WoW Season of Discovery Onyxia's Lair Raid Guide

Read our complete WoW Season of Discovery Onyxia's Lair raid guide and get ready for an ultimate battle. We enlist the best classes to use, available loot, and how to beat Onyxia.

Read Our WoW Season of Discovery Onyxia's Lair Raid Guide

In our WoW Season of Discovery Onyxia’s Lair raid guide, you can learn how to beat Onyxia, loot details, and raid location. Returning in Phase 4 of WoW SoD, players get a chance to try their skills in this iconic battle again. The instance has been slightly revamped, and new rewards have been introduced. Party up with your allies and see what the developers have prepared for you this time!

Apart from our SoD Onyxia’s Lair walkthrough, you might also read our Season of Discovery Molten Core Raid Guide. Click this blue link and learn about every boss’s strategy and other details.

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What is Onyxia’s Lair Raid in Season of Discovery?

Onyxia’s Lair is a raid available for up to 40 players to participate at once in Season of Discovery Phase 4. Your group will only fight one boss within this instance – Onyxia herself.

Do not underestimate this enemy since your entire party will have to work hard together to succeed. Make sure all your DPS, Tanks, and Healers know exactly what they should do. With the raid being rebalanced specifically for SoD Phase 4, Onyxia’s Lair also features new loot and class runes.

Onyxia’s Lair Location in Season of Discovery

Onyxia’s Lair location in SoD has not changed – the raid is situated within the southern part of Dustwallow Marsh. Onyxia’s Lair entrance location is placed in the Wyrmbog zone.

How to Enter Onyxia’s Lair in SoD

Here is a detailed instruction on how to enter Onyxia’s Lair in SoD:

  1. When playing for Alliance, you need to get to Theramore Isle. Fly to Brackenwall Village instead if you are playing for Horde.
  2. Make your way toward the Wyrmbog zone.
  3. By following the 52, 75 coordinates or around so, you will arrive at the entrance.
  4. This is where Onyxia’s Lair raid starts.

Onyxia’s Lair Map in SoD

When your raid group enters the cave, you will have to go through a narrow tunnel. Getting lost there is a difficult task due to the easy-to-navigate layout. As you make your way to Onyxia herself, you will only encounter a bunch of trash mobs to beat. Check out Onyxia’s Lair map in SoD to see what the instance looks like inside:

Season of Discovery Onyxia’s Lair Level Requirement

The level requirement for Onyxia’s Lair in Season of Discovery is level 60. This is the highest level achievable when playing in this realm. If you have got to this point, it means you are properly geared up, have access to all the required abilities, and know what your class is capable of. BLOG20

How to Beat Onyxia in Season of Discovery

The following part of the guide explains how to beat Onyxia in Season of Discovery. Before you get inside the cave, you should know the fight with this dragon consists of 3 phases. During each phase, you will have to adapt to complex mechanics and a different set of abilities used by Onyxia.

Once you start making your way to the boss, be prepared to take down Onyxian Warder. They are a sort of patrol soldiers guarding her from outsiders like you. There is only one ability you need to be afraid of when fighting them – Fire Nova. Make sure your Tanks go first and ranged DPS cover their back. After Fire Nova is cast, melee DPS can safely get ahead and kill the rest of Onyxian Warders.

If you wish to defeat Onyxia in a jiffy, our PROs can help Complete Onyxia’s Lair Raid for you. The only thing left for you is to enjoy the loot and the best gear you receive as a reward. We guarantee the best price and the fastest completion time of your order.

Phase 1

Notable abilities during Onyxia Phase 1 fight:

Phase 1 starts right after you pull Onyxia in her chamber and lasts until her HP decreases to 65%. During this stage, no special SoD Onyxia’s Lair tactics are required, pay attention to positioning only. Your Tank runs in and pulls the boss to the back wall. The first half of your raid group should stay on her right, while the other half should be on her left. No one should be behind Onyxia to not get hit by the Tail Sweep. No one besides the main Tank should be in front of the boss as well to avoid her Flame Breath.

Starting from this phase and all others, a group of whelps will spawn once in a while. Make sure you get rid of them with a few AoE spells cast right away.

Phase 2

Notable abilities during Onyxia Phase 2 fight:

Phase 2 starts after Onyxia is down to 65% HP and lasts until her health reaches 40%. This is by far the most difficult stage of the fight. During it, your ranged DPS play a crucial role since Onyxia will be flying in the air. Your group should spread towards the sides of the room. Random people will be hit by Fireball once in a while. Healers should be aware of this, and just spot-heal those people. Tanks need to pick up the whelps that spawn to ensure DPS can kill them easily.

