Deathstalker Rogue Guide - Talents, Leveling, and Rotation

Read our complete Deathstalker Rogue guide to learn everything about this talent tree in WoW The War Within. We also cover the best leveling strategies and the strongest rotations to use in a fight.

Read Our Deathstalker Rogue Guide for WoW The War Within

Welcome to our complete Deathstalker Rogue guide for The War Within. Here, you can find everything about this talent tree. This includes the description of all talents introduced in the latest WoW expansion, leveling strategies, the best rotations, and more.

The main thing you are probably interested in is the talent update we have received. This expansion has brought WoW The War Within Deathstalker Rogue to life. Just like many other talent trees, this one is quite controversial. Many players still do not understand whether they want to build their gameplay around it at all.

You can play Deathstalker Rogue in The War Within if you choose either Subtlety or Assassination spec. Both specializations share the same talent names yet have slightly or completely different effects. Some of the talents are absolutely the same since both specs focus on dealing damage.

We are constantly working on our Deathstalker Rogue DPS guide to update its contents. So far, we have covered all the essential topics you need for a successful start in TWW. While this talent tree does not seem too powerful, it already has its spot in the current WoW meta.

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Deathstalker Rogue Talents

With the introduction of the Hero Talent system, all class specs have received noticeable changes. This is the key feature we have seen with The War Within release. We have prepared a full list of Deathstalker Rogue talents and a detailed description of each one. You can find information concerning both specializations, no matter if you are playing Subtlety or Assassination Rogue.

Deathstalker Subtlety Rogue Talents

Most of the talents you have as Deathstalker Subtlety Rogue are centered around buffing your Combo Points mechanic. This is done by your Deathstalker’s Mark and Darkest Night talents. The first one is your Keystone talent, and the second one is your Capstone talent. Everything in between them is just auxiliary tools you need for more DPS.

  • Deathstalker Keystone Talent

Deathstalker's Mark: When you use Shadowstrike from Stealth or Shadow Dance, your target receives 3 stacks of Deathstalker's Mark. Spending 5 or more combo points on attacks against a Marked target consumes one stack of Deathstalker's Mark, inflicting Plague damage equal to 120% of your Attack power and boosting the damage of your next Backstab or Shadowstrike by 40%. You can only have one target Marked at any given time.

Row 1 Row 2 Row 3
Clear the Witnesses: After applying Deathstalker's Mark, your next Shuriken Storm inflicts extra Plague damage equal to 100% of your Attack power and generates 1 additional combo point. Hunt Them Down: Your auto-attacks against Marked targets inflict an extra Plague damage equal to 20% of your Attack power. Singular Focus: When you deal damage to any target other than your Marked target, 5% of that damage is also inflicted as Plague damage on your Marked target.
Fatal Intent: When you use damaging abilities against enemies with more than 20% health, there is a very high chance to apply Fatal Intent. Once the enemy's health drops below 20%, each stack of Fatal Intent triggers Plague damage. Corrupt the Blood: Each time Rupture deals damage, it inflicts an additional Plague damage equal to 2.5% of your Attack power, stacking up to 10 times. Additionally, Rupture's duration is extended by 3 seconds.

Choose One: Lingering Darkness & Symbolic Victory

Choose One: Ethereal Cloak & Bait and Switch

Choose One: Momentum of Despair & Follow the Blood

Choose One: Shadewalker & Shroud of Night

  • Deathstalker Capstone Talent

Darkest Night: When you consume the last Deathstalker's Mark on a target or when the target dies, you gain 40 Energy. Your next Eviscerate with full Combo Points is guaranteed to critically strike, deal 60% more damage, and immediately apply 3 stacks of Deathstalker's Mark to the target.

Deathstalker Assassination Rogue Talents

Just like the previous specialization described, this one has similar mechanics. Most of the talents revolve around the Deathstalker’s Mark feature. The only difference is that a few talents use different abilities.

  • Deathstalker Keystone Talent

Deathstalker's Mark: When you use Ambush from Stealth, it applies 3 stacks of Deathstalker's Mark to your target. Spending 5 or more Combo Points on attacks against a Marked target consumes one stack of Deathstalker's Mark, dealing Plague damage equal to 120% of your Attack power and boosting the damage of your next Ambush or Mutilate by 40%. You can only mark one target at a time.

