Iskaara Tuskarr Renown Guide

The Iskaara Tuskarr is the third WoW Dragonflight faction. It is the best choice for players who are fond of fishing and cooking. In this guide, we will share the most interesting details about the updated Renown system and this faction in particular.

Read Our Iskaara Tuskarr Renown Guide

Players who fancy hearing a kind story and learning more about fishing would love to become closer to this faction. In this guide, we will share all the details about the Iskaara Tuskarr. This is the third faction you are going to encounter once you begin your journey across the newly-discovered continent. By reading this article, you will learn everything you need to know about farming Iskaara Tuskarr Renown. On top of that, we will provide information concerning the rewards you are granted when befriending this faction. As an extra bonus, we will share a few facts about its appearance and history.

Common Renown Changes in Dragonflight

With the Dragonflight patch coming live, we have a lot of changes concerning the whole Renown system. They involve not only four completely new factions, but a few other important novelties as well. Starting with the leveling restrictions, players can now earn as many Renown levels as they wish if they have enough time and quests available. Even though progressing further with any of the Renown factions is not that simple, the rewards are worth it.

Unlike with the Shadowlands’ Covenants, you are no longer tethered to one particular faction. Instead, you can gain Reputation and rewards with all four factions. The four main factions include Dragonscale Expedition, Maruuk Centaur, Iskaara Tuskarr, and Valdrakken Accord. Additionally, we have minor factions you can befriend and get even more bonuses and rewards. All this makes the entire Renown system way more player friendly and casual.

Instead of striving to increase your Reputation level that started from Unfriendly and could reach Exalted, your task is to simply earn rep points and befriend each faction at your own pace. However, this mechanic stays the same for four minor factions that we will talk about in a separate article.

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Renown Rewards: General Bonuses Explained

The main reason for befriending all four factions is that each of them offers its own unique rewards. As for the Iskaara Tuskarr, we will provide a detailed table of all the rewards you can get with this faction further in this guide. Nonetheless, there are some general bonuses you need to know about, as they make your Renown progression significantly easier:

  • Since World of Warcraft has always been about leveling several alts, the game’s developers have made most of the Renown rewards account-wide. In other words, nearly everything you open when playing your main character will be available for alts on the same account. Keep in mind, this bonus does not apply to the profession recipes you learn from the factions’ quartermasters and unique equipment pieces;
  • Speaking of alts, it will be significantly easier for you to gain Renown with them. The reason for this is that when you hit levels 10 and 20 with each faction, it grants you a +100%/+200% boost to the amount of Reputation you get when playing other characters on the same account. This bonus activates automatically once you hit the mentioned threshold;
  • We all remember the Reputation mechanic introduced in Shadowlands, which was quite controversial. The main reason for this is that it provided too much character power increase. At present, the game’s developers have heard their community and balanced the Renown rewards well enough. We now have a range of cosmetic rewards that include pets, mounts, toys, and equipment transmogs;
  • Adding a few words concerning equipment, you can purchase 376-389 level armor pieces when reaching the specified Renown threshold. This is definitely not the top-rank gear, but those who only begin their journey across the Dragon Isles may find it useful. As for more experienced players, you can use Primal Infusion to make a chosen item reach 395-405 levels. You can get it by completing various quests or reaching the Renown level cap with each major faction.

We have described only the general bonuses you get. While completing Iskaara Tuskarr and other factions’ storylines, it may seem that gaining Reputation points is tough. It may be indeed so, but it grants rare rewards you cannot get anywhere else. The game’s creators have tried their best and implemented a lot of features to keep you entertained for a long period of time. So, take your time and enjoy your Dragon Isles continent exploration.

As we have said, most of the rewards you are going to get will be available for all your character on the same account. Unfortunately, we cannot say the same about the Reputation points you earn. Every time you create an alt and begin befriending one of the factions, you start earning Reputation from scratch.

Returning to the equipment topic for a moment, we clearly understand that no rewards can even slightly compete with what you get from participating in raids. The Dragonflight patch contains new bosses you are going to fight and get generously rewarded. However, do you have enough time for this? Are you prepared well enough? If you are not willing to spend 3-4 hours of your precious time in vain, we have a solution for you.