Every raid member must know where Onyxia is exactly in the air. Throughout this phase, she will pick a direction and cast Breath. This ability strikes in a line and always goes to the center of the room. Make sure to dodge this at any cost, or you will get wiped. Having Greater Fire Protection Potion applied can increase your chances of surviving.

Phase 3

Notable abilities during Onyxia Phase 3 fight:

Continuing our Season of Discovery Onyxia guide, she will get to the ground when her HP drops to 40%. Your main Tank should pull her to the back wall as they did during phase 1. The boss will be using Bellowing Roar every so often to fear everyone, including your Tanks. Abilities like Tremor Totem and Fear Ward are irreplaceable during this phase. If you have a Warrior Tank, Berserker Rage is also a must-have utility spell. Keep getting rid of whelps once they appear so they do not deal extra damage to feared players. Finally, stay away from the cracks in the ground since they will throw out volcanoes and deal damage as well.

To prepare for this legendary battle, you must buy the best gear possible. Use our WoW SoD Gold service to get the desired amount of currency. We guarantee the lowest price and the fastest delivery to any server!

Onyxia’s Lair Loot in Season of Discovery

Onyxia’s Lair loot in Season of Discovery has undergone certain changes compared to the original raid. Players can also get new class runes besides the armor and weapon items. Here is a list of all Onyxia rewards in SoD we know about today:

Note: This part of the guide will be updated once we have more details on a Season of Discovery Onyxia’s Lair loot table in the future.

When is Onyxia’s Lair Reset in SoD?

Unlike other raids, Onyxia’s Lair resets every 5 days. While you can beat her as many times as you want during all other days, you will not receive specific raid loot. Onyxia’s Lair in Season of Discovery is expected to be released on July 25 at 10:00 p.m CET for Europe and 1:00 p.m. PST for North America. We will update this section to provide you with a SoD Onyxia’s Lair reset time for extra convenience.

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How to Get Attuned to Onyxia’s Lair in SoD

Depending on what faction you are playing for, Onyxia’s Lair attunement quest in SoD will look different. If you do not want to get into details, make sure to use our Onyxia’s Lair Attunement service and let our PROs take care of this task for you. We have also prepared a simple guide for both Alliance and Horde if you wish to do this yourself.

Onyxia’s Lair Attunement for Alliance

In this part of the guide, we explain how to get attuned to Onyxia’s Lair when playing for the Alliance faction:

  1. Dragonkin Menace: Your task is to eliminate black dragonkin in Burning Steppes, focusing on foes like Black Dragonspawn, Black Wyrmkin, and Black Drakes.
  2. The True Masters: Deliver Helendis Riverhorn's Letter to Magistrate Solomon in Lakeshire to start a series of quests that delve deeper into the storyline.
  3. Marshal Windsor: Find Marshal Windsor within a prison cell in Blackrock Depths and complete the quest objectives associated with him.
  4. Abandoned Hope: Once you learn that Marshal Windsor has lost his data, deliver the news to Marshal Maxwell about the unfortunate setback.
  5. A Crumpled Up Note: Retrieve A Crumpled Up Note from within Blackrock Depths and return it to Marshal Windsor.
  6. A Shred of Hope: Reclaim Marshal Windsor's lost information from General Angerforge and Golem Lord Argelmach within Blackrock Depths.
  7. Jail Break!: Safely escort Marshal Windsor through the perilous paths of Blackrock Depths and then report back to Marshal Maxwell.
  8. Stormwind Rendezvous: Meet Squire Rowe at the gates of Stormwind City, where Reginald Windsor will be summoned to continue the next phase of your mission.
  9. The Great Masquerade: Accompany Windsor to Stormwind Keep, overcome elite dragonkin guards, and talk to Highlord Bolvar Fordragon.
  10. The Dragon's Eye: Find Haleh in Winterspring by navigating through Mazthoril cave and activating the runes located at its end.
  11. Drakefire Amulet: Finally, defeat General Drakkisath within Upper Blackrock Spire to acquire the Blood of the Black Dragon Champion. Present it to Haleh to obtain your Drakefire Amulet, essential for accessing Onyxia's Lair whenever you desire.

