Farseer Shaman Guide - Talents, Leveling, and Rotation

Read our complete Farseer Shaman guide to learn everything about one of the new talent trees introduced in WoW The War Within. You can also discover the most efficient leveling tips and the strongest rotations to use.

Read Our Farseer Shaman Guide for WoW The War Within

Are you excited about testing the brand-new Hero Talent system the way we are? Then, check out our comprehensive Farseer Shaman guide for WoW. Here, you will find everything you want to know about this talent tree and beyond.

Starting from the basics, we will explain WoW The War Within Farseer Shaman talents. We will also cover the best rotations, as well as the leveling path to the cap. This will help you become the strongest in both PvE and PvP aspects.

It is only possible to play Farseer Shaman in The War Within if you are either Elemental or Restoration spec. While most of the talents will remain unchanged no matter what specialization you choose, some of them will have different mechanics. It mainly depends on what ability is linked to it and whether it is available for the chosen spec.

As we learn more about the talent tree, we will update our Farseer Shaman DPS guide. Now, you can find all the details you need for a great start in TWW. This talent tree looks promising for both specs it is available for. Feel free to choose the one you like more and dive into the latest WoW expansion!

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Farseer Shaman Talents

The key game-changing element we have received in The War Within is the Hero Talent system. Every specialization now has a distinct talent tree to maximize its potential. Here, you can find all WoW Farseer Shaman talents and their corresponding descriptions. For your convenience, we have prepared two sections – one for the Elemental spec and another for the Restoration spec.

Farseer Elemental Shaman Talents

Most of the talents you gain access to as a Farseer Elemental Shaman revolve around Ancestors. They greatly increase your DPS without making your rotation too complex. In most cases, they act as a “passive” addition to it without you even noticing these Ancestors.

  • Farseer Keystone Talent

Call of the Ancestors: When you use Primordial Wave, an Ancestor will join you for 6 seconds. During this time, whenever you cast a healing or damaging spell, the Ancestor will mimic it with a similar spell.

Row 1 Row 2 Row 3

Choose One: Latent Wisdom & Ancient Fellowship

  • Latent Wisdom: The spells cast by your Ancestors are 20% stronger.
  • Ancient Fellowship: When an Ancestor's time ends, there is a 20% chance they will summon another Ancestor to take their place.

Choose One: Heed My Call & Routine Communication

Elemental Reverb: Lava Burst now has an extra charge and inflicts 5% more damage.
Offering from Beyond: When an Ancestor is summoned, they decrease the cooldown of your Fire Elemental and Storm Elemental by 10 seconds. Primordial Capacity: Increases your maximum Maelstrom by 25. Spiritwalker’s Momentum: Casting spells with a cast time extends the duration of Spiritwalker’s Grace and Spiritwalker’s Aegis by 1 second, up to a maximum of 4 additional seconds.

Choice Node: Nature Harmony & Earthen Communion

Maelstrom Supremacy: Enhances the damage of Earth Shock, Elemental Blast, and Earthquake by 8%. Final Calling: An Ancestor will cast Elemental Blast on a random enemy nearby upon disappearing.
  • Farseer Capstone Talent

Ancestral Swiftness: Your next healing or damage spell becomes instant, requires no mana, and delivers 10% more damage or healing.

If you have Nature's Swiftness, it is upgraded to Ancestral Swiftness, which also summons an Ancestor to fight by your side for 6 seconds.

Farseer Restoration Shaman Talents

Similarly to the previous spec, Restoration Shamans mainly interact with Ancestors. The only difference is that they help you heal your allies more efficiently. Many of the presented talents also increase your other support capabilities.

  • Farseer Keystone Talent

Call of the Ancestors: Gaining the effects of Undulation summons an Ancestor to your side for 6 seconds. 

Casting Unleash Life brings an Ancestor to your side for 12 seconds.

While the Ancestor is present, it will mimic your healing or damaging spells with a similar spell.

Row 1 Row 2 Row 3

Choose One: Latent Wisdom & Ancient Fellowship

  • Latent Wisdom: The spells cast by your Ancestors are 20% stronger.
  • Ancient Fellowship: When an Ancestor's time ends, there is a 20% chance they will summon another Ancestor to take their place.

Choose One: Heed My Call & Routine Communication

Elemental Reverb: Lava Burst now has an extra charge and inflicts 5% more damage.

Riptide has an extra charge and heals for 5% more.

Offering from Beyond: When an Ancestor is summoned, they decrease the cooldown of your Riptide by 10 seconds.

Primordial Capacity: Increases your Mana by 5%.

Tidal Waves are now stackable up to 4 times.

