Dragonflight Season 4 Mythic+ Loot Table

By reading our article, you can discover Dragonflight Season 4 Mythic+ loot table. From trinkets to weapons and armor pieces, we have you covered completely. We also share details on what the maximum ilvl is available within this season. Finally, you can find a short description of what The Great Vault has to offer.

Discover Dragonflight Season 4 Mythic+ Loot Table

Champions of Azeroth, the long-awaited and final Season of expansion is here. Now, you have a chance to explore all eight dungeons before they are gone for long. The following article presents a comprehensive Dragonflight Season 4 Mythic+ loot table. We are also going to share information concerning the current item levels of drops you can get.

Do not miss an opportunity to upgrade your gear. There is no weekly cap on how many M+ dungeons you can run. With each run, groups are assured of at least two gear drops, handed out to participants through the personal loot system. So, the more you delve into these challenging instances, the more WoW Season 4 Mythic+ loot awaits you and your group!

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Dragonflight Season 4 Great Vault Explained

In addition to WoW Season 4 Mythic plus loot, each week presents you with a chance to earn potent gear from the Great Vault. The quality of these rewards is determined by the highest keystone dungeon you have completed that week, with the highest achievable keystone being level 10.

Mythic plus loot in WoW Season 4 can reach an impressive item level of 509. On the other hand, the rewards from the Great Vault can go even higher, capping at item level 522. To amplify the strength of your acquired gear, you can also use Flightstone and Crests, enhancing your equipment to its full potential.

What Dungeons Are Available in Mythic+ Season 4?

As we have mentioned at the beginning of the article, players get a chance to experience all 8 Dragonflight dungeons. Here are what instances you can expect in Mythic+ Season 4 of the current WoW expansion:

  1. Algeth’ar Academy
  2. Azure Vault
  3. Brackenhide Hollow
  4. Halls of Infusion
  5. Neltharus
  6. The Nokhud Offensive
  7. Ruby Life Pool
  8. Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr

Further in our guide, we will provide you with WoW Season 4 Mythic plus rewards you can get from every one of these dungeons. This will give you a better understanding of what loot you want to hunt for. Consequently, you can focus on clearing a particular instance over and over again to increase your chances.

Dragonflight Season 4 Mythic Plus Item Levels

As it always happens, we are facing an increase in WoW Season 4 Mythic plus item level. This time, you can go as high as level 509. Compare this to the previous Season where this number was just 470. Below, we have compiled a table to clarify the changes you need to be prepared for:

Keystone Difficulty Level End of Dungeon Item Level Great Vault Item Level
2 493 509
3 496 509
4 499 512
5 502 512
6 502 515
7 506 515
8 506 519
9 509 519
10 509 522

Depending on what keystone you manage to complete, Dragonflight Season 4 Mythic+ items will feature a different ilvl. With the reworked M+ system, everything functions in a more straightforward and concise way. Just gather a reliable party, and you are good to go to upgrade your gear to the new heights! BLOG20

WoW Season 4 Mythic+ Loot Table

Now, we have got the sweetest part! The rest of the article is devoted to WoW Season 4 Mythic+ loot table. You will get acquainted with the possible rewards you can claim. For your convenience, we have split this segment to several key points. For example, we are going to enlist the items depending on what gear slot they occupy.

Season 4 Mythic+ Trinkets

Starting with Season 4 Mythic+ Trinkets, here is a complete list of them. For a better understanding, we have also specified the attributes they increase:

Item Type Dungeon
Dragon Games Equipment Strength Algeth’ar Academy
Emerald Coach’s Whistle Intellect Algeth’ar Academy
Algeth’ar Puzzle Box Agility/Strength Algeth’ar Academy
Burgeoning Seed Agility/Strength The Azure Vault
Tome of Unstable Power Intellect The Azure Vault
Frenzying Signoll Flare Agility/Strength Brackenhide Hollow
Treemouth’s Festering Splinter Agility/Strength Brackenhide Hollow
Idol of Pure Decay Agility/Intellect Brackenhide Hollow
Irideus Fragment Mastery Halls of Infusion
Globe of Jagged Ice Agility Halls of Infusion
Water’s Beating Heart Intellect Halls of Infusion
Mutated Magmammoth Scale Agility/Strength Neltharus
Erupting Spear Fragment Agility/Intellect Neltharus
Spoils of Neltharus Intellect Neltharus
Bottle of Spiraling Winds Haste The Nokhud Offensive
Furious Ragefeather Intellect The Nokhud Offensive
Idol of Trampling Hooves Strength The Nokhud Offensive
Miniature Singing Stone Intellect The Nokhud Offensive
Ruby Whelp Shell Agility/Strength/Intellect Ruby Life Pools
Blazebinder’s Hoof Haste Ruby Life Pools
Kyrakka’s Searing Embers Crit Ruby Life Pools
Homeland Raid Horn Agility/Strength Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Inexorable Resonator Strength Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Time-Breaching Talon Intellect Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr

As we have already said in our Dragonflight Season 4 Mythic plus loot table guide, focus on the items you really need. To ensure you know what instance you want to farm, we have added a separate column titled “Dungeon.”