Onyxia’s Lair Attunement for Horde

Now, let’s cover the topic of how to get attuned to Onyxia’s Lair when playing for the Horde faction:

  1. Warlord's Command: Your objective is to eliminate Highlord Omokk, War Master Voone, and Overlord Wyrmthalak within Lower Blackrock Spire. Retrieve the Important Blackrock Documents during your mission.
  2. Eitrigg's Wisdom: Visit Eitrigg in Orgrimmar and deliver the quest to Thrall, the Warchief of the Horde.
  3. For The Horde!: Face off against Warchief Rend Blackhand in Upper Blackrock Spire and return to Thrall with his defeated head.
  4. What the Wind Carries: Hear Thrall's recounting of events and complete the quest by reporting back to him.
  5. The Champion of the Horde: Seek out Rexxar in Desolace, along the path between Stonetalon Mountains and Feralas.
  6. The Testament of Rexxar: Deliver Rexxar's Testament to Myranda the Hag near Uther’s Tomb as part of your mission.
  7. Oculus Illusions: Gather 20 Black Dragonspawn Eyes from within Upper Blackrock Spire to complete this task.
  8. Emberstrife: Journey to Emberstrife’s Den in Dustwallow Marsh and converse with Emberstrife while maintaining your disguise.
  9. The Test of Skulls, Chronalis: Slay Chronalis in Tanaris as part of your challenge.
  10. The Test of Skulls, Scryer: Hunt down Scryer in Winterspring to complete this part of your test.
  11. The Test of Skulls, Somnus: Defeat Somnus in Swamp of Sorrows to continue your proving.
  12. The Test of Skulls, Axtroz: Confront Axtroz in Wetlands and return to Emberstrife upon your triumph.
  13. Ascension...: Find Rexxar once again in Desolace and finalize your quest by delivering your findings.
  14. Blood of the Black Dragon Champion: Finally, vanquish General Drakkisath within Upper Blackrock Spire to retrieve the Blood of the Black Dragon Champion. Return to Rexxar to claim your Drakefire Amulet, essential for accessing Onyxia’s Lair whenever you wish.

Onyxia’s Lair Quests in SoD

Currently, we have no confirmed details on Onyxia’s Lair quests in SoD. Once we get more information, we will update this part of the article. BLOG20

Strongest Classes for Onyxia’s Lair in SoD

It is possible to complete Onyxia’s Lar raid with any group composition. As with any other activity, having specific classes/specs can make your run a bit easier. Here is a list of the best Onyxia’s Lair classes in Season of Discovery for any role.

Best DPS for Onyxia’s Lair

The following five classes are the best DPS for Onyxia’s Lair:

  • Fury Warrior: They excel in delivering high burst damage and sustained DPS. This class shines in both single-target and cleave scenarios, making it highly effective against Onyxia and her whelps. Their ability to generate and maintain threat ensures they can maximize damage output without destabilizing the raid.
  • Combat Rogue: This spec is renowned for its exceptional melee DPS and burst potential. With abilities like Backstab and Eviscerate, they can inflict significant damage on Onyxia and her whelps. The utility skills, such as Vanish and Kick, also help in interrupting Onyxia's dangerous abilities.
  • Frost Mage: They offer strong crowd control and burst damage. Their spells, like Frostbolt and Cone of Cold, slow and freeze enemies, making them invaluable for managing Onyxia's whelps and controlling the battlefield. They also bring utility with abilities like Polymorph, which can temporarily neutralize threats.
  • Marksmanship Hunter: As a ranged DPS, Marksmanship Hunters are a must-have spec during phase 2 of the fight, delivering high burst damage with abilities like Aimed Shot and Multi-Shot. They can effectively damage Onyxia and her whelps from a safe distance. Additionally, their pets provide extra damage and utility, such as traps for crowd control and buffs like Trueshot Aura to enhance the raid's overall performance.
  • Affliction Warlock: This spec is a master of sustained DoT effects and strong single-target DPS. Spells like Corruption and Shadow Bolt allow them to keep constant pressure on Onyxia while efficiently managing her whelps. They also offer valuable utility with curses, such as Curse of Weakness and Curse of Tongues, which help mitigate incoming damage and control the fight's pace.

Best Tanks for Onyxia’s Lair

Up next, we have a list of the best Tanks for Onyxia’s Lair:

  • Protection Warrior: This spec is a gold standard for tanking Onyxia and other raid bosses. They offer excellent threat generation and damage mitigation, which are crucial for maintaining aggro on Onyxia and her whelps. Abilities like Shield Slam and Sunder Armor allow them to hold the boss’s attention effectively. Their defensive cooldowns, such as Shield Wall and Last Stand, provide critical survivability during intense moments of the fight, making them reliable main tanks.
  • Protection Paladin: They bring excellent threat generation and defensive capabilities to the raid. Abilities like Consecration and Holy Shield help them manage groups of enemies effectively, ensuring that adds and other threats are under control. Their various auras and blessings, such as Blessing of Sanctuary and Devotion Aura, provide substantial buffs to the raid, enhancing overall survivability. The Paladin’s ability to self-heal with spells like Lay on Hands adds an extra layer of resilience, making them durable tanks capable of handling Onyxia's toughest phases.
  • Feral Druid: They are highly versatile tanks with strong damage mitigation and impressive health pools. They generate solid threat using abilities like Maul and Swipe, which are particularly effective against multiple targets. Their ability to switch between bear form for tanking and other forms for emergency healing or utility adds significant flexibility to the raid. Additionally, their innate durability and high armor make them tough to take down, ensuring they can withstand Onyxia's powerful attacks.

