WoW Kriegval’s Rest Delve Guide

In our WoW Kriegval’s Rest Delve guide, you can find a complete walkthrough for the third Delve in The War Within. Learn about its location, all three variants, as well as rewards.

Read Our WoW Kriegval’s Rest Delve Guide

One of the revolutionizing mechanics added in The War Within is Delves. It promises to change an approach to the endgame that has existed in the game for 20 years. Read our WoW Kriegval’s Rest Delve guide for a complete walkthrough of this activity, learn its location, and more.

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What is Kriegval’s Rest in The War Within?

Kriegval’s Rest is the third Delve added within The War Within expansion. Unlike the two previous Delves,  strict timings and quick moves matter here a lot. Your character will always suffer from the Smothering Shadows debuff throughout a run. No matter which one of the three Kriegval’s Rest variants you choose, the debuff can only be canceled with candles.

  • Dagran’s Day Out
  • Lost Keepsakes
  • Swarming Kobolds

When experiencing Smothering Shadows, you have restricted vision and your maximum HP is reduced by 1%. If you do not get rid of the debuff, it will stack up to 99% leaving your character with only 1% health. To prevent this, you need to used Enchanted Candles scattered throughout the area.

These candles dissipate darkness and grant unlimited visibility. Initially, the candle has a large wax reserve, which gradually diminishes as you move. For every meter traveled (regardless of speed), the candle loses 0.5 seconds of its 2-minute duration. If you stand still, the wax does not burn, allowing you to be in the darkness as long as you do not move.

Even if you lose a candle, do not worry, as our Kriegval’s Rest walkthrough has you covered. There are several safe spots in the area with a large candle called Candlelight Sanctuary. Approaching them will gradually remove all accumulated Smothering Shadows effects and restore your vision. Additionally, if you move a certain distance away from the Enchanted Candles, they will respawn and can be picked up again at any time.

Kriegval’s Rest Location

You can find Kriegval’s Rest location in the central part of the Isle of Dorn, eastern of Dornogal. The easiest way to get there is to follow these coordinates – 62.2, 42.7. Later on, we will update this guide to share a detailed map showing how to find Kriegval’s Rest in the game.

How to Do Kriegval’s Rest in The War Within

The mechanics presented in this Delve might seem a bit tricky, especially for beginners. You need to keep moving around the area while strategically picking up Enchanted Candles and slaying enemies. To make things harder, you need to complete the Delve’s main quest (e.g. recover Stolen Keepsakes) and more. To let you get fully prepared, we will explain how to do Kriegval’s Rest in all its three variants.

Note: Your gameplay experience might be different from what is described further. It all comes down to what tier you have chosen. Depending on that, enemies will have more HP and deal more significant damage.

Later in our Kriegval’s Rest guide, we will cover the tier topic and all the requirements to unlock them all. BLOG20

Dagran’s Day Out

In the Dagran’s Day Out variant, we meet Dagran Thaurissan II near the first candle. He asks us to collect wax for his research and observe the local kobolds. When exploring the area, you will encounter many candles spewing flames. Avoid getting hit by the flames at any cost, or you might wipe. These candles are also present in other versions of the Delve, but not in such a great number.

In the first stage, you simply need to collect 10 Suspicious Candles located near the flaming candles. According to Dagran's observations, these candles are different from the others and emit strange magical energy.

As you move deeper into Kriegval’s Rest, you come across a room with a gigantic candle in the center. Once you collect it, a swarm of kobolds will attack you. Slay every single one of them to proceed further.

After dealing with the ambush, you will face two kobold guards who must be defeated to reach the leader of the local kobold gang. The final boss’s name is Tomb-Raider Drywhisker. Defeating him completes this Kriegval’s Rest The War Within Delve version, and you can safely collect the deserved rewards.

Lost Keepsakes

This variant of the Delve tasks you to collect Lost Keepsakes of the Earthen. They were taken by the local kobolds and hidden in wax. There are no differences in enemy types or battle encounters from the previous version. You will only have fewer stages to complete, as all 11 keepsakes are spread throughout the map leading up to the final boss arena.

