Welcome to our complete Path of Exile 2 Unique Items guide, travelers. If you are all about min-maxing your builds, smashing through maps, or just collecting rare loot to trade, Unique Items are essential. These pieces of gear can transform your playstyle, provide powerful modifiers, and give you that edge you need to crush the endgame content.
In this article, we will go over what Unique Items are, where to find them, and how you can get these treasures. Ready to snag some epic loot? Let’s not waste a second longer and jump to all the details you need to know!
If you are tired of endless farming, you can Get PoE 2 Unique Items at SkyCoach guaranteed. Our PROs will take care of this job for you to ensure you get the desired piece of gear at the best market price. Save your time and skip the grind with us!
Read our other PoE 2 guides:
- Trial of Sekhemas Guide
- Beginner's Guide
- Endgame Guide
- Gearing Guide
- Leveling Guide
- Classes Tier List
- Divine Orb Farming Guide
- Best Builds
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What Are Unique Items in PoE 2?
In Path of Exile 2, Unique Items are special pieces of gear that come with exclusive modifiers and distinctive designs. Unlike regular Magic or Rare items, Uniques have fixed stats and abilities that can dramatically alter your gameplay. They are the rarest gear in the game, making them highly sought-after by players looking to optimize their builds.
These items often introduce new mechanics or synergize perfectly with specific skills and playstyles. For example, Hrimnor's Hymn Oak Greathammer allows you to live longer since you restore 10-20 HP per enemy killed, shifting how you approach combat. Because of their rarity and power, Uniques are the backbone of many top-tier builds.
How to Get Unique Items in PoE 2
In this part of the guide, we will explain how to get Unique Items in PoE 2, outlining all the ways available so far. Each method has its own perks and challenges, and knowing them all can help you maximize your chances of landing that perfect piece of gear:
- Farming Bosses and Modified Enemies
- Using Orb of Chance on Normal Gear
- Buying Uniques from the Trade Market
- Gambling with Vendors
Keep reading further to learn more about PoE 2 Uniques farm and get as many of these as you can. They will be your last step to finalize your favorite build.
Farming Bosses and Modified Enemies
One of the most reliable ways to get Unique Items in PoE 2 is by farming bosses and modified enemies. These tougher enemies have a higher chance of dropping Uniques compared to regular mobs. Here is what you need to keep in mind:
- Target Bosses: Bosses in different Acts and maps have better drop rates for Uniques. The tougher the boss, the better the loot potential.
- Modified Enemies: Look out for Rare or Magic enemies with special modifiers, as they can also drop Uniques more frequently.
- Fast Maps: Choose maps that you can clear quickly and easily. The faster you farm, the more chances you get for a Unique drop.
Before you head out, make sure your gear is solid because these bosses can hit hard. Bring your best skills, flasks, and damage boosts to make farming efficient.
Using Orb of Chance on Normal Gear
An Orb of Chance can turn a normal item into a random Unique Item of the same type. It is a bit of a gamble, but if luck is on your side, you can score a valuable Unique without needing to grind bosses endlessly. Here is how to do it:
- Pick Up Normal Gear: Collect white (Normal) items of the type you are aiming for.
- Use the Orb: Right-click the Orb of Chance, then click on the Normal item.
- Pray to RNGesus: If you are lucky, it will transform into a unique version of that item.
Note: Save your Orbs of Chance for valuable base items that have Unique versions worth a lot. Just remember, there is always a risk that the orb will not work and you will lose the item.
This method can save you a lot of time when it comes to Path of Exile 2 Unique Items farm, but it is mainly about your luck. Even if you lose a Normal item, this should not be a big tragedy. Just make sure you do not get too greedy about this method, as it cannot guarantee you anything in the long run.
Buying Uniques from the Trade Market
Trading is often the fastest way to get Uniques in Path of Exile 2 you need. In Path of Exile 2, the trading system is smoother than ever. Here is how it works:
- Spot a buyer chat or ask a friend if they are looking to trade.
- Click on their character and choose the “Trade” option to send a request.
- Drag your item into the trade window and double-check what they are offering in return.
- If everything looks good, hit confirm and seal the deal.
You almost always use Chaos Orbs or Divine Orbs for trades like this. Having enough of these currency types guarantees you can find the desired Unique Item in a jiffy. Become a trading guru with our separate PoE 2 Trading Guide available by clicking the blue link.
Gambling with Vendors
Feeling lucky? Some NPC vendors in town offer gambling options where you can spend gold for a chance to win Unique Items. It is risky, but if you love the thrill, it can pay off big time.
- How It Works: Spend gold to buy a mystery item from the vendor. You will not know what you’re getting until you make the purchase.
