Welcome, Heroes of Azeroth! To everyone’s big surprise, Season of Discovery Phase 7 introduces brand-new content, including a dungeon and raid. In this access to Karazhan Crypts guide, we’ll explain how to get attuned to the new dungeon. The attunement quest itself isn’t that simple, and it contains several stages that are worth explaining.
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Quick Attunement Guide for Karazhan Crypts
If you're looking for a straightforward breakdown of how to gain access to Karazhan Crypts before diving into the full guide, follow these steps:
Step 1: Start at Light’s Hope Chapel
- Travel to Light’s Hope Chapel (Eastern Plaguelands) and interact with the "Seeking Seasoned Adventurers" billboard outside.
- Accept the "For Gold and Glory!" quest, which hints at an artifact hidden within Karazhan Crypts.
- Expect heavy player traffic here. Use /tar billboard to interact if needed.
Step 2: Investigate the Deceased Adventurer in Deadwind Pass
- Head to Deadwind Pass at /way 39.0 74.0, where you’ll find a Deceased Adventurer near the Karazhan Crypts entrance.
- Interact with the corpse to complete "For Gold and Glory!" and accept "No Ordinary Shadows."
- A massive shadow will pass overhead as part of the quest progression.
Step 3: Find the Survivors at Ariden’s Camp
- Travel north to Ariden’s Camp (/way 52.0 34.0) and turn in "No Ordinary Shadows."
- Accept "Seeking Survivors" and head to the Deadwind Ogre Cave (/way 59.2 73.4).
- Find Harrison Jones locked in a cage (/way 65.0 78.0).
- Kill nearby ogres for the key (or wait for another player to unlock the cage).
- Free Harrison Jones to complete "To the Rescue."
Step 4: Gather Mystical Components for “The Hypothesis”
- After hearing Harrison’s story, accept "The Hypothesis" and gather three key items:
- Flame of Life – Dropped by Elite Dragonkin in Grim Batol (Wetlands).
- Ancient Ironwood Branch – Dropped by the first boss in Demon Fall Canyon or Tendris Warpwood in Dire Maul West.
- Enthusiastic Wisp – Located in Darkwhisper Gorge (/way 51.3 91.1).
Step 5: Testing the Hypothesis
- Return to Deadwind Pass and turn in "The Hypothesis."
- Accept "Testing Our Hypothesis" and travel to Morgan’s Plot (/way 41.2 78.9).
- Use the torch on the giant black orb to dispel the magical darkness.
- The orb will sink into the crypt entrance, clearing the way forward.
Step 6: Complete the Attunement
- Return to the Agent in Deadwind Pass and turn in "Testing Our Hypothesis."
- Congratulations! You are now attuned to Karazhan Crypts.
- Before entering, talk to Harrison Jones and pick up "Curious Karazhan Curios!" for extra rewards inside the dungeon.
With the attunement complete, you will gain access to Karazhan Crypts dungeon. Now, let's break down each step in detail. BLOG20
Preparation for Karazhan Crypts Attunement
Before starting the WoW Classic Karazhan Crypts attunement questline, it's best to prepare in advance to avoid unnecessary travel and delays.
- Pick up the Argent Dawn quest at Light’s Hope Chapel – This helps with Naxxramas attunement and provides reputation rewards. If you're not exalted yet, bring Nexus Crystals and an Arcane Crystal to complete the process without making a second trip.
- Set your Hearthstone to a nearby location – Horde players should set their Hearthstone to Stonard in the Swamp of Sorrows, while Alliance players should choose Darkshire in Duskwood. This makes returning to Deadwind Pass quicker, avoiding long flight paths.
- Stock up on consumables – The attunement quest involves fighting elite enemies and completing dungeons, so bring healing potions, mana potions, and food. This is especially important if running solo.
- Find a group ahead of time – Since some required quest items drop from bosses in Grim Batol and from Dire Maul West, grouping in advance will prevent long waits and ensure smooth progress.
- Prepare for PvP encounters – Deadwind Pass, Eastern Plaguelands, and Darkwhisper Gorge will be crowded with players doing the attunement. If you're on a PvP server, expect ambushes and contested areas. Traveling in groups or using stealth-based movement can help avoid unnecessary fights.
By handling these steps before starting the attunement, you'll save time, reduce backtracking, and complete the process more efficiently.
Step 1: Starting the Attunement at Light’s Hope Chapel
Your journey to WoW Season of Discovery Karazhan Crypts begins at Light’s Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands. Outside the chapel, you will find a billboard labeled "Seeking Seasoned Adventurers." Interact with it to start the attunement by accepting the quest "For Gold and Glory!"