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Reasons for Earning Reputation with the Iskaara Tuskarr

Of course, you can try to level up all four factions simultaneously. However, it will take much time and effort. Instead, you can focus on befriending the Iskaara Tuskarr only. Here are a few reasons why you should do this:

  1. Hitting Renown 3 opens Community Feasts for you to participate in. This event is all about cooking and you are to create a delicious soup together with the members of the Iskaara Tuskarr faction. Doing so grants you Reputation points and an impressively powerful world buff;
  2. If you are fond of Fishing, this faction is what you need. By progressing further with the Iskaara Tuskarr, you will learn everything about Fishing and become a true artisan in this secondary profession. On top of that, you will receive various fishing equipment you can use to catch the rarest fish;
  3. You will also receive unique Tuskarr-themed ensembles and weapon transmogs that represent your loyalty to this faction;
  4. Players specializing in Jewelcrafting and Leatherworking will learn a ton of new crafting recipes.

All the rewards are worth your time investments, but participating in the Community Feasts event is the most exciting part of befriending this faction. However, none of these rewards can beat the top-rank loot you get after clearing a dungeon successfully. This in-game activity requires a party of five reliable players, which is always a struggle. BLOG20

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Farming Renown with the Iskaara Tuskarr

Even though gaining Reputation points takes no effort, the amount of it you get for each successfully completed quest leaves much to be desired. Keeping in mind you need 2,500 Reputation points to gain one Renown level, it will take too much time to befriend all the factions completely. Speaking of the Iskaara Tuskarr in particular, it is one of the slowest factions to earn rep with.

Considering this faction has 30 levels to go through, you need 75,000 Reputation to make Iskaara Tuskarr Renown hit its cap. This will take an eternity for you to reach this threshold, especially if you do not spend all your free time in the game.

Down below, we provide you with the list of all sources you can use to gain Reputation with this faction. Luckily, all the described quests and events are easy to cope with and never get boring. Check out the list to see what suits you more:

  • Complete all the faction-specific World Quests as soon as they refresh;
  • Finding treasures is an essential part of exploring the Dragon Isles. Discovering and opening such chests, you can find Sacred Tuskarr Totem. The latter should be returned to your faction quartermaster to get Reputation as a reward;
  • Do not miss a single opportunity to participate in the Community Feasts event, as it is not only fun, but also brings a lot of valuable rewards;
  • You will have the chance of joining the Fishing Holes quest crew to complete a range of daily quests with them. All of them grant Reputation and other bonuses;
  • The Iskaara Tuskarr faction itself offers a broad line of quests that you should complete once they become available;
  • You have a Catch and Release weekly quest where you are to return rare fish to the Fishing Holes crew to earn rep points. This quest can be complemented more than once a week, but you will get reduced rewards after each turn-in.

Once you make your way to Valdrakken, find an NPC named Therazal. You can take a fraction-wide quest called Aiding the Accord from him. To complete it, you need to gain 4000 Reputation points distributed among all four major factions. Any source is counted, whether it is a daily quest or a randomly discovered treasure. Once you are done with it, your reward will be 500 Reputation points for all major factions and a chest containing Valdrakken Treasures.

The above-mentioned quest is also account-wide, as you can play any character on the same account and progress in it. This trick will definitely help if you run out of available quests or events on your main character.

As a whole, earning Reputation is a challenging task. It requires much time and effort to befriend all four factions. If you wish to get all the rewards, but are not ready to invest every free minute, we have you covered. Check out our World of Warcraft Boosting services where our pro players can help you befriend any faction in no time. You no longer need to think of Reputation grinding. We offer reasonable prices and a wide selection of plans for you to choose from.

The Iskaara Tuskarr Location

The faction camp is relatively difficult to find. It is located at Iskaara in the Azure Span. The first NPC you are to visit is Murik, the faction’s quartermaster. He will be waiting for you near the chieftain’s hut, not that far from the flight point.

Other NPCs are located in the same camp as well. However, Murik is the most important character here, as he can teach you various crafting recipes and sell faction-specific Renown rewards.

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Iskaara Tuskarr Special Renown Levels

In this part of our Iskaara Tuskarr guide, we want to share information concerning the most important stages you are to open when befriending this faction.