- Big Wins: Sometimes, these mystery items turn out to be valuable Uniques.
- Budget Wisely: Gambling can burn through your gold quickly, so make sure you have enough to spend without breaking the bank.
This method is a fun way to mix up your farming routine, and who knows – you might get lucky! BLOG20
PoE 2 Unique Drop Locations
Certain Uniques are more likely to drop in specific locations or from specific bosses. Some might even be exclusive to certain Acts, maps, or endgame content. Here are some PoE 2 Unique drop locations to consider:
Campaign Bosses | Major bosses at the end of Acts often drop Uniques tied to their theme or mechanics. |
Map Bosses | Endgame maps feature bosses that have their own loot tables with higher Unique drop rates. |
League-Specific Content | Some Uniques are exclusive to league mechanics like Expedition or Delve. |
Unlike in other ARPGs like Diablo 4, you do not have any specific PoE 2 Unique farming spots to grind endlessly. They usually drop with a similar chance from all bosses and modified enemies. Your task is to keep farming the map you like and can clear fast, hoping for the loot to follow.
Best Unique Items in Path of Exile 2
Some Uniques stand out because they offer insane modifiers or completely redefine how you play your character. Here is a list of the best Unique Items in Path of Exile 2:
- Black Sun Crest Wrapped Greathelm – Helmet
- The Endless Night Crystal Staff – Weapon
- Sands of Silk Shrouded Vest – Body Armour
- Goldrim Felt Cap – Helmet
- Wanderlust Wrapped Sandals – Boots
These are just a few all-purpose examples that can help you rule the endgame content. You cannot target-farm these specific Uniques, yet you can always hope for them randomly.
You can learn more about Path of Exile 2 Best Unique Items by reading our separate guide devoted to this topic specifically.
Path of Exile 2 Unique Items List
You can expect to find Uniques for every weapon type, armor slot, and build strategy. From game-changing rings and amulets to powerful weapons and body armor, the possibilities are endless. We have prepared a complete Path of Exile 2 Unique Items list for you. Read it now to know what gear pieces to hunt for in advance.
We have included all the items in a specific category for better navigation. This part of the guide will be gradually updated if the developers release a new batch of Uniques later on.
We have put all weapons into one category. They include anything from Staffs to Bows and Spears. Here is a full list of Unique Weapons to find in PoE 2 now:
- Winter's Bite Glass Shank Dagger
- Mist Whisper Makeshift Crossbow
- Rampart Raptor Tense Crossbow
- Incomplete Vampiric Blade One-Handed Sword
- Incomplete Iron Greatsword Two-Handed Sword
- Incomplete Rippled Greatsword Two-Handed Sword
- Incomplete Bandit Hatchet Two-Handed Axe
- Font of Power Omen Sceptre
- Guiding Palm Shrine Sceptre
- Sacred Flame Shrine Sceptre
- The Dark Defiler Rattling Scepter
- Enezun's Charge Volatile Wand
- Lifesprig Attuned Wand
- Sanguine Diviner Bone Wand
- Dusk Vigil Ashen Staff
- Earthbound Voltaic Staff
- Taryn's Shiver Gelid Staff
- The Burden of Shadows Chiming Staff
- The Searing Touch Pyrophyte Staff
- Death's Harp Dualstring Bow
- Quill Rain Shortbow
- Splinterheart Recurve Bow
- Widowhail Crude Bow
- Collapsing Horizon Wyrm Quarterstaff
- Matsya Crescent Quarterstaff
- Nazir's Judgement Steelpoint Quarterstaff
- Pillar of the Caged God Long Quarterstaff
- The Blood Thorn Wrapped Quarterstaff
- The Sentry Gothic Quarterstaff
- Brynhand's Mark Wooden Club
- Olrovasara Torment Club
- Seeing Stars Plated Mace
- Trenchtimbre Spiked Club
- Wylund's Stake Smithing Hammer
- Brain Rattler Studded Greatclub
- Chober Chaber Leaden Greathammer
- Frostbreath Slim Mace
- Hoghunt Felled Greatclub
- Hrimnor's Hymn Oak Greathammer
- Quecholli Crumbling Maul
- Trephina Forge Maul
- Bluetongue Shortsword
- Redbeak Shortsword
- The Dancing Dervish Scimitar
They are key to creating your perfect build, as any Weapon is your main tool for dealing damage and buffing skills. Do not miss your chance to obtain the strongest Uniques like Pillar of the Caged God and Widowhail at SkyCoach.
