Spellslinger Mage Guide - Talents, Leveling, and Rotation

Welcome to our complete WoW The War Within Spellslinger Mage guide. Learn to create Splinters out of your spells and shoot them at your enemies, or accumulate a decent amount of these shards and cause a devastating whirlwind!

Read Our Spellslinger Mage Guide for WoW The War Within

Welcome all mages, magicians, and wizards! It’s time to learn about the WoW The War Within Spellslinger Mage, which is one of three hero talent trees for this class. The upcoming expansion, War Within will bring massive changes to the standard roster of classes, refreshing them with these hero talent trees. This is going to be something different from what class specializations are right now. You’ll understand more when we introduce you to this particular mage hero talent tree.

Traditionally, for this kind of guide, we’re covering Spellslinger Mage The War Within and all of its aspects. The first thing you should know about it is that Spellslinger is going to be available to only 2 specs – Arcane and Frost. Both versions generate a new resource called Splinters by using different spells. The idea is to generate these Splinters with one set of abilities and use the other set of spells to spend these Splinters for additional effects and damage.

The talent tree starts at the so-called “Keystone” talent that lets you generate those Splinters. Frost and Arcane mages have different spells to use for that. The subsequent “branches” have talents that change the way this mechanic works. Since you basically have to versions of this system, one for Arcane and another for Frost mages, all of the talents have two different effects. In this Spellslinger Mage guide, we’ll take a closer look at all the talents and explain how they all work.

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Spellslinger Mage Talents

Just to be clear – these are not new specializations. In fact, the hero talent trees are tied to specific specs and become available to you at level 71. That’s when you get your first point that you can invest into the tree, unlocking its keystone, the first of WoW Spellslinger Mage talents. The Spellslinger theme here is described by the developers as mages who have learned to extract splinters from their own spells and turn them into volatile projectiles that they can launch at enemies. Now, these splinters either deal Arcane or Frost type damage. Besides that, splinters from both schools or specs share the same purpose.

As you progress from level 71 to 80, you’ll be getting 1 point to spend on this talent tree each level. The tree branches out, so, you’ll have to pick which branch you want to follow to get to the capstone, which is the last and ultimate talent. Now, let’s have a look at all talents and what they do.

Row Talent Row Description
K Splintering Sorcery Upon consuming Nether Precision (Arcane) or Winter’s Chill (Frost), conjures a Splinter that fires at the target, dealing damage. Splinters embed into the target, causing additional damage over 16 seconds, with the effect stackable.
1 Augury Abounds Casting Arcane Surge (Arcane) or Icy Veins (Frost) conjures 8 Splinters. While under the effects of Arcane Surge (Arcane) or Icy Veins (Frost), each conjured Splinter triggers the creation of an additional Splinter with a 100% probability.
1 Controlled Instincts While Nether Tempest (Arcane) or Winter’s Chill (Frost) is active on a target, 20% of the direct damage inflicted by a Splinter is also inflicted on nearby enemies, up to a maximum of 5 targets. The duration of Nether Tempest is reset by direct damage from Arcane Splinters.
1 Splintering Orbs The first 8 instances of damage dealt to an enemy by your Arcane Orb (Arcane) or Frozen Orb (Frost) trigger the conjuration of a Splinter aimed at the damaged target. Additionally, damage from Arcane Orb (Arcane) and Frozen Orb (Frost) is enhanced by 10%.
2 Slippery Slinging Movement speed is increased by 40% during Alter Time.
2 Look Again Displacement lasts 50% longer, has a 25% increased range, and leaves a Mirror Image behind.
2 Reactive Barrier Prismatic Barrier (Arcane) or Ice Barrier (Frost) can absorb up to 50% more damage based on the caster's missing health, reaching maximum efficiency when below 50% health.
2 Phantasmal Image Mirror Image summons an additional clone and reduces all damage taken by an extra 5%.
2 Volatile Magic When a Splinter is removed or recalled, it explodes, causing damage to nearby enemies. However, the damage diminishes beyond 5 targets.
2 Unerring Proficiency With each Splinter conjuration, the damage of the subsequent Supernova (Arcane) or Ice Nova (Frost) is increased by 18% (Arcane) or 6% (Frost), stacking up to 30 times.
3 Shifting Shards Shifting Power unleashes a barrage of 8 Splinters randomly targeting enemies within a 40-yard radius throughout its duration.
3 Spellfrost Teachings A 5% chance exists for direct damage from a Splinter to summon an Arcane Echo (Arcane) or Icy Comet (Frost), dealing damage to nearby enemies and boosting damage inflicted by the caster on affected enemies by 6% for 6 seconds.
3 Force of Will Grants a 2% increase in critical strike chance and a 5% increase in critical strike damage.
C Splinterstorm Upon accumulating 8 or more active Embedded Splinters, triggers an automatic Splinterstorm at the target.
C Splinterstorm Draws all Embedded Splinters back to the caster, immediately applying their remaining periodic damage and then unleashing a powerful onslaught of Splinters at the target after a short delay. Additionally, grants Clearcasting (Arcane) or applies Winter’s Chill (Frost) to the target.