  • Reaching Renown 3 opens Community Feasts. This event starts every few hours and is about cooking delicious food, soup to be exact. Participating in it grants additional Reputation points for this particular faction;
  • Reaching Renown 4 opens Fishing Holes. Those are locations where you can find tons of fish. Combining it with other World Quests that are connected with fishing would be a wise decision;
  • Reaching Renown 5 opens access to Story Scrolls. After defeating Dragon Isles mobs of a higher difficulty, you find Story of a Memorable Victory. You can only do it once a week. Return it to a faction quartermaster for additional Reputation points;
  • Reaching Renown 11 opens The Chieftain’s Duty storyline allowing you to gain more Reputation points for this particular faction;
  • Reaching Renown 15 opens access to another Story Scroll. After defeating Dragon Isles dungeon mobs, you find Story of a Spectacular Victory. You can only do it once a week. Return it to a faction quartermaster for additional Reputation points.

All of the described thresholds give you the opportunity to earn more rep points. The latter can be exchanged for various cosmetic rewards. They are mainly used for decorative purposes and it makes little sense to sell them. Instead, save them for the collection that will remind you of your journey across the Dragon Isles.

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Iskaara Tuskarr Reputation Overview

The Iskaara Tuskarr faction is a clan of Tuskarr who has been living on the Dragon Isles since the year dot. They have always treated outsiders in a friendly manner. However, they now need your help to get rid of the Gnoll population of Brackenhied Hollow who threaten them. By joining this faction, you will learn a lot about fishing and find magic sources scattered around the Azure Span.

This faction is definitely your choice if you are fond of Fishing and Cooking. Befriending it also allows you to learn unique crafting recipes. The latter can be used in the future to create rare items and sell them for a decent amount of gold.

Here is the complete list of all Iskaara Tuskarr rewards currently available:

Renown Level Reward

The Iskaara Tuskarr: Begin befriending with the Iskaara Tuskarr.

Account-wide reward.


Sacred Tuskarr Totems: You can now discover Sacred Tuskarr Totem from treasures scattered around the Dragon Isles. Return these totems to Elder Poa in Iskaara to get Reputation points as a reward.

Account-wide reward.


Community Feasts: Unlocks the Community Feast event in Iskaara where you and other players help the faction create a delicious feast to get Reputation points as a reward.

Account-wide reward.


Cooking Supplies: Visit Lil Ki in Iskaara to buy Tuskarr Traveling Soup Pot and Whale Bone Tea Set. On top of that, you can purchase various cooking-themed weapon transmogs.

Account-wide reward.


Fishing Holes: You can now discover and interact with Fishing Holes. The latter is swarming with fish and scattered all around the Dragon Isles.

Account-wide reward.


Fishing Nets I: Visit Tavio who can teach you to craft Iskaaran Fishing Net. The latter is used to place at a location and capture all fish swimming through it.

Account-wide reward.


Wordly Story Scrolls: By defeating higher-difficulty Dragon Isles mobs, you can loot Story of a Memorable Victory from them. Return it to Elder Poa in Iskaara to get Reputation points as a reward.


Highlands Fishing: You can now fish in the highest pools and lakes of the Dragon Isles

Account-wide reward.


Tuskarr Headwear: Visit Omapurita in Iskaara to buy Tuskarr-themed cosmetic helm tranmogs.

Account-wide reward.


Drakewatcher Manuscripts I: Visit Norukk in Iskaara to buy Dragonriding customizations. They include:

Account-wide reward.


Fishing Harpoon I: Learn the crafting recipe for Iskaaran Harpoon to fish large sea creatures in the Dragon Isles.

Account-wide reward.


Bonus Supplies I: Your chance to obtain additional Dragon Isles Supplies when opening flora and other plant-based treasures is increased by 25%.

Account-wide reward.


Dragon Isles Supplies: Visit Murik in Iskaara to get Small Iskaaran Supply Pack. The latter contains Dragon Isles Supplies that are used to purchase Renown items.


Stablemaster-in-Training: Visit Jiq in Iskaara to buy Backswimmer Timbertooth and Whiskuk, unique battle pets.

Account-wide reward.