Shields serve as an extra layer of defense in PoE 2, and here are all of them:
- Alkem Eira Blazon Crest Shield
- Arvil's Wheel Hardwood Targe
- Crest of Ardura Jingling Crest Shield
- Dionadair Splintered Tower Shield
- Doomgate Braced Tower Shield
- Feathered Fortress Crescent Targe
- Lycosidae Rampart Tower Shield
- Mahuxotl's Machination Omen Crest Shield
- Merit of Service Pelage Targe
- Oaksworn Sigil Crest Shield
- Rise of the Phoenix Omen Crest Shield
- Saffell's Frame Emblem Crest Shield
- Svalinn Crucible Tower Shield
- The Surrender Stone Tower Shield
- The Wailing Wall Effigial Tower Shield
- Wulfsbane Painted Tower Shield
They will be a great addition to your Warrior build if you are planning to be a sort of tank. Your best picks in this category would be Mahuxotl's Machination and Svalinn. Get them and other Uniques at SkyCoach in a jiffy and for the best price.
Starting from the very top of your gear, check out all PoE 2 Helmets available:
- Alpha's Howl Armoured Cap
- Assailum Closed Helm
- Atsak's Sight Veiled Mask
- Atziri's Disdain Gold Circlet
- Black Sun Crest Wrapped Greathelm
- Bronzebeard Horned Crown
- Cornathaum Heavy Crown
- Corona of the Red Sun Warrior Greathelm
- Crown of the Pale King Cultist Crown
- Crown of the Victor Iron Crown
- Crown of Thorns Twig Circlet
- Deidbell Elite Greathelm
- Elevore Hunter Hood
- Erian's Cobble Guarded Helm
- Ezomyte Peak Soldier Greathelm
- Forbidden Gaze Chain Tiara
- Glimpse of Chaos Tribal Mask
- Goldrim Felt Cap
- Greymake Brimmed Helm
- Horns of Bynden Rusted Greathelm
- Innsmouth Shabby Hood
- Ironride Visored Helm
- Keeper of the Arc Spiritbone Crown
- Leer Cast Hooded Mask
- Mask of the Sanguimancer Face Mask
- Mask of the Stitched Demon Feathered Tiara
- Myris Uxor Covert Hood
- Radiant Grief Lace Hood
- Sandstorm Visage Chain Tiara
- Solus Ipse Grand Visage
- The Devouring Diadem Wicker Tiara
- The Hollow Mask Hewn Mask
- The Smiling Knight Cowled Helm
- The Three Dragons Solid Mask
- The Vertex Tribal Mask
- The Vile Knight Shielded Helm
- Thrillsteel Spired Greathelm
- Veil of the Night Martyr Crown
- Visage of Ayah Beaded Circlet
- Wings of Caelyn Rusted Greathelm
Depending on your build, you will pick a different option. Just make sure you meet all the requirements to be able to wear it. We highly recommend getting Black Sun Crest at SkyCoach in a jiffy. BLOG20
Body Armour
Choosing the best Body Armour from the list below is essential for completing your build:
- Apron of Emiran Hermit Garb
- Ashrend Pathfinder Coat
- Belly of the Beast Explorer Armour
- Bitterbloom Feathered Robe
- Blackbraid Fur Plate
- Bramblejack Rusted Cuirass
- Briskwrap Rhoahide Coat
- Bristleboar Leather Vest
- Cloak of Flame Silk Robe
- Coat of Red Chain Mail
- Couture of Crimson Gilded Vestments
- Doryani's Prototype Scale Mail
- Dustbloom Studded Vest
- Edyrn's Tusks Iron Cuirass
- Enfolding Dawn Pilgrim Vestments
- Foxshade Quilted Vest
- Ghostwrithe Tattered Robe
- Gloomform Waxed Jacket
- Greed's Embrace Vaal Cuirass
- Husk of Dreams Shaman Mantle
- Icetomb Mail Vestments
- Irongrasp Vagabond Armour
- Kaom's Heart Conqueror Plate
- Kingsguard Full Plate
- Morior Invictus Grand Regalia
- Necromantle Bone Raiment
- Pariah's Embrace Cloaked Mail
- Perfidy Knight Armour
- Pragmatism Explorer Armour
- Prayers for Rain Keth Raiment
- Quatl's Molt Serpentscale Coat
- Queen of the Forest Smuggler Coat
- Redflare Conduit Anchorite Garb
- Sierran Inheritance Marabout Garb
- Skin of the Loyal Garment
- Temporalis Silk Robe
- Tetzlapokal's Desire Votive Raiment
- The Barrow Dweller Rogue Armor
- The Black Doubt Hexer's Robe
- The Brass Dome Champion Cuirass
- The Covenant Altar Robe
- The Dancing Mirage Wayfarer Jacket
- The Rat Cage Scout's Vest
- The Road Warrior Raider Plate
- Titanrot Cataphract Maraketh Cuirass
- Voll's Protector Ironclad Vestments
- Wandering Reliquary Steel Plate
Choose wisely, depending on your build, preferred playstyle, and the stats you are looking for. Make sure to grab some meta items, such as Morior Invictus and Ghostwrithe, as well as Enfolding Dawn or Temporalis. SkyCoach is here to help you obtain them and other Uniques.
