How to Level and Gear Up Alts in The War Within Fast

By reading this guide, you will learn everything you need to know about leveling and gearing up your alts in The War Within. We will share every detail concerning these topics in this article. Join us to level up your alt army quicker.

Learn How to Level and Gear Up Alts in The War Within Fast

Since the The War Within expansion has been out for quite a while, many players have managed to reach the level’s cap on their main characters. However, World of Warcraft has always been about leveling the whole alt army. It allows you to be a more versatile player and stay less dependent on others. 

The reason alt leveling is so popular in this game is that you are limited to mastering two professions only. Your alts usually specialize in other professions to help your main get the required materials or equipment pieces. However, to take maximum advantage of creating an alt army, you need to know how to level them quickly. Only in this case, you benefit from this feature and make your main stronger.

In this article, we will share everything you need to know to get your other characters to the cap fast. On top of that, we will add a few words on how you can gear them up. The second part is also crucial if you are planning to keep playing your alt for a long time.

Before we plunge into the topic and tell you about the most efficient leveling methods, we would like to mention the one that works best. In most cases, you will not have enough time to go through the whole leveling process on your own. No matter what tricks you use, it still takes quite a while to get to the maximum level. 

To speed things up, you can buy WoW The War Within Powerleveling service from our company. By doing so, you can enjoy your alts being boosted by our professional players.

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Gather Dragonriding Glyphs

If you decide to do it on your own, this is probably the easiest thing to start with. You see, the Dragonriding feature is not just a tool that helps you get from one point to another. This is also an essential part of a quick leveling process. However, to unlock this feature’s full potential, you are to gather all Dragonriding Glyphs first.

They are used to learn new Dragonriding talents. The most important one for you is called At Home Aloft. The latter allows you to generate Vigor points when going into the Thrill of the Skies mode. Thanks to this talent, you can fly for a practically infinite amount of time. Down below, you can see the map with all glyphs’ locations marked on it.

Keep in mind that unlocking those glyphs on your main character means all your alts on the same account get them as well. Therefore, this should be the first thing you do while playing your main to make your alts’ lives easier in the future.

Activate War Mode

If you feel confident enough, you can try to use War Mode while leveling your alts. Activating this feature turns out to be well rewarding. You will get a 10% extra experience for any in-game activities. It can be anything from mob grinding to questing, and so on. However, you become vulnerable to ganking, as some players will definitely try to kill you. Luckily, it does not happen that often since most people are busy leveling themselves and they do not really care about you. BLOG20

Nokhudon Hold Selfplay AFK Leveling

Leveling up your alts in Nokhudon Hold, the western part of Ohn'ahran Plains is the fastest way to reach the level's cap. However, you cannot do this solely by yourself. You see, mobs you are going to face in this location are too tough to outbattle without decent gear. To benefit from this leveling method, you at least need a well-equipped party of friends. Instead, you can use a team of pros who will explain the rules to you and tell you what spot you need to take to stay alive during the leveling process. Our team offers Selfplay AFK Nokhud Leveling service where the only thing you need to do is to follow our professionals' advice and soak XP. By using the described service, you can get from 60 to 70 in around 15 minutes. It is even faster than it used to be when people were so hyped about Cobalt Assembly Leveling. The service is available for players since the very beginning of the game. Make sure to click the link to find more details about how you can try the fastest leveling method currently available in the game.

Pay Attention to Talent Builds

It is not a secret that your leveling speed increases greatly once you pick the correct talent setup. In most cases, you can do this on your own, as it requires no special skills. You just need to go for talents that deal maximum damage. Depending on your class, you would usually go for AoE leveling talent builds. This is the most efficient way to farm mob packs.

At the same time, classes like Arcane Mage struggle with providing enough AoE damage. In this case, maximize your solo-target damage output. This will allow you to slay a mob before it gets closer to you and tries to attack.

Answering the question of how to level fast in WoW, you can always summon a battle pet to help you tank incoming damage. This is especially useful if you are leveling on your own. It is also an irreplaceable tool if you lack self-healing talents and do not want to spend a fortune buying healing potions.

