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Master Vault of Glass

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Unique Raid Loot
Timelost Weapons
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What you'll get

  1. The Vault of Glass Raid completed on Master Difficulty;
  2. A chance to obtain a rare Raid Exotic — Vex Mythoclast;
  3. Vaultstrider Exotic Ship obtained on your account;
  4. Unique and Pinnacle Vault of Glass gear;
  5. All other Legendary and Exotic loot that drops during the service;
  6. Exp for your Season Pass and Artifact.


  • Active Destiny 2 account.

All our players will:

  • Play honestly. No cheats, hacks, or exploits will be in use. All our players are constantly being monitored by their supervisors and you can provide your feedback if you think that something was wrong.
  • Use Premium VPN and other technical methods to protect your account’s data.

If you still have any questions, please contact our Customer Support team.

More info

  • Raiding is an End Game PvE activity for 6 Characters that players can't automatically search for (unlike in Gambit or Crucible).
  • Vault of Glass is one of the oldest raids in Destiny history. Players can obtain many rare and exclusive weapons and armor pieces within it. Inside the Vault of Glass, players can find 4 hidden chests that contain spoils of conquest and randomized raid loot. (You can select the “add secret chests” extra option to receive loot from these chests).
  • Our team will go through all of the raid encounters and will obtain all possible rewards.


Awesome! Just Awesome!
Staff is super nice and replies extremely quickly. The pro I work with is really nice and gets stuff done quick! Would highly recommend this company! They are a little expensive not going to lie, but it is worth it depending on how much you love the game your playing!
As Good As It Gets
Fantastic service! Quick and professional. Players are really good and have great personalities. Cost is also way better than competitors.
“I’ve had the pleasure of working with SkyCoach, and I must say they are exceptional. Their communication is fast and efficient, making the entire experience a breeze. The product they offer is nothing short of excellent, meeting all my expectations and more. I highly recommend SkyCoach for their outstanding service and top-notch products.”
Amazing services
SkyCoach has great value and customer service. They are always on top of anything I have ordered from them.
5 stars
Amazing service only had one issue but every time I get a pro, they get the job done and easy. No cheating no hacking, absolute best thing I ever discover when returning back to the game
Awesome Gaming Service!
Have been using for over a year now, and I have to say they have been excellent with my gaming needs. They send great communication on invites to play with them, and wait times are within the stated time. I will keep using them as long as they are around.
Great Service!
I have used SkyCoach a number of times and have been very pleased! They are quick to respond with excellent pros!
perfect experiencie
Quick, easy and Cheap!
Cool service
Jeffree Purdeyhvxo
Best support I’ve ever seen ? Keep going folks!
10/10, would use again.
Terani Loaldaykkvg
I was worried first, but they did good and finished faster than I think.

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Master Vault of Glass Boost: Explaining the raid

The Vault Of Glass is one of four raids available in Destiny 2. With the well-written lore behind it and being the oldest and possibly the most difficult to complete. This is why we offer you the master vault of glass boost. The raid is a clear fan favorite and once marvelous challenge to complete. Besides, who can resist the unique rewards that come with it?

What is the Vault Of Glass?

The Vault Of Glass is the first raid made available in Destiny 2. The Vault Of Glass first appeared in Destiny way back in 2014 and was released in May 2021 to Destiny 2. The raid is seen as one of the most challenging raids in the game, and most players will spend hours completing it.

The Vault itself is an ancient relic located in the Vex structure on Venus. However, once you are inside the vault you will take a journey to the beginning of the universe as you face the Lords and Masters of Time itself.


The raid will prove to be challenging as you face multiple unique enemies and 3 special bosses in the game.

The Templar A unique Axis-mind created out of time. The Templar can manipulate the reality around it according to the tales of the Oracles. This boss is known as one of the most complex creatures to face in the game, and the creature changes into several phases during the fight. The Templar is the first boss you will face.
Gorgons These enemies work as a group of 9 Ontological Weapons, these enemies have the capabilities of re-writing reality. They are trapped in the vault which limits their abilities, but they are still extremely powerful. The Gorgons are the second boss you will face, and you need to defeat them undetected.
Atheon, Time's Conflux The Axis-mind that brought time and space together, bridging the gap in the universe. Atheon is the creator of the Vault Of Glass, Atheon had the ability to send Guardians through time to do the work of their master. The hardest to beat and the last of the bosses you will face in the Vault Of Glass.


The Vault has a deep lore and with that, the realism of the raid is made clear to the player. From Kabr's sacrifice, risking the possibility of being removed from all-time to fighting the greatest of all enemies. Fighting some that not even the Guardians can protect themselves from. Kabr opened the vault not knowing what was within.