Best Healers for Onyxia’s Lair

To keep your raid alive throughout all three phases, use these best Healers for Onyxia’s Lair:

  • Holy Paladin: They are renowned for their powerful single-target healing, which is crucial for keeping the main tank alive during Onyxia's heavy-hitting phases. Spells like Holy Light and Flash of Light provide strong, consistent healing. Their ability to cast Blessing of Protection and Blessing of Freedom adds valuable utility to mitigate damage and remove harmful effects from raid members. Holy Paladins also bring a range of beneficial auras and buffs, such as Devotion Aura and Blessing of Wisdom, which enhance the raid’s survivability and mana regeneration.
  • Holy Priest: This spec is known for a wide array of healing spells that make it indispensable in managing both single-target and raid-wide damage. Greater Heal and Flash Heal provide strong direct healing, while spells like Prayer of Healing and Circle of Healing excel in healing multiple targets simultaneously. Their ability to use Power Word: Shield offers additional protection for the tanks and other vulnerable raid members. Furthermore, buffs like Power Word: Fortitude increase the raid’s overall health pool, and abilities like Dispel Magic and Mass Dispel provide crucial debuff removal.
  • Restoration Shaman: They are excellent group healers with spells like Chain Heal, which can heal multiple raid members efficiently. Healing Wave and Lesser Healing Wave offer strong single-target healing to keep tanks and other key players alive. Their totems, such as Mana Tide Totem, significantly boost mana regeneration for the entire raid, while Healing Stream Totem provides continuous healing over time. Utility totems like Tremor Totem and Grounding Totem add layers of protection and crowd control needed during phase 3 of the fight.

Best Consumables for Onyxia’s Lair in SoD

To increase your overall raid efficiency, you need to use consumables. Tanks will always need extra HP while DPS do not mind having their Attack or Crit. Chance increased. As for Healers and Ranged Casters, they will need tons of MP. To cover all these needs, check out the best Onyxia’s Lair consumables in Season of Discovery:

  • Greater Fire Protection Potion: This is a crucial potion to have applied to all raid members. It significantly reduces the damage you take from Onyxia’s fire attack, reducing the chance of getting wiped instantly.
  • Flask of the Titans: Increases HP by 1,200 for two hours. This is a must-have potion for Tanks to gain extra survivability.
  • Elixir of Mongoose: Adds 25 more Agility and boosts your Critical Strike Chance by 2% for one hour. All melee DPS classes should use this potion to maximize possible damage output and survivability through increased dodge chances.
  • Mageblood Potion: If your Healers and Casters always lack MP, this potion helps regenerate 12 points of it every five seconds. Considering how lengthy the Onyxia encounter is, it is a crucial consumable.
  • Major Mana Potion: Consider using this if you still lack MP and need to restore it fast in a critical situation.
  • Major Healing Potion: It can save your life if your Healers do not cope with the incoming damage or if something goes wrong during the fight.

Also, do not hesitate to use all types of food you find, such as Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops or Grilled Squid. They also provide extra stats and can help increase both HP and damage done.


This brings us to the end of our Season of Discovery Onyxia’s Lair guide. We have covered all the basics you need to know about this raid and more. You are now aware of the possible loot you can get from the boss, as well as the instance location and the best classes to use to beat Onyxia. Bring up to 40 people and enter this legendary fight once more. Defeat Onyxia and get exclusive Phase 4 rewards. This is it for now, heroes, and we will see you in Azeroth!


What level should I do Onyxia’s Lair in Season of Discovery?


Players can only do Onyxia’s Lair after they reach level 60. This is the maximum you can achieve in Season of Discovery Phase 4.

How long does Onyxia’s Lair take in Season of Discovery?


Depending on how your raid performs, you can spend around 2-3 hours to take down Onyxia in SoD.

Who is the final boss in Onyxia’s Lair in Season of Discovery?


Onyxia herself is the only and final boss you encounter in Onyxia’s Lair in Season of Discovery.

What is the strategy for the Onyxia’s Lair in SoD?


Learn about Onyxia’s abilities specific to each of the three phases. Get ready to counter these abilities and dodge deadly mechanics.

How many bosses are in Onyxia’s Lair in Season of Discovery?


There is only one boss you fight in Onyxia’s Lair and that is Onyxia herself.

Where is the Onyxia’s Lair on the map Season of Discovery?


You can find the entrance location to Onyxia’s Lair in Dustwallow Marsh, the Wyrmbog zone.

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