Monster Hunter Wilds Heavy Bowgun Guide

Heavy Bowgun is one of 3 ranged weapons in Monster Hunter Wilds. It’s a very simple weapon to use as a beginner, and it has a very pronounced gameplay style. In this Monster Hunter Wilds Heavy Bowgun guide, we’ll explain how to use it, and talk about ammo types, special modes, and other useful things.

This Is the Only Monster Hunter Wilds Heavy Bowgun Guide You’ll Need

If you love big damage and even bigger explosions, then the Heavy Bowgun might be your new favorite weapon. In this Monster Hunter Wilds Heavy Bowgun guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about this powerhouse of a ranged weapon – from ammo types and new mechanics to the best ways to stay mobile while dishing out destruction.

HBG is all about high-risk, high-reward gameplay, offering unmatched raw firepower at the cost of mobility and reload speed. But don’t worry – we’ll show you how to overcome its weaknesses and maximize your damage output, so you can dominate any hunt with style. Let’s get started!

If you’re ready to rain down destruction but don’t want to spend hours farming for materials, consider using a Weapon Farming Service at SkyCoach to get your Heavy Bowgun fully upgraded fast. Whether you’re after a specific model from the crafting tree or just need extra resources, this is the quickest and safest way to get your hands on a powerful HBG and start dealing massive damage right away. Don’t let farming slow you down – gear up and dominate the hunt.

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Heavy Bowgun Basics

Let’s start off the Monster Hunter Wilds Heavy Bowgun tutorial with some simple stuff. Heavy Bowgun is a high-powered ranged weapon that lets you use more powerful ammo while sacrificing a little on mobility. It’s not a terribly difficult weapon to learn, and the main reason new players don’t try it or quit is because of all of the ammo types that this weapon can use. In reality, though, the gameplay for all ranged weapons is pretty similar – aim, shoot, dodge when being attacked. That’s it. In the case of a heavy bowgun, this version focuses on damage through better recoil and larger ammo capacity than its Light cousin. It also has a built-in shield as a default option, so you can even tank some of the monster attacks without even needing to roll away.

Critical Distance

Like all ranged weapons, the Heavy Bowgun is subject to Critical Distance, meaning your distance from the monster affects how much damage your shots deal.

  • If you’re too far, shots do reduced damage or may not hit at all.
  • If you’re within critical distance, a second inner reticle appears, indicating optimal damage output.
  • Different ammo types have different optimal ranges (e.g., Spread Ammo is close-range, while Pierce Ammo is long-range).

A good use of this weapon will require that you maintain Critical Distance (when the reticle is orange) at all times.

Basic Controls

Heavy Bowgun has a relatively simple moveset. You can aim, fire, reload, and scroll through the list of available ammo types. Check out the Monster Hunter Wilds Heavy Bowgun controls below:

Action Xbox PlayStation
Aim / Focus Mode Hold Hold
Fire Press Press
Reload Press Press
Switch Mode Press Press
Guard Press + Press +
Select Ammo +\ +\

The Heavy Bowgun is not a combo-heavy weapon. Instead, you'll primarily focus on aiming, shooting, and repositioning. However, the weapon's complexity comes from your ammo choices and how you customize your build. These decisions will shape how you play, move, and adapt in combat. There are many factors to consider, and mastering them is what makes using the Heavy Bowgun so rewarding.

Wyvernheart Ignition Mode

Wyvernheart Ignition Mode is one of the key Monster Hunter Wilds Heavy Bowgun mechanics and a powerful special ammo type. When activated, the weapon transforms into a rapid-fire Gatling gun, allowing you to unleash a relentless stream of bullets on your target. The longer you fire, the higher the damage output, making it perfect for sustained damage on large or stationary monsters. BLOG20

How It Works

Just switch to the full-auto mode when the bar is full for maximum damage!

  • Activation: Press on Xbox to enter Wyvernheart Mode.
  • Sustained Fire: The gun starts firing at a lower damage rate but ramps up the longer you hold the trigger.
  • Gauge Management: The Wyvernheart gauge depletes with use but recharges over time when not in use.
  • Interruptions: You can stop firing mid-way and resume later without losing the remaining charge.
  • Optimal Use: Best used on downed monsters or weaker hit zones for maximum efficiency.