The notice on the billboard suggests that someone is looking to hire adventurers to recover something valuable from the Karazhan Crypts in Deadwind Pass. While the exact details of the request are unclear, the prospect of treasure—combined with an official endorsement from the Kirin Tor—makes it an enticing opportunity. The note also hints at a magical artifact hidden within the crypts, with the Kirin Tor offering generous compensation to those brave enough to retrieve it. However, the bottom of the notice has been torn off, leaving the contact details missing, meaning you’ll need to investigate the crypts yourself.
This area is a major hub for Phase 7 content, meaning you’ll likely encounter a large number of players attempting to start their attunement at the same time. Clicking the billboard can be difficult due to player congestion, so if needed, use the /tar billboard command to interact with it directly.
If you're on a PvP server, be cautious. Light’s Hope Chapel is a contested zone, and fights between Horde and Alliance players may make it difficult to pick up the quest. Consider turning off War Mode or bringing a group for safety if enemy players are active in the area.
Once you’ve accepted "For Gold and Glory!", check your quest log to confirm it's active before leaving. Your next objective is to travel to Deadwind Pass, where you'll need to investigate a Deceased Adventurer near the crypts behind Karazhan Tower. Be prepared for a long journey, and if possible, set your Hearthstone to a nearby location like Stonard (Horde) or Darkshire (Alliance) for easier travel.
Step 2: Investigate the Deceased Adventurer in Deadwind Pass
With "For Gold and Glory!" in hand, your next objective takes you deep into Deadwind Pass, home to the infamous Karazhan Crypts. Travel to /way 39.0 74.0, located behind Karazhan Tower. Here, you will find a Deceased Adventurer, an unfortunate soul who seemingly met his end just outside the entrance to the crypt.
Interacting with the Deceased Adventurer
Kneeling beside the fallen adventurer, you will notice something unnatural—the surrounding light dims and darkens, as if being devoured by the crypt itself. The gloom seeping from the entrance feels almost alive, reaching out as though it’s trying to pull the light—and perhaps you—into its depths.
Interacting with the adventurer will complete "For Gold and Glory!" and unlock the next step in your journey: "No Ordinary Shadows." As part of the quest progression, a massive shadow will pass overhead, an ominous sign of the darkness lurking within.
Accepting "No Ordinary Shadows"
This new quest confirms what you already suspect—this is no ordinary darkness. Unlike natural shadows cast by the absence of light, the darkness from the crypt actively consumes any illumination that dares to approach. Light refuses to enter, and any that exists within is smothered into oblivion. BLOG20
The sheer malevolence of the crypt sends a chill down your spine. Attempting to enter as you are now would be suicide, as something within clearly does not want intruders. However, you recall hearing rumors of an Agent of Dalaran stationed at a nearby camp to the north. If anyone might understand what happened to the dead adventurer, or how to pierce the supernatural darkness, it would be her.
Karazhan Crypts attunement PvP tips
As this is a highly contested area, expect a heavy PvP presence, especially if you're on a PvP-enabled server. Many players will be swarming the adventurer's corpse, attempting to interact with it and progress their own quests.
To avoid frustration:
- Use /tar adventurer to quickly interact if the area is crowded.
- If you’re facing hostile enemy players, consider waiting for an opportunity rather than diving into combat unnecessarily.
- Travel in a group whenever possible for safety.
- Be aware that ambushes near the crypt entrance are common, especially from stealth classes.
With "No Ordinary Shadows" accepted, your next destination is Ariden’s Camp at /way 52.0 34.0, where the Dalaran agent may hold the key to breaking through the unnatural darkness and uncovering what lies within the cursed depths of Karazhan Crypts.
Step 3: Find the Dark Rider Encampment
With the unsettling knowledge that the Karazhan Crypts have already claimed at least one victim, your next task is to track down any survivors who may have escaped the fate of their fallen companion.
Finding Ariden’s Camp and Turning in "No Ordinary Shadows"
Travel to Ariden’s Camp at /way 52.0 34.0, a small outpost set up by the Agent of Dalaran who has been monitoring the crypts and its recent activity. Upon arriving, turn in "No Ordinary Shadows" and accept the next quest, "Seeking Survivors."
The agent recalls an adventuring party of five who passed through recently, despite her warnings not to enter the crypts. Since you only found one deceased adventurer, she suspects there may be others still alive somewhere in Deadwind Pass. Your new objective is to search the area for any remaining survivors and uncover what happened to the rest of the party.
Locating the Ogre Cave and Harrison Jones
Your search takes you to the Deadwind Ogre Cave, located at /way 59.2 73.4. This cavern is occupied by brutish ogres that may hold clues to the missing adventurers. Deep inside, at /way 65.0 78.0, you will find a series of cages, one of which contains Harrison Jones, an adventurer from the ill-fated group.
