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Get our Valarjar Stormwing Mount service to receive one of the rarest mounts in the game!
Fashion trends may come and go, but the timeless appeal of dragons endures! The Valarjar Stormwing stands as a testament to this, bestowed upon players by the Valarjar as a symbol of dedication and, well, a stroke of great luck. Similar to some other mounts introduced in the Legion expansion, the process of acquiring the Valarjar Stormwing is a bit intricate.
Initially, you need to achieve exalted status by maximizing your reputation with the Valarjar faction, a familiar feat. However, the journey doesn't end there. You must continue farming faction reputation, with a special reward box granted for every additional 10,000 rep earned. The rewards are entirely random, and the dragon mount boasts a mere 3% drop chance.
Obtaining this mount involves an ongoing cycle of reputation farming and relying on a bit of luck. Achieving exalted status with any faction has always been a tedious, time-consuming task, and here you're likely to spend even more time on this grind, as many players had to open several dozen Strongboxes before obtaining their mount.
Alternatively, the mount is also accessible through the Black Market. While it may initially seem daunting and unpredictable, once you know the ropes, it becomes a faster and more reliable method of securing what you desire. If you always wanted to truly stand out from the crowd, you should understand that without some extremely rare items, your collection, however big it is, can never be complete! With our help, you can get all the most unique items in World of Warcraft cheaply and safely! We offer a wide range of one-of-a-kind items with a 100% guarantee and at the most client-oriented prices. Contact us now and get started!