Moving further, we have a list of Gloves to share:
- Aerisvane's Wings Burnished Gauntlets
- Atziri's Acuity Moulded Mitts
- Aurseize Layered Gauntlets
- Blessed Bonds Linen Wraps
- Blueflame Bracers Goldcast Cuffs
- Candlemaker Sombre Gloves
- Deathblow Doubled Gauntlets
- Demon Stitcher Intricate Gloves
- Doedre's Tenure Stitched Gloves
- Gravebind Rope Cuffs
- Grip of Winter Firm Bracers
- Hand of Wisdom and Action Furtive Wraps
- Hateforge Moulded Mitts
- Idle Hands Sectioned Bracers
- Jarngreipr Ringmail Gauntlets
- Killjoy Linen Wraps
- Kitoko's Current Jewelled Gloves
- Lochtonial Caress Tempered Mitts
- Maligaro's Virtuosity Fine Bracers
- Northpaw Suede Bracers
- Painter's Servant Torn Gloves
- Plaguefinger Gauze Wraps
- Shackles of the Wretched Aged Cuffs
- Sine Aequo Grand Manchettes
- Snakebite Spined Bracers
- Treefingers Riveted Mitts
See what item suits you better in terms of stats and preferred effects. Your best bets will include Hand of Wisdom and Action, it is an absolute beast in the current meta.
No set can be called complete without wearing a pair of Boots:
- Ab Aeterno Grand Cuisses
- Beetlebite Velour Shoes
- Birth of Fury Stone Greaves
- Bones of Ullr Lattice Sandals
- Briarpatch Laced Boots
- Bushwhack Lizardscale Boots
- Corpsewade Iron Greaves
- Darkray Vectors Braced Sabatons
- Gamblesprint Embossed Boots
- Ghostmarch Threaded Shoes
- Legionstride Rough Greaves
- Luminous Pace Straw Sandals
- Obern's Bastion Stacked Sabatons
- Powertread Hunting Shoes
- The Infinite Pursuit Bronze Greaves
- The Knight-errant Mail Sabatons
- Thunderstep Steeltoe Boots
- Trampletoe Trimmed Greaves
- Wake of Destruction Secured Leggings
- Wanderlust Wrapped Sandals
- Windscream Feathered Sandals
- Wondertrap Silk Slippers
Pick the ones you need, just like you do with other gear parts. Uniques like Wanderlust and Corpsewade are the best ones in this category. Go get them at SkyCoach for the best price and with the fastest delivery!
Rings also provide you with extra stats and effects, and here is a list of them:
- Andvarius Gold Ring
- Blackflame Amethyst Ring
- Blackheart Iron Ring
- Blistering Bond Ruby Ring
- Call of the Brotherhood Topaz Ring
- Cracklecreep Ruby Ring
- Death Rush Emerald Ring
- Doedre's Damning Lazuli Ring
- Dream Fragments Sapphire Ring
- Glowswarm Lazuli Ring
- Heartbound Loop Pearl Ring
- Kalandra's Touch
- Levinstone Topaz Ring
- Ming's Heart Amethyst Ring
- Original Sin Amethyst Ring
- Perandus Seal Gold Ring
- Polcirkeln Sapphire Ring
- Seed of Cataclysm Lazuli Ring
- Sekhema's Resolve
- Snakepit Pearl Ring
- The Burrower Topaz Ring
- Thief's Torment Emerald Ring
- Ventor's Gamble Gold Ring
- Whisper of the Brotherhood Sapphire Ring
Some of them improve your Fire Resistance, while others boost Physical Damage, and so on. Rings like Polcirkeln and Thief’s Torment, as well as Ventor's Gamble are highly sought after, and you can get them at SkyCoach.
