The newest World of Warcraft expansion, called Dragonflight, is about to be released, and it is time to talk about the first raid dungeon presented in this expansion. The Vault of the Incarnates is a huge ancient prison, created by mighty Titans thousands of years ago after the cataclysmic war fought between newly born Dragon Aspects and Titans’ forces on one side, and primal proto-dragons, with Galakrond himself at the head, on the other.
This vault contains some of the most powerful elemental entities, who, if break free, can easily destroy Azeroth as we know it. Unfortunately, the Primalists' zealots and Raszageth, The Storm Eater, freed from her custody in the Forbidden Reach, have breached the walls of this place threatening to free all the incredibly dangerous inmates languishing inside.
So, Alexstrasza and other dragonflight leaders ask the Heroes of Azeroth to help contain the Vault of the Incarnates’ ultimate evil. Of course, this will be no easy fight, because the entities imprisoned are all wielders of great power and uncompromising hatred towards everything created by Titans: from dragons themselves to the smallest living creatures.
We have created the Vault of the Incarnates guide to help players with their struggles through this raid dungeon. We understand that this article is a bit ponderous, but is filled with enough information that you can estimate the complexity of the raid you are about to dive into.
Sure, for now (and maybe even after this raid content is completely conquered by players because some highly specialized things for classes and specs will not be presented here) the Vault of the Incarnates boss guides may seem a bit incomplete, however, we will update this article once new information become available.
The Vault of the Incarnates loot table will also not be present, because there is enough text already, and we do not want to make it longer with additional information easily available elsewhere. However, if you are interested in VotI drops and want to ask us about it, then our Customer Support team is at your service.
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The Raid’s Release Schedule
This time the whole raid will be available on all difficulties (save Raid Finder), and for all regions two weeks after the expansion release, on December 12. VotI Raid Finder release, however, will have its own schedule:
- Wing 1: This wing will be open starting from December 19;
- Wing 2: This wind will be available in Raid Finder starting from January 2;
- Wing 3: The last wing of the Vault of the Incarnates raid will be available in Raid Finder starting from January 16.
So, as you see the developers leave enough time for try-hard raid guilds to take advantage and master the new raid content before the majority of players can access the whole raid thanks to the Vault of the Incarnates LFR release.
Where to Find the Vault of the Incarnates?
The majestic building of the Vault of the Incarnates is located amidst a huge mountain range in the eastern part of the Thaldraszus location. It will not be easy to fly there with the new Dragon Riding system, so you better unlock a fly path once you get there. Also, note that this location will be a good source of valuable resources for all gathering professions alike.
Vault of the Incarnates Bosses
There are eight bosses in total in the Vault of the Incarnates, so, yes, VotI raid size is not among the biggest in the game’s history. After you defeat the first boss - Eranog - your raid party can choose between two wings with three bosses in each. To get access to the last boss, you must defeat all seven other bosses in the raid dungeon. BLOG20
The list of bosses goes like this:
- Eranog;
- Terros;
- The Primal Council;
- Sennarth, The Cold Breath;
- Dathea, Ascended;
- Kurog Grimtotem;
- Broodkeeper Diurna;
- Raszageth the Storm-Eater.
As always, the farther you venture into the dungeon the more difficult encounters you will face. The last three bosses will be a real hell, especially on Heroic and Mythic difficulties. For the majority of players, these two difficulties will be just too hard to get through on their own, which is why our WoW Boosting services are so popular. We can help you with practically anything in the game, including (bot not limited to) WoW Gold buying services, Mythic+ Dungeons and, of course, raid services, which will help you get the best gear quickly, safely, and for a reasonable price. You can contact our Customer Support (which is always available) to learn more about that. And also do not forget about other WoW Dragonflight Boost services we offer. Surely you will find something you would like.
Boss Strategies
Below you will find a range of useful tips for each of the 8 bosses in the Vault of the Incarnates Raid. Surely, some things will be subject to change in the upcoming patches and hotfixes, however, judging by the previous raid dungeons, the overall strategy will remain the same.
Unfortunately for now, the information about the encounters may be incomplete, but we will provide you with every bit of information we have, so you can at least know what to expect from VotI bosses. Here you will find both Vault of the Incarnates Heroic Guide and VotI Normal guide, as well as some tips for Mythic difficulty.
The first boss of the Vault of the Incarnates is a huge fiery creature, capable of unleashing raging flame upon its enemies. Be ready to face a lot of magma and fire (do not stand in it) when fighting this powerful creature. As always, the strategy on Normal, Heroic, and Mythic difficulties will be significantly different, so read on to learn more about how to defeat this boss.
Overall this encounter is not that hard to fight your way through. The fight with Eranog is a single-phase battle with just a few easy-to-adapt-to mechanics. All you need to do is to deal enough damage, avoid fire and quickly burst down Fire Elementals. More about this fight below.

Abilities and Tips:
- One of the main boss’ abilities is Primal Flow, which will be used on players constantly during the encounter. The Primal Flow placement is crucial in this encounter.