Items for Quick Leveling

When it comes to buying stuff, you want to purchase things that help you move between mob camps faster. Down below, you can find a list of such items. Luckily, these kinds of consumables are relatively easy to craft. If you do not want to spend extra time, you can always buy them at the Auction House:

  • Fried Bonefish allows you to restore a decent amount of HP and Mana while seating. However, we are particularly in the buff it provides after you finish eating. Slaying an enemy grants you a Speed boost for a short time. This is what you need to move from one camp to another noticeably quicker;
  • Bear Tartare works in pretty much the same way as the previous consumable does. Depending on the current market price, you can choose which one you like more. After all, having both of these items in your inventory causes no trouble;
  • Straddling Viridium is the best gem you can use, as it greatly increases your Speed allowing you to move even faster;
  • Enchant Cloak – Writ of Speed grants you a way more noticeable Speed boost if compared to the previous item. However, you should strive to buy this item at its highest quality level to get maximum value out of it;
  • Battle Standard of Coordination provides you with a 15% experience boost for slaying mobs. The effect is also applied to honor and reputation you get this way. Combine this with turning War Mode on and you already have a 25% experience increase.

Buying all the consumables we have enumerated requires a bunch of gold. Not to mention the gear that you will have to purchase in the long run. Getting in-game currency is always tough and time-consuming. To make things easier for you, we offer WoW Gold at reasonable prices and the fastest delivery time. Doing so means you can afford things you like. The service we offer is totally legit and approved.

Rested Experience Bonus

When thinking of how to level faster in WoW, many players forget about built-in game mechanics. We are talking about the Rested XP bonus your alts can get while you are offline. To explain it shortly, you have a special bar that can grow up to 150%. Filling it up requires no extra actions, as you simply should be logged off.

However, you will only have a growing rate of 1.25% per 8 in this case. To gain Rested XP faster, you are to leave your character in an Inn or a Capital City before you go offline. In this case, you will be gaining 5% per 8 hours instead. The difference is enormous, right? This is the reason why you always want to return to an Inn or a Capital City, especially if you are planning to be offline for a long time.

For example, it would take 10 days to fill up this bar if you have left your alt in a Capital City or Inn. If you are playing as Pandaren, you will have the Inner Peace talent. The latter is your racial passive that lets you fill up this bar twice as fast. On top of that, the maximum limit is extended to 300% instead of 150%.

Comparing Questing & Dungeons

This is a never-ending dilemma for all WoW leveling alts fans, as you can never be sure what method is better. At least it was like this in previous expansions. Nonetheless, the game’s developers have radically changed the way leveling works in Dragonflight. Despite increasing the level’s cap to 70, it has become noticeably easier to reach it.

The reason for this is that they have lowered XP requirements that existed before. While some players may say it makes the game too casual, others are absolutely happy with this change. It means you no longer need to spend 8 hours a day to level up another alt of yours.

As for now, questing seems to be more profitable in terms of experience gain. This is the best method for solo players. Besides, you can start questing in any location you prefer after you finish the campaign on your main character. At the same time, clearing dungeons also works fine if you have a reliable team. Unlike questing, it does not make you think too much and you can simply relax while grinding endless packs of mobs.

Of course, the final choice is up to you. However, we would highly recommend building your leveling strategy around questing. It is a more profitable and flexible tool for leveling. If you decide to go for questing, start with the Waking Shores and Ohn’ahran Plains zones. The quests you can take there are more accessible and NPCs are located not that far from each other.

Sooner or later, Mythic+ content will become one of your main in-game activities. To ensure victory, it is not always enough to have a high-skill team. If you want to get top-rank rewards guaranteed, check out our Mythic Carry services. Our professional players will take care of any dungeon for you. The only thing you are to do is to enjoy the loot and keep gearing up. If you do not wish to share your account credentials, you can turn on the Selfplay option absolutely for free.

Leveling through Crafting

By now, we all know about the First Craft Bonus mechanic that has been implemented with Dragonflight. It allows players to gain a decent amount of experience just for crafting stuff. However, this should be the first time you create a particular item to get this bonus. On top of that, you will be rewarded with +1 Knowledge Point and a bunch of Artisan’s Mettle.

