How To Earn The Iconoclast Title

Iconoclast title is earned by completing Salvation's Edge triumphs. This guide lists all triumphs and explains what needs to be done to complete them. Be one of the first Iconoclasts in the game!

Learn How to Unlock Iconoclast Title in Destiny 2

Salvation’s Edge is the latest raid in Destiny 2. This is the final battle with the Witness and a culmination of a plotline that spanned for years. It is impossible to underestimate the importance of this raid. So, in this Iconoclast title guide, we’ll explain how you can earn this raid’s title by completing all of its triumphs.

If you’ve never cared for completing any raid’s triumphs before, that’s fair. But Salvation’s Edge might as well be the last raid in Destiny 2. It is certainly the last one in terms of Destiny’s main story. This is where you finally face the Witness, an overarching protagonist whose signs have been first seen all the way back in Shadowkeep, if not earlier. If you’re a Destiny 2 fan, this title bears more importance than any other, and we will help you get it.

Before we start, we have an offer for you. There are quite a lot of triumphs to grind through for this title. Luckily, you can skip all this grind if you buy Salvation's Edge Iconoclast title at SkyCoach. Our veteran D2 players will grind the triumphs for you. If you have some of them done already, you can select those that you still need to unlock, and the price will be adjusted automatically. This is the fastest way to get Iconoclast – all you need to do is place that order and let the PROs take care of the rest.

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Destiny 2 Iconoclast Title Triumphs

If you’re new to the game, the way players earn titles is done via completing a list of specific challenges called Triumphs. So, if you were wondering how to earn Iconoclast title, Salvation’s Edge comes with a list of such triumphs. Here is the list:

Triumph Objective
Raid: Salvation’s Edge Trophies from the “Salvation’s Edge” raid.
Master Difficulty “Salvation’s Edge” Complete “Salvation’s Edge” raid on Master difficulty.
Unified Front Complete all encounters in “Salvation’s Edge” with a fireteam made entirely of the same Guardian class.
Scorched Grasp Complete all encounters in “Salvation’s Edge” with a full fireteam of Solar subclasses.
Kaleidoscopic Complete all encounters in “Salvation’s Edge” with a full fireteam of Prismatic subclasses.
Salvation’s Edge Complete any version of the “Salvation’s Edge” raid.
Once More, Together Complete all encounters in “Salvation’s Edge” with a full fireteam of clanmates.
Electronic Force Complete all encounters in “Salvation’s Edge” with a full fireteam of Arc subclasses.
Endless Abyss Complete all encounters in “Salvation’s Edge” with a full fireteam of Void subclasses.
Fragmented Truths Loot all hidden chests in the “Salvation’s Edge” raid.
Scenic Route Complete the “Scenic Route” challenge.
At Capacity Complete the “At Capacity” challenge.
Balanced Diet Complete the “Balanced Diet” challenge.
Varied Geometry Complete the “Varied Geometry” challenge.
Coordinated Efforts Complete the “Coordinated Efforts” challenge.
Touch and Go In Substratum, complete the encounter without any player acquiring an additional stack of Resonance before the rest of the fireteam has gained a stack of Resonance.
Changing Tactics In Dissipation, complete the encounter while only using Resoncance from alternate wings to charge conductors.
Singular Torment In Repository, complete the encounter with only one player killing Tormentors.
Equal Distribution In Verity, complete the encounter without depositing on the same statue twice in a row.
Careful Calculation In Zenith, complete the encounter without any player exceeding 2 stacks of any resonant energy.
Ignited Light Complete all encounter challenges on Master Difficulty.
“Salvation’s Edge” Lore Book Unlocks Unlock the “Salvation’s Edge” lore book.

There it is, guys, 22 triumphs covering various aspects of the raids, from particular ways of completing encounters to collecting hidden chests. Some of these objectives are not as straightforward as they should be, so next, we’ll explain what it is that you actually need to do for each triumph so that you can finally claim the Iconoclast title for yourself!