Row 1 Row 2 Row 3
Clear the Witnesses: After applying Deathstalker's Mark, your next Fan of Knives inflicts extra Plague damage equal to 100% of your Attack power and generates 1 additional Combo Point. Hunt Them Down: Your auto-attacks against Marked targets inflict an extra Plague damage equal to 20% of your Attack power. Singular Focus: When you deal damage to any target other than your Marked target, 5% of that damage is also inflicted as Plague damage on your Marked target.
Fatal Intent: When you use damaging abilities against enemies with more than 20% health, there is a very high chance to apply Fatal Intent. Once the enemy's health drops below 20%, each stack of Fatal Intent triggers Plague damage. Corrupt the Blood: Each time Rupture deals damage, it inflicts an additional Plague damage equal to 2.5% of your Attack power, stacking up to 10 times. Additionally, Rupture's duration is extended by 3 seconds.

Choose One: Lingering Darkness & Symbolic Victory

Choose One: Ethereal Cloak & Bait and Switch

Choose One: Momentum of Despair & Follow the Blood

Choose One: Shadewalker & Shroud of Night

  • Deathstalker Capstone Talent

Darkest Night: When you consume the last Deathstalker's Mark on a target or when the target dies, you gain 40 Energy. Your next Envenom with maximum combo points is guaranteed to critically strike, inflict 60% more damage, and apply 3 stacks of Deathstalker's Mark to the target. BLOG20

Best Deathstalker Rogue Talents

Gaining access to all talents within the Deathstalker tree is crucial to maximizing your potential. However, you can only do this upon reaching level 80, the new cap in WoW TWW. When you get to this point, you might discover that specific talents are stronger than others. Experimenting with your build is the first thing you want to do. Luckily, the Deathstalker tree has plenty of “Choose One” talents to try in action. If you are still looking for the best Deathstalker Rogue talents, here are our picks:

  1. Deathstalker's Mark
  2. Clear the Witness
  3. Fatal Intent
  4. Bait and Switch
  5. Darkest Night

You can never evaluate how powerful a particular talent is without others. They are all interlinked and need each other. Some of them unlock extra opportunities to deal more DPS, and others increase your defenses. We have picked these five talents so far, but this list can change after another patch is released by the developers.

Here is a short explanation of why we have chosen exactly these talents from the Deathstalker Rogue WoW talent tree:

  • Deathstalker's Mark: Since this is your Keystone talent, we simply cannot miss out on mentioning it here. It significantly improves your DPS and lets other talents bring their benefits.
  • Clear the Witness: Greatly improves one of your main spell’s damage and lets you get more Combo Points.
  • Fatal Intent: This can help you finish off a damaged enemy once their HP is below 20%.
  • Bait and Switch: Greatly increases your defenses against both Physical and Magical damage types.
  • Darkest Night: This is your Capstone talent that further increases your damage and restores extra Energy.

As you can see, most of these talents have passive effects. This means you get extra bonuses without making your existing rotations more difficult.

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How to Play Deathstalker Rogue

So far, we cannot cover how to play Deathstalker Rogue at this point. The reason for this is that many players are not happy with how the talent tree works. We are sure the developers are going to rework it, at least in quite a few mechanics. Do not get us wrong! This talent tree is not weak or anything. We just do not fully understand the way it is supposed to work in the actual game.

There are plenty of buffs, triggers, and effects you can benefit from. However, they are little interlinked with each other. After our team runs some tests, we will update this part of our WoW Deathstalker Rogue guide to provide you with the latest details.

Deathstalker Rogue Leveling Guide

As you enter the renewed world of The War Within, you have a new level threshold to conquer. This time, you are to go all the way up to level 80 to reach the cap. To ensure you get to this point ASAP, we have prepared this Deathstalker Rogue leveling guide for you.

During your Deathstalker Rogue leveling in WoW, your priority should be getting to the endgame content. Once you do this, you can run M+ dungeons and complete raids. This guarantees you can loot the rarest and strongest gear parts, including weapons and armor.

If you wish to save time, you can use our WoW Power Level deal. Our PROs will help you reach level 80 in a blink of an eye. Skip the grind and enjoy the content you like instead of farming XP for days and weeks.

Here is how to level up as a Deathstalker Rogue in WoW The War Within:

Levels 1-10:

  • Learn essential skills like Sinister Strike and Eviscerate. Consistent use of these abilities will make mob farming quicker and more effective.
  • Complete all quests in your starting area to gain experience and get a better understanding of the environment.
  • As you level up, you will unlock new abilities. Incorporate these into your routine to enhance your farming and exploration efficiency.

Levels 11-20:

  • Once you are ready, move on to tougher zones. Your new abilities will equip you to handle more challenging enemies.
  • Try out your new skills and experiment with different combinations to see what works best for you. This is an ideal time to test various strategies.
  • Do not overlook low-level dungeons and group activities – they are great for earning extra XP and adding some variety to your experience.

Levels 21-40:

  • Continue to fine-tune your ability rotation and integrate new skills to improve your farming speed and make questing more efficient.
  • By level 40, you will have a strong set of core abilities. Use them wisely to optimize your performance in mid-game content.