To make it clearer, you can get 11,330 XP just for crafting an item for the first time. The same feature works with gathering professions, but the bonus you get is not that huge. Considering how fast WoW Dragonflight leveling alts process has become, this feature is just insane. However, the game’s developers have predicted that and imposed certain restrictions. For example, you are cannot gain this bonus more than 30 times. All other first-crafted items above that number will not give you any XP.

That is the reason why we recommend that you leave this leveling method when you achieve level 68. Creating around 30 items is enough to get your alt to level 70. By that time, you will have enough gold to buy all the required materials at the Auction House.

As a rule, you are to choose the following professions to gain this bonus easier:

  1. Tailoring would be a perfect choice, as you have a high range of items to craft. Besides, they require no rare materials to be created. On top of that, you can easily sell everything you do not use yourself;
  2. Leatherworking offers a ton of equipment pieces for you to craft. Most of them use skin as the main material. You can easily buy it at the Auction House, as the price for it is not that high;
  3. Enchanting works in a pretty much similar way to Tailoring. You do not need any special materials to create basic enchants and get your First Craft Bonus. Additionally, you can use them to empower your own gear pieces or sell them for a bunch of gold.

If you still prefer to stick to gathering professions, make sure you go for Mining and Herbalism. Even though the provided bonus is not that high, you still get valuable resources along the way. The latter can be used for various recipes or sold on the market. Opting for Skinning is not recommended, as you do not get any XP for skinning mobs.

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WoW The War Within Gearing Up Guide

Moving further, it is time to talk about another essential part of creating your alt army. If you are planning to keep playing a particular alt, you need to gear up. This is vitally important, as it allows you to participate in Raiding and Mythic+ content. Your equipment quality does not matter that much until you start taking part in the mentioned activities.

In this part of the article, we will share everything you need to know to gear up faster than others. The key to success lies in particular events, locations, and mobs.

Participating in Primal Storms

In this event, players are to counter an invasion of primalist forces. It starts every 3 hours and you can see what Dragonflight zones enemies are about to attack with special map markers. You will face four types of invasions, which include Storm, Earth, Fire, and Water. The main point of this event is as straightforward as one can only imagine. You just need to slay mobs and collect various currency types. The latter is called Elemental Overflow and Storm Sigil. Once you gather enough of them, you can exchange them for gear pieces.

Trading your Elemental Overflow grants you ilvl 359 equipment. It is not the best thing you can get your hands on but works fine as a temporary substitute. To buy it, make your way to Mythressa who will be waiting for you in Valdrakken.

If you decide to keep participating in this event, you will start getting Storm Sigil, a much rarer resource. You can trade it for ilvl385 equipment, which also has set bonuses. Depending on how many pieces you collect (2, 4, or 6), you will get various benefits. To buy it, make your way to Rethelshi who will be waiting for you in Valdrakken.

The only problem with Storm Sigil is you cannot get more than 8 of them per week. You receive two pieces for each invasion type you counterattack successfully.

Fighting World Bosses

Weekly boss encounters are not just a fun yet highly rewarding event. Defeating one of the four bosses available, you get a chance of receiving ilvl389 equipment. In this part of our alt leveling Dragonflight guide, we would like to share a few details on where to find all four bosses and what loot they have to offer.

This is by all means not the best gear you can get for your alt. However, it is a good option to wear when you start participating in Raiding or Mythic+ content. We highly recommend that you spend some time waiting for these bosses, as the loot they drop is actually worth it.

Taking Part in World Events

In this paragraph, we would like to mention the Iskaara Tuskarr and Valdrakken Accord Renown factions. Both of them offer exciting and highly rewarding events for you to take part in. The best thing here is that the equipment you get is scaling with your ilvl. It caps at ilvl382, which is not the best option to go for but suits perfectly our alt army.

Starting with the Iskaara Tuskarr, their Community Feast event is unlocked at Renown 3. While participating in it, you are to cook the most delicious soup that ever existed. The event starts every 3 hours and 30 minutes. This type of reward is account-wide meaning all your alts on the same account get access to it if you unlocked it while playing your main character. This is where you can find the Iskaara Tuskarr’s camp.