- Healers should pay close attention to the Blazing Brand ability, which will inflict powerful damage-over-time ability on multiple players.
- Adds will spawn periodically during the fight, so you will need to AoE them as soon as possible.
- Melee damage dealers should try to stay behind the boss.
- Often Eranog will turn away from the tank to cast a Molten Swing which is a frontal cleave spell in the direction of other raid members. The spell is easy to dodge if you are quick, but remember that subsequent hits will greatly increase the spell’s damage, so do not die from it.
- When you see a red arrow above your head and a red circle around you (Flamerift) this means that adds will spawn on your location in a few seconds (Primal Forces), so you should quickly run closer to the boss. That way they will spawn close to each other making it easier to AoE them. Note that sometimes Eranog can use his Molten Barrier ability.
- If you see that Eranog runs to the center of the arena, this means that he is about to use the Collapsing Army ability to summon multiple fire elementals with a fire beam running between them. The beam will immediately kill you, so ALL damage dealers should focus on one of the fire elementals to make a breach in the fire beam that all raid members should quickly go through. Note that on Mythic difficulty there will be two circles of elementals, one of them running to the center from the edges and the other running to the edges from the center, so you must quickly nuke the elementals located in front of each other.
- If a Collapsing Flame moves through Primal Flow it will gain shield, which makes killing him almost impossible. So, purely placed Primal Flows will almost certainly mean wipe.
- On Mythic difficulty, the boss will also have the Greater Flamerift ability, which will spawn Flamescale Captain instead of Frenzied Tarasek. This add cast lethal-damage pyroblast which should be interrupted and Leaping Flames that bounces between players leaving 16-second DoT.
- Again, on Mythic difficulty, Eranog will use the Molten Spikes ability: 4 players are targeted and huge spikes will come from the ground dealing significant physical damage.
- Another Mythic-difficulty-ability is Incinerating Roar, which deals raid-wide Fire damage, destroying all Molten Spikes and creating Molten Fissures in their place. These fissures deal AoE-damage within 4 yards.
Eranog Fight Overview
As stated above, the fight is very stright forward. The boss is placed on the outer ring of the arena and being dragged around the circle, while the whole raid is concentrating behind the boss in order to avoid the Molten Swing. When the boss spawns small adds they should be quickly cleave down and players should play close attention to where Primal Flows are placed. Once the boss start to run to the center of the arena and start to summon Collapsing Army all DPS should focus one add to quickly take him down, thus allowing the raid to squeeze through the gap out of the lethal AoE. Repeat the process untill the boos is dead.
Terros is a mighty Earth elemental creature, with a huge body of stone and crystal. This enemy is more than capable of unleashing the Earth’s power upon everyone bold enough to challenge his ancient might.
This encounter is also mostly straightforward, but the damage requirements will be of more importance than in Eranog encounter. So-called soft enrage in this encounter will depend on how much arena space is filled with Awakened Earth, and you cannot stop them from appearing, so the quicker you destroy the boss, the better. More about that below.

Abilities and Tips:
- One thing you should remember when fighting Terros is that the boss must be defeated before Resonant Aftermath covers too much of the arena, preventing players from moving around and enraging the boss.
- Resonant Aftermaths are placed when Terros casts Resonating Annihilation in a cone in front of him. Also, if you destroy Awakened Earth it will also spawn Resonant Aftermath.
- Rock Blast is targeted to a random player and deals serious Nature damage which can be split between players within 12 yards from impact. It also creates Awakened Earth. On Mythic difficulty it deals the amount of splitted damage to the whole raid.
- The effect of Awakened Earth not only deals serious damage to one player, but also damages the whole raid until destroyed. Do not let Awakened Earth stack too much.
- Tanks can help destroy Awakened Earth by positioning the boss in such a way that he will hit Awakened Earths with his Concussive Slam.
- Seismic Assault will cause all sorts of problems for the raid not only by dealing some serious damage to the player it is aiming at, but also by causing various AoE-damage effects.
- Shattering Impact will also cause Fractured Rubble to fall from above.
- Healers should remember that when Awakened Earth is destroyed by Concussive Slam, an Energy Wave is released dealing damage to the whole raid.
- If no player is in range of Terros' melee attacks he will use the Tectonic Barrage ability, dealing high amount of raid-wide damage, untill someone is in range with him again.
Terros Fight Overview
This boss is a huge DPS-checker, because if you do not manage to kill him untill all the arena is flooded with Resonant Aftermaths the whole raid will start to receive an unhealable amounts of damage. This makes this fight both very straightforward and gear dependend. Speaking about the mechanics themselves, everything is quite simple. You will need to divide damage when the boss use his Rock Blast ability and stratigicly place Awakened Earths so they can be easily destroyed by Concussive Slam. Also note that on Heroic and Mythic difficulties you will need to drop Fractured Rubble way out of the boss' melee range, because they will leave void zones upon impact.