Ice Fishing: Learn the crafting recipe for Iskaaran Ice Axe to break the thickest ice and fish in the frozen lakes of the Dragon Isles.

Account-wide reward.


Word of a Worthy Ally I: Your alts on the same account gain 100% extra reputation with the Iskaara Tuskarr if their Renown level is under 10.

Account-wide reward.


Tuskarr Enchanting I: Visit Rokkutuk in Iskaara to buy the following unique Enchanting formulas:


Tuskarr Jewelcrafting I: Visit Rokkutuk in Iskaara to buy the following unique Jewelcrafting designs:

11 Questline: The Chieftain’s Duty: Visit Murik in Iskaara to start a new storyline with the Iskaara Tuskarr faction.

Tuskarr Trader’s Cloaks: Visit Lontupit in Iskaara to buy cosmetic cloaks and leather ensembles.

Account-wide reward.


Drakewatcher Manuscripts II: Visit Norukk in Iskaara to buy Dragonriding customizations. They include:

Account-wide reward.


Fishing Nets II: Visit Tavio who can teach you to craft Draconium Net Weights. The latter is used to increase your Fishing Net capacity. As an extra bonus, learn to craft Imbu Knot that increases your Fishing Net filling up speed.

Account-wide reward.


Tuskarr Inscription I: Visit Rokkutuk in Iskaara to buy the following unique Inscription techniques:

  • Technique: Highland Drake: Black Hair.

Tuskarr Equipment I: Visit Arvik in Iskaara to buy various level 376 bracers. They come in four available armor types:


Dungeon-Delver’s Story Scrolls: By defeating higher-difficulty Dragon Isles mobs, you can loot Story of a Spectacular Victory from them. Return it to Elder Poa in Iskaara to get Reputation points as a reward.


Lava Fishing: Learn the crafting recipe for Polished Basalt Bracelet to fish in lava lakes in the Dragon Isles without getting burnt.

Account-wide reward.


Tuskarr Cooking I: Visit Rokkutuk in Iskaara to buy the following unique cooking recipes:


Tuskarr Jewelcrafting II: Visit Rokkutuk in Iskaara to buy the following unique Jewelcrafting designs:


Tuskarr Leatherworking I: Visit Rokkutuk in Iskaara to buy the following unique Leatherworking patterns:


Tuskarr Backpacks: Visit Tikukk in Iskaara to buy Tuskarr-themed backpack cloak transmogs.

Account-wide reward.


Fisherman’s Fancy: Visit Nunvuq in Iskaara to buy Fisherman’s Folly and Rubbery Fish Head toys.

Account-wide reward.


Fishing Harpoon II: Learn to craft upgrades for Iskaaran Harpoon.

Account-wide reward.


Tuskarr Jewelcrafting III: Visit Rokkutuk in Iskaara to buy the following unique Jewelcrafting designs:


Tuskarr Leatherworking II: Visit Rokkutuk in Iskaara to buy the following unique Leatherworking patterns:


Drakewatcher Manuscripts III: Visit Norukk in Iskaara to buy Dragonriding customizations. They include:

Account-wide reward.


Bonus Supplies II: Your chance to obtain additional Dragon Isles Supplies when opening flora and other plant-based treasures is increased by 25%.

Account-wide reward.


Dragon Isles Supplies: Visit Murik in Iskaara to get Large Iskaaran Supply Pack. The latter contains Dragon Isles Supplies that are used to purchase Renown items.


Word of a Worthy Ally II: Your alts on the same account gain 100% extra Reputation with the Iskaara Tuskarr faction if their Renown level is under 20 and 200% extra Reputation if the Renown level is under 10.

Account-wide reward.


Tuskarr Tabard: Visit Murik in Iskaara to buy Iskaara Tuskarr Tabard.

Account-wide reward.


Tuskarr Equipment II: Visit Arvik in Iskaara to buy various level 389 shoulders. They come in four available armor types:


Tuskarr Leatherworking III: Visit Rokkutuk in Iskaara to buy the following unique Leatherworking patterns:


Blue Comfort: Visit Lontupit in Iskaara to buy Blue-Covered Beanbag.

Account-wide reward.


Tuskarr Weaponry: Visit Hanu in Iskaara to buy Tuskarr-themed weapon cosmetic transmogs.

