This article is devoted to Evoker and its Devastation talent tree in particular. As for now, only the new Dracthyr race can play the Evoker class. You can choose to focus on Devastation to deal damage or Preservation to heal allies. Both specializations combine the magic of five Dragonflights featuring unique spells and mechanics. Speaking of the Devastation tree, it uses the power of the Red and Blue Dragonflights to deal overwhelming damage from a medium range.
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Devastation Evoker Overview
Our WoW Devastation Evoker guide starts with the class-specific novelties brought to the game. Playing as Evoker, you can empower your spells to maximize their effects. To do this, you need to press and hold your keyboard or mouse button to charge up an ability. Specializing in the Devastation branch, you can empower the following spells and change the way they work:
- Fire Breath starts dealing a portion of damage instantly, the effect increases with level;
- Eternity Surge starts dealing multiple targets, the effect increases with level.
Speaking of other ability-related features, Evokers use Essence along with Mana to cast their spells. This newly-implemented resource replenishes over time even when you are out of battle.
Just like Death Knights and Demon Hunters, Dracthyr Evokers have their own starter zone, The Forbidden Reach and begin at level 58. You can choose to fight for Alliance or Horde, no restrictions here.
As a mid-range caster, your maximum spell range is 25 yards. It is not that much and feels a bit clumsy, but works fine once you get used to it. The amount of damage you deal depends on your primary stat, which is Intellect. Playing as Evoker, you can arm yourself with Staves, Axes, Maces, Daggers, Fist Weapons, and Swords. Speaking of what armor type you want to opt for, it is Mail. Your racial abilities are Wing Buffet and Tail Swipe. Both are used to disable your foes in battle.
Devastation Evoker Advantages and Disadvantages
In this part of our Devastation Evoker The War Within guide, we will review this spec’s pros and cons and share a few ideas on why you should pick it.
Beginning with the upsides, they include the following:
- Overwhelmingly mobile due to the Rescue, Hover, and Verdant Embrace abilities. You also have Glide to slow down your falling speed as your racial talent;
- Can deal devastating damage to new targets thanks to Mastery: Giantkiller;
- Can be extremely useful in any team composition due to the Expunge, Cauterizing Flame, and Rescue spells;
- Can specialize in various DPS profiles;
Adding a few words on the downsides, they look as follows:
- Relatively low HP and only one personal defensive ability;
- It takes some time to get used to the limited 25-yard ability range;
- No immunity;
- Cannot deal the same amounts of damage as the enemy’s HP gets lower. Though, you can partially balance out this drawback due to other secondary stats.
Playing as Devastation Evoker provides you with a great range of Damage and Utility spells. Combining them with Obsidian Scales, Renewing Blaze, and Tempered Scales, you can survive long enough if not make yourself open to direct damage sources.
To get the maximum out of this spec, you need to reach the level’s cap. If you are not ready to spend tons of your time grinding in the game, we are here to help you. By ordering our The War Within Leveling services, our pro players will get your character boosted in a blink of an eye. All you are left to do is try out a new class in the game to see how it works for you. BLOG20
Devastation Evoker Gameplay Essentials
As Devastation Evoker, your primary damage source is combining your strongest abilities in the correct order. On top of that, you want to master the empowering mechanic as fast as possible since it allows you to deal even more damage. If making it as a short Devastation Evoker DPS guide, it would look like this:
- By using Blue spells with the Charged Blast talent, you can increase your next Pyre cast damage;
- To heal your allies additionally and increase your next Living Flame cast damage, use Scarlet Adaptation;
- If you have opted for the Leaping Flames talent, your next Living Flame cast will hit multiple targets if you previously used Fire Breath;
- The Animosity talent works perfectly with Dragonrage, as it extends the duration of the latter if any empowered spells have been cast;
- Combine Fire Breath, which becomes your biggest damage ability at the last empowerment level, with Tip the Scales. The latter allows your empowered ability to be cast immediately at the maximum level;
- You can reduce your empowered spells’ cooldown with the Feed the Flames and Causality talents.