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Season 4 Mythic+ Accessories

Moving on, we have Season 4 Mythic+ Accessories to talk about. As always, check out the table prepared below to learn all the information:

Item Slot Dungeon
Potion-Stained Cloak Back Algeth’ar Academy
Cloak of Lost Devotion Back Azure Vault
Mammoth-Trainer’s Drape Back Neltharus
Fireproof Drape Back Ruby Life Pools
Platinum Star Band Finger Algeth’ar Academy
Unstable Arcane Loop Finger Azure Vault
Bloodied Wedding Ring Finger Brackenhide Hollow
Circle of Ascended Frost Finger Halls of Infusion
Scalebane Signet Finger Neltharus
Eternal Sentry’s Ring Finger Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Thunderous Downburst Ring Finger The Nokhud Offensive
Custodian’s Medallion of Delusion Neck Azure Vault
Tuskarr Bone Necklace Neck Brackenhide Hollow
Ukhel Ancestry Beads Neck The Nokhud Offensive
Bromach’s Disentombed Locket Neck Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr

For an easier choice, you can take a look at the column titled “Slot” to see what fits you better.

Season 4 Mythic+ Weapons

The part devoted to Season 4 Mythic+ Weapons deserves a larger focus. The reason for this is that we have split it up additionally. It consists of the following sub-topics:

  • One-Handed Weapons
  • Two-Handed Weapons
  • Ranged Weapons
  • Shields & Off-Hand

Apart from that, we also specify what dungeon you need to farm to get this or that item. Since this is the most interest-arousing M+ loot in Dragonflight Season 4, such categorization will make it easier to understand what drops you actually want. BLOG20

One-Handed Weapons

Beginning with One-Handed Weapons, here is a complete list of them you can get within M+ Season 4:

Item Type Dungeon
Spellbane Cutlass Sword Algeth’ar Academy
Spellboon Saber Sword Algeth’ar Academy
Mystakra’s Harvester Warglaive Algeth’ar Academy
Horizon Splitter Axe The Azure Vault
Tz’onna, Fear-Striker Dagger The Azure Vault
Refraction’s Edge Sword The Azure Vault
Decatriarch’s Bone Pestle Mace Brackenhide Hollow
Rot-Carved Totemic Shank Dagger Brackenhide Hollow
Tongue Hacker Axe Halls of Infusion
Croaking Dagger Dagger Halls of Infusion
Searing Tusk Shard Dagger Neltharus
Dragonscale Ripper Fist Weapon Neltharus
Forgestorm Mace Neltharus
Strike Twice Sword The Nokhud Offensive
Stormslash Warglaive The Nokhud Offensive
Havoc Crusher Mace Ruby Life Pools
Skyferno Rondel Dagger Ruby Life Pools
Unearthed Trogglodicer Dagger Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Bouldersplitter Mace Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr

From Swords to Maces and beyond, the choice is as wide as ever. You can also focus on any stat you want, whether you prefer Strength, Intellect, or Agility.

Two-Handed Weapons

Up next, we have Two-Handed Weapons to talk about:

Item Type Dungeon
Algeth’ar Hedgecleaver Axe Algeth’ar Academy
Obsidian Goaltending Spire Staff Algeth’ar Academy
Final Grade Staff Algeth’ar Academy
Ley-Line Tracer Polearm The Azure Vault
Golden-Winged Rod Staff The Azure Vault
Poached Kalu’ak Spear Polearm Brackenhide Hollow
Ancestral Stoneshaper Mace Brackenhide Hollow
Bough of Deterioration Mace Brackenhide Hollow
Undertow Tideblade Sword Halls of Infusion
Sargha’s Smasher Mace Neltharus
Quarryslayer Glaive Polearm The Nokhud Offensive
Staff of Violent Storms Staff The Nokhud Offensive
Chillworn’s Infusion Staff Staff Ruby Life Pools
Backdraft Cleaver Axe Ruby Life Pools
Sentinel’s Battle Lance Polearm Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Infinite Dragonspire Staff Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr

Similarly to the table before, you can pick any type you might possibly look for. From Axes to Polearms, and so on. The choice is up to you!