The Primalist Council
As the name implies, the Primalist Council is the strongest and the wisest of the Primalists. These enemies are capable of unleashing powerful primal magic upon their foes, so players should prepare themself for a serious challenge, especially on Heroic and Mythic difficulties.
In this raid encounter you will face four powerful enemies, each with a set of unique abilities.
This fight is about carefully considering which boss should go down first and balancing between different types of damage. Note that Opalfang and Embar Firepath are melee bosses that require tank swaps, while the other two: Kadros Frostgrip and Dathea Stormlash, are casters which have to be interrupted whenever possible.

Kadros Icewrath |
Dathea Stormlash |
Opalfan |
Embar Firepath |
The Primalist Council Fight Overview
This fight requires strong AoE damage from the raid, because all bosses should be killed simultaneously. So, your Mythic+ builds are more than useable here. Other than that, the fight is not that difficult. The raid will need to interrupt all casts from Dathea Stormlash and Kadros Icewrath, carefully place Meteor Axes (especially on higher difficulties where the void zone will not disappear) and Earthen Pillars, and use them to remove stacks of Conductive Mark and Primal Blizzard.
Sennarth, The Cold Breath
Sennarth is a vicious creation of Kurog Grimtotem. This huge arachnid was infused with cold energy and is constantly watching over its thousands of children, getting them ready to pour out of the prison and conquer Azeroth with blood and cold.
Unlike the previous VotI bosses, this encounter will take place in several different arenas. Sennarth will climb up the spiral staircase as the fight progresses further. On each platform on the staircase Sennarth will summon Frostbreath Arachnids to help her survive the assault. To finish her off, Heroes of Azeroth will have to fight their way up to the final platform.

Sennarth will spawn two types of adds during the encounter:
Name | Discription | Abilities |
Caustic Spiderlings | These little annoying creatures will spawn throughout the encounter and will cast Caustic Eruption upon death. | Caustic Eruption deals damage in a 5 yard radius removing Sticky Webbing stacks and destroying Wrapped in Webs. On Mythic difficulty, it also applies a stacking effect that increases damage taken by Caustic Eruption by 300% for 30 seconds. |
Frostbreath Arachnid | These are Sennarth's elder children and will spawn on each platform. Capable of leaving Icy Ground in a cone in front of them. | Chilling Aura deals moderate raid-wide damage and applies a buff on Frostbreath Arachnid that increases Frost damage done by 25% per stack. |
Climbing Phase Abilities
- Breath of Ice - Creates the Icy Ground patches.
- Icy Ground - Deals Frost damage while you stand in it and makes you slide around, making movement significantly harder.
- Chilling Blast - Hits several players and applies 4-seconds damage-over-time effect. Can be dispelled. Trigger Frost Expulsion upon expiring or removal.
- Frost Expulsion - Deals significant Frost damage to all players within 4 yards. You can move away from it if you act quick enough.
- Enveloping Webs - Dealing moderate physical damage over 6 seconds to several players and inflict Sticky Webbing.
- Sticky Webbing - Reduces movement speed by 25% for 30 seconds and prevents sliding and displacing. If you take 10 stacks (and only 5 stacks on Mythic difficulty) of Sticky Webbing you will become Wrapped in Webs which stuns you for 30 seconds. Both effects can be removed by Caustic Eruption.
- Gossamer Burst - The whole raid is pulled towards the boss and receiving significant physical damage.
- Web Blast - Applied by Sennarth’s special attacks, this stacking debuff will increase damage taken by Web Blast by 50% for 30 seconds. Lethal damage on 5-8 stacks, so tank swap is required.
Final Phase Abilities
- Apex of Ice - This is a channeling spell that Sennarth starts casting upon reaching the top of the staircase. Creates Icy Grounds on the platform, reduces the damage taken by the boss by 99%, and increases damage taken by the raid.
- Sennath will keep using Chilling Blast and spawn Caustic Spiderlings during this phase.
- Suffocating Webs - Replaces Enveloping Webs. The same mechanic, but at the end of the 6 seconds debuff players will be knocked away. Sticky Webbing will spawn at their locations while nearby players will be Wrapped in Webs.
- Repelling Burst - Replaces Gossamer Burst. Now the boss will push players away. Try to stick closer to the boss or get Sticky Webbing to not fall from the platform.
- Pervasive Cold - The whole raid takes 10% more Frost damage per tick until the boss dies.
- Permafrost - Covers the ground and deals stacking Frost damage.
Sennarth, The Cold Breath Fight Overview
In this fight you and your raid will need to make your way up the spiral staircase, while dealing with plenty of adds (which should be killed as soon as possible), very slippery ground and Sennarth constantly trying to pull you off the stairs (those strings of web she hit you with are the indicator that you should quickly run away from the boss). Once you reach the top of the stairs the adds stop coming and you will face the boss alone. At this phase Sennarth will deal steadilly increasing raid-wide damage, which is your DPS-checker in this encounter. BLOG20
Dathea, Ascended
After her defeat, Dathea, driven mad by the pain and embarrassment, called for Raszageth to give her even more power. Given a fraction of the Incarnate’s might, Dathea now wields the power of wind itself and is ready to tear apart the enemies she hates.