As you approach, Harrison whispers urgently, trying not to attract attention. He has been playing dead for hours, hoping the ogres wouldn’t decide to make him their next meal. His cage is locked, and to free him, you will need to find a key carried by the Deadwind Ogres nearby.
Obtaining the Cage Key and Freeing Harrison Jones
- The Deadwind Cage Key drops from the ogres patrolling the cave.
- If another player in your proximity unlocks the cage first, you will still receive credit for the quest.
- To save time, stick close to other players—the key can be looted from any ogre, and the process speeds up when working together.
Once you obtain the key, return to Harrison Jones' cage and unlock it to complete "To the Rescue."
With Harrison Jones finally freed from captivity, he expresses his gratitude for the rescue and quickly introduces you to an Agent of Dalaran who has been studying the strange phenomena surrounding the Karazhan Crypts. Before you move forward, however, Harrison insists on telling you what really happened to his group inside the tomb.
"Are You Afraid of the Dark?" – Harrison’s Story
As he recounts his experience, it becomes clear that what lurks beneath Karazhan is far more sinister than mere restless spirits. Harrison’s party wasn't just overwhelmed by the crypt’s inhabitants—they were consumed by the darkness itself, an entity that actively devours light and defies all natural laws.
The darkness is alive, and its reach extends beyond the physical realm. Harrison describes inky black tendrils creeping outward, extinguishing torches, lanterns, and even the sun’s rays as they entered the crypt. Light cannot penetrate it, and those caught inside… simply vanish.
His tale confirms what the Agent of Dalaran suspected: no ordinary force is at play here. If you still intend to enter the crypts, you’ll need to understand how this darkness works—and, more importantly, how to survive it.
Step 4: Gathering Components for “The Hypothesis” Quest
With Harrison Jones’ story complete, the Agent of Dalaran shares a potential solution—a magical totem that could pierce the darkness within Karazhan Crypts. However, powerful mystical components are needed to craft it. She entrusts you with collecting three rare and powerful artifacts spread across different regions of Azeroth.
Each of these components is tied to forces of nature, energy, and life, elements that may be strong enough to counteract the crypt’s consuming void. The journey to gather them will not be easy, as all three are located in treacherous areas guarded by formidable foes.
The Three Required Components
Flame of Life – Found in Grim Batol, Wetlands
- Drops from Elite Dragonkin in Grim Batol.
- The Flame is an essence of draconic life force, infused with the lingering energy of Red Dragons.
- Expect heavy competition from other players hunting for the drop. Group up if necessary.
- PvP activity in Wetlands is lower than other locations, but Horde and Alliance players may still clash over farm spots.
Ancient Ironwood Branch – Found in Demon Fall Canyon or Dire Maul West
- Primary Location: Demon Fall Canyon Dungeon (first boss).
- You must be attuned to enter.
- The first boss drops the item for everyone in the party.
- Alternative: Tendris Warpwood in Dire Maul West.
Located deep in Feralas, Dire Maul West is an easier alternative if Demon Fall Canyon is too contested.
- Tendris Warpwood is surrounded by treants and has a knockback ability, so be mindful of positioning.
Enthusiastic Wisp – Located in Darkwhisper Gorge
- The Enthusiastic Wisp is a rare sentient spirit of magic, found at /way 51.3 91.1 in Darkwhisper Gorge.
- The area is dangerous due to high-level mobs and constant PvP conflict.
- Stealth if possible—druids and rogues will have an easier time reaching the Wisp without being engaged in combat.
- The Wisp must be interacted with directly rather than looted, so stay alert while doing so.
So, you have to collect all 3 items.
Step-by-Step Collection Guide
Flame of Life – Wetlands, Grim Batol
- Travel to Wetlands via Menethil Harbor (Alliance) or Arathi Highlands (Horde).
- Locate Grim Batol, where Elite Red Dragons roam the ruins.
- Defeat the Dragonkin until the Flame of Life drops. BLOG20
- Be mindful of competition—expect multiple groups farming in the area.
Ancient Ironwood Branch – Demon Fall Canyon OR Dire Maul West
Demon Fall Canyon Route:
- If your group is attuned, enter Demon Fall Canyon Dungeon.
- Defeat the first boss and loot the Ancient Ironwood Branch.
- The branch drops for all party members, so no need to roll against each other.
Dire Maul West Alternative:
- Travel to Dire Maul West in Feralas.
- Defeat Tendris Warpwood, a treant boss known for his high durability and knockback attacks.