Spiritwalker’s Momentum: Casting spells with a cast time extends the duration of Spiritwalker’s Grace and Spiritwalker’s Aegis by 1 second, up to a maximum of 4 additional seconds.

Choice Node: Nature Harmony & Earthen Communion

Maelstrom Supremacy: Enhances the healing of Healing Wave, Healing Surge, Wellspring, Downpour, and Chain Heal by 8%. Final Calling: An Ancestor will cast Hydrobubble on a random injured ally upon disappearing.
  • Farseer Capstone Talent

Ancestral Swiftness: Your next healing or damage spell becomes instant, requires no mana, and delivers 10% more damage or healing.

If you have Nature's Swiftness, it is upgraded to Ancestral Swiftness, which also summons an Ancestor to fight by your side for 6 seconds. BLOG20

Best Farseer Shaman Talents

Building your perfect setup has become easier with the talents you have access to. Once you reach level 80, you will get access to all of them. Even at this point, you might assume that some talents are stronger than others. We also encourage you to experiment with the build by selecting various “Choose One” talents. Here is a list of the best Farseer Shaman talents in WoW The War Within according to our opinion:

  1. Call of the Ancestors
  2. Latent Wisdom
  3. Offering from Beyond
  4. Maelstrom Supremacy
  5. Ancestral Swiftness

Despite having more or less powerful talents, they are all interconnected. This means you cannot solely rely on specific talents from this list. They are all at the peak of their potential only when you have them all unlocked. This is what the meta looks like in this patch. Later on, the developers can release several buffs or nerfs, and this list will change accordingly.

Let us delve into further details and explain why we have chosen exactly these talents from the entire tree:

  • Call of the Ancestors: As your Keystone talent, this is what your gameplay is built around. Having an Ancestor casting a similar healing or damaging spell on their own looks superbly powerful.
  • Latent Wisdom: This talent further increases the capabilities of your Ancestors. It concerns both healing and damaging abilities.
  • Offering from Beyond: No matter what spec you are playing, it can help you cast your primary spell more often.
  • Maelstrom Supremacy: Boosts the potential of the most important spells of each spec.
  • Ancestral Swiftness: Similarly to the first talent on this list, the Capstone talent is your bread and butter. It is too powerful not to be mentioned.

Most of the talents work in a passive mode, meaning you do not have to press any buttons to activate them. This is what makes your rotation stronger yet lets is remain of the same complexity.

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How to Play Farseer Shaman

In this part of the TWW Farseer Shaman guide, we will take a closer look at what this tree is all about. To be more exact, we will share our thoughts on how to play Farseer Shaman in WoW and what to expect from it.

The Farseer Hero talent tree in WoW lets Elemental/Restoration Shamans summon Ancestors to assist with their spells, whether they are casting damage spells on enemies or healing spells on allies. You can bring these Ancestors into play by using Primordial Wave (Elemental), Unleash Life (Restoration), or occasionally through a low-proc chance on Lava Burst.

It seems that Ancestors will not directly replicate your exact spells but will cast similar types of spells. For instance, if you cast an AoE heal like Chain Heal, the Ancestors might perform a basic AoE heal. If you use a single-target damage spell like Lightning Bolt, they might cast a general single-target damage spell. This system resembles Divine Image more closely than a direct spell copy.

On the defensive side, the talent nodes feel less effective in enhancing our survivability. While boosting Earth Shield’s healing and charges helps by reducing the number of GCDs needed to maintain it, it does not significantly address our vulnerability.

Nature’s Guardian often triggers when you are not in serious danger but fails to activate when you face a fatal hit. Although increasing its healing is not a bad change, it does not solve these issues. Overall, it is disappointing to compare the defensive capabilities of other classes’ hero talent trees with what we are receiving here.

Farseer Shaman Leveling Guide

With the start of the newest expansion, we also received an increased level cap. In The War Within, you can progress all the way up to level 80. We will cover this topic in our separate Farseer Shaman leveling guide here.

The main goal of your Farseer Shaman leveling in WoW should be unlocking the endgame content. This includes the most powerful raid bosses and M+ dungeons to complete in the future. Your character cannot be considered finished until you get to this threshold.

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Here is how to level up as a Farseer Shaman in WoW The War Within:

Levels 1-10:

  • Get to know your fundamental skills like Lightning Bolt and Primal Strike. Regularly using them will make mob farming faster and more efficient.
  • Complete every quest available in your starting zone to gain experience and get familiar with the local area.
  • As you level up, you will unlock new abilities. Add these to your routine to improve your farming and exploration effectiveness.