Best Situations to Use Wyvernheart

  1. When a monster is stunned, paralyzed, or knocked down for an extended period.
  2. During openings where the monster is moving slowly or trapped.
  3. Against larger monsters with long hitboxes, allowing more bullets to land.
  4. When using the Impact Mantle to increase KO potential if aiming at the head.

Wyvernheart is a highly versatile tool for Heavy Bowgun users, offering a mix of sustained DPS and adaptability. Learning when to activate and when to hold fire can maximize its damage potential and make it a game-changer in your hunts.

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Ammo Types Explained

Unlike melee weapons that rely on sharpness, the Heavy Bowgun's efficiency is dictated by ammo selection and reload speed. Players can swap between different Monster Hunter Wilds Heavy Bowgun ammo types using LB + Y / A and reload using Y. Some ammo types require a longer reload time, and improper ammo management can lead to vulnerability.

In Monster Hunter Wilds, Heavy Bowguns now have infinite base ammo types, meaning you will never be completely out of firepower. Normal 2, Pierce 1, and Spread 1 are always available, ensuring you can still contribute to damage even when stronger ammo types are depleted. Most ammo types still must be stocked before a hunt. But that's only true for the "Hope" Heavy Bowgun. Other bowguns might have other ammo types that are infinite for them.

  • Ammo must be manually placed in the Ammo Pouch before heading out.
  • Players must restock at camps during a hunt to replenish their ammo.
  • It is possible to completely run out of ammo mid-hunt if you forget to restock, leaving you with only infinite base ammo.

Since Heavy Bowguns are ammo-dependent, running out of your preferred ammo type can significantly reduce your damage output. Always check your ammo reserves before engaging in combat, and be sure to visit a camp to restock when running low.

Here’s one of the Monster Hunter Wilds Heavy Bowgun tips for you – bowguns don’t need the ammo to be loaded, unlike Bow’s coatings. You simply scroll to the one you want and then begin firing.

Ammo Type Level Capacity Effect Description
Normal Ammo 2 7 Standard ammo with balanced power and range. Good for general use.
Pierce Ammo 1 3 Pierces through enemies, dealing multiple hits along its path. Effective against large monsters.
Spread Ammo 1 3 Fires a short-range spread of bullets. High damage up close.
Slicing Ammo 1 3 Embeds in the target and deals slicing damage after a short delay. Useful for severing tails.
Sticky Ammo 1 3 Sticks to the target and explodes after a short duration. Causes stun damage if it hits the head.
Cluster Bomb Fires a bomb that explodes into multiple smaller blasts, dealing high area damage.
Wyvern Ammo 1 1 Fires a powerful, explosive shot. Best used when the monster is downed.
Poison Ammo 1 4 Applies poison status to the target, dealing damage over time.
Paralysis Ammo Inflicts paralysis on the target, temporarily immobilizing them.
Sleep Ammo 1 3 Induces sleep status, making the target vulnerable to a powerful wake-up attack.
Flaming Ammo Deals fire elemental damage. Effective against monsters weak to fire.
Water Ammo Deals water elemental damage. Effective against fire-based monsters.
Freeze Ammo Deals ice elemental damage. Strong against monsters weak to ice.
Thunder Ammo 2 5 Deals thunder elemental damage. Effective against water-based monsters.
Dragon Ammo A slow, powerful shot that applies Elderseal, reducing certain monster abilities.
Recover Ammo Restores a small amount of health to allies when shot at them.
Demon Ammo 1 2 Boosts the attack power of allies in the area where it lands.
Armor Ammo Increases the defense of allies within its area of effect.
Exhaust Ammo Drains a monster’s stamina, making it tire faster. Can cause KO damage if aimed at the head.
Tranquilizer Ammo 1 4 Used to capture monsters when they are weakened and trapped.

Not all Heavy Bowguns support every ammo type. Different bowguns are built with specific ammo compatibilities, meaning that certain weapons will be more specialized than others. For example, some Heavy Bowguns may support Cluster Bombs and Sticky Ammo for explosive playstyles, while others might focus on Pierce Ammo and Elemental Shots for sustained damage.