Similarly to Rings, Amulets provide you with additional effects:
- Astramentis Stellar Amulet
- Beacon of Azis Solar Amulet
- Carnage Heart Amber Amulet
- Choir of the Storm Jade Amulet
- Defiance of Destiny Jade Amulet
- Eye of Chayula Gold Amulet
- Fireflower Solar Amulet
- Fixation of Yix Stellar Amulet
- Idol of Uldurn Crimson Amulet
- Igniferis Crimson Amulet
- Ligurium Talisman Lapis Amulet
- Revered Resin Amber Amulet
- Rondel of Fragility Lunar Amulet
- Serpent's Egg Gold Amulet
- Strugglescream Stellar Amulet
- Surefooted Sigil Jade Amulet
- The Anvil Bloodstone Amulet
- The Everlasting Gaze Azure Amulet
- The Pandemonius Lapis Amulet
- Ungil's Harmony Azure Amulet
- Xoph's Blood Amber Amulet
The first one gives you extra Mana Regen while the second one grants Energy Shield. Each one is great for particular builds, so choose wisely. Most players are looking forward to obtaining The Everlasting Gaze in the current meta. Get it for you as well in a few clicks!
Wear one of these Belts for more stats:
- Birthright Buckle Wide Belt
- Brynabas Wide Belt
- Coward's Legacy Mail Belt
- Headhunter Heavy Belt
- Infernoclasp Plate Belt
- Ingenuity Utility Belt
- Keelhaul Linen Belt
- Meginord's Girdle Rawhide Belt
- Midnight Braid Rawhide Belt
- Ryslatha's Coil Ornate Belt
- Shavronne's Satchel Fine Belt
- Soul Tether Long Belt
- Zerphi's Genesis Heavy Belt
Get ready to experience Increase Life, extra Armour, and Increased Mana Recovery from Flasks. We highly recommend going for Ingenuity and Headhunter, as well as Midnight Braid. They are a few clicks away from you. Use SkyCoach and get them and other Uniques now!
See what Unique Jewels you can find in PoE 2 so far:
- Against the Darkness Time-Lost Diamond
- Controlled Metamorphosis Diamond
- From Nothing Diamond
- Grand Spectrum Emerald
- Grand Spectrum Ruby
- Grand Spectrum Sapphire
- Heroic Tragedy Timeless Jewel
- Megalomaniac Diamond
- Prism of Belief Diamond
- The Adorned Diamond
As with other items above, go for the ones that suit your build and playstyle more. The Adorned and Against the Darkness are in high demand now, and you might want to get it at SkyCoach with no grind.
We have also prepared a short yet informative list of Unique Quivers in Path of Exile 2:
- Asphyxia's Wrath Broadhead Quiver
- Beyond Reach Visceral Quiver
- Blackgleam Fire Quiver
They improve your Physical Damage, Critical Hit Chance, as well as grant extra Fire damage.
Unique Items Drop Rate in PoE 2
Items of this category are rare for a reason. Unique Items drop rate in PoE 2 varies depending on the enemy type, map tier, and modifiers. Bosses and high-level content have better chances of dropping Uniques, but do not expect them to fall like candy.
Here are some factors that affect drop rates:
- Boss Difficulty: Harder bosses tend to drop better loot.
- Item Rarity Mods: Maps with increased item rarity modifiers boost your chances.
- League Mechanics: Some league content like Blight or Legion can shower you with loot, including Uniques.
Patience and persistence are key. The grind might be tough, but that makes getting the desired drop even sweeter.
This sums up our Path of Exile 2 Unique Items guide, Exiles! From farming bosses and gambling with vendors to trading with other players and using Orbs of Chance, there are plenty of ways to score this gear in the game. They can transform your build, boost your power, and even help you rake in some serious currency. Be patient, stay informed, and most importantly – have fun hunting those Uniques. Happy grinding, and we will see you in Wraeclast!
You might want to check out our hottest Destiny 2 offers, such as Kell's Fall Exotic Mission and Slayer's Fang to skip the grind and get ahead of others.
How rare are uniques in PoE 2?
Some uniques are common, but the strongest ones have extremely low drop rates.
Does Path of Exile 2 have unique items?
Absolutely! PoE 2 has tons of Unique Items, each with special modifiers and effects.
What is a Unique Item in PoE 2?
A Unique Item is rare gear with one-of-a-kind modifiers that can totally change your build.
What is the most powerful item in PoE 2?
Here are some of the strongest items to hunt for:
- Black Sun Crest Wrapped Greathelm – Helmet
- The Endless Night Crystal Staff – Weapon
- Sands of Silk Shrouded Vest – Body Armour
- Goldrim Felt Cap – Helmet
- Wanderlust Wrapped Sandals – Boots
How many Unique Items are in Path of Exile 2?
The game features more than 220 Unique Items in total, and more of them will be added in the future.
How do unique items work in Path of Exile 2?
Uniques come with special mods that cannot be found on regular gear, giving you unique bonuses or changing how your build works.