Your second encounter with Dathea will be a single-phase fight on a small platform with the boss constantly trying to push you off it. Dathea will also summon adds to help her in battle.

Name | Discription | Abilities |
Volatile Infuser | This is a powerful elemental creature with plenty of abilities that will ruin your day. Also, when this creature dies it deals raid-wide damage and knocks all players away, so do not stay too close to the edge of the arena. |
Thunder Caller | This add will only spawn on Heroic and Mythic difficulties. |
Abilities and Tips
- At 100 Energy Dathea will cast Coalescing Storm. This spell summons Volatile Infuser (and Thunder Callers on Heroic and Mythic difficulties, with Thunderbolts triggered at the minions locations).
- Thunderbolts deal small Nature damage and apply stacked debuff which increases damage taken by Thunderbolts by 10% for 1 minute.
- Be careful with killing Volatile Infusers, because their Blowback can easily knock you or your ally off the arena.
- Empowered Conductive Mark - Increases Nature damage taken by a random player for 10 seconds (15 seconds on Heroic difficulty). Also affects all players within 5 yards from the targeted player and deals raid-wide damage when duplicated. On Mythic difficulty this debuff does not expire and to remove it the player should come to fallen Volatile Infuser or Dormant Infuser thus giving them 10 Energy.
- Cyclone - The boss creates a powerful vortex at her location that pulls all players towards it and deals raid-wide damage every second for 10 seconds. If a player is pulled into the vortex they will be knocked into the air.
- Raging Burst - Deals damage to all players within 6 yards of impact and creates Raging Tempest.
- Raging Tempest - If you step into a Raging Tempest you will take significant Nature damage and will be knocked into the air. Each Raging Tempest also deals raid-wide damage with Raging Winds. The soft enrage is effected by this ability - the longer you fight the boss, the more Raging Tempest will flood the arena, making it progressively harder to survive the encounter.
- Crosswinds - Relocate all existing Raging Tempests. When they arrive at their new location, all players within 8 yards will take Nature damage.
- Zephyr Slam - Knock back a boss’ melee target and increase both damage and knockback taken by 50% for 55 seconds. Requires tank swap.
- Aerial Buffet - If Dathea’s target is not in melee range, she will deal a powerful ranged attack, dealing significant Nature damage.
Dathea, Ascended Fight Overview
In this fight, along with dealing good damage and healing, you will need to do your best not to fall of the platform, which can be quite tricky because of all the mechanics this encounter has. Pay especially close attention to adds, because it is very important to place yourself to the center of the arena when you kill them. Aside from that the fight is pretty standart DPS-cheker with plenty of easy-to-avoid AoEs.
Kurog Grimtotem
This powerful shaman is an apprentice of Magatha Grimtotem herself. He is an expert in creating dreadful elemental creatures and is ready to unleash their rage upon everything in Azeroth.
This 3-phase encounter will take place in a round arena with four elemental altars.

Phase 1 | In this phase, players will fight Kurog who gains power-stacks from whatever elemental altar is nearest to him (as well as the abilities and spells related to that altar). |
Phase 2 |
This phase starts at 33% and 66% of the boss’ HP. Kurog summons two elementals based on the power-stacks he currently has and covers himself with a nearly impenetrable Primal Barrier, which reduces damage taken by 99%. When the elementals are defeated Phase 1 begins anew. |
Phase 3 | Once all four elementals are defeated, Kurog will gain the powers of all four elements. |
There are four types of elementals Kurog will summon during the fight:
Name | Discription | Abilities |
Blazing Fiend | This fiery creature gains Blistering stacks every 10 seconds and transfers them to Kurog upon death. |
Frozen Destroyer | This ice elemental gains Chilling stacks every 10 seconds and transfers them to Kurog upon death. On Mythic difficulty this minion can also cast Absolute Zero. |
Tectonic Crusher | This mighty earth elemental gains Shattering stacks and transfers them to Kurog upon death. Also note that each Tectonic Crusher’s attack increases its damage by 3%. Requires tank swap. Also, on Mythic difficulty this minion can cast Seismic Rupture. |
Thundering Tempest | This mighty air elemental will gain Thundering stacks and transfer them to Kurog upon death. On Mythic difficulty, Thundering Tempest can cast Thunder Strike. |
Boss Abilities and Elemental Altars
- Elemental Surge - If Kurog is not near any Elemental Altar, he will use a raid-wide damage-over-time ability and gain all four elemental stacks every second.
- Primal Shift - On Heroic and Mythic difficulties, when Kurog connects to an Elemental Altar, he will deal significant raid-wide damage and apply on the whole raid the Primal Break debuff which increases damage taken by Primal Shift by 80% for 40 seconds.
- Sundering Strike - High physical damage in a cone in front of the boss, which also applies a stackable 35 seconds DoT. Requires tanks swap on 1-2 stacks.