Account-wide reward.


Scouting Ottuks: Visit Tatto in Iskaara to buy Brown Scouting Ottuk and Yellow Scouting Ottuk.

Account-wide reward.


Tuskarr Inscription I: Visit Rokkutuk in Iskaara to buy the following unique Inscription techniques:


Snow Fun: Visit Kiopo on an island southeast of Iskaara to buy Iskaara Tug Sled and Magical Snow Sled.

Account-wide reward.


Tuskarr Tackleboxes: You can now discover Tuskarr Tackleboxes that are found around Dragon Isles’ waterways and coasts.

Account-wide reward.


Tuskarr Shoulderpads: Visit Lontupit in Iskaara to buy Tuskarr-themed shoulder cosmetic transmogs.

Account-wide reward.


Gnoll Backpacks: Visit Scaps in Iskaara to buy Gnoll-themed backpack cloak transmogs.

Account-wide reward.


Tuskarr Leatherworking III: Visit Rokkutuk in Iskaara to buy the following unique Leatherworking patterns:


A Heroic Reward: Visit Unatos in Valdrakken to earn Primal Infusion.


Part of the Community: Earn the title of Iskaara Tuskarr friend.


War Ottuks: Visit Tatto in Iskaara to buy Brown War Ottuk and Yellow War Ottuk.

Account-wide reward.

As you can see, there are a lot of stages for you to go through. Considering how little Reputation you get for completing various quests and participating in events, it may take a while to do this. However, you can earn a bunch of Reputation points and rewards even before you start befriending the faction closely.

To do this, you just need to level your character and explore the continent. If you have neither time nor desire to do this by yourself, we have you covered here as well. Check out our WoW Powerleveling services where our pro players boost your character for you. The service is safe and takes minimum time to complete. We offer fair prices and flexible plans to suit any player’s needs.

Iskaara Tuskarr Unique Activites

By hitting Renown 3, you unlock the most exciting and beneficial faction-specific feature. It is called the Community Feasts event. Reaching the mentioned level makes it possible for all your characters on the same account to participate in this event as well.

The event starts every 3.5 hours. You will also receive the announcement 15 minutes before it begins. Do not forget to check your Azure Span minimap to see at what location it will be held exactly.

Once the event starts, your primary goal is to cook the most delicious soup ever. Chef Big Kinook will give you a range of tasks. You are to complete as many of them as possible within 15 minutes. Each successfully completed task provides you with 25 Reputation points with the faction.

On top of that, you cannot miss the Community Feast weekly quest. If you manage to complete 5 tasks given by the chef during one week, you will be rewarded with 500 Reputation points and a Supply-Laden Soup Pot. The latter contains generous rewards such as:

This is not the end. When you are done cooking the soup, you can help yourself and see how it went. This will provide you with the Spirit of Sharing buff that lasts one hour. It greatly increases your Health and Versatility. The better soup you cook, the stronger this buff becomes.

If you manage to get your soup up to the legendary level, a rare mob Bisquius will spawn. Defeating it grants Assorted Dragon Isles Cooking Reagents and unlocks the Leftovers’ Revenge achievement. The latter also awards you with the Big Kinook’s Spare Ladle transmog.


This is the end of our guide. We hope you have learned a lot about this faction and its exciting activities. All of them provide you with generous rewards. Make sure to befriend this faction if you like Fishing and Cooking as much as Iskaara Tuskarr members do.


Should I choose only one Dragon Isles faction to stick to?

Thanks to the Dragonflight expansion, you no longer need to choose one faction to gain Reputation with. If you have enough time, you can try to go through all the factions’ Renown levels.

How do I gain Renown Reputation in WoW?

All factions have weekly, world, and one-time quests. On top of that, you can participate in faction-specific events that will not only be super fun, but also rewarding.

Why should I earn Renown with the Iskaara Tuskarr?

This faction will be the perfect choice for players who enjoy fishing and cooking. Considering how exciting the Community Feasts event is, you will not be disappointed.

How long does it take to reach maximum Renown with each Dragonflight faction?

It is up to your gaming pace and personal preferences. If you are an avid player and have enough time to spend in the game, you can gain up to 3 Renown levels each week.

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