It becomes obvious that playing this spec makes you think of your next step. Only by combining particular spells and talents, you can unlock Devastation Evoker’s damage potential. Further in this guide, we will describe a range of possible rotations to make it clearer for you how you wish to build your gaming style with this class.
Devastation Evoker Core Abilities
Your primary goal is to deal devastating damage as soon as the fight starts. As we have mentioned before, you need to combine your ordinary and empowered spells to achieve the highest DPS possible. The following WoW Devastation Evoker abilities will be useful in any PvE or PvP battle:
- Fire Breath – Deals a ton of Fire damage hitting up to 5 targets. You can empower this spell to increase damage and deal a portion of it immediately;
- Eternity Surge – Another AoE spell dealing Frost damage. The number of targets you can hit with it increases as you empower it;
- Shattering Star – Can be used not only to deal a good amount of damage to a solo target, but also to reduce its defense by 20%. This is a great Opener ability that increases your burst potential;
- Pyre – An instant-cast ability that can hit several foes if they are close to each other. Having the Charged Blast talent will only increase this ability’s damage;
- Living Flame – Can be used either to deal damage or heal your ally. Combining this ability with Scarlet Adaptation and Leaping Flames will increase its damage and the number of targets it hits;
- Deep Breath – Works perfectly if you need to overhaul the target or escape the fight. Apart from dealing damage, you also get rid of all root effects and become immune to movement restriction abilities when flying.
Despite being a ranged damage dealer, Devastation Evoker has several Utility abilities. They are equally useful in any team composition and benefit greatly in both PvE and PvP:
- Rescue – Can be used to save your ally if they end up in a hopeless situation;
- Zephyr – Boosts you and your allies’ movement speed and reduces incoming AoE damage. The effect can be applied to 4 players within 20 yards;
- Time Spiral – Allows you and your allies to cast their movement abilities even if they are on a cooldown and requires any resources to be used. The effect works once in 10 seconds and can be applied to one spell only;
- Blessing of the Bronze – Works similarly to the previous talent, but reduces your allies’ movement abilities cooldown by 15% instead;
- Cauterizing Flame – Can be used to remove Bleed, Poison, Curse, and Disease effects from the chosen target and heal it;
- Oppressing Roar – Prolongs the effect of crowd control abilities applied to your enemies by 50%.
As we stated above, all the mentioned abilities perform great in both PvE and PvP aspects of the game. Choosing the Devastation spec means not only dealing massive damage, but to cooperate with your allies when necessary.
If you manage to find a group of 5 skillful players and master the Devastation Evoker specialization, you will undoubtedly clear a dungeon of any difficulty. However, it may take months to happen and you need to gear up right now. To make sure any dungeon brings the highest rewards, you can order our Mythic Carry services. A team of pro players will take care of this job for you. Your only task is to see what loot you get and keep exploring The War Within further.
Recommended Stat Priority
No matter what class you are playing, having the right stat order is vitally important. If you choose the correct stat build, your PvE and PvP performance will improve radically. In this part of the article, we will share everything you need to know about the stats you have and how they influence your gameplay.
As you already understand, your primary stat is Intellect. The best way to increase it is to wear Mail armor. Being a primary stat, it boosts your spell power and overall damage. Try to maximize it by any means, as it influences your DPS potential directly.
Other Devastation Evoker stats include the following:
- Mastery is absolutely crucial, as it not only increases your damage, but also makes Mastery: Giantkiller work more effectively;
- Haste is what you should opt for to increase your spell-casting speed. This is especially important, as you want to deal burst damage by combining certain abilities one after another;
- Critical Strike influences the chance of dealing extra damage or healing additionally;
- Versatility slightly increases the damage you deal and the healing you apply to targets. On top of that, it reduces the damage you take from your enemies.
Despite having so many bonuses, this stat is not worth prioritizing. The only exception here is if you get focused and killed too quickly in battle.