So, what are Spellslinger Mage talents, exactly? Well, you only gotta learn what the keystone and capstone talents do. The Keystone generates a Splinter when you cast one of two spells, depending on your spec. That Splinter automatically targets and deals damage to your current target. The Capstone let’s you cast a special ability when you have 8 or more Splinters at the same time, which basically fires whatever amount of Splinters you have at a single target for maximum damage. BLOG20

Best Spellslinger Mage Talents

As mentioned before, you’ll come to a point where you have to pick between talents, as you can’t unlock them all. So, in this section, we’ll name the best Spellslinger Mage talents that we think should be your top priority.

  • Augury Abounds

This talent synergizes well with both Arcane Surge and Icy Veins, two crucial abilities for Arcane and Frost Mages respectively. The ability to conjure additional Splinters during these powerful cooldowns significantly enhances the mage's damage output.

  • Controlled Instincts

With this talent, the mage gains the ability to spread damage to nearby enemies while Nether Tempest or Winter’s Chill is active on a target. This provides additional AoE damage potential, which is valuable in various scenarios, especially during intense encounters with multiple enemies.

  • Slippery Slinging

Improved mobility is always valuable in combat, and Slippery Slinging offers a substantial boost to movement speed during Alter Time. This talent not only enhances survivability by allowing the mage to evade danger more effectively but also aids in repositioning for optimal spellcasting.

  • Unerring Proficiency

Increasing the damage of Supernova for Arcane Mages or Ice Nova for Frost Mages with each Splinter conjuration is a significant damage boost. As both of these abilities are core components of their respective specializations' AoE toolkit, enhancing their potency can greatly improve the mage's overall effectiveness in dealing with groups of enemies.

  • Spellfrost Teachings

The chance for direct damage from Splinters to summon additional damaging effects like Arcane Echo or Icy Comet not only adds to the mage's damage output but also provides crowd control utility by increasing the damage enemies take. This talent enhances the mage's ability to control and manipulate the battlefield in their favor.

These talent choices collectively emphasize a balance between enhancing the mage's damage potential, improving their survivability and mobility, and providing utility in various combat situations. Overall, these talent choices aim to optimize the mage's performance in both single-target and AoE scenarios while also providing utility and survivability enhancements to adapt to various combat situations.

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How to Play Spellslinger Mage

Now, let’s focus on the Spellslinger Mage how to play, where we’ll discuss how your playstyle as a mage will change with these talents.

Playing as a Spellslinger Mage is all about harnessing the raw energy of magic in a new and dynamic way. Instead of traditional spellcasting, you conjure Splinters of raw magic with each key ability, like Nether Precision and Arcane Orb.

The gameplay revolves around strategically generating and manipulating these Splinters to maximize your damage output, which will make the base for the Spellslinger Mage DPS guide. Augury Abounds boosts your ability to conjure Splinters during crucial moments, while talents like Controlled Instincts allow you to spread damage to nearby enemies.

At the heart of Spellslinger gameplay is Splinterstorm, your ultimate ability. When you accumulate enough Splinters, you unleash a devastating storm of magic upon your foes, granting you Clearcasting for efficient spellcasting.

What sets Spellslinger's gameplay apart is its visual flair and strategic depth. Picture yourself amidst a storm of arcane energy, wielding the power of raw magic like never before. It's not just about casting spells; it's about mastering the art of manipulation and control in the heat of battle.