Up next, we have the Valdrakken Accord with their Siege on Dragonbane Keep event. While participating in it, you are to help a group of Drakonids defend their keep You can unlock it once you reach Renown 5 with this faction. The event starts every 2 hours and is relatively easy to succeed in. Speaking of the equipment, the same rules are applied here. You can get your hands on decent ilvl382 gear pieces. This is where you can find the Valdrakken Accord’s camp.

Of course, you can try your luck with other factions as well. Nonetheless, the two we have mentioned above offer the best equipment available. It might not be that good to put it on your main character but works fine for alts.

Although the events are exciting and intuitively easy to complete, not all players have enough time for that. If you are one of those people who still want to get the desired rewards, we have the solution for you. By ordering World of Warcraft Boosting services from our company, you can be sure our professional players will take care of it. We offer fair prices and guarantee the result.

Hunting for Super Rares

Wondering how to level quickly in WoW often leads us to mob grinding. However, it must be something bigger than that when we are talking about getting decent equipment pieces. Another way to get your alt geared up is to hunt for super rares. Currently, there are 12 of them in the game. Each mob spawns one time per day.

Slaying them gives you a chance of receiving ilvl350-385 loot. Keep in mind that the things you get are not capped to your class and can be meant to be worn by any other class. Down below, we have prepared the table containing all mobs’ names, their location, and exact map coordinates.

Mob Name Location Map Coordinates
Rohzor Forgesmash The Waking Shores /way 25.0, 61.6
Turboris The Waking Shores /way 33.6, 55.6
Battlehorn Pyrhus The Waking Shores /way 28.6, 58.8
Cauldronbearer Blakor The Waking Shores /way 30.6, 56.2
Char The Waking Shores /way 30.8, 51.6
Captain Lancer The Waking Shores /way 26.8, 76.0
Enkine the Voracious The Waking Shores /way 21.60, 64.78
Gnarls The Azure Span /way 14.0, 37.6
Blisterhide The Azure Span /way 14.0, 30.8
High Shaman Rotknuckle The Azure Span /way 16.2, 33.6
Snarglebone The Azure Span /way 11.0, 32.6
Ancient Protector Thaldraszus /way 59.1, 58.7

Again, it is not the best gear you can get your hands on. However, it will suit your alts just fine to let them participate in Raiding and Mythic+ content successfully. Besides, these rares are much easier to farm, as they spawn daily, unlike World Bosses.

If you are not sure you can show decent results while Raiding yet wish to get high-rank loot, we are here for you. By ordering our WoW Raid Boost services, you can be sure our pro players will get any boss slayed. No matter what gear you currently have, we guarantee the result. Our company offers the lowest prices on the market and provides cashback for each order.


This marks the end of our leveling and gearing up guide for your alt army. In general, both processes have become slightly easier for casual players to succeed in. The game’s creators have tried their best to release the latest expansion to make it equally comfortable for all types of players.

On our behalf, we have provided you with the most efficient leveling and gearing up methods currently existing in the game. We hope you have learned a lot from this article. Make sure to stay with us, as we will keep updating this guide if any changes occur.


Is The War Within alt friendly?

If we compare the latest expansion to what we had in the past, we definitely see positive changes. It has become way easier to level up an alt in The War Within since the developers have added a variety of leveling methods and lowered XP requirements that existed before.

How to level alts fast in WoW?

The whole leveling process consists of a confluence of factors. They include correct talent builds, special items for leveling, and more. In this article, we have described all of them to make your path to the level’s cap easier and faster.

How long does it take to level from 70 to 80 in The War Within?

It depends on what leveling path you choose personally. However, the average time should be around 10-12 hours.

Are dungeons the fastest way to level?

It is particularly difficult to say exactly, as it mostly depends on your playing style. Speaking of The War Within expansion in particular, questing looks more beneficial. However, clearing dungeons is also a good way of leveling that requires no extra actions rather than slaying mobs.

How long does it take to level in The War Within?

Again, it depends on what leveling strategy you choose and how hard you try in general. We can say exactly that the average time should not exceed 20 hours.

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