The whole stat priority often depends on a particular situation. It may be changed according to your preferences. However, it will work just fine if you choose to follow the described order. No matter what priority you choose, always focus on dealing more damage, as this spec is all about it.
Devastation Evoker PvE Builds
The War Within expansion has changed the way we perceive the entire talent system. Now, we have received so many more possible build alternatives. Speaking of Devastation Evoker in particular, it is a completely new class you can experiment with. If you have not found the best PvE Devastation Evoker build for yourself yet, we are ready to share a few with you.
We would like to start with the Raid build you can use nearly against any boss. Keep in mind that it is particularly difficult to create an all-purpose build to fight every boss with equal facility. However, we have prepared the following option that performs decently in most cases. Starting with the main Evoker tree, it looks like this:
Of course, you can change a talent or two if you feel it is necessary. Nonetheless, the presented alternative would suit any boss fight. We recommend that you keep it like this, especially if you only begin mastering this class. Up next, we have the Devastation branch with the following talents:
We would like to mention that this build variety suits not only Raiding. It will also work perfectly for daily grinding and leveling. Though, if you decide to use it for fighting Raid bosses only, you can make a few changes depending on what boss you are facing. For instance, when fighting Terros, who acts as a solo target, you want to get rid of Protracted Talons or Leaping Flames. Instead, you should go for Innate Magic, as it speeds up your Essence restoration allowing you to use certain abilities more often and deal higher damage.
Our next The War Within Devastation Evoker PvE build is devoted to Mythic+ dungeons. To pass all the levels, you need to prepare carefully, as enemies will only become stronger. Just like with the option described above, the recommended variety is subject to change depending on what affixes and group composition you have. Though, the following build is versatile and powerful enough to get you through any dungeon if played well:
Feel free to change the presented Evoker main tree if you are struggling to pass a particular dungeon or if your team composition requires it. As for the Devastation branch, it might look as follows:
Depending on the situation and your team composition, you can cut out Clobbering Sweep and learn Overawe instead. This swap is what you need to dispel Enrage from mobs. On the contrary, you may lack potential crowd control.
No matter how hard you try to create a perfect build, you will encounter an undefeatable boss eventually. The same goes for a specific dungeon that seems impossible to pass. To deal with this problem, you can Buy The War Within Boost and let our pros do the job for you. The result is guaranteed and the service provided is completely safe.
Devastation Evoker PvP Builds
Up next, we have prepared a few The War Within Devastation Evoker PvP builds serving two different purposes. The first alternative suggested is all about cooperating with your allies and being devoted to maximizing not only your damage output, but also unlocking the utility potential. Starting with the main Evoker branch, it looks as follows:
It is definitely not a perfect combination of talents and you can change them according to the required situation. The suggested alternative is just one of the most successful ones existing at the moment. Speaking of the Devastation tree, it should look like this:
Opting for this build, you will not only deal decent damage, but will be useful for your team as well. If you are not satisfied with the amount of damage you output, we have prepared another build for you. It focuses on destroying a solo target in a blink of an eye and unlocks its peak potential in a duel. Starting with the main Evoker branch, it looks the following way:
If you are struggling to defeat a particular class or require extra utility, certain changes can be implemented. Though, the suggested alternative works perfectly fine in most cases. Up next, we have the Devastation branch that includes the following talents:
This build maximizes your damage potential allowing you to deal with solo targets in a few seconds. However, you still have a few tools to help your allies win a fight or empower yourself. No matter which build of the described ones you choose, it is not perfect and can be changed whether it is necessary. The Evoker class is all about versatility and adaptability to any in-game setting.
If you wish to try various builds, you need to have a few alts leveled up to compare them. The same goes if you want to play as Evoker for both Alliance and Horde. To get your alt boosted as quickly as possible, you can order our WoW Powerleveling services. It is a great choice to save your time, as you entrust this tiring job to our pro players. We offer fair prices and guarantee the fastest completion time.