Fire Altar
- Magma Burst - Targets up to 3 players, dealing Fire damage and applying a 10 seconds DoT. After the DoT expires, a Lava Pool is created in the players’ location.
- Magma Pool - Deals extremely high Fire damage to everyone standing in it.
- Molten Rupture - Kurog will use this ability only on Heroic and Mythic difficulties. Fires waves of lava at random players, dealing near-lethal Fire damage.
- Searing Carnage - Targets up to 3 random players and after 1.5 seconds creates a 5-yards-wide AoE zone, which deals lethal Fire damage.Targeted players will also take a 5-seconds DoT. Each successfully casted Searing Carnage will give Kurog a stack of Flame Dominance.
- Flame Dominance - Increases the damage of Fire Altar’s abilities by 5% per stack.
Frost Altar
- Biting Chill - A 10 seconds buff that deals raid-wide damage every second.
- Frigid Torrent - Kurog will use this ability only on Heroic and Mythic difficulties. Throws frozen orbs on the arena every 2 seconds for 4 seconds. If a player touches an orb, they will receive a significant amount of Frost damage and be stunned for 6 seconds. Dispellable.
- Absolute Zero - Targets up to 2 players and deals lethal amounts of Frost damage after 3 seconds. This damage can be splitted between players within 8 yards from the target.
- Players affected by Absolute Zero will also have a stack of Frost Bite. Multiple Frost Bite stack will apply Frozen Solid effect, which prevents movement and deals significant Frost damage over 10 seconds.
- Each successfully casted Absolute Zero will give Kurog a stack of Frost Dominance.
- Frost Dominance - Increases the damage of Frost Altar’s abilities by 5% per stack.
Earth Altar
- Erupting Bedrock - Deals lethal amount of damage and knockback after 5 seconds cast time.
- Enveloping Earth - Kurog will only use this ability on Heroic and Mythic difficulties. Deals moderate Nature damage and applies a large healing-absorption shield to up to 3 players.
- Seismic Rupture - Earth Breakers will spawn on highlighted locations. Every player that stands within 10 yards of spawning Earth Breaker will receive a lethal amount of Nature damage.
- Earth Breakers do raid-wide Nature damage and apply stacks of Skeletal Fractures, which increases Physical damage taken by 6% perstack for 10 seconds.
- Each successfully casted Seismic Rupture will give Kurog a stack of Eartth Dominance.
- Earth Dominance - Increases the damage of Earth Altar’s abilities by 5% per stack.
Storm Altar
- Shocking Burst - Applies a debuff on 2 players, which deals large amounts of Nature damage to every player within 12 yards from target players after 5 seconds.
- Lightning Crash - Kurog will use this ability only on Heroic and Mythic difficulties. Applies a 4 seconds debuff to up to 3 players. After it expires, it increases Nature damage taken by 70% and deals small amounts of Nature damage to the closest target every second over 10 seconds.
- Thunder Strike - Highlight areas on the arena where Thunder will strike to deal a significant amount of Nature damage to all players within 8 yards from impact.
- If none of the Thunder Strikes strike any players, a lethal amount of raid-wide Nature damage will be dealt.
- Each successfully casted Thunder Strike will give Kurog a stack of Storm Dominance.
- Storm Dominance - Increases the damage of Storm Altar’s abilities by 5% per stack.
Now, when you finally fight your way to Phase 3, Kurog will have all the abilities from Phase 1 and will cast them faster. BLOG20
Kurog Grimtotem Fight Overview
In this encounter things like quickly killing adds and provide good raid-wide healing are highly important. There will be a lot of AoE in the arena avoiding which is also crucial. This is especially true for abilities like Lightning Crash and Seismic Rupture. Another important thing in this fight is the oder of Altars you move the boss in. We rocemmend you to use the following order:
- Earth;
- Storm;
- Frost;
- Fire.
Broodkeeper Diurna
As the name implies, Broodkeeper Diurna’s work in the Vault of the Incarnates is to keep an eye upon Primalists nursery. She will put every bit of her strength (which is not to be toyed with) to protect the offspring, so prepare yourself for a serious fight.
The fight against Broodkeeper Diurna is a two-phased encounter with tons of adds helping the boss destroy the intruders. There will be many eggs in the arena, which you will have to destroy. Often, however, Diurna will prevent you from touching her precious eggs, but you can make her use her own Greatstaff to destroy the eggs.
You will need to separate your raid into two groups, one of which will deal with the boss, while the other will be busy with the eggs and adds.

The eggs are located in the Cluthwarren. While you are there your movement speed is increased by 15%. However, if the boss is within 50 yards from the Cluthwarren, this movement speed boost is replaced by Diurna’s Gaze, which increases damage taken by 10%. Also, on Mythic difficulty you will gain one stack of Lingering Gaze, which increases damage taken by 1% for 30 seconds, for every 7 seconds being under the Diurma’s Gaze.
Speaking about adds, there will be a whole lot of them. Let's start with the two types that will spawn from eggs in the Cluthwarren:
- Primal-Proto-Whelp - Spawn upon breaking an egg with Focus Greatstaff. Aggro to a random player and cannot be tanked.