Raid: Salvation’s Edge

For this triumph, you need to unlock all of the loot that drops in the raid. We’ve already covered the loot table in one of our previous guides, but here’s a short version:

Reward Type
Turmoil Engine Exotic Sparrow
Timeless Bond Exotic Ghost Shell
Edification Emblem
Promised Reunion Titan Raid Armor Set
Promised Reign Hunter Raid Armor Set
Promised Victory Warlock Raid Armor Set
Nullify Legendary Pulse Rifle
Imminence Legendary Submachine Guide
Non-Denouncement Legendary Combat Bow
Critical Anomaly Legendary Sniper Rifle
Forthcoming Devlance Legendary Glaive
Summum Bonum Legendary Sword

It should be enough to unlock the armor set for one class that you’re playing for this triumph to count as completed.

Master Difficulty “Salvation’s Edge”

For this triumph, you need to complete the raid on Master Difficulty. This difficulty requires a higher power level. This is just one small step on your journey of Iconoclast title getting. Make sure that your fireteam is ready – check your exotics, weapons, armor, mods, everything! BLOG20

Unified Front

To complete this triumph you’ll need a fireteam that consists of players using the same class. The subclass doesn’t matter, but it must be either Titan, Warlock, or Hunter. All 6 players must be the same class. Whether or not this will make the encounters more difficult is debatable, but it does limit your options in terms of build variety. On the other hand, there are still six subclasses to pick from, so it’s not all that bad.

Scorched Grasp

For this triumph, the entire fireteam must have the Solar subclass equipped. Prismatic doesn’t count. Additionally, you can take any class you want – Titan, Hunter, or Warlock, but they all must have a Solar subclass. In other words, to complete this triumph, your fireteam must consist of:

  • Sunbreaker
  • Gunslinger
  • Dawnblade

There could be any number of those, and they can all have any abilities within their Solar subclass.


This one is not all that bad. Your fireteam must consist purely of Prismatic subclass wielders. This is fine because, as you might know, Prismatic lets you combine abilities from other subclasses, so you’ll still retain a lot of build variety that will let you prepare for and beat every encounter.

Salvation’s Edge

This triumph is fairly simple since it doesn’t have any special requirements. All you have to do is complete the raid on any difficulty. The raid completion is what matters here, nothing else.

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Once More, Together

If you’re not in a clan, this is the time to find one or make one. This triumph requires you to complete the raid with a fireteam that consists solely of clanmates. Alternatively, you could join the clan just to do this triumph and then leave it as soon as you complete it.

Electronic Force

For this triumph, the entire fireteam must have the Arc subclass equipped. Prismatic doesn’t count. Additionally, you can take any class you want – Titan, Hunter, or Warlock, but they all must have an Arc subclass. In other words, to complete this triumph, your fireteam must consist of:

  • Striker
  • Arcstrider
  • Stormcaller

There could be any number of those, and they can all have any abilities within their Arc subclass.

Endless Abyss

For this triumph, the entire fireteam must have the Void subclass equipped. Prismatic doesn’t count. Additionally, you can take any class you want – Titan, Hunter, or Warlock, but they all must have a Void subclass. In other words, to complete this triumph, your fireteam must consist of:

  • Sentinel
  • Nightstalker
  • Voidwalker

There could be any number of those, and they can all have any abilities within their Void subclass.

Fragmented Truths

For this triumph, you must locate two hidden chests. Here’s how to find them:

  1. The first secret chest in the Salvation’s Edge Raid is located in the jumping puzzle between the second and third encounters. Look for a room with Grim enemies and a Strand Subjugator. At the back, enter the right-most chamber and find a hole in the yellow crystals. Climb through to access the chest. To exit, climb up the crystals to a slit leading back to the previous chamber.
  2. The second secret chest in the Salvation’s Edge Raid is found right before the final boss fight with the Witness. After the fourth encounter, follow the path of black roots toward the boss arena. Near the top, look for floating platforms and the underside of the arena. Jump into the gaps and hand-holes in the cube and rectangle formations. This leads to a secret room with the chest.

It should be easy enough to find the chests with these directions.

