early on, utilizing items like Silver Rings and Advent of the Erased boots. Progress through the main story quests, complete side quests, and explore Monoliths to gain valuable experience. Strategically farm Arena Nodes, reach max Idol Slot and Passive Point rewards, and unlock Empowered Monoliths at level 90 for advanced endgame content. Following these steps sets a solid foundation for a successful Last Epoch experience.

Can you get power leveled in Last Epoch?

While power leveling is possible in Last Epoch by teaming up with higher-level players, it comes with limitations. When teamed with a stronger player, you'll only gain experience as if the monster was slightly above your level, capping the benefits. Instead of relying solely on power leveling, focus on facing challenges suited to your level for a more rewarding and sustainable progression.

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