BiS Equipment for Devastation Evoker
Since the Dragonflight expansion has brought the Crafting Order system, average players have become less dependent on Raid and Mythic+ sets. However, no crafted item can be compared to those you get from participating in the mentioned in-game activities. In this part of our guide, we want to provide you with a few tables, each containing various BiS equipment for Devastation Evoker.
Starting with the BiS Raid Equipment, it mostly focuses on Mastery and Haste stats. It allows you to deal the highest damage, which is exactly what you are looking for when playing this spec. Keep in mind that collecting all the mentioned items is practically unreal, but you can try your best to get your hands on as many of them as possible.
Equipment Slot | Item Name | Source |
Head | Snake Eater's Cowl | Volcoross |
Neck | Amulet of Eonar's Chosen | Nymue |
Shoulders | Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Sandbrace | Tindral Sageswift |
Cloak | Inflammable Drapeleaf | Gnarlroot |
Chest | Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Raiment | Nymue |
Wrist | Wellspring Wristlets | Nymue |
Gloves | Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Clawguards | Igira the Cruel |
Belt | Jeweled Sash of the Viper | Volcoross |
Legs | Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Breeches | Larodar, Keeper of the Flame |
Boots | Cleats of the Savage Claw | Urctos |
Ring | Band of Burning Thorns | Larodar, Keeper of the Flame |
Ring | Signet of the Last Elder | Igira the Cruel |
Trinket | Nymue's Unraveling Spindle | Nymue |
Trinket | Belor'relos, the Suncaller | Tindral Sageswift |
Main Hand | Vakash, the Shadowed Inferno | Fyrakk |
Off Hand | Trickster's Captivating Chime | Urctos |
2H Weapon | Dreambinder, Loom of the Great Cycle | Nymue |
Moving further, we continue with the Mythic+ set. The following armor pieces seem like the best Devastation Evoker equipment imaginable, but they are extremely difficult to get in the real game. Similar to the previous setup, it specializes in maxing your Mastery and Haste stats.
Equipment Slot | Item Name | Source |
Head | Loszkeleth's Blighted Skullhelm | Dawn of the Infinite |
Neck | Chain of the Green Flight | Darkheart Thicket |
Shoulders | Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Sandbrace | Catalyst |
Cloak | Raal's Bib | Waycrest Manor |
Chest | Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Raiment | Catalyst |
Wrist | Timeway Sojourner's Bracelet | Dawn of the Infinite |
Gloves | Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Clawguards | Catalyst |
Belt | Stonespeaker's Spare Cinch | Throne of the Tides |
Legs | Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Breeches | Catalyst |
Boots | Souldrifting Sabatons | Atal'Dazar |
Ring | Band of Callous Dominance | Black Rook Hold |
Ring | Seal of the Regal Loa | Atal'Dazar |
Trinket | Mirror of Fractured Tomorrows | Dawn of the Infinite |
Trinket | Sea Star | Throne of the Tides |
2H Weapon | Iridal, the Earth's Master | Dawn of the Infinite |
Main Hand | Morchie's Distorted Spellblade | Dawn of the Infinite |
Off Hand | Bioluminescent Lamp | Throne of the Tides |
Collecting a perfect range of armor items is only half the battle, as you need Trinkets to empower your character. They are an indispensable part of your equipment, as they increase your main and secondary stats. Check out the following table containing the most powerful Devastation Evoker trinkets.
If you are looking for where to spend your Dreaming Crests, the currency used to upgrade Mythic+ equipment, you should focus on rings and trinkets. They are your best choice since you get tons of Mastery from upgrading those equipment pieces.