Each bowgun will have preset ammo types it can load, and players must choose a weapon that aligns with their preferred playstyle and hunt strategy. 

Ammo Crafting

At this point, you know already how to use Heavy Bowgun in Monster Hunter Wilds, but there’s something else to keep in mind. In addition to restocking at camp, hunters can craft ammo on the go using materials collected in the environment. This is especially useful for longer hunts where returning to camp might not be an option.

Ammo Type Required Materials
Tranq Ammo Tranq Bomb + Normal Ammo
Sticky Ammo Blastnut
Cluster Bomb Bomberry
Slicing Ammo Slashberry
Flaming Ammo Normal Ammo + Fire Herb

Crafting is an essential skill for ammo-heavy builds, ensuring that hunters don’t run out of their strongest rounds mid-hunt.

Mounted Combat & Seikret Riding Attacks

Heavy Bowgun users can fire their weapon while mounted on Seikret, ensuring a constant barrage of damage even while traversing the battlefield.

Ammo Regeneration While Riding

  • Shooting while mounted gradually restores the Special Ammo Gauge, allowing for faster access to Wyvernheart Mode or Wyverncounter Ignition. This means you can fire off powerful special ammo more frequently without having to disengage from combat. BLOG20
  • This regeneration happens passively while shooting, rewarding aggressive, consistent fire.

Dismounting Into Attacks

  • Press + while riding Seikret to leap off into a Mid-Air Heavy Bowgun Shot.
    If timed correctly, this transition attack allows for an immediate follow-up, setting you up to continue firing upon landing.
  • Press while dismounting to instantly enter Wyvernheart Mode, letting you unleash a continuous stream of bullets the moment you hit the ground.

These mechanics make it possible to stay on the offensive even while navigating the battlefield. Whether repositioning for a better angle or closing the gap with a monster, Seikret riding allows Heavy Bowgun users to remain in control and deal damage with minimal downtime.


The Heavy Bowgun is the ultimate ranged powerhouse, trading mobility for high-damage ammo and specialized shots. Unlike the Light Bowgun, it focuses on raw power and precision, rewarding careful positioning and strategic play.

Understanding critical distance is key to maximizing damage, and proper ammo management is essential to avoid running out mid-hunt. With new mechanics in Monster Hunter Wilds, such as Seikret Riding Attacks and improved mobility options, the Heavy Bowgun has more versatility than ever.

For those who enjoy tactical ranged combat with heavy firepower, the Heavy Bowgun delivers an impactful and rewarding experience.


Is Heavy Bowgun hard to use in Monster Hunter Wilds?


It’s easy to learn but requires good positioning. Managing ammo and critical distance is key. With practice, it becomes a powerful weapon.

What is the best weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds?


There is no best weapon. It depends on playstyle and monster matchups. Choose what fits your combat style.

What are the best ammo types for the Heavy Bowgun in Monster Hunter Wilds?


The best ammo types for the Heavy Bowgun depend on your playstyle and the monster you’re hunting.

  • Normal Ammo – Reliable and works well at mid-range.
  • Spread Ammo – Strong at close range, like a shotgun blast.
  • Pierce Ammo – Best for long-range and hitting multiple weak points.
  • Sticky Ammo – Great for stunning monsters with headshots.
  • Cluster Bombs – High-damage explosives but can knock back teammates.
  • Wyvern Ammo – Powerful burst damage, best used on downed monsters.
  • Elemental Ammo (Fire, Ice, Thunder, Water, Dragon) – Useful against monsters weak to specific elements.
  • Status Ammo (Poison, Paralysis, Sleep, Exhaust) – Helps control fights by weakening or immobilizing monsters.

For general use, Normal, Pierce, and Sticky Ammo are the most versatile choices.

How to get good with Heavy Bowgun in Monster Hunter Wilds?


Here’s a few tips for how to get better with Heavy Bowgun:

  • Stay at critical distance for max damage.
  • Use cover to avoid hits.
  • Restock ammo before every hunt.
  • Equip mods to reduce recoil.
  • Practice Wyvern Counter and Seikret Riding Attacks.

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