- Nascent-Proto-Dragon - Spawn by Diurma after using Rapid Incubation. Can be tanked.
Then there will be Primal reinforcements, which will spawn throughout Phase 1 to help Diurma in battle:
Tarasek Legionnare |
Tarasek Earthreaver |
Primalist Mage |
Dragonspawn Flamebender |
Juvenile Frost Proto-Dragon |
Drakonid Stormbringer |
Phase 1 Abilities and Tips
- Wildfire - After 1.5 seconds casting time unleash rain of fire to every player within 50 yards, dealing moderate amounts of fire damage and applying 9 seconds DoT. This also leaves flames on the ground, which will explode dealing damage to all players within 4 yards. On Heroic and Mythic difficulties Wildfire will deal damage around every player.
- Icy Shroud - After 1.5 casting time unleash waves of cold, hitting every player within 50 yards. This deals moderate Frost damage, reduces movement speed by 30%, and applies a dispellable healing-absorptions shield.
- Mortal Stoneclaws - A powerful melee attack that also applies two debuffs:
- Mortal Wounds - 65% stackable healing reduction for 8 seconds.
- Crushin Stoneclaws - Stackable DoT which deals Nature damage every 0.5 seconds over 4 seconds. - Broodkeeper’s Bond - This buff prevents an unhatched egg from taking damage below 1% HP. This buff stacks for every intact egg in the arena.
- Greatstaff of the Broodkeeper - Diurma channel this ability for 9 seconds and then hits all players within 50 yards of her, applying a 9 seconds DoT which deals small amount of Nature damage every 1.5 seconds. After completing channeling this ability Diurma will gain a stack of Greatstaff’s Wrath buff (2 stacks on Heroic and 3 stacks on Mythic difficulties).
- Greatstaff’s Wrath - Increases the damage of Greatstaff of the Brroodkeeper for 10% per stack.
- The latest two abilities are the most important in this encounter because players within 10 yards of the Greatstaff will gain the Focus Greatstaff ability. This creates a beam between the player and Greatstaff, which deals Nature damage to everyone within 3 yards and instantly cracks an egg. On Heroic and Mythic difficulties, if you crack an egg with the beam the boss will be enraged with Clutchwatcher's Rage, dealing a small amount of raid-wide damage and increasing the damage done by this ability by 200% for 10 seconds.
- Static Field - The boss will have this ability only on Mythic Difficulty. After Diurma uses her Greatstaff ability, this place is on the ground and forces players to move away from it.
- Rapid Incubation - Targets the two nearest unhatched eggs and forces them to spawn two Nascent-Proto-Dragons.
Phase 2 Abilities and Tips
This phase will begin once all eggs are hatched and dragons are killed.
In this phase Diurma will have the Broodkeeper’s Fury effect, which increases her damage by 15% and empowers her abilities:
- Mortal Wound’s duration is doubled and this effect stacks every 30 seconds;
- Empowered Greatstaff of the Broodkeeper will deal more damage to players within 50 yards;
- Empowered Greatstaff's Wrath will increase the Greatstaff’s damage by 30% (instead of 15%) per stack. These stacks cannot be removed. This is your soft-enrage mechanic;
- Icy Shroud is replaced by the Frozen Shroud. This ability will also deal moderathe Frost damage but instead of reducing movement speed will encase players in an attackable ice tomb, which also applies a healing-absorption shield.
Broodkeeper Diurna Fight Overview
In this ecnounter you will need to divide your raid in tow large groups. The first one's job will be to quickly take down adds and keep them away from the boss. The seconds one, so-called egg-group, will use the Greatstaff of the Broodkeeper to destroy eggs. The boss should be moved across the arena in a large circle (while always keeping a distance from adds) and stop near hatching eggs so the egg-group can quickly destriy them. Once all eggs are destroyed the raid should use eferything in order to kill the boss as soon as possible.
Raszageth, The Storm-Eater
Being the last boss encounter in the Vault of the Incarnates, the fight with Raszageth, The Storm-Eater, will be the most difficult in VotI. Raszageth is a mighty proto-dragon, a leader of her kind who lost a cataclysmic war against Titans and Dragon Aspects many thousands years ago. She hates Dragon Aspects, thinking that they enslaved her kind and twisted her world, and will do everything to make Azeroth “free” of Titans’ influence.
Raszageth has come to the Vault of the Incarnates to free her fellow Incarnates Iridikron the Stonescaled, Vyranoth the Frozenheart, and Fyrakk the Blazing from their prisons. The vault that keeps the Incarnates encased will have integrity level, which, if comes to an end, will probably wipe the raid. Also Raszageth will constantly summon Primal Forces to help her in combat.

Phase 1 Abilities:
- At the beginning of the fight, Raszageth will use Hurricane Wing to push players off the central platform. This ability will deal raid-wide damage, apply DoT, and the duration of the hurricane will increase by 1 second every time the boss uses the ability.
