Loamm Niffen Renown Reputation Guide

Are you looking for a way to earn reputation with the Loamm Niffen faction quickly and efficiently? In our comprehensive Loamm Niffen Renown Reputation guide, we will share the best tips to help you do this. We will also cover the list of possible rewards you can get when befriending this faction. Join us and discover the hidden treasures of Zaralek Cavern together with Loamm Niffen!

Read Our Loamm Niffen Renown Reputation Guide

Fellow adventure seekers, welcome to our comprehensive Loamm Niffen reputation guide where we will share information on how to gain Renown with this faction in WoW. On top of that, we will cover the entire list of rewards you can get while befriending the Loamm Niffen.

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Loam Niffen General Information

You are going to encounter the Loamm Niffen during the first chapter of the Embers of Neltharion campaign. Once you have made it to Zaralek Cavern, you will meet these mole-like creatures who seem quite friendly. Since they live underground, they do not see very well and mostly rely on their sense of smell instead. Their daily routine revolves around treasure hunting and trading.

If you wish to try yourself at more traditional end-game activities, you cannot neglect dungeon runs. Participating in them grants you a chance of looting unique equipment pieces and more. However, it is crucial to have a reliable team to succeed in this type of content. If you wish to get the desired loot guaranteed, check out our Mythic Carry services. We offer the best market price and guarantee the result.

The Loamm Niffen Location

To start befriending this faction, you are to make your way to Loamm, Zaralek Cavern. This is the biggest city in this zone. It also acts as their faction camp. Once you are there, you can see what quests are available to you.

On top of that, you can talk to various NPCs including the faction’s quartermaster, Harlowe Marl. If you are having trouble finding this NPC, the exact coordinates are 56.47 55.68.

Reasons for Earning Renown with the Loamm Niffen

As with all other factions, you will get access to exclusive rewards if you decide to earn reputation with the Loamm Niffen. All of them are tied to Season 2 and will help you become more powerful:

  1. You will receive more Flightstones via the Renown system. They are required for upgrading your gear throughout the entire season;
  2. The Zaralek Cavern zone is huge indeed, and you will have an opportunity to discover its hidden parts when participating in Sniffenseeking and Snail Racing events;
  3. If you lack Profession Knowledge points, you can get a great number of them while progressing through the faction’s Renown system.

These are only major rewards you are going to get your hands on. On top of that, you will receive unique mounts, character titles, battle pets, profession recipes, Dragonriding manuscripts, and more. As before, most of these rewards are account-wide meaning you can unlock them once to make them available when playing any character on your account.

Before moving further with our Loamm Niffen reputation overview, we would like to warn you about one thing. It is essential to reach level 70 to start earning Renown with this or any other factions. Doing that before you get to the maximum level is pointless, as you have the main campaign to finish. To speed up this process, you can order our WoW Powerleveling service and let our pros do the job for you. We guarantee the fastest completion time and the most attractive price.

Farming Loamm Niffen Renown

There is a wide range of options to choose from when it comes to farming Loamm Niffen Renown in WoW. However, you are to collect 2500 Reputation to gain 1 Renown with the faction. This is quite a lot but you only have 20 Renown levels to pass. You cannot deny that it is a more achievable goal compared to other factions where you have 30 levels to complete. For your convenience, we have listed all Renown sources below:

  • Slaying rare mobs grants you 50 Reputation for each victory;
  • World Quests reward you with 75 Reputation. However, there is a slight chance of gaining a bonus reward ranging from 100 to 150 Reputation;
  • Epic World Quests grant you 150 Reputation;
  • Completing the weekly quest called A Worthy Ally: Loamm Niffen grants you 500 Reputation;
  • Completing the weekly event called Researchers Under Fire rewards you with 250 Reputation. Nonetheless, subsequent event completions lower the amount of reputation you get;
  • Completing the Sniffenseeking activity rewards you with 250 Reputation;
  • While exploring Zaralek Cavern, you can discover treasure chests. Opening them grants you 25 Reputation each;
  • Open your map to find horn-marked quests. Completing them rewards you with 25-50 Reputation each;
  • Reaching Renown 3 unlocks Profession Quests, each rewarding you with 75 Reputation. You can take them by talking to Kayann in Valdrakken. The NPC’s exact coordinates are 36.60 62.44.

To get geared up before your great journey, you need quite a lot of gold. If you are tired of farming it manually and wish to become richer effortlessly, we have you covered. You can always Buy WoW Gold with our company’s help offered at the best market price. We guarantee safety and the fastest delivery to any server you choose.