Spellslinger Mage Leveling

When it comes to WoW Spellslinger Mage leveling, you could really split this whole ordeal into two sections. The first section would be your typical new character leveling routine. You progress through levels as you normally would, unlocking specs, abilities, and talents. But, as soon as you hit level 71, you get access to the Hero Talent Tree, and that’s a totally different and new leveling experience. BLOG20

In this WoW Spellslinger Mage leveling guide, we outline your progression through the whole expansion and focus on the last 9 levels where you’ll be working with this new talent tree.

  • Levels 1-70 (Traditional Spellcasting):
    • Begin your journey as a fledgling mage, learning the fundamentals of either Arcane or Frost magic, depending on your chosen specialization.
    • Unlock core spells and abilities from your chosen specialization's talent tree, such as Frostbolt for Frost mages or Arcane Missiles for Arcane mages.
    • Progress through quests and dungeons, gaining experience and gradually improving your spellcasting prowess within your chosen specialization.
    • Experiment with different talent builds within your specialization to enhance your damage output, crowd control, or survivability, depending on your playstyle preferences.
  • Level 71 (Unlocking the Hero Talent Tree):
    • Reach level 71 and unlock the hero talent tree, introducing the Spellslinger talent tree specific to The War Within expansion.
    • Gain access to new talents and abilities centered around the manipulation of Splinters, raw magical projectiles that can deal damage and apply stacking effects to enemies.
    • Begin investing talent points into the Spellslinger tree, choosing talents that synergize with your chosen specialization and enhance your combat effectiveness.
  • Levels 72-80 (Mastering Splinter Manipulation):
    • Dive deeper into the Spellslinger talent tree, unlocking powerful new abilities and mechanics that revolve around generating and manipulating Splinters.
    • Experiment with different talent combinations to optimize your Spellslinger gameplay for various situations, such as single-target encounters, AoE fights, or PvP skirmishes.
    • Refine your mastery of Splinter manipulation, learning to strategically generate and consume Splinters to maximize your damage output and control over the battlefield.
    • Adapt your talent choices based on the content you're tackling and the challenges you face, adjusting your build to excel in questing, dungeons, raids, or player-versus-player combat.

By the time you reach level 80 as a WoW Spellslinger Mage 11.0, your character, whether specialized in Arcane or Frost, becomes a formidable Spellslinger, wielding the combined might of traditional magic alongside the unique abilities granted by the hero talent tree.

Spellslinger Mage Rotation

Here's a hypothetical WoW Spellslinger Mage rotation, incorporating the 15 hero talents:

Single Target Rotation

Preparation: Ensure all necessary buffs are active.

  • Opener:
    • Cast Nether Precision (Arcane) or Winter’s Chill (Frost) to generate Splinters.
    • Conjure Splinters with Arcane Surge (Arcane) or Icy Veins (Frost) to amplify your damage.
  • Core Rotation:
    • Continuously cast your primary damaging spells (e.g., Arcane Missiles, Frostbolt) to generate Splinters with each cast.
    • Utilize talents like Controlled Instincts to spread damage to nearby enemies.
    • Maintain Nether Tempest (Arcane) or Winter’s Chill (Frost) on the target to extend the effect of Splinters.
  • Cooldowns:
    • Activate Shifting Power to barrage enemies with Splinters.
    • Unleash Supernova (Arcane) or Ice Nova (Frost) for burst damage, boosted by Unerring Proficiency.
  • Finisher:

When 8 or more Splinters are active, trigger Splinterstorm for a devastating barrage of damage.

  • Resource Management:

Keep an eye on Clearcasting procs from Splinterstorm to optimize your spellcasting efficiency.

AoE Rotation

Preparation: Ensure all necessary buffs are active.