By using the Spark of Dreams crafting reagent, you can partly substitute Raid and Mythic+ gear. You keep receiving one more Spark every week. Since this is a really rare reagent it should only be used for the items that actually worth it. This is what armor pieces you should strive to create:
- Adaptive Dracothyst Armguards;
- Flame-Touched Chainmail;
- Obsidian Seared Hexsword;
- Crackling Codex of the Isles;
- Obsidian Seared Invoker;
Finally, you have Embellishments to attach to your armor pieces. However, you are limited to wearing 2 embellished gear pieces only. The best examples are:
- Adaptive Dracothyst Armguards;
- Undulating Sporecloak;
- Shadowflame-Tempered Armor Patch;
- Blue Silken Lining;
- Infurious Boots of Reprieve (PvP Only);
As you can see, you have tons of equipment pieces to buy. Theoretically, the major part of this gear can be looted. If you cannot do this, the only way left to get it is to use the Crafting Order system to create substitutes. It requires a crazy amount of gold to buy everything you need. Grinding it will take an eternity, but you can go an easier way instead. Our company offers the best WoW Gold prices on the market. You can buy as much of the in-game currency as you need to afford any item.
Devastation Evoker Enchants and Consumables
Purchasing high-rank equipment is not the only way to empower your character. You can also buy various enchantments to gain more secondary stats. Let us remind you that you gain the biggest advantage from the Mastery stat. For your convenience, we have prepared the table containing the strongest enchantments.
Equipment Slot | Optimal Choice |
Weapon | Sophic Devotion/Wafting Devotion |
Cloak | Homebound Speed |
Chest | Waking Stats |
Bracers | Devotion of Speed |
Legs | |
Belt | |
Boots | Plainsrunner's Breeze |
Ring | Devotion of Mastery |
No matter if you are focusing on a PvE or PvP aspect of the game, you will need a bunch of phials and potions to survive. On top of that, having a decent weapon buff might be handy as well. To maximize your Critical Strike stat, use Buzzing Rune for your weapon. If you decide to increase your Haste stat instead, go for Howling Rune.
Returning to phials, your primary option is Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage. Despite having a strong toxic effect, you can avoid it and deal with an enemy before it triggers. If you are not fond of having any downsides, choose Phial of Elemental Chaos instead. To maximize your Mastery: Giantkiller effect, pick Phial of Glacial Fury to deal even more damage to new targets.
To increase your damage output to the cap, you can use Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power, which boosts your primary stat. If you wish to go for a cheaper version, go for Elemental Potion of Power. Since the Evoker class struggles with having enough HP, you should always have Refreshing Healing Potion to survive in a fight. To get even more healing, use Potion of Withering Vitality, but bear in mind its drawback. Items like Delicate Suspension of Spores and Residual Neural Channeling Agent can help your allies when you are dead.
All the mentioned empowerments will be handy in any in-game situation, whether we are talking about raiding or clearing another dungeon. However, you can never be too confident in your victory. To ensure you get the best loot possible, you can order our WoW Raid Boost services. Our professional players will take care of any dungeon or raid for you. All you are left to do is to enjoy the rewards and keep exploring the continent.
Devastation Evoker Best Rotations
Since this spec is highly dependent on combining spells, it has various rotations for you to choose from. No matter what WoW Devastation Evoker rotation you decide to go for, it will take some time to master it. Let us begin with the Single-Target rotation where your primary goal is to deal burst damage:
- Cast Fire Breath, but do not empower it higher than level 1. The reason for this is that you need the longest DoT from this spell. The latter will trigger Burnout with a higher chance, as you will have 20 seconds for this;
- Shattering Star;
- Cast Eternity Surge, but do not empower it higher than level 1. Since this rotation aims to deal the highest solo-target damage, you do not need to hit several targets;
- Disintegrate;
- Living Flame;
- Use Hover to gain extra mobility when casting spells if necessary.
Up next, we have a similar rotation yet focusing on dealing damage to two targets:
- Cast Fire Breath, but do not empower it higher than level 1 for the same reason;
- Shattering Star;
- Cast Eternity Surge and empower it to level 2 to hit two targets simultaneously;
- Disintegrate;
- Deep Breath;
- Living Flame;
- Azure Strike;
- Use Hover to gain extra mobility when casting spells if necessary.