Scenic Route

In this challenge you're going to have to struggle a bit more before facing the Tormetor section. When the fireteam is divided into groups:

  1. The first team that encounters an Overload Champion must not kill it. They must instead kill the Hydra to open the door for the second team.
  2. The second team needs to go into the opened room and kill the Overload Champion that spawns there.

This scheme must be repeated several time throughout this section of a raid to complete the challenge.

Touch and Go

To complete the "Touch and Go" triumph in the Substratum encounter of the Salvation's Edge raid, you'll need to coordinate closely with your team to ensure that no player acquires more than one stack of resonance before everyone has at least one stack.

Start the encounter the usual way – by picking up the Pyramidal Resonance shard and dunking it into the Resonant Altar in the central room. This action will open adjacent doors, split the team into two groups, and enter the side rooms. In these rooms, kill the Quantum Minotaurs to spawn Hydras. Defeating these Hydras opens the perimeter doors, allowing access to the Overload Champions, also known as the Devotees of the Witness. Defeat these champions to spawn a Threshold Sentinel in the center room.

Once the Threshold Sentinel is defeated, the floor platforms in the rooms where the Devotees were killed will glow. Two players from each team should then move to these glowing plates, with one player near each plate. The goal here is to step on the glowing plate to transfer the glow to the second plate, creating a resonant circle. Step on the second plate when it has the circle to spawn Pyramidal Resonance shards.

Everyone in a fireteam must get one Resonance stack before you can start picking up the second stack. Close the Resonant Conductor by shooting it near the second plate while the glow is traveling, which will prepare for the next phase and despawn any uncollected shards.

Return to the center room, defeat the Harbinger, and dunk the Pyramidal Resonance into the Altar. This will extend the wipe timer and reset the cycle. You’re gonna have to repeat this process a few times while remembering and following the triumph requirements. Careful communication and coordination are essential throughout to prevent any player from gaining an additional stack prematurely.

Changing Tactics

To complete the "Changing Tactics" triumph in the Dissipation encounter of the Salvation's Edge raid, you need to use resonance from alternate wings to charge the conductors. Here’s how to do it:

The encounter takes place in a large arena with three Resonance Conduit pillars and corresponding plates on the left, right, and close sides. Split your team into pairs, with each pair assigned to a conduit.

Start the encounter by shooting the Taken blight in the middle of the arena. This spawns the boss and various enemies, including yellow bar Taken Knights and larger orange bar enemies. Defeat these enemies by granting one person per side the Call for Reckoning buff. Those with the buff must head to the center of the arena.

Once all three players with the Call for Reckoning buff are in the center, shoot the boss in the head to spawn Taken blights around the arena. Break all the big blights to remove the blight above the boss's head, allowing you to damage him. Continue shooting the boss in the head until the Call for Reckoning buff turns into the Stolen Valor buff, which reveals symbols on the Resonance Conduits. BLOG20

Return to your assigned sides with the Stolen Valor buff. Look at the symbol on your Conduit; it will indicate either a Sphere or a Pyramid, showing the type of Resonance needed to close it. Each side has half Spherical Resonance and half Pyramidal Resonance. Players must coordinate to ensure they pick up the correct Resonance for their Conduit. The last Resonance picked up should be the type matching the Conduit symbol.

Close the Conduit by bouncing the glow between the plates, just as in the first encounter. After three bounces and collecting enough Resonance, close the pillar. If you fail the bounces, another orange bar Taken spawns, and you need to kill it to retry.

When all three Conduits are closed, run to the center to initiate the damage phase. Dunk your Resonance into the Resonant Altar to extend the wipe timer. Damage the boss until he becomes invincible again. The encounter cycles back to Phase 1, and you repeat the whole damn thing until you’re done.

To achieve the "Changing Tactics" triumph, ensure you are alternating the Resonance sources for each Conduit. This means using Resonance from different wings for each Conduit in a round.

Singular Torment

The Repository encounter features several Tormentor enemies. For this triumph, only one person in the entire fireteam must defeat all Tormentors. You can help them fight them, but they must always deal the final blow in order for this to work.