See The Destiny 2 Vault of Glass Master Mode: Raid Lore explained by Byf, a community-loved lore teller. He goes into all the details of the Vault Of Glass and how it came to be.

Master Vault Of Glass Rewards

Completing the Raid give your character a large amount of Exp for your Season Pass and Artifact, as well as provide many unique rewards and weapons. Below is the Vault Of Glass loot table.

The Master Vault Of glass Boost Explained

Skycoach has an experienced team of Destiny 2 players that will connect to your account and complete the challenging Vault Of Glass raid in the Master difficulty.

Depending on the current challenge and your character used in the raid, there is an opportunity to claim the timelost weapons. The weapon is only rewarded on completing the raid in Master difficulty.

With the armor in the master vog carry, the Armor rewards will work in a similar way as each week a new challenge arises, the armor piece won in the game changes. Although this challenge will take many hours of attempts to complete, our trained team can complete this in under 5 hours.

There is 2 separate Vault Of Glass carry emblems made available as an additional reward or the within the game. The Share a glass emblem and the master VOG carry emblem.


The Vault Of Glass master boost raid does not have any minimum requirements to take part in, however, there are multiple enemies with high power levels, so we require that your character’s light level is above 1590.

Should your character level be lower than this, the boost will be available. The price will increase so that we can increase the level of the character.

You will need to log into Skycoach and provide your accounts login details. This will allow our trained staff members to complete the challenge and gather items on your behalf.

How do you complete the Vault Of Glass

The Vault Of Glass challenge is one of the hardest tasks within Destiny 2 and so it will take hours to complete. It also needs a good amount of teamwork to be executed right.

In order to access the vault, a team of players will need to activate all three Vex Plates that are outside the front door. After 5 minutes of holding the Vex Plate surroundings from enemies, the vaults gate will open and the raid will begin.

The gameplay inside the vault can be difficult to follow, but still has the basic structure of making it through each stage and defeating the various bosses.

KackisHD, popular Destiny 2 Youtuber has a Vault Of Glass Master Difficulty guide. Showing you exactly how to complete the challenge step by step.

Why is the Vault Of Glass Raid so difficult

You may consider the master Vault Of Glass carry because of the severe difficulty, but why is it so difficult?

When the VOG was released in Destiny 1the game producer, Bungie, wanted to make one of the most difficult challenges in the game. According to Eric Osborne, a Bungie developer, The Vault Of Glass Raid is "the most challenging experience that Bungie has ever created," at least this was true back in 2014.

Although the game has changed and progressed a lot since the release of the raid. Destiny 2 has attempted to match its original difficulty status in the vault of glass master difficulty.

The VOG holds some of the most unique and memorable bosses in the game and the rewards of the raid are one of a kind. The release of VOG to Destiny 2 was also the first time adding in timelost weapons.

With that in mind, the creators had to make this a high-risk, high-reward raid.

What is a Timelost Weapon​

The Timelost weapons are a unique weapon set only available in the Vault of Glass raid. The weapons are unlocked by completing extra challenges available during the read, and only one Timelost weapon is available to acquire per week.

The inclusion of Vault Of Glass introduced this class of weapons in Destiny 2 and it is the only place where you can get them currently. The weapon is only available to those who complete the challenge in Master difficulty and will become available once the full raid is completed.

The Timelost version of these weapons allows you to add adept mods on the weapons as well as Masterworking. The weapon will also have higher stats in comparison to the regular weapons stats, though the perks will remain the same.

The Found Verdict Timelost weapon can only be obtained once completing the Maestro Glasser Triumph, meaning you would need to have completed all VOG challenges on Master difficulty.


How Do I get the Vault Glass Carry Emblem?

The Share A Glass emblem is an extra reward from Bungie given to all players that raid the Vault Of Glass and complete it with 10 different teammates.

The emblem is only available until December 31st, 2021.

Will the Vault Of Glass raid only be available in Season 15?

Although there is no official wording on how long this raid will be available, in a word with a Bungie staff member, the raid will remain available after season 15.

What is the Destiny 2 master vault of glass challenge this week?

Due to the nature of the weapon drops, the master Vault Of Glass boosting service can only get 1 specialized weapon per week. The weapon rotates each week, and there is a specific order to the rotation:

  1. Conflux
  2. Vision Oracles
  3. Praedyth Templar
  4. Fatebringer Gatekeeper
  5. Hezen Atheon
  6. Corrective