After gathering all the keepsakes, we arrive at the final arena. You will see a chest standing at the boss's spawn point. You need to open it and retrieve Krigval's helmet, another piece of keepsake but more significant for Kuvkel. As soon as you open the chest, the final boss, Tomb-Raider Drywhisker, will attack you. Defeating him marks the end of the Delve.

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Swarming Kobolds

Swarming Kobolds is by far the simplest variant of the Delve. Your only task is to kill every enemy on your way to the final boss. The main difference from other versions is the large number of fire-breathing candles in all kobold arenas. You need to keep slaying kobolds until the bar is filled to 100%.

Once the bar is filled, the next objective is to reach the central hall. When you arrive and stand near the altar, a kobold ambush will begin, with four small waves attacking you. After defeating these waves, the final boss, Tomb-Raider Drywhisker, will appear. Defeating him will complete the Delve, and you can proceed to the rewards.

Kriegval’s Rest Tiers

As with other Delves, there are 11 Kriegval’s Rest tiers you can complete. Depending on the chosen difficulty, you can expect better or worse rewards. Remember to level up your seasonal Companion to make every following run easier.

Tier Recommended Gear Level
1 Available from the start
2 Available from the start
3 ilvl 538+
4 ilvl 545+
5 ilvl 554+
6 ilvl 561+
7 ilvl 574+
8 ilvl 589+
9 ilvl 600+
10 ilvl 614+
11 Unknown

You can earn the best rewards upon finishing tier 8. Finishing the rest of them does not grant access to better gear or anything else. Consider completing them only for the sake of achievements and testing yourself. BLOG20

Kriegval’s Rest Rewards

As you move through the tiers, Kriegval’s Rest rewards will become better. The main thing you should be interested in is gear, including armor parts and weapons. The only problem is that you never know what exactly you get at the end of each run. Here is a list of possible Kriegval’s Rest loot categories:

  • Gold
  • Cosmetics
  • Resplendent Keys
  • Other currencies

To get the best gear obtainable from Delves, you need to open Resplendent Chests. This is what you need Resplendent Keys for. The highest ilvl of gear you can earn can be compared to that of from Heroic Raids and M+5 keys. The maximum level of each item is capped at 616. As we get into the next season, it will gradually increase.

Kriegval’s Rest Achievements

Currently, you have two Kriegval’s Rest achievements to complete, such as:

If your goal is to progress through Delve Loremaster: War Within, finish the first achievement as soon as possible. Taking this step is vital if you wish to complete the main meta-achievement called Glory of the Delver. In return, you will receive the Ivory Goliathus mount.


This brings us to the end of our WoW Kriegval’s Rest guide, heroes! We hope you have found all the details needed to complete this challenging Delve. Make sure to reap the greatest rewards and finish the highest tier possible. With the walkthrough given, no darkness can stop you on your path to glory. Good luck and we will see you in Azeroth!


How to complete Kriegval’s Rest in WoW The War Within?


Make sure you do not have too many stacks of Smothering Shadows. Always carry an Enchanted Candle to have full visibility and avoid HP reduction.

Where is Kriegval’s Rest in WoW The War Within?


Kriegval’s Rest is located within the central part of the Isle of Dorn, eastern of Dornogal.

What are Kriegval’s Rest rewards in WoW The War Within?


Here is a list of possible rewards you can get from Kriegval’s Rest:

  • Gold
  • Cosmetics
  • Resplendent Keys
  • Other currencies

Is Kriegval’s Rest difficult to do in WoW The War Within?


If you cannot get an Enchanted Candle or get to a Candlelight Sanctuary in time, Kriegval’s Rest can be difficult to complete. Also, be prepared to defend yourself from hoards of kobolds constantly attacking you.

What are Kriegval’s Rest variants in WoW The War Within?


Kriegval’s Rest variants include the following ones:

  1. Dagran’s Day Out
  2. Lost Keepsakes
  3. Swarming Kobolds

What is the highest tier in Kriegval’s Rest in WoW The War Within?


The highest tier you can complete in Kriegval’s Rest is 11.

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