Ranged Weapons

Moving on, let’s take a look at what Ranged Weapons we have:

Item Type Dungeon
Gutshot’s Trophy Hunter Crossbow Brackenhide Hollow
Titan-Forged Blaster Gun Halls of Infusion
Bow of the First Khanam Bow The Nokhud Offensive
Vault Piercer Gun Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr

As you can see, the choice is not that wide here compared to Melee Weapons we have just talked about. On top of that, you can only farm 4 of 8 dungeons available to get them.

Shields & Off-Hand

Finishing the part devoted to weapons, we have Shields & Off-Hand to cover:

Item Type Dungeon
Vexamus’ Expulsion Rod Off-hand Algeth’ar Academy
Crystalized Bulwark Shield The Azure Vault
Rod of Perfect Order Off-hand Halls of Infusion
Irontorch Igniter Off-hand Neltharus
Qalashi Defender Shield Neltharus
Kokia’s Burnout Rod Off-hand Ruby Life Pools
Drake Rider’s Stecktarge Shield Ruby Life Pools
Stout Shield Shield Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr

As you can see, you can choose from four Shields and four Off-Hands. We cannot say that is a lot, but it is definitely not that bad as it could be.

Season 4 Mythic+ Cloth Armor

Now let’s talk about what Season 4 Mythic+ Cloth Armor pieces you can expect to get:

Item Slot Dungeon
Experimental Safety Gloves Hands Algeth’ar Academy
Bronze Challenger’s Robe Chest Algeth’ar Academy
Organized Pontificator’s Mask Head Algeth’ar Academy
Infused Elemental Bands Wrist The Azure Vault
Azureblade’s Work Gloves Hands The Azure Vault
Headwrap of the Abandoned Head The Azure Vault
Ravenous Pursuer’s Footwraps Feet Brackenhide Hollow
Boastful Stalker’s Epaulets Shoulder Brackenhide Hollow
Mask of Imperishable Leaves Head Brackenhide Hollow
Lily-Laced Bracelets Wrist Halls of Infusion
Khajin’s Hailstone Footwraps Feet Halls of Infusion
Robe of Plunging Depths Chest Halls of Infusion
Molten Magma Mantle Shoulder Neltharus
Flare-Singed Strap Waist Neltharus
Warlord’s Cindermitts Hands Neltharus
Drake Hunter Shoulderpads Shoulder The Nokhud Offensive
Blessed Ohn’ir Robes Chest The Nokhud Offensive
Sky Saddle Cord Waist Ruby Life Pools
Wind Soarer’s Breeches Legs Ruby Life Pools
Lost Hero’s Waist Wrap Waist Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Miner’s Sturdy Trousers Legs Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Ancient Crosswrapped Sandals Feet Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Animated Shackles Wrist Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Crazed Traveler’s Legwraps Legs Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr

Compared to other classes, this type of armor is effectively worn by Mages, Warlocks, and Priests.

Season 4 Mythic+ Leather Armor

Moving further, we have Season 4 Mythic+ Leather Armor to cover:

Item Type Dungeon
Frenzyroot Cuffs Wrist Algeth’ar Academy
Ruby Contestant’s Gloves Hands Algeth’ar Academy
Cinch of Forgotten Duty Feet The Azure Vault
Mirage Bindings Wrist The Azure Vault
Mantle of Yearned Freedom Shoulder The Azure Vault
Ferocious Hyena Hidebinders Wrist Brackenhide Hollow
Ancient Rotwalkers Feet Brackenhide Hollow
Blightweaver’s Clutches Hands Brackenhide Hollow
Watcher’s Clasp of Purpose Waist Halls of Infusion
Ancient Hornswog Spaulders Shoulder Halls of Infusion
Treads of Restored Order Feet Halls of Infusion
Lavabearer Legwraps Legs Neltharus
Dragonkiln Chestguard Chest Neltharus
Stoneroot Headdress Head The Nokhud Offensive
Tunic of the Eternal Hunt Chest The Nokhud Offensive
Legguards of Adamant Rule Legs The Nokhud Offensive
Subjugator’s Chilling Grips Hands Ruby Life Pools
Invader’s Firestorm Chestguard Chest Ruby Life Pools
Crown of Roaring Storms Head Ruby Life Pools
Treads of the Swift Feet Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Troggskin Waistband Waist Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Shoulders of Animated Stone Shoulder Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Annora’s Punctured Leggings Legs Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Vision of Foreshadowed Ends Head Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr

Compared to other classes, this type of armor is effectively worn by Rogues, Druids, Monks, and Demon Hunters.