Loamm Niffen Special Renown Levels

In this part of our Loamm Niffen Renown guide, we would like to cover the most important milestones you will reach when befriending this faction:

  • Reaching Renown 3 unlocks the opportunity to barter with Ponzo. By trading with this NPC, you can receive unique items, which cannot be obtained anywhere else;
  • Reaching Renown 6 rewards you with Niffen Diggin’ Mitts you can receive from Mimuup in Loamm. By using this item, you can return to the faction’s camp from anywhere in Zaralek Cavern. This will save plenty of time to you and let you move around the zone faster;
  • Reaching Renown 7 opens the Snail Racing event. After that, you get access to a mini faction called Glimmerog Racer. You will receive unique rewards like Big Slick in the City mount and others while completing 5 Renown levels with this sub-faction;
  • Reaching Renown 9 opens the Sniffenseeking activity. For completing it, you will gain not 250 Reputation, as well as Zaralek Glowspores, and other unique items. To participate in this activity, buy Bartered Dig Map from Ponzo and talk to Myrrit to begin a dig;
  • Reaching Renown 20 means you have made it to the end. At this point, you will receive many rewards, but the most desired one is Wyrm’s Shadowflame Crest. The latter is used for upgrading your gear. You will need it throughout the entire season and it can never be extra.

All the described thresholds are the most vital steps in the process of befriending this faction. However, other Renown levels are also important, as they provide you with additional Flightstones, used for equipment upgrades as well. On top of that, you will unlock various dragon customization options and get your hands on unique gear pieces of 400+ ilvl.

Loamm Niffen Renown Rewards

Above, we have listed and briefly described the most essential Loamm Niffen Renown levels. In this part of our guide, we will provide you with the list of all Loam Niffen Renown rewards you can currently get with this faction in WoW. For your convenience, we have put this information in the table you can see below:

Renown Level Reward

Loamm Niffen: You have started to gain Renown with the Loamm Niffen.

Account-wide reward.


Hidden Treasures I: You can sniff hidden treasures within Zaralek Cavern.

Account-wide reward.

3 Loamm Bartering: You can barter with Ponzo in Loamm. Find Kayann in Valdrakken to learn how to barter.

Drake's Shadowflame Crest: Talk to Mimuup in Loamm to receive Drake's Shadowflame Crest. This reagent is used to upgrade higher-level Veteran gear and lower-level Champion gear to ilvl 424.


Flightstones: Talk to Mimuup in Loamm to receive x75 Flightstones. This currency is used to upgrade your equipment at Item Upgrade NPCs.


Drakewatcher Manuscripts I: Visit Harlowe Marl in Loam to purchase the following dragon customizations:

Account-wide reward.


Niffen Diggin' Mitts: Talk to Mimuup in Loam to get Niffen Diggin’ Mitts. By using this item, you can return to the faction’s camp from anywhere in Zaralek Cavern.

Account-wide reward.


Flightstones: Talk to Mimuup in Loamm to receive x75 Flightstones.

7 Snail Racing: You can take part in Snail Racing activities in Loamm.

Niffen Equipment I: Visit Harlowe Marl in Loamm to buy ilvl 402 chest:

9 Myrrit Affinity: Myrrit will help you find additional items when sniffenseeking.

Loamm Niffen Tabard: Visit Harlowe Marl in Loamm to buy Loamm Niffen Tabard.

Account-wide reward.

Scent of a Worthy Ally I: Your alts on the same account gain 100% extra reputation with the Loamm Niffen if their Renown level is under 10.

Account-wide reward.


Hidden Treasures II: You can sniff bigger hidden treasures within Zaralek Cavern.

Account-wide reward.

Sniffin' Salts: Visit Harlowe Marl to buy Sniffin’ Salts.

Account-wide reward.


Loamm Bartering Bettered: You can discover Barter Boulder in Zaralek Cavern. This item unlocks better bartering opportunities.

Crafter's Knowledge: You can buy Niffen Notebook of Knowledge for a particular profession you want. Each book costs x300 Dragon Isles Supplies and grants x10 Knowledge Points for this profession. You can only buy it once for each profession.

Account-wide reward.


Drakewatcher Manuscripts II: Visit Harlowe Marl in Loamm to purchase the following dragon customizations: 

Account-wide reward.


Niffen Equipment II: Visit Harlowe Marl in Loamm to buy ilvl 415 boots:


Meet the Beetles!: Visit Harlowe Marl in Loamm to buy Paulie and Rango battle pets.

Account-wide reward.


Black Dragon Cosmetics: Visit Harlowe Marl in Loamm to buy Ensemble: Ornate Black Dragon Labwear.

Account-wide reward.


Drakewatcher Manuscripts III: Visit Harlowe Marl in Loamm to purchase the following dragon customizations:

Account-wide reward.


Bartering Boulder Gift: Talk to Ponzo to receive x10 Barter Boulder.

Flightstones: Talk to Mimuup in Loamm to receive x75 Flightstones.


Morsel Sniffer: Visit Harlowe Marl in Loamm to buy Morsel Sniffer Reins.

Account-wide reward.

Niffen Tools: You can buy various cosmetic Niffen tool transmogs from Harlowe Marl

Account-wide reward.