- Static Charge - The boss marks players with a Nature damage DoT which explodes upon expiration, dealing AoE-damage and creating a Static Field at the target’s location.
- Static Field - Deals significant damage and reducing movement speed.
- Volatile Current - Raszageth sends forth an electric charge, which deals AoE-damage and creates a Volatile Spark. This effect can Burst, dealing Nature damage and leaving a stackable DoT.
- Thunderous Blast - The boss targets a player and sends a devastating beam of thunderous energy, dealing significant damage to every player in a line to the target over 2 seconds. Players hit with the Thunderous Blast get the Thunderous Energy debuff.
- Thunderous Energy - Explodes after 1 second dealing significant damage which depends on the total damage taken by the previous Thunderous Blast. Applies Melted Armor, which increases physical damage taken by 400% for 40 seconds.
- Lightning Breath - The boss breathes a stream of lightning dealing AoE-damage in the impact location.
- Lightning Strikes - The very presence of the Storm Incarnate creates periodical lightning strikes, dealing Nature damage and stunning players.
- Electrifying Presence - Raszageth emits the power of storm dealing periodical damage to all players every 2 seconds. Sometimes lightning lashes out at several players applying the Spiteful Lash DoT to them.
Phase 1 Minions:
Surging Ruiner | These minions will attack the vault with their Surge ability, which shields the minion and deals raid wide damage in decreasing the vault integrity. If Surge is removed, Surging Ruiner will gain Overload, which is a stackable buff that grants Surging Ruiner and his allies 50% Haste increasing. |
Oathsworn Vanguard | These are furious warriors with the Windforce Strike ability, which increases attack speed and movement speed with every successful melee attack. |
Stormseeker Acolyte | These minions have two abilities:
Phase 2 Abilities:
- In this phase Raszageth will have the abilities from Phase 1 and a range of new ones.
- When the boss’ health is less than 70%, she will attack Fyrakk’s and Vyranoth’s prisons with the Lightning Devastation ability, dealing significant Nature damage and applying DoT, while summoning minions to attack the prisons directly.
- While doing so, she will also shield herself with Storm Shield, reducing all incoming damage by 99%.
- Fulminating Charge targets a random player, reducing movement speed and dealing damage upon expiration. Once the debuff is expired it targets the nearest player. All players affected with the Fulminating Charge also take Lingering Charge, which deals Nature damage over time.
- When the vault integrity falls beneath 50%, Raszageth will land on Iridikron’s prison and start to drain vault’s power using Stormsurge, dealing raid-wide Nature damage and shielding herself for 20% of her maximum health. The raid wide damage increases with every subsequent pulse. While the boss is channeling Stormsurge, all players receive the Stormcharged effect.
- Stormcharged - All players are charged with either Positive or Negative charge. Staying within 8 yards from a player with the same charge as yours will give you the Focused Charge effect, and within 8 yards from a player with an opposite charge will give the Scattered Charge effect.
- Focused Charge - Increases damage, healing, and absorption done by 200%.
- Scattered Charge - Inflicts Nature damage every second.
- Tempest Wing - Raszageth cast down her wings dealing significant damage to allplayers instantly and releasing a storm wave. Players caught in the storm wave take even more Nature damage every second and are pushed away.
- With the vault’s integrity less than 10% Raszageth takes off again and summons Colossal Stormfiends to help her deal with the remaining vault’s power.
- Colossal Stormfiend - This minion will have the following abilities:
- Storm Break - Stormfiend teleports to a new location dealing AoE damage at the cast and arrival locations. Also this creates Seeking Stormlings at the cast location.
- Seeking Stormlings will seek their creator and upon reaching him sacrifice themselves to heal Colossal Stormfiend for 5% of his HP and provide him with 10% damage bonus. This effect is stackable.
- Ball Lightning - Creates a ball of lightning. If a player touches the ball they will receive significant damage and be stunned.
- Crackling Energy - Inflicts Nature damage to all players every 2 seconds.
In Phase 3 Raszageth will have the abilities from Phase 1 and Phase 2.
Once the vault fails, Raszageth lands on the central platform and starts casting Raging Storm, which engulfs the arena and deals significant damage to all players within reach.
Raszageth, The Storm-Eater Fight Overview
This battle with the Storm Incarnate will take place in the uppermost part of the Vault, on three hige platforms. Falling off the platform will, obviously, mean death and Raszageth will do her best to knock player off the platforms. The fight will go as follows:
- Central Platfrom Phase 1: In the first phase, aside from avoiding small void zones, of the fight you should play close attention to where you place the Static Fields because they not only deal significant damage, but also helps you not to fall off the platform when the boss uses her Hurricane Wing ability. So placing them just behind the raid to create a safe zone is a good idea. Also, player shoul do their best to avoid Thunderous Blast, which will instantly kill them. When you see a blue circles around every player (Volatile Current) this means that the whole raid should quickly spread out and interrupt the cast of small spheres which will appear shortly after.