Levels 11-20:

  • Move to more challenging zones as soon as you are ready. With your new abilities, you will be well-prepared for tougher enemies.
  • Experiment with your new skills and try different combinations to find what works best. This is a good time to explore various strategies.
  • Do not skip low-level dungeons and group activities – they are excellent for boosting XP and adding variety to your gameplay.

Levels 21-40:

  • Keep refining your ability rotation and incorporating new skills to speed up your farming and make questing more efficient.
  • By level 40, you will have a solid set of core abilities. Use these effectively to maximize your performance in middle-game WoW activities.

Levels 41-60:

  • Join a guild as you approach endgame content. Being part of a guild can enhance your chances of completing endgame challenges and earning valuable rewards.
  • You will also unlock higher-level dungeons and raids. Participate in these to accelerate your leveling and gain crucial experience.
  • As you progress, you will acquire more abilities. Evaluate which ones fit your playstyle and integrate them into your strategy.

Levels 61-80:

  • Focus on the most rewarding quests for XP and perfect your ability rotation to its best.
  • Upon reaching the level cap in The War Within, you will unlock all PvE and PvP activities. Choose the ones that interest you most, or aim for specific rewards to enhance your character further.

Farseer Shaman in WoW 11.0 is not the best pick for leveling. Still, this is not the worst class to opt for if you enjoy its playstyle. BLOG20

Farseer Shaman Rotation Guide

Since the Farseer talent three is available to two different specializations, the rotation you are using will look different as well. Here, we have prepared a complete Farseer Shaman rotation guide for you to rely on during your WoW journey.

We will only provide you with a basic WoW Farseer Shaman rotation for each spec. At this point, you are free to experiment and look for the ideal alternative on your own. Just make sure you are always executing your main role. As an Elemental Shaman, DPS is your priority. When playing as a Restoration Shaman – healing your allies is the key to success.

Farseer Elemental Shaman Rotation

Here is an example of a Farseer Elemental Shaman rotation you can use:

  1. Fire Elemental
  2. Primordial Wave
  3. Flame Shock
  4. Elemental Blast if Master of the Elements is ready
  5. Icefury
  6. Lava Burst if either Lava Surge or Ascendance is ready
  7. Ascendance
  8. Lava Burst
  9. Icefury
  10. Frost Shock if Icefury buffs are available and Master of the Elements is ready
  11. Elemental Blast if your next cast helps you reach maximum Maelstrom
  12. Frost Shock if Icefury buffs are ready
  13. Lightning Bolt
  14. Flame Shock and Frost Shock while moving

Focus on this rotation when fighting a single target. This will help you reach the maximum DPS in any fight.

Farseer Restoration Shaman Rotation

To heal up your allies, use this Farseer Restoration Shaman rotation, including these steps:

  1. Refresh Earth Shield all the time if an ally needs it
  2. Cloudburst Totem or Healing Stream Totem
  3. Riptide on cooldown
  4. Primordial Wave on cooldown
  5. Unleash Life

If you do not have Cloudburst Totem, Healing Stream Totem is a great alternative to use whenever your allies are injured.


This brings us to the end of our WoW Farseer Shaman guide, fellow travelers. Now, you know everything you need to conquer Azeroth when choosing this powerful talent tree as your primary one. We have described all the talents for both Elemental and Restoration specs. You have also learned how to reach the highest level and found details on the best rotations. You are fully prepared to tackle The War Within from now on.


What are the best Farseer Shaman talents?


Here is a list of the best Farseer Shaman talents:

  • Call of the Ancestors
  • Latent Wisdom
  • Offering from Beyond
  • Maelstrom Supremacy
  • Ancestral Swiftness

Is Farseer Shaman good?


Farseer Shaman does not seem too powerful, especially for the Restoration specialization. However, it is particularly good for the Elemental spec.

Is Farseer Shaman hard to play WoW?


Not really. Most of the talents in the Farseer Shaman talent tree are passive, so you do not get many active buttons to add to your existing rotations.

How do I maximize DPS as Farseer Shaman?


You need to wear the best gear possible, as well as learn the strongest rotations to maximize DPS.

Which spec is best for Farseer Shaman?


The Elemental specialization seems like a preferable option when playing as a Farseer Shaman.

Is Farseer Shaman good for fast leveling in WoW?


Farseer Shaman does not look too powerful when it comes to fast leveling in WoW. You mainly dominate the early game yet struggle later on.

What is the best Farseer Shaman rotation in WoW?


The first part of the best Farseer Shaman includes these abilities:

  • Fire Elemental
  • Primordial Wave
  • Flame Shock
  • Elemental Blast if Master of the Elements is ready
  • Icefury

Is Farseer Shaman good for PvE?


The Farseer Shaman talent tree is strong for PvE since Ancestors greatly improve your DPS and healing.

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