Drake Helms: Visit Harlowe Marl to unlock cosmetic helms for your dragonriding mounts.

Account-wide reward.

Drakewatcher Manuscripts IV: Visit Harlowe Marl in Loamm to purchase the following dragon customizations:

Account-wide reward.


Sniffin' with the Niffen: Earn the Smelly title.

Account-wide reward.


A Heroic Reward: Talk to Mimuup in Loamm to earn Wyrm's Shadowflame Crest. This reagent is used either to upgrade high-level Champion and low-level Hero gear, or crafted into an optional reagent that increases crafted gear item level to 424-437.

Scent of a Worthy Ally II: Your alts on the same account gain 100% extra Reputation with the Loamm Niffen faction if their Renown level is under 20 and 200% extra Reputation if their Renown level is under 10.

Account-wide reward.

Bartering Boulders: You can buy Barter Boulder directly from Harlowe Marl.

Account-wide reward.

As you can see, there are tons of unique rewards waiting for you. However, you will complete all the Renown levels sooner or later. After that, you will probably return to other standard end-game activities like Raiding. The latter is a great source of powerful and unique equipment you can obtain for defeating mighty bosses. If you struggle to complete a particular raid, go check out our WoW Raid Boost services. Our professional players will gladly slay any boss for you. The service comes at the most attractive price and we guarantee the fastest result.

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Loamm Niffen Unique Activities

As we have already mentioned, there are three types of activities you can participate in when befriending the Loamm Niffen faction. They are Sniffenseeking, Bartering, and Snail Racing. All of them offer unique rewards or items that can be purchased only from a particular NPC. This section of our guide is devoted to a detailed overview of each activity you are going to encounter when progressing through Renown levels with this faction.

The Sniffenseeking Activity

To begin this activity, you must get Bartered Dig Map from Ponzo first. After that, talk to Myrrit to go for a dig. Your primary goal is to solve all the puzzles you are going to encounter and obtain Fierce Key to claim rewards. Upon successful completion of the activity, you will receive Buried Niffen Collection.

You can unlock the achievement called A Niffen’s Best Buddy and earn the Sniffenseeker title if you meet the following requirements:

  1. Sniffen Sage - Sniff out all possible special items while exploring caves alongside a niffen companion;
  2. Can You Dig It? - Complete 50 Sniffenseek digs alongside a niffen companion;
  3. He'sSss All Mine - Acquire the Salverun battle pet. You can do this by combining items found during your digs into an Ouroboros Tablet. The progress for this achievement is account-wide.

Bartering with Ponzo

While exploring Zaralek Cavern, you will definitely encounter Barter Brick and Barter Boulder. These items can be bartered for something else if you talk to Ponzo. This NPC is a local barterer who can be found in Loamm. The exact coordinates are 58.04 53.86.

The whole list of items you can purchase from Ponzo is as follows:

The Snail Racing Activity

This activity is available in Glimmerogg and represents a mini faction you can earn Renown with as well. After talking to Briggul, a member of the Glimmerogg Racer faction, you will find out that you have 5 Renown levels to complete. You need to earn 2800 Reputation in total to get to the maximum level:

  1. Aspirational – From 0 to 700 Reputation;
  2. Amateur – From 700 to 1400 Reputation;
  3. Competent – From 1400 to 2100 Reputation;
  4. Skilled – From 2100 to 2800 Reputation;
  5. Professional – From 2800 Reputation and above. 

You can take a daily quest for 100 Reputation with this mini faction by talking to the same NPC. Briggul would love to check out snails he has not seen before. Therefore, if you show him a level 25 snail he has not seen yet, you will also gain 100 Reputation for each snail like this. Reaching the maximum level with this faction, you will be rewarded with the Big Slick in the City mount.


Fellow heroes, this marks the end of our Loamm Niffen Renown guide. We hope you had a fun time reading it and learned a lot of new information on how to earn reputation with this faction and more. Make sure to stay with us, as we will update this article if any changes or updates occur.


How do you get Niffen rep?

You can earn reputation with the Loam Niffen by completing various activities within Zaralek Cavern. For example, they can be World Quests, zone events, and more.

How do you get reputation fast in WoW?

Make sure you complete all the suggested activities you can find within a particular area. For more details, read a special section in this guide devoted exactly to this question.

How to gain reputation in WoW?

You can do this by completing quests, killing rares, and participating in faction-unique events. There are tons of methods you can use to earn reputation in World of Warcraft, it all comes down to how much time you have for grinding it.

What are the levels of reputation in WoW?

Depending on what faction you are trying to befriend, reputation levels can be called differently. However, they range from Hated, the lowest reputation level possible to Exalted, being the highest reputation level accordingly.

What is the maximum Renown level with the Loamm Niffen?

The maximum Renown level you can achieve with the Loamm Niffen is 20.

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