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Buy Lost Ark Adventurer's Tome Boost on our platform now and receive:
Adventurer’s Tome is one of many activities available in Lost Ark, where you can find all sorts of valuable rewards. But the process of getting them may be quite tiring and time-consuming.
Luckily, the SkyCoach pro-team is here to help you get all the Adventurer’s Tome rewards from any region. Let the professionals do the job! Opt for our Lost Ark Adventurer's Tome carry and actually enjoy the game!
All you need to do is to select desired region and how far you want us to progress you Adventurer’s Tome. The 100% completion of Adventurer’s Tome in one region among other rewards will grant you the region’s Ignea Token (10 in total), using which you can get the following rewards:
How does it work?
Our Lost Ark Adventurer's Tome Boosting service is only available via the Piloted (Account-share) option. This means, that access to your account is required. To ensure complete safety we will use the Premium VPN to conceal the account transfer.
The Support Team will notify you of each Pro-player's session.
If you need to play on your account during the boost - we are always ready to work around your schedule! Just contact the Support Team and we will settle the convenient timing for you!