Equal Distribution

To complete the "Equal Distribution" triumph in the Verity encounter, follow this strategy:

During the encounter in Verity, ensure that you do not deposit motes on the same statue twice in a row. This means after depositing a mote on a statue; you must deposit the next mote on a different statue before returning to the original one.

In the Verity encounter, players are tasked with a complex puzzle involving inside and outside teams. Inside, players must match shapes on a wall to shapes held by statues corresponding to each player. Meanwhile, outside players dissect statues to ensure they display the correct 3D shape based on the shapes held by the inside statues.

The challenge lies in coordinating these actions without repeating deposits on the same statue consecutively, which is essential to completing the "Equal Distribution" triumph. This triumph requires precise teamwork and communication to manage the flow of deposits effectively throughout the encounter.

Careful Calculation

In the Zenith encounter, players face The Witness atop a V-shaped platform. The goal is to break Glyphs on The Witness by acquiring Glyphbreaker buffs matched to specific Resonance types (Spherical, Hexahedron, Pyramidal). These Resonances are obtained by avoiding and then interacting with attacks from The Witness' arms. Breaking Glyphs spawns Subjugators that must be defeated to progress.

The encounter tests players with an instakill mechanic involving resonance pillars, requiring players to shoot specific patterns to avoid wipes. During the damage phase, players must coordinate DPS while evading The Witness' lethal attacks. Successfully damaging The Witness enough triggers a final stand phase where continued survival and DPS are critical until The Witness is defeated.

To achieve the "Careful Calculation" triumph, ensure no player accumulates more than 2 stacks of any resonant energy type (Spherical, Hexahedron, Pyramidal) throughout the encounter. This requires precise management of Resonance buffs during Glyphbreaker acquisition phases and careful coordination to avoid accidental stacking of Resonance types beyond the allowed limit.

By maintaining awareness of Resonance types and coordinating movements and actions accordingly, teams can successfully navigate the Zenith encounter without exceeding the specified Resonance stack limits, thereby completing the triumph.

Ignited Light

This Triumph wants you to beat all five challenges on Master difficulty:

  1. Scenic Route
  2. At Capacity
  3. Balanced Diet
  4. Varied Geometry
  5. Coordinated Efforts

“Salvation’s Edge” Lore Book Unlocks

For this triumph, you must find and collect all eight lore books about the “Salvation’s Edge” raid. Unfortunately, not all books have been discovered as of this writing. We’ll update this part with the exact locations as soon as the community finds them.


This concludes our guide about how to get Iconoclast title Destiny 2. The game always makes you work for your raid titles. There are 22 triumphs that stand between you and the Iconoclast title, each representing a unique challenge within the Salvation's Edge raid. Some triumphs limit your options in terms of what classes and subclasses you can use, while others offer specific ways to complete raid encounters. Then there’s a matter of completing the raid on Master difficulty.

With this guide, we aim to give you some idea of what is expected of you in each triumph and what you can do to complete them. Salvation’s Edge could be the last raid in Destiny 2, so getting this title would be, in many ways, symbolic of your journey as a Guardian. In any case, good luck to you completing these challenges!


How to get Iconoclast title in Destiny 2?


To unlock Iconoclast title in Destiny 2, you must complete 22 triumphs, all of which are done directly tied to the Salvation’s Edge raid.

Is Salvation’s Edge Master mode difficult?


The Master difficulty is a huge step up in terms of challenge. No mistakes will be forgiven and you really need to get those mechanics down before you attempt them at a higher difficulty.

How to get Turmoil Engine in Destiny 2?


Turmoil Engine Sparrow is unlocked by completing the Ignited Light triumph, which requires you to complete all 5 raid challenges on Mastery difficulty:

  1. Scenic Route
  2. At Capacity
  3. Balanced Diet
  4. Varied Geometry
  5. Coordinated Efforts

How to unlock Timeless Bond in Destiny 2?


Timeless Bond Ghost shell is unlocked by completing the Salvation’s Edge raid on Master difficulty.

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