Season 4 Mythic+ Mail Armor

Up next, let’s explore Season 4 Mythic+ Mail Armor gear parts:

Item Type Dungeon
Boots of Explosive Growth Feet Algeth’ar Academy
Azure Belt of Competition Waist Algeth’ar Academy
Scaled Commencement Spaulders Shoulder Algeth’ar Academy
Spaulders of Wild Growth Shoulder The Azure Vault
Stasis-Freed Leggings Legs The Azure Vault
Rooted Shoulders of Putrefaction Shoulder Brackenhide Hollow
Swollen Bark Clasp Waist Brackenhide Hollow
Tassets of Densified Ooze Legs Brackenhide Hollow
Amphibian’s Bellowing Crown Head Halls of Infusion
Swoglet Stompers Feet Halls of Infusion
Hauberk of Frozen Fervor Chest Halls of Infusion
Torrential Downpour Gauntlets Hands Halls of Infusion
Obsidian-Hardened Wraps Wrist Neltharus
Emberguard Harness Chest Neltharus
Helm of Hardened Gold Head Neltharus
Shikaar Ranger Bracers Wrist The Nokhud Offensive
Lightning-Charged Striders Feet The Nokhud Offensive
Egg Tender’s Leggings Legs Ruby Life Pools
Blazebound Lieutenant’s Helm Head Ruby Life Pools
Galerattle Gauntlets Hands Ruby Life Pools
Fierce Boreal Armguards Wrist Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Rock Shovelers Hands Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Gatekeeper’s Girdle Waist Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Fatebound Chainmail Chest Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr

Compared to other classes, this type of armor is effectively worn by Hunters, Shamans, and Evokers.

Season 4 Mythic+ Plate Armor

Finally, we have Season 4 Mythic+ Plate Armor to talk about:

Item Type Dungeon
Breastplate of Proven Knowledge Chest Algeth’ar Academy
Venerated Professor’s Greaves Legs Algeth’ar Academy
Twenty-Two-League Striders Feet The Azure Vault
Illusion Breaker’s Waistguard Waist The Azure Vault
Cuirass of Irreparable Madness Chest The Azure Vault
Trapmaster’s Utility Belt Waist Brackenhide Hollow
Binders of the Moldering Wrist Brackenhide Hollow
Decay Mother’s Wrathful Gaze Head Brackenhide Hollow
Gauntlets of Incalculable Power Hands Halls of Infusion
Ravenous Omnivore’s Girdle Waist Halls of Infusion
Earthshaker’s Steel Visor Head Halls of Infusion
Mantle of Crushing Waves Shoulder Halls of Infusion
Fural’s Blazing Faulds Legs Neltharus
Pristine Magma Stompers Feet Neltharus
Forgemaster’s Grips Hands Neltharus
Drake Hunter’s Greaves Feet The Nokhud Offensive
Thrashing Wind Vambraces Shoulder The Nokhud Offensive
Nokhud Traditionalist’s Pauldrons Waist The Nokhud Offensive
Scaleguard’s Stalwart Greatboots Feet Ruby Life Pools
Breastplate of Soaring Terror Chest Ruby Life Pools
Old Seafarer’s Headpiece Head Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Excavated Earthen Wristslabs Wrist Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Keeper’s Iron Grips Hands Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Pauldrons of Immutable Truth Shoulder Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr

Compared to other classes, this type of armor is effectively worn by Warrios, Paladins, and Death Knights.


To sum up our article, we have shared all the loot you can acquire within Season 4 when participating in M+ dungeons. We can only hope you get your hands on the items you need. This is your last chance, heroes. Trust us, you do not want to miss it! With the increased ilvl of possible drops and the reworked system, you have a big work to do.


What level is M+ gear in Season 4?


Players can get gear of up to 509 item level for completing M+ dungeons within Season 4.

Do you get loot from Mythic plus?


Mythic+ Dungeons offer two main avenues for loot: first, there is the chest that appears at the end of each dungeon run, filled with rewards tailored to your group's efforts and luck. Second, there is the Weekly Great Vault, where you can claim powerful gear based on your highest completed keystone dungeon for the week.

What is the highest item level in Dragonflight Season 4?


The highest item level you can get your hands on is capped at 522 during Season 4.

Where to get 509 gear Dragonflight?


Players can find ilvl 509 gear for completing M+ 10 dungeons.

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