  • Opener:
    • Use Arcane Orb (Arcane) or Frozen Orb (Frost) to generate Splinters on multiple targets.
    • Cast Shifting Power to further increase Splinter generation.
  • Core Rotation:
    • Continuously cast AoE spells like Arcane Explosion or Blizzard to maintain Splinter generation on multiple targets.
    • Leverage talents like Splintering Orbs to increase Splinter generation from Arcane Orbs or Frozen Orbs.
  • Cooldowns:
    • Activate Shifting Power to refresh your Splinter barrage.
    • Unleash Supernova (Arcane) or Ice Nova (Frost) for additional burst damage in AoE situations.
  • Finisher:
    • Trigger Splinterstorm when 8 or more Splinters are active for a potent AoE damage burst.
  • Resource Management:
    • Manage your mana carefully to sustain prolonged AoE engagements.

For this best Spellslinger Mage rotation guide we wanted to emphasize the manipulation of Splinters to maximize damage output in both single-target and AoE scenarios, utilizing a combination of traditional spells and hero talents unique to the Spellslinger Mage. Adjustments may be needed based on encounter mechanics and talent synergies.


To summarise our WoW Spellslinger Mage guide, the Spellslinger Talent tree for mages introduces a new and lore-accurate playstyle. These Splinters that you can conjure as a mage deal good damage, increasing your DPS potential by a lot.

These talent trees offer players a new layer of depth and complexity, allowing them to tailor their gameplay experience to better suit their preferences and playstyles. By providing unique abilities and synergies, hero talent trees empower players to explore diverse strategies and experiment with different builds, fostering creativity and innovation.

Furthermore, hero talent trees breathe new life into established classes, revitalizing gameplay and offering fresh challenges for veteran players. With each new hero talent tree, classes gain additional depth and versatility, ensuring that the world of Azeroth remains dynamic and engaging for years to come.

Ultimately, hero talent trees represent a promising direction for class design in World of Warcraft, promising endless possibilities for customization and personalization. As players continue to delve into the Spellslinger Mage and other hero talent trees, they will discover new ways to harness the power of their chosen class and leave their mark on the ever-evolving world of Azeroth.


What are the best Spellslinger Mage talents?


The best Spellslinger Mage talents depend on the desired playstyle and situation, but some popular choices include:

  • Splintering Orbs for increased damage from Arcane Orb or Frozen Orb.
  • Unerring Proficiency to boost the damage of Supernova or Ice Nova.
  • Reactive Barrier for added survivability with Prismatic Barrier or Ice Barrier.

Is Spellslinger Mage good?


Spellslinger Mage can be effective in both PvE and PvP scenarios, offering versatility and burst potential with its unique mechanics. However, its effectiveness may vary depending on player skill, gear, and encounter mechanics.

Is Spellslinger Mage hard to play in WoW?


Spellslinger Mage can be challenging to master due to its reliance on managing Splinters and coordinating abilities for maximum impact. However, with practice and familiarity, players can become adept at optimizing their rotations and utilizing the hero talents effectively.

How do I maximize DPS Spellslinger Mage?


To maximize DPS as a Spellslinger Mage:

  1. Prioritize maintaining Splinters on the target through abilities like Nether Precision or Winter’s Chill.
  2. Coordinate cooldowns such as Shifting Power and Splinterstorm for burst damage.
  3. Utilize talents like Controlled Instincts and Unerring Proficiency to enhance damage output and control.

Which spec is best for Spellslinger Mage?


Both Arcane and Frost specs have strengths as Spellslinger Mages, with Arcane excelling in single-target damage and Frost offering strong crowd control and AoE potential. The best spec depends on personal preference, playstyle, and the specific encounter.

Is Spellslinger Mage good for fast leveling in WoW?


Spellslinger Mage can be effective for fast leveling due to its burst damage potential and versatility. The ability to generate and manipulate Splinters provides additional firepower for quickly dispatching enemies, especially in AoE situations.

What is the best Spellslinger Mage rotation in WoW?


The best rotation for Spellslinger Mage involves:

  • Opening with Nether Precision or Winter’s Chill to generate Splinters.
  • Maintaining Splinters on the target with primary damaging spells.
  • Coordinating cooldowns like Shifting Power and Splinterstorm for burst damage.
  • Adapting the rotation based on encounter mechanics and talent choices.

Is Spellslinger Mage good for PvE?


Spellslinger Mage can be effective for PvE content, offering strong single-target and AoE damage potential, as well as utility through crowd control and survivability talents. However, its effectiveness may vary depending on encounter mechanics and group composition.

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