- Loot the Ancient Ironwood Branch.
Enthusiastic Wisp – Darkwhisper Gorge
- Travel to Darkwhisper Gorge, located in the far south of Winterspring.
- Head deep into the gorge, following the coordinates /way 51.3 91.1.
- Locate the Enthusiastic Wisp and interact with it.
- Avoid PvP skirmishes—use stealth if available.
With the Flame of Life, the Ironwood Branch, and the Wisp’s essence in hand, you’re one step closer to breaching the darkness that guards the secrets of the crypt.
Step 5: Testing the Hypothesis
Once you’ve collected all three items, return to Deadwind Pass and turn them in.
- Accept "Testing Our Hypothesis."
- Travel to Morgan’s Plot in Deadwind Pass and find the giant black orb.
- Use the torch provided to dispel the orb, causing it to float down into the crypts.
If you don’t see the effect immediately, try reusing the torch and waiting a few seconds.
Step 6: Completing the Attunement
With all three mystical components—Flame of Life, Ancient Ironwood Branch, and Enthusiastic Wisp—secured, return to the Agent in Deadwind Pass to turn in "The Hypothesis." She will express confidence that the totem she crafted should allow you to pierce the supernatural darkness, but before you can fully commit to your descent into the crypts, a test must be conducted.
The Final Test at Morgan’s Plot
Upon accepting "Testing Our Hypothesis," the Agent will hand you a magical torch imbued with the power of the artifacts you've gathered. Your next task is to travel to Morgan’s Plot, a cursed burial site in Deadwind Pass. There, you will find a massive black orb—a swirling vortex of unnatural darkness that looms ominously at the entrance of the crypt.
- Once at Morgan’s Plot (/way 41.2, 78.9), use the torch at the edge of the void.
- The moment the flame touches the darkness, the orb will react violently, its form shuddering and collapsing inward as it begins to retreat.
- The shadowy mass will sink into the depths of the crypt, clearing the entrance and proving that the totem is effective.
This step is purely interactive—you won’t need to fight anything, but be mindful of potential PvP in the area as many players will be completing this step at the same time.
Returning to the Agent
With the darkness dispelled, return to the Agent in Deadwind Pass and turn in "Testing Our Hypothesis." You are now officially attuned to Karazhan Crypts, meaning you can enter the dungeon at any time.
Final Task: Grab "Curious Karazhan Curios!"
Before heading inside, speak to Harrison Jones one last time to accept "Curious Karazhan Curios!" This is a side quest that can be completed inside Karazhan Crypts, rewarding you with additional XP, gold, and unique items.
With the attunement complete, you are rewarded with access to Karazhan Crypts. The true horrors of the dungeon await—venture forth and unravel the secrets buried beneath Karazhan!
The Karazhan Crypts Attunement in Season of Discovery Phase 7 is a multi-step journey that takes players across Azeroth. From retrieving lost artifacts to dispelling ancient darkness, this attunement is an engaging mix of PvE, puzzle-solving, and potential PvP encounters.
Now that you’re attuned, you can finally enter the cursed depths of Karazhan Crypts, but be prepared, as the horrors inside are far deadlier than the journey to get here.
How To Start Karazhan Crypts Attunement in Season of Discovery?
To start the attunement, travel to Light’s Hope Chapel (Eastern Plaguelands) and interact with the "Seeking Seasoned Adventurers" billboard outside. This gives you the quest "For Gold and Glory!", which sends you to Deadwind Pass to investigate a Deceased Adventurer near Karazhan Crypts.
What Are the Required Items for Karazhan Crypts Attunement?
You need to collect three key items for "The Hypothesis" quest:
- Flame of Life – Dropped by Elite Dragonkin in Grim Batol (Wetlands).
- Ancient Ironwood Branch – Dropped by the first boss in Demon Fall Canyon or Tendris Warpwood in Dire Maul West.
- Enthusiastic Wisp – Located in Darkwhisper Gorge (/way 51.3 91.1).
How Long Does the Karazhan Crypts Attunement Take?
The attunement takes 1-2 hours depending on travel time, PvP activity, and competition for required quest items. Most of the time is spent collecting the three magical components, so having a group can speed up the process.
Can You Do the Attunement Solo?
Yes, Karazhan Crypts attunement can be completed solo, but some parts are easier with a group. Elite mobs, PvP hotspots, and dungeon bosses make it more efficient to run with others, especially when farming quest items.
What Do You Do After Finishing the Attunement?
Once you complete "Testing Our Hypothesis", you are attuned and can enter Karazhan Crypts. Before entering, talk to Harrison Jones and pick up "Curious Karazhan Curios!" for extra rewards inside the dungeon.