- Side Platforms: When Raszageth flies off the platform and summons a huge sphere at the center your raid should divide evenly into two groups and run to the opposite sides of the platform, so when the sphere is exploded you will fly safely to one of the side platforms. There you will find a few adds that should be quickly killed. Be careful because Raszageth will periodically flood the platforms with thunderous energy, dealing lethal damage to everyone caught in this AoE. Once all adds are killed you can hop off to the third platform using the special device at the edge of each side platform.
- Central Platform Phase 2: In this phase, you will need to deal to the boss as much damage as possible. There will be three new abilities, along with Volatile Current from Phase 1. The first is Tempest Wing, which is not that hard to deal with - you need simply to run toward the boss to reduce incoming damage. The second is Fulminating Charge, which creates a huge AoE on three players, which should be carefully placed so that no one gets killed. The main mechanic here is the Stormsurged ability, which creates debuffs, similar to the ones you saw in Mythic+ Dungeons. This time, however, you do not need to run into a player with the opposite debuff, all players with the same debuffs will need to stay together, thus significantly increasing damage and healing output (staying near the opposite debuff will deal damage). Once the Vault integrity falls to zero, the boss then will again fly up and summon huge add (two of them on Heroic difficulty), which will deal constant raid-wide damage and periodically cast lightning balls, which should be avoided at all costs. This add will also teleport randomly across the platform and summon a bunch of smaller adds, which will move towards the big one and heal him if they manage to reach him, so these adds should be slowed, stunned, and quickly killed. Raszageth will also continue to hover over the platform and periodically fly over it to flood the floor with lightning, so avoid that too. When the add is killed, the boss will once again knock player into the air, so the raid should line up so that they will land on the central platform.
- Central Platform The Last Phase: In this phase, you will face pretty much every ability from the previous phases, plus, lethal AoE will start to crawl towards the center of the platform from the sides, so you will need to use everything at your disposal to kill the boss before this AoE leaves no room to maneuver.
General Tips
Any new raid content, even the easiest of them, is very hard to fight your way through at the very start after the release. It is even more so when we are speaking about the first raid content of an expansion.
There is no doubt that the Vault of the Incarnates raid will be a very challenging experience, so everyone who wants to succeed should prepare themselves well.
However, since the Professions in WoW Dragonflight have changed so much, the process of crafting and enchanting your gear, and getting the required consumables will be significantly different from what we had in the previous expansions. So, let us list the things you will need to do before entering the Vault of the Incarnates.
One thing you should remember is that the importance of crafted pieces of gear is much more significant than in the previous WoW expansions. This not only means that you can easily keep your crafted gear further into the expansion, but also that you should more carefully select the items (pieces of gear or enchants) you buy from the Auction House. For example:
- Get the best enchants. All items that can increase certain stats of your equipment are now divided into quality levels. Note that while you can use low-quality enchants on blue items from Heroic Dungeons, you should definitely do everything you can to get some top-notch enchants for pieces of epic gear you managed to get your hands on. And if you want to get even more of an advantage early on and participate in the PVE race, consider getting high-quality enchants even for mediocre gear (even though it will cost you a fortune).
- Do not hesitate from investing into crafting gear. As stated above, with the new professions system, the gear you can craft (and consequently buy via the Auction House) will be of much higher importance than ever before. The ability to reforge low item level items into their higher item level versions changes the gearing routine completely, while cross-server Work Orders make the demand and supply ratio much more capable of providing decent pre-raid or even raid gear for players.
- Think twice about your gem’s composition. While other means of improving your gear are mostly straightforward, meaning that you have some best-in-slot enchants without many variants (save for the enchants’ quality tiers), gems are hugely important because you can use them to fine-tune your stats and thus get the most out of your spec. If your gear composition is lacking some stats you can easily compensate for it using gems, or get those last bits of some stat to make it a soft cap.
Consumables were and still are one of the most important things for every raider. The stats boost they can provide, though temporarily, is so important in raid boss encounters that it literally outlines the difference between life and death. Things like potions, flasks, and food not only can compensate for your poor gear, but are essential if you want your raiding to be more or less enjoyable.
Of course, with the new professions system, the diversity of what raid consumables you can buy widens significantly, but we highly recommend you spend your money on at least Tier 2 quality consumables.
Class Mechanics
This may seem obvious, but you need to know what your class is capable of. Despite the fact that raids are the most difficult PVE-activity in the game, not all players completely understand how their classes and specializations work when they start to participate in them.
You will do your fellow members a big favor if you first learn your class mechanics, master your rotation, and figure out how your class synergizes the best with the others.
As a team of experienced raiders, we can say that VotI bosses, their mechanics (especially on Heroic and Mythic difficulties) will be an enjoyable and fun experience, especially if you fight them with your faithful guild members.
The difficulty level of this content will be comparably high, which is actually a good thing, because a vast majority of the raid community was complaining about the latest raid expansion being too easy to get through. Will the same be said about the VotI raid? Only time will tell.
We sincerely hope that our Vault of the Incarnates boss guides was helpful for you. As stated above, the information presented here will be updated as soon as new information becomes available.