Finally, we have the AoE rotation, which will be extremely useful in mass fights:
- Cast Fire Breath and empower it to level 2/3;
- Shattering Star;
- Cast Eternity Surge and empower it to level 2/3 depending on how many targets you are facing;
- Pyre;
- Deep Breath;
- Azure Strike.
Devastation Evoker Leveling
Playing as Devastation Evoker in the 11.1 patch has a number of pros and cons when it comes to the leveling process. Starting with this spec’s strong sides, they look as follows:
- Can deal high damage to solo and multiple targets;
- High-mobility talents (e.g. Soar) allow you to get from one mob camp to another quicker;
- The Visage ability allows you to heal while you are out of combat remaining in your Visage form.
Speaking of the weak sides, they include:
- Not enough HP to farm large packs on your own;
- Being dependent on the Essence resource makes you wait for it to replenish sometimes;
- You have to use Landslide, Wing Buffet, and Tail Swipe on cooldown to deal with melee enemies effectively.
To increase your leveling speed, you might want to try out the following talent build variety. Beginning with the main Evoker branch, it looks like this:
However, your damaging potential lies in the Devastation tree:
To maximize the leveling speed, the following rotation can help greatly:
- Dragonrage;
- Cast and empower Fire Breath to the maximum, use it on cooldown;
- Eternity Surge on cooldown;
- Shattering Star on cooldown;
- Use Pyre against multiple targets or Disintegrate against a solo target;
- Cast Living Flame and Azure Strike to gain Essence Burst for other abilities.
To level up quicker and more effectively, you can use a range of consumables that include:
- Gunshoes to reposition faster;
- Cosmic Healing Potion to restore HP when necessary;
- Potion of Spectral Intellect to boost your Intellect and increase damage output;
- Shadowcore Oil to deal more damage by default;
- Heavy Desolate Armor Kit to have more HP;
- Fried Bonefish/Bear Tartare will make you move faster after you slay a foe.
Once you reach the level’s cap, you will spend most of your time raiding or clearing another dungeon. You need this to get high-rank loot and empower your character even more. Nonetheless, it is not always possible due to various reasons. If you are never lucky with a skillful team or simply do not have time to participate in these in-game activities, we are here to help.
By ordering our World of Warcraft Boosting services, you can be sure our pro players will take care of any dungeon or raid for you. You just need to enjoy the rewards and do whatever you like in the latest expansion.
Other Articles to Read
Do you enjoy playing damage-dealing classes? Then, you will certainly love our Demonology Warlock guide. It contains everything you need to know about this specialization, including possible talent builds, leveling tips, and more.
If you are tired of Raiding and Mythic+ content, it is high time to check what Minor Factions have been brought to the game with the latest expansion. It is a great way to diversify your gameplay and receive unique cosmetic rewards.
Cannot get enough gold to buy everything you need? Check out our Skinning guide where we share all the tips and tricks you need to know about this gathering profession. Mastering it will make you the richest player on the server.
The Devastation Evoker spec is definitely worth your attention since it is a completely new class offering a range of unseen before abilities. Being a well-balanced spec, it combines overwhelming damage and indispensable utility abilities. It performs equally well in any team composition and works fine against solo and multiple targets.
We hope you have learned a lot about Devastation Evoker from our guide. Make sure to stay with us, as we will keep updating this article if any changes occur.
Is Devastation Evoker hard to play in WoW?
Once you realize what abilities play the key role in dealing damage, the spec becomes easier to master. On top of that, you need to understand what rotation to use in each particular situation.
How do I maximize DPS as Devastation Evoker?
Not only you should press certain abilities on cooldown, but you should also understand the spell sequence. This spec is all about combining spells in the correct order.
Is Devastation Evoker good in The War Within?
Being a mid-range caster and boasting a number of unique abilities, it is definitely one of the strongest classes of the latest expansion. It features various builds and suits any team composition perfectly.
Is Devastation Evoker good in PvE WoW?
It definitely is. Due to the large range of AoE abilities, you can effectively farm mob packs and level up quickly.