Levels 41-60:

  • Consider joining a guild as you near endgame content. Being part of a guild will boost your chances of completing endgame challenges and earning valuable rewards.
  • Higher-level dungeons and raids will become available to you. Do these to level up faster and gain important experience.
  • As you unlock more abilities, decide which ones align best with your playstyle and incorporate them into your strategy.

Levels 61-80:

  • Focus on completing the most rewarding quests for experience and fine-tune your ability rotation to its peak performance.
  • Upon reaching the level cap in The War Within, you will have access to all PvE and PvP activities. Select the ones that interest you most or target specific rewards to strengthen your character further.

So far, Deathstalker Rogue in WoW 11.1 seems like a decent pick for fast leveling. Things become even easier when you get access to your defensive and utility abilities in the mid-game.

Deathstalker Rogue Rotation Guide

The Rogue class is known for its complex rotation no matter what specialization is chosen. While this is partly true, our Deathstalker Rogue rotation guide can help you master anything you want. We will provide you with a rotation alternative for both Subtlety and Assassination specs further in this part of the article.

As you learn the most basic WoW Deathstalker Rogue rotation, you can experiment with possible options. In any case, your primary goal is to deal the highest DPS possible. Along the way, you want to use your utility and defensive abilities to stay alive and not get caught easily. BLOG20

Deathstalker Subtlety Rogue Rotation

Here is an example of a Deathstalker Subtlety Rogue rotation to use in WoW TWW:

  1. Always begin the fight in Stealth
  2. Shadowstrike
  3. Slice and Dice
  4. Sepsis
  5. Echoing Reprimand
  6. Shadowstrike
  7. Backstab
  8. Backstab
  9. Flagellation
  10. Rupture
  11. Symbols of Death
  12. Shadow Blades
  13. Vanish
  14. Shadowstrike
  15. Shadow Dance
  16. Eviscerate
  17. Thistle Tea
  18. Shadowstrike
  19. Cold Blood
  20. Secret Technique
  21. Eviscerate
  22. Shadowstrike
  23. Eviscerate

In most cases, this rotation will dominate single-target fights.

Deathstalker Assassination Rogue Rotation

As an Assassination Rogue, you can use this rotation option for the Deathstalker talent tree:

  1. Always begin the fight in Stealth
  2. Garrote
  3. Echoing Reprimand
  4. Rupture
  5. Slice and Dice
  6. Ambush and Mutilate until you are at 5+ Combo Points
  7. Envenom
  8. Deathmark together with your DPS potion and your on-use trinket
  9. Shiv and Thistle Tea
  10. Kingsbane
  11. Mutilate and Ambush
  12. Spam Envenom with 5+ Combo Points
  13. Refresh Shiv
  14. Vanish to apply Garrote once again

Similarly to the previous rotation, use this one to take down single targets.


This wraps up our WoW Deathstalker Rogue guide, heroes. We have covered everything you need to know about this talent tree. So far, this seems like a viable, but not the strongest choice for both Subtlety and Assassination specs. You have tons of interesting mechanics to combine, but not all of them can benefit from each other.


What are the best Deathstalker Rogue talents?


Here is a list of the best Deathstalker Rogue talents:

  • Deathstalker's Mark
  • Clear the Witness
  • Fatal Intent
  • Bait and Switch
  • Darkest Night

Is Deathstalker Rogue good?


Many players are not really happy with how Deathstalker Rogue is played. We should wait for the developers to take some actions to make this talent tree fully playable.

Is Deathstalker Rogue hard to play WoW?


Not really. Deathstalker Rogues have plenty of interesting passive mechanics and bonuses to benefit from. On top of that, your rotation does not become more difficult, thanks to these new talents.

How do I maximize DPS as Deathstalker Rogue?


Triggering Deathstalker’s Marks can help you maximize DPS as a Deathstalker Rogue. You have plenty of mechanics and talents linked to this passive feature.

Which spec is best for Deathstalker Rogue?


The Subtlety specialization seems like a more viable choice for the Deathstalker talent tree in WoW.

Is Deathstalker Rogue good for fast leveling in WoW?


Deathstalker Rogues can be a decent pick for fast leveling, especially if you have unlocked the main defensive and utility abilities.

What is the best Deathstalker Rogue rotation in WoW?


Here is how you usually start a rotation as a Deathstalker Rogue:

  1. Always begin the fight in Stealth
  2. Shadowstrike
  3. Slice and Dice
  4. Sepsis
  5. Echoing Reprimand
  6. Shadowstrike

Is Deathstalker Rogue good for PvE?


Now, it seems like Deathstalker Rogues are more PvP-